scholarly journals “Vocês estão sozinhas?” A resposta está na pergunta

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Eliane Santos da Silva ◽  
Rosana Cássia dos Santos

As narrativas onde apareciam personagens lésbicas na literatura brasileira, até recentemente, eram quase que exclusivamente de autoria de escritores e na maioria delas traziam estereótipos que reproduziam os elementos do heterocentrismo e androcentrismo fazendo com que a manutenção de uma imagem estereotipada da lésbica se perpetuasse no ambiente social. Este texto é resultado de uma leitura e posterior análise do conto “Duas mulheres sozinhas” de Diedra Roiz (2017) que faz parte da coletânea de contos “Incontadas- Aquelas que não podem falar dizendo o que não deve ser dito” lançada pela Editora Vira Letra em 2017, com o objetivo localizar no decorrer da narrativa as ocorrências evidenciando os conceitos de performatividade de Judith Butler (2013a), tecnologia de gênero de Teresa de Lauretis (1994), heteronormatividade compulsória de Adrienne Rich (2010) e epistemologia do armário de Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (2007) e de como estas ocorrências influenciam na experiência individual de cada personagem do conto fazendo um paralelo do desenrolar das cenas com as teorias apresentadas como corpus teórico. 

Gayle Salamon

This chapter offers an account of central issues and themes in queer theory, with particular attention to the challenges it has posed to the concepts of normativity, identity, and the category of “woman.” It explores queer theory’s emergence from lesbian and gay studies, and considers its relation to feminist philosophy and trans theory. The chapter outlines the founding contributions of Judith Butler and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, along with several other influential queer theorists, and traces the concept of heteronormativity from its central place in queer theory’s earliest works to more recent reconsiderations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Vanessa Ferreira Vieira ◽  
Eurídice Figueiredo

Este artigo tem a proposta de refletir de que maneira a representação de casais lésbicos na literatura contemporânea pode contribuir para desestabilizar o pensamento heterossexual que se sobressai em nossa sociedade. Serão analisados os contos Vó, a senhora é lésbica, Marília acorda e As tias, da obra Amora, de Natalia Polesso (2015). As três narrativas têm como personagens principais casais formados por duas mulheres, as quais vivem juntas há muitos anos e, por isso, podem ser analisadas como exemplo de relacionamento fora do padrão heteronormativo. Servirão de embasamento teórico ao estudo os textos de Monique Wittig (2017), sobre o pensamento straight, de Adrienne Rich (2010), a respeito da existência lésbica, e de Judith Butler (2016), no que tange à questão do feminismo na contemporaneidade. Embora as autoras não concordem em alguns aspectos dessa temática, todas apontam a necessidade de se discutir e se destacar o papel das mulheres lésbicas não apenas no campo literário, mas no mundo acadêmico e social.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-129
Paulo Valente

Este artigo pretende revisitar o conto-crônica “Delicado”, do dramaturgo e jornalista Nelson Falcão Rodrigues (1994), presente na coletânea A vida como ela é..., fruto de seu trabalho para o jornal Zero Hora, a fim de discutir de que modo a narração evidencia uma sociedade heteronormativa compulsória a qual violenta a existência do protagonista alheio à norma, a ponto de este vir a provocar a própria morte, não suportando a pressão externa para cumprir o seu ‘papel de homem’. Ao longo da escrita, evidenciamos como Eusebiozinho, personagem principal, ao romper com o binarismo sexual e norma social, é obrigado a retornar a um suposto lugar original/apriorístico, o da masculinidade hegemônica, por via da heterossexualidade compulsória, imposta pela família e representada pela figura do tio. Recorremos, para tanto, aos estudos queer e aos textos de Adrienne Rich (2003), Judith Butler (2005), Monique Witting (1992), Teresa de Lauretis (1994), Robert Connell (1995) e Michael Foucault (2001), dentre outros.

2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 373-395 ◽  
Joseph A. Marchal

Historical approaches to sexuality, in and outside of biblical studies, have tended to stress either continuities or ruptures. Yet, such approaches set a series of limits for tracing and assessing dynamics of gender, sexuality, and embodiment, where one might tap into a more resistant or disruptive strain in queer theory. A more thorough engagement with thinkers (queer and feminist) like Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Judith Butler will indicate that there might be a third way to explore issues of origin, continuity, and difference in biblical argumentation. With help from queer thinkers reflecting on other eras, then, this third kind of approach can explore the many senses of “making history” by remaining invested in, but not particularly bound to historiography. The utility of such methodological reflections will be briefly demonstrated by suggesting different interpretive strategies and results for interpreting passionately-cited biblical literature like Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Paragraph ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-163 ◽  
Hector Kollias

This article seeks to interrogate the moment of queer theory's ‘birth’ out of French influences, or what is designated by the umbrella term ‘French Theory’. It specifically points to the operations of transformation and dislocation, subversion and perversion of French theoretical influences at work in two distinctive ‘pairings’ of French ‘progenitor’ and American queer ‘offspring’: Jacques Derrida with Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Jacques Lacan with Judith Butler.

2020 ◽  
pp. 151-168
Richard Angelo Leonardo-Loayza

este artículo analiza la representación de la maternidad en La Perra (2017) de Pilar Quintana. La hipótesis apunta a que en esta novela se produce un desmantelamiento de los mandatos sociales a los que están sometidas las mujeres que desean ser consideradas auténticas madres. Dichos mandatos son opresivos para ellas, más aún si se actualizan en contextos de pobreza, lo que genera en las mujeres reacciones extremas, entre las que se destacan el surgimiento de la violencia. El estudio se realiza a partir de los aportes teóricos de Adrienne Rich, Cristina Palomar, Massimo Recalcati, Jacqueline Rose, Orna Donath, Judith Butler y Byung-Chul Han.

Wojciech Śmieja

W artykule autor przedstawia znaczenie pojęcia traumy w koncepcji męskiej podmiotowości rozwijanej przez Kaję Silverman w książce pt. "Male Subjectivity at the Margins". Rozprawa Silverman pochodzi z 1992 roku, a więc z czasów, gdy powstawały kluczowe dla współczesnych gender i queer studies rozprawy Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick czy Pierre’a Bourdieu (nieco później, bo w 1995 roku, została opublikowana równie kluczowa praca Raewyn W. Connell). Koncepcja Silverman ma podobny rozmach co wspomniane koncepcje, lecz nigdy nie zyskała takiej popularności i nie stała się kluczowa dla badań genderowych początku XXI wieku. Autor nie rozważa w artykule przyczyn, dla których tak się stało, lecz stara się ukazać drzemiący w niej potencjał teoretyczny.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-47
Bhawana Pokharel

Patricia Highsmith’s The Price of Salt embodies homosexual relationship between its female characters namely Therese and Carole. In doing so, it presents a resistance to the contemporary heterosexual society which accepts only heterosexuality as its sexual norm. The article argues that the character’s rejection of the traditional mode  of heterosexual relationship is in order to search for their lesbian self though that is taken as a deviation in the society; and so it faces various challenges. However, the characters together overcome the obstacles laid down by the society and move forward to finding freedom as well as establishing a new path which is taken as an unconventional practice in the then society; in turn, it proves to be the harbinger of hope and happiness for their kind. To substantiate this claim, the article draws from Lillian Faderman, Adrienne Rich, Judith Butler and Helen Boyd for the different aspects of lesbianism and queer theory they present. Similarly, the article is a descriptive, interpretive and analytical reading of the novel on the basis of the ideas based on the above mentioned scholars.

Patricia Mateo Gallego

Resumen de Transdeseantes: de la heterosexualidad obligatoria al deseo lesbianoPatricia Mateo GallegoEn este artículo nos aproximamos a las teorías de cuatro autoras de referencia ineludible en el pensamiento feminista: Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, Monique Wittig y Judith Butler. Todas ellas, y en este trabajo por extensión, se ocuparon de desentrañar la lógica que hace que unos grupos opriman a otros. Más concretamente, la lógica por la que la opresión de los hombres se ejerce sobre las mujeres. Nos referimos a la heterosexualidad obligatoria entendida como una institución política al servicio de un sujeto hegemónico que no desea perder su lugar privilegiado. Especialmente nos aproximaremos a posturas vitales desde las que desestabilizar este modo perverso de mantener a las mujeres en una posición de otredad.This article approaches the theories of four main authors in feminist thought: Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, Monique Wittig and Judith Butler. All of them focused �as this article does� on the logic relations that makes some groups oppress others. Specifically, the logic that allows and perpetuates the tyranny exercised by men over women. We refer here to the compulsory heterosexuality that functions as a political institution by which an hegemonic subject preserves his privileged position. Moreover, we approach some personal positions from which it is possible to destabilize that established perverse way of keeping women in a position of otherness.

Giovanna Covi

This paper considers literary texts by women writers that trouble mainstream definitions of family and love to figure shared knowledges. Through intercultural performances, they stage conversations between Euro-American, African-American, and African-Caribbean cultures to re-present kinship (Judith Butler) as a concept which by being as elastic as intimacy (Ara Wilson) and affects (Leela Gandhi), enables figurations (Donna Haraway) and hence actions that point towards a shared planetarity (Gayatri C. Spivak). I argue that these cultural products nourish creolizing agency (Edouard Glissant and Kamau Brathwaite) which prevents us from falling into a regime of terror, where crisis is equated to public and domestic paralysis under a state of emergency. This is so because they effectively show how to join poetics with politics and ethics, and thus to build collectivities of belonging (Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich). I seek to demonstrate that the creolizing capability of such discourse, as articulated for example by Toni Morrison, Kim Ragusa, Joan Anim-Addo, and Jamaica Kincaid, deconstructs otherness without assimilating it, because it embraces translation as the mode (Walter Benjamin) of the always already necessary impossibility. In tune with Rajagopalan Radhakrishnan’s emphasis on translation as a mode which allows us to imagine conjunctures and intersections that have no originals and cannot speak in a single language, this paper insists on the primary importance of critique to confront questions of power; It offers figurations of the global that, by incorporating intimacy, affects, and by troubling kinship, map material and discoursive reality in a manner that is widely inclusive, through affiliation (Edward Said) rather than filiation. By thematizing love as political practice, the literary texts here examined contribute to the phenomenological grounding of the discourse on affects inaugurated by Eve K. Sedgwick and further elaborated by Rosi Braidotti. Kincaid’s See Now Then provides the wording of my argument: because these figurations never forget the then of colonialism, they bring forward a now of globalization that is populated by subjectivities—Radical Others—capable of subverting and transgressing the establishment, without erasing their own vulnerability.

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