Early Life Stage Mortality Syndrome in Fishes of the Great Lakes and Baltic Sea

<em>Abstract</em>.—Since 1974, feral salmon <em>Salmo salar </em>populations of the Baltic Sea have suffered from a yolk sac fry mortality known as the M74 syndrome. Mortality rates of 40–95% have been recorded during the 1990s in compensatory rearing stations along the east coast of Sweden. The M74 syndrome has been linked to the offspring of specific females and associated with low thiamine (vitamin B<sub>1</sub>) concentrations in both female tissues and their progeny. This study evaluated the effect of thiamine treatments on mortality and thiamine concentrations in progeny with and without M74. Eggs and newly hatched yolk sac fry were immersed in water containing thiamine at concentrations of 100, 500, or 2,000 mg/L. Hardening of eggs in water containing thiamine at 500 or 2,000 mg/L completely eliminated M74-related mortality, whereas treatment with thiamine at 100 mg/L only partially reduced M74 mortality. The mean thiamine concentrations at the yolk sac fry stage (21–23 d after hatching) in untreated normal and M74-affected groups were between 0.70–1.0 and 0.19–0.26 nmol/g, respectively. At the same sampling, the mean thiamine concentrations in groups in which eggs were waterhardened in thiamine at 500 or 2,000 mg/L were between 0.8 and 9.4 times higher than the concentrations in the untreated groups. A thiamine threshold limit interval of 0.34–0.47 nmol/g was estimated for the development of M74 in yolk sac fry.

<em>Abstract</em>.—Since 1974, feral Baltic salmon <em>Salmo salar </em>populations have suffered from yolk sac fry mortality caused by the M74 syndrome. This syndrome affects yolk sac fry originating from specific females, and the mortality in affected family groups is usually 100%. Since 1990–1991, disturbances in the behavior of spawning migrating Baltic salmon have been observed. This study found a strong correlation between wiggling behavior in adult female Baltic salmon and the development of M74 in their offspring. Moreover, the ovarian thiamine concentrations in wiggling females were found to be significantly lower than those of females with normal behavior. In addition, eyed eggs and yolk sac fry that subsequently developed M74 contained only 13% (0.24 nmol/g) and 6% (0.11 nmol/g), respectively, of the thiamine concentrations detected in viable progeny sampled during the same periods. Eyed eggs with thiamine concentrations below a threshold limit interval of 0.36–0.77 nmol/g were found to have a high risk of developing M74 at the yolk sac fry stage.

<em>Abstract</em>.—The carotenoid levels in Baltic salmon <em>Salmo salar </em>appear to have decreased as the incidence of the M74 syndrome has increased during the last 20 years. Our preliminary investigations suggested a relationship between a low level of the carotenoid astaxanthin in yolk sac fry of Baltic salmon and elevated mortality attributable to M74. The objective of this study was to further detail this relationship during the spawning seasons of 1994 and 1995 in salmon taken from hatcheries on the Baltic Sea, the Swedish west coast, and Lake Vänern. Total carotenoids and astaxanthin were measured in female muscle tissue and eggs. The carotenoid concentration and the ratio of astaxanthin to total carotenoids were significantly lower in the muscle of Baltic salmon females than in the muscle of feral females from salmon stocks on the Swedish west coast and in Lake Vänern. A relationship between low muscle levels of astaxanthin in Baltic salmon females and M74 in the progeny was observed, and yolk sac fry from eggs with low astaxanthin content tended to exhibit M74 more often than fry from eggs with high astaxanthin concentration. The low levels of astaxanthin observed in Baltic salmon eggs and yolk sac fry may be part of a general astaxanthin deficiency in the feral Baltic salmon.

2012 ◽  
Vol 100-101 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Rüdiger Voss ◽  
Christoph Petereit ◽  
Jörn O. Schmidt ◽  
Andreas Lehmann ◽  
Andrei Makarchouk ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 295-304 ◽  
David C. Caroffino ◽  
Trent M. Sutton ◽  
Robert F. Elliott ◽  
Michael C. Donofrio

2012 ◽  
Vol 69 (10) ◽  
pp. 1744-1752 ◽  
H-H. Hinrichsen ◽  
K. Hüssy ◽  
B. Huwer

Abstract Hinrichsen, H-H., Hüssy, K., and Huwer, B. 2012. Spatio-temporal variability in western Baltic cod early life stage survival mediated by egg buoyancy, hydrography and hydrodynamics. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: 1744–1752. To disentangle the effects of different drivers on recruitment variability of marine fish, a spatially and temporally explicit understanding of both the spawning stock size and the early life stage dynamics is required. The objectives of this study are to assess the transport of western Baltic cod early life stages as well as the variability in environmentally-mediated survival along drift routes in relation to both spatial (within and between different spawning areas) and temporal (interannual and seasonal) dynamics. A spatially and temporally highly-resolved biophysical model of the Baltic Sea was used to describe mortalities and survival success of eggs and yolk-sac larvae—represented by individual, virtual drifters—as predicted proportions of drifters that either died due to bottom contact or lethal temperatures, or that survived up to the end of the yolk-sac larval stage. The environmental conditions allowing survival of cod and yolk-sac larvae indicate that favourable conditions predominately occurred during the late spawning season, while minimum survival rates could be expected from January to March. The spatial analysis of different spawning areas revealed highest survival chances in the Kattegat, intermediate survival in the Great Belt, and only low survival in the Sound, Kiel Bay and Mecklenburg Bay.

<em>Abstract.—</em>Populations of Baltic salmon <em>Salmo salar </em>and cod <em>Gadus morhua </em>are facing acute threats because of poor reproduction. The salmon is afflicted with high yolk sac fry mortality, and the incidence of cod larvae mortality is high. There are also indications that anadromous Baltic brown trout <em>Salmo trutta </em>populations are affected by reproductive disorders. These top predators have significant ecological, economic, and socioeconomic importance. Other species are also suffering from poor reproductive success and declining populations. Burbot <em>Lota lota </em>populations are locally affected by inadequate sexual maturation, resulting in a failure to spawn; gonad anomalies have also been described in roach <em>Rutilus rutilus</em>. High egg mortality has been recorded for whiting <em>Merlangius merlangus</em>, flounder <em>Platichtys flesus</em>, and herring <em>Clupea harengus</em>. Attempts have been made to discover the cause of reproductive disorders in Baltic fish species, but the available data suggest several possible causes, both abiotic and biotic. Species with pelagic eggs such as cod and flatfish are dependent on salinity and oxygen concentrations, factors that often limit the volume of reproduction in the Baltic Sea. A variety of biotic causes (i.e., infectious diseases, parasitism, and toxic algae) have been shown to affect species such as roach and herring. There are indications that nutritional factors (i.e., thiamine and astaxanthin) are involved in the cause of the yolk sac fry mortality syndrome affecting the Baltic salmon. Furthermore, anthropogenic activities causing both local point sources (i.e., metals and persistent organic pollutants) and long-range transport and deposition of acidic rain and pesticides must also be considered as potential threats to Baltic fish species.

<em>Abstract</em>.—Dietary amprolium, a thiamine antagonist, was fed to lake trout <em>Salvelinus namaycush </em>broodstock from April to October before spawning to determine its effect on egg and tissue concentrations of thiamine, thiamine monophosphate, and thiamine pyrophosphate. The thiamine concentration of eggs from fish fed no amprolium was 61.8 nmol/g, whereas the concentration of thiamine in fish fed 0.05 and 0.10% amprolium was 4.02 and 1.71 nmol/g (<EM>P </EM>< 0.01), respectively. In lake trout fed 0.10% amprolium beginning in August, egg free thiamine concentration was reduced to 11.6 nmol/g. No sign of early mortality syndrome was observed in sac fry from eggs in this study, which suggests that thiamine concentrations in the egg were not low enough to be below a critical threshold or that factors other than thiamine are involved in early mortality syndrome.

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