Los derechos y deberes de las personas vecinas de un municipio de Euskadi


LABURPENA: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Toki Erakundeei buruzko Legeak auzotarren eskubideen eta betebeharren katalogo propioa jasotzen du, Estatuko toki araubidearen oinarrien legediak ezarritakoak osatzen duena. Katalogo horrek auzotarraren estatutuaren zenbait alderdi eguneratzen ditu XXI. mendeko euskal gizartera eta legegintzaren aurrerapentzat hartu behar da. Bere ezaugarriak direla-eta, eskubide batzuk ez zaizkie mugatzen udalerri bateko auzotarrei; aitzitik, herritar guztiei zabaltzen zaizkie. Azpimarratu behar diren berritasunen artean, parte-hartzearen kontzeptu zabalagoa azpimarra dezakegu. Parte-hartze hori ez da mugatzen udal kudeaketa hutsera eta tokiko politika publikoei dagokie. Halaber, azpimarra daiteke diskriminazio anizkoitzaren kontzeptua sartzeak estaldura hobea ahalbidetzen duela diskriminazio mota horien aurka borrokatzeko. Zerbitzu publikoak eskuratzeko eskubidean ere interes orokorreko zerbitzuen kontzeptua eransten da, Europar Batasuneko Oinarrizko Eskubideen Gutunaren ildo beretik. Halaber, Estatukoa baino katalogo osoagoa nabarmendu behar da, gizarte arduratsuago baterantz aurrera egiten ahalbidetuko duena. Sakon litezkeen alderdien artean, aldiz, eskubide eta betebehar horiek betetzea bermatu eta ziurtatzeko mekanismoak ezartzea legoke. Edonola ere, erreferentziazko lege aitzindaria da eremu horretan. RESUMEN: La Ley de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi incorpora un catálogo propio de derechos y deberes de los vecinos que complementa los establecidos por la legislación estatal básica de régimen local. Este catálogo supone la actualización de determinados aspectos del estatuto del vecino a la sociedad vasca del siglo XXI que debe valorarse como un avance legislativo. Por sus características propias, algunos de los derechos no se limitan a los vecinos del municipio sino que se extienden a la ciudadanía en general. Entre las novedades a resaltar podemos mencionar una concepción más amplia de la participación, que no se limita a la mera gestión municipal, sino que se refiere a las políticas públicas locales. Puede subrayarse, además, la incorporación de la noción de discriminación múltiple que permite una mejor cobertura para luchar contra este tipo de discriminaciones. En el derecho de acceso a los servicios públicos también se añade la noción de servicios de interés general en la línea de la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea. También debe destacarse un catálogo más completo que el estatal de los deberes que permita avanzar hacia una sociedad más responsable. Como aspectos que, en cambio, podrían profundizarse estaría el establecimiento de mecanismos de garantía y aseguramiento del cumplimiento de estos derechos y deberes. En cualquier caso, en este ámbito se trata de una ley pionera y de referencia. ABSTRACT: The Act of Local Entities in Euskadi incorporates its own catalogue of rights and duties of neighbours that supplements those established by the Basic State legislation on local regime. This catalogue means an update of some specific aspects of the statute for the neighbourhood in Basque society in XXI century which as to be assessed as a legislative advance. Because of their characteristics, some of the rights are not confined to the municipality neighbours and cover citizenship in general. Among the novelties to be highlighted, we may mention a broader concept of participation which does not confine itself in the mere municipal management but that refers to the local public policies. It is worth noting besides that the incorporation of the idea of multiple discrimination allows a better coverage for fighting against these discriminations. In the right of access to public services it is also added the notion of general interest services in the context of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. It must also be highlighted a more complete catalogue of duties of that of the State that may lead to a more responsible society. As aspects that in contrast may be enhanced could be the establishment of mechanisms of guarantee and assurance of the fulfilling of those rights and duties. In any case, this act is in this area pioonering and baseline.

2018 ◽  
Vol 331 ◽  
pp. 29-39
Justyna Matusiak ◽  
Marcin Princ

The right to good administration constitutes an established principle of European Union law, which includes the procedural rights of stakeholders in administrative proceedings, the result of which may affect their interests. Article 41 of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights states that every person has the right to have his or her affairs handled impartially, fairly and within a reasonable time by the institutions and bodies of the Union. When it comes to reasonable time of handling the case one can ask if eGovernment solutions are the guarantee of such a right. eGovernment understood as the use of all kinds of electronic means of communication, in particular, however, the Internet, improves services provided by the state to its citizens. The usage of IT technology in public administration allows it to perform its activities in a more efficient way. This improvement applies not only to the communication between parties but also to the quality of citizens’ life. To sum up, one can ask the question if the European right to good administration can be understood as the right to eGovernment solutions and if so, to what extent. Which services and technical solutions should be guaranteed as ones ensuring challenges of good administration?

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 441-448
Maria Antonia Panascì

This case note examines the judgment of Court of Justice of the European Union delivered in Joined Cases C-569/16 and C-570/16 Stadt Wuppertal v. Maria Elisabeth Bauer and Volker Willmeroth v. Martina Broßonn on 6 November 2018. It engages with the noteworthy aspects of the ruling, such as the horizontal direct effect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the Charter), the relationship between primary and secondary law in the European Union legal order and the scope of application of the Charter.

Hielke Hijmans

The protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data is a fundamental right. Article 8(1) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the ‘Charter’) and Article 16(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provide that everyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him or her.

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 259-272
Evelien Brouwer ◽  
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

In the YS. and M. and S. judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on three procedures in which Dutch judges asked for clarification on the right of asylum seekers to have access to the documents regarding the decision on asylum applications. The judgment is relevant for interpreting the concept of personal data and the scope of the right of access under the Data Protection Directive, and the right to good administration in the eu Charter of Fundamental Rights. At first glance, the judgment seems disappointing from the viewpoint of individual rights. Nevertheless, in our view the judgment provides sufficient grounds for effective access rights to the minutes in future asylum cases.

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 1867-1888 ◽  
Andrea Usai

This paper examines the role and importance of the freedom to conduct a business enshrined in Article 16 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR). With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the CFR became legally binding, gaining the same legal value as the Treaties. It will be argued here that Article 16 CFR, which recognizes the right to economic initiative, can be an important force for European integration by acting as a new engine of European social, economic, and political integration. That said, Article 16 should be read bearing its limitations in mind.

Maciej Paweł Jaskot ◽  
Agnieszka Wiltos

An approach to the translation of deontic modality in legal texts. The case of the Polish and English versions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European UnionThe co-existence of twenty-four legal languages in the European Union is guaranteed by the basic principles of EU language policy, stated in its founding treaty. Indeed, every EU citizen has the right to communicate with the EU in the official language of their choice, and to receive a reply in the same language. Such a situation is reflected in legal multilingualism, which presents challenges for both linguists and translators.One of these challenges is the translation of deontic modality. This article focuses on how deontic modality is expressed in the Polish and English versions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The form and usage of modal forms which express deontic possibility (i.e. permission) and deontic necessity (i.e. obligation) are highlighted, as well as the similarities and differences between the two parallel texts. The differences between the modal forms in the two versions of the text have consequences regarding the degree of both the subject’s and addressee’s commitment to norms and regulations.This article aspires to contribute to the study of deontic modal language, which is considered to be one of the central linguistic phenomena most in need of explanation. Tłumaczenie modalności deontycznej w tekstach prawnych na przykładzie polsko- i anglojęzycznej wersji Karty praw podstawowych Unii EuropejskiejWspółistnienie dwudziestu czterech języków oficjalnych Unii Europejskiej gwarantowane jest przez podstawowe zasady przyjętej przez nią polityki językowej, których podstawy zawarte są w traktatach założycielskich. W ich wyniku każdy obywatel UE ma prawo nie tylko do komunikowania się z organami UE w wybranym przez siebie języku urzędowym oraz do otrzymania odpowiedzi w tymże języku, ale również do tego, aby całe prawo Unii Europejskiej tworzone było we wszystkich 24 językach urzędowych. Wspomniane założenia stanowią jednak ogromne wyzwanie zarówno dla tłumaczy, jak i lingwistów.Teksty prawne składające się na system prawa Unii Europejskiej, sporządzone w 24 językach urzędowych UE, zawierają w sobie wypowiedzi, których immanentną cechą jest modalność. Jednakowe wyrażenie wspomnianego elementu modalnego wydaje się jednak szczególnie trudne w procesie redagowania wielojęzycznych tekstów prawnych.Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu sposobu wyrażania modalności deontycznej w polskiej i angielskiej wersji Karty Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej. Przeprowadzone badanie pozwoliło na wyodrębnienie poszczególnych form językowych będących nośnikiem odpowiednio możliwości (dozwolenie) oraz konieczności (nakaz i zakaz) deontycznej. Wykazane zostały ponadto zaobserwowane różnice i podobieństwa pomiędzy dwoma równoległymi wersjami językowymi wspomnianego dokumentu. Na uwagę zasługują zwłaszcza te ostatnie ze względu na ich potencjalne konsekwencje wynikające z różnego stopnia zobowiązania się zarówno podmiotu, jak i adresata dokumentu do przestrzegania wynikających z niego norm.Celem artykułu jest przyczynienie się do rozszerzenia badań nad środkami wyrażania modalności deontycznej, stanowiącymi jedno z głównych zagadnień lingwistycznych wymagających głębszej analizy i opisu.

2019 ◽  
pp. 243-262
Henk Addink

In this chapter the focus is on the implementation of the principles of good governance by the European Union administrative institutions and the controlling institutions like the European Court of Justice and the European Ombudsman. The Treaty of Lisbon contains rules and obligations in respect of the implementation of these principles. The principle of transparency has found its expression in article 1 paragraph 2 TFEU. The principles of political participation are embodied in article 11 TEU. The right of access to documents of the Union’s institutions is a fundamental rule in article 15 TFEU. Furthermore, according to article 16 paragraph 8 TEU, the European Council of ministers must meet in public when acting as a legislator. These Treaty principles are complemented by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union which has entered into force with the final ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and its chapter on citizen’s rights like the right to good administration in article 41. In search for a better quality of administrative proceedings, a code on good administrative practise, a soft law instrument based on the logic of best practise has ultimately been adopted.

Elspeth Guild ◽  
Steve Peers ◽  
Jonathan Tomkin

This introductory chapter provides an overview of the EU Citizenship Directive. The European Union Directive 2004/38 or the EU Citizenship Directive gives effect to the right which EU law provides to all EU citizens and their family members of any nationality to move, reside, and exercise economic activities if they so choose on the territory of any EU Member State. The right to move and reside anywhere in the EU is a right which is accorded to Union citizens by virtue of Articles 20(2)(a) and 21 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and enshrined in Article 45 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The right of free movement of persons in their capacities as workers, self-employed persons, or service providers straddles two of the four fundamental freedoms of the European Union—free movement of persons and services.

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