Cosmopolitan Wisdom and the Enactment of Moral Intelligibility

2020 ◽  
Vol 112 (3) ◽  
pp. 279-290
Philip J. Rossi

Abstract Immanuel Kant’s critical philosophy pays little explicit attention to the concept of ‘wisdom’ in its taxonomy of the functions of human reason in its work of rendering intelligible the world and the human place in the world. On the basis of some crucial texts in Kant’s writings, this essay argues that wisdom has a role to play in the task Kant assigns to practical reason; this task is to make the world in which humans dwell intelligible morally, i.e., to make sense of the world as locus in which good and evil take form in function of the exercise of human freedom. In such a world, the function of wisdom is ‘cosmopolitan’ in that it provides a horizon of a social hope that recognizes human solidarity, vulnerability, and otherness, as signal instances of the inclusive moral relationality necessary for sustaining both an ‘outer’ world order for peace and the ‘inner’ dynamic of full moral relationality that Kant terms ‘the ethical commonwealth’.

Geoffrey Nowell-Smith

The world in which cinema grew up was one of constant change, not always for the better. There was technological change, of which the cinema itself was part. There were wars and revolutions, leading to changes in the world order. There was social and demographic change as more and more people across the world entered into the orbit of global capitalism. ‘Cinema and the outer world’ explains how cinema recorded and reflected these changes, but how it also changed or was forced to change in response to them. The cinema also played a major role in shaping the world, or at least what we imagine the world to be.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Arif Hossain

The immense structural inequalities of the global social /political economy can no longer be contained through consensual mechanisms of state control. The ruling classes have lost legitimacy; we are witnessing a breakdown of ruling-class hegemony on a world scale. There is good and evil among mankind; thus it necessitates the conflict between the good and evil on Earth. We are in for a period of major conflicts and great upheavals. It's generally regarded that Mencius (c.371- c.289 B.C) a student of Confucianism developed his entire philosophy from two basic propositions: the first, that Man's original nature is good; and the second, that Man's original nature becomes evil when his wishes are not fulfilled. What is good and what is evil? Philosophers of all ages have thought over this question. Each reckoned that he had solved the question once and for all, yet within a few years the problem would re-emerge with new dimensions. Repeated acts of corruption and evil action makes a man corrupt and takes away a man from his original nature. Still now majority of the people of the world give compliance to corruption because of social pressures, economic pressures, cultural pressures and political pressures. The conflict between good and evil is ancient on earth and is prevalent to this day. May be the final confrontation between the descendants of Cain and Abel is at our doorsteps. During the 2nd World War America with its European allies went into world wide military campaign to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan. When the Second World War ended in 1945 the United States of America came out as victorious. America was the first country to detonate atomic bomb in another country. During that period Russia fell into competition with America in politically colonizing countries after countries. With the fall of Communism Russia terminated its desire wanting to be the champion of the oppressed of the world. The situation in Russia continues to deteriorate, a country which until only a few years ago was a superpower. Russians are deeply disillusioned today with the new politicians in Russia, who they says "promise everything and give nothing." The Russians still strongly oppose a world order dominated by the United States. If anyone looks at or investigates the situations in other countries it can be seen that at present almost all countries of the world are similar or same in the forms of structures of corruption and evil. The Worldwide control of humanity‘s economic, social and political activities is under the helm of US corporate and military power. The US has established its control over 191 governments which are members of the United Nations. The last head of state of the former Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev on December 2012, at a conference on the future of the Middle East and the Black Sea region in the Turkish city of Istanbul, has warned the US of an imminent Soviet-like collapse if Washington persists with its hegemonic policies. Mass public protest occurred against US hegemony are mainly from Muslim countries of South East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa and Africa. The latest mass protests erupted in September 2012 when the divine Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was insulted by America and Israel. There were strong mass protests by people from Indonesia to Morocco and in the European countries by mostly immigrants and Australia were there are Muslim populations. This worldwide protest had occurred while the rise of the masses is ongoing against corrupt rulers in West Asia and North Africa. The masses of the people are thirsty and desperate for justice, dignity, economic welfare and human rights. Most major religions have their own sources of information on the Last Age of Mankind or the End of Times, which often include fateful battles between the forces of good and evil and cataclysmic natural disasters. Humans are evolving to a final stage of their evolution towards a 'New Age‘ that is to come which the corrupt does not understand. At present times a final battle of good versus evil on Earth will ensue. The World powers (leaders) and their entourages who are really detached from the masses have organized to keep aloft the present world order that degenerates the masses in corruption, keeps the people in unhappiness, and deprives the masses from economic well being, education and keeps promoting wars and conflicts to support corruption and evil. We are at the ?End of Times?. The Promised Messiah will come to set right what is wrong, no doubt. DOI: Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2013; 4(1):9-19

1981 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20 ◽  
Ali A. Mazrui

This essay argues that the history of the international system has revolved around a moving frontier of cultural exclusivity. Originating under monotheism, the cultural frontier has been characterized by a persistent “us/them” dichotomy. Civilizations which anthropomorphized God in monarchical terms tended to divide the world between the God-fearing and the sinner. This tendency was reinforced by the culture of politics which differentiated supporters from adversaries. Both were embodied in early international law such that a system of rules for civilized nations did not apply to ‘them’ – the rest of the world, thus opening the door to imperialism and eventual class stratification in the international system. Although the cultural frontier has been moving due to secular challenges, the major challenges to Judaeo-Christian monotheism – Marxism and Islam – are themselves dualistic: the Marxist dialectic is inherently of this nature as is the tension between good and evil in Islam. The interrelationship between major cultural themes in today's world, coupled with a developmental system of stratification which is based on technical know-how, suggests that important but hidden problems of a cultural nature are contained in the world order agenda.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-21
Arif Hossain

The immense structural inequalities of the global social /political economy can no longer be contained through consensual mechanisms of state control. The ruling classes have lost legitimacy; we are witnessing a breakdown of ruling-class hegemony on a world scale. There is good and evil among mankind; thus it necessitates the conflict between the good and evil on Earth. We are in for a period of major conflicts and great upheavals. It's generally regarded that Mencius (c.371-c.289 B.C) a student of Confucianism developed his entire philosophy from two basic propositions: the first, that Man's original nature is good; and the second, that Man's original nature becomes evil when his wishes are not fulfilled. What is good and what is evil? Philosophers of all ages have thought over this question. Each reckoned that he had solved the question once and for all, yet within a few years the problem would re-emerge with new dimensions. Repeated acts of corruption and evil action makes a man corrupt and takes away a man from his original nature. Still now majority of the people of the world give compliance to corruption because of social pressures, economic pressures, cultural pressures and political pressures. The conflict between good and evil is ancient on earth and is prevalent to this day. May be the final confrontation between the descendants of Cain and Abel is at our doorsteps. During the 2nd World War America with its European allies went into world wide military campaign to defeat Germany, Italy and Japan. When the Second World War ended in 1945 the United States of America came out as victorious. America was the first country to detonate atomic bomb in another country. During that period Russia fell into competition with America in politically colonizing countries after countries. With the fall of Communism Russia terminated its desire wanting to be the champion of the oppressed of the world. The situation in Russia continues to deteriorate, a country which until only a few years ago was a superpower. Russians are deeply disillusioned today with the new politicians in Russia, who they says "promise everything and give nothing." The Russians still strongly oppose a world order dominated by the United States. If anyone looks at or investigates the situations in other countries it can be seen that at present almost all countries of the world are similar or same in the forms of structures of corruption and evil. The Worldwide control of humanity‘s economic, social and political activities is under the helm of US corporate and military power. The US has established its control over 191 governments which are members of the United Nations. The last head of state of the former Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev on December 2012, at a conference on the future of the Middle East and the Black Sea region in the Turkish city of Istanbul, has warned the US of an imminent Soviet-like collapse if Washington persists with its hegemonic policies. Mass public protest occurred against US hegemony are mainly from Muslim countries of South East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa and Africa. The latest mass protests erupted in September 2012 when the divine Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was insulted by America and Israel. There were strong mass protests by people from Indonesia to Morocco and in the European countries by mostly immigrants and Australia were there are Muslim populations. This worldwide protest had occurred while the rise of the masses is ongoing against corrupt rulers in West Asia and North Africa. The masses of the people are thirsty and desperate for justice, dignity, economic welfare and human rights. Most major religions have their own sources of information on the Last Age of Mankind or the End of Times, which often include fateful battles between the forces of good and evil and cataclysmic natural disasters. Humans are evolving to a final stage of their evolution towards a ?New Age‘ that is to come which the corrupt does not understand. At present times a final battle of good versus evil on Earth will ensue. The World powers (leaders) and their entourages who are really detached from the masses have organized to keep aloft the present world order that degenerates the masses in corruption, keeps the people in unhappiness, and deprives the masses from economic well being, education and keeps promoting wars and conflicts to support corruption and evil. We are at the ?End of Times?. The Promised Messiah will come to set right what is wrong, no doubt. DOI: Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2013; 4(2) 9-21

Karin Nisenbaum

Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, a key figure in the reception of Kant’s critical philosophy, has long been regarded as a critic of the Enlightenment, who argued that philosophical reflection leads to a form of nihilism and advocated the idea that all human knowledge “derives from revelation and faith.” This chapter sheds new light on the reasons why Jacobi uses religious language to criticize the philosophical tradition. Going against a long tradition of interpreters who believe that Jacobi is an irrationalist, Nisenbaum argues that Jacobi’s concern is to restore human reason by unveiling reason’s practical foundation. In doing so, it highlights largely overlooked parallels between Jacobi’s so-called philosophy of faith and Kant’s prioritizing of the practical. Noting these parallels helps clarify both Jacobi’s philosophical contribution and the manner in which the post-Kantian German Idealists understood Kant’s conception of the relationship and conflict between theoretical and practical reason.

И.В. Мамиева

На уровне мотивно-образной структуры текста рассматривается своеобразие отражения фрагментов древнеиранских мифологических представлений в ряде произведений осетинской литературы различной жанровой принадлежности. Использованы сравнительно-сопоставительный и семиотический методы анализа, позволяющие раскрыть глубинный слой мифологических структур, имплицитно заложенные в них архесмыслы. Исследуется семантика и функциональность акта миротворения, антропоморфизации мировой оси. С точки зрения философских метафор осмысляются архетип первочеловека, прочие константы мифосознания, используемые писателями в их проекции на современность. Делается вывод о том, что осетинские авторы ориентированы преимущественно на воссоздание трехуровневой модели мира, восходящей к индоиранской культурно-исторической общности. Наряду с этим очевидна сюжетообразующая роль мотивов и образов, отсылающих воспринимающее сознание к дуальной системе мироустройства. Так, новые интерпретационные подходы способствовали реконструированию в поэме Б.Гуржибекова ( Зачарованная красавица ) древнеиранского мифологического ядра (дихотомия добра и зла) в ней, как и в романах-мифах Слезы Сырдона Н.Джусойты, Седьмой поход Сослана Нарты М.Булкаты, отмечены также пересечения с авестийской космогонией на уровне идеи свободы выбора, значимости благой/ злой мысли/ слова в обустройстве миропорядка. Прямые ассоциации с социально-этическими постулатами зороастризма выявлены в романе Плоть от плоти Б.Гусалова (скотник-пастух и голоса его коров). В статье предлагается к обсуждению вопрос о природе означенных мифоэлементов в произведениях осетинских авторов: результат ли это генетической преемственности (уровень подсознательного воплощения) или вторичного/ книжного усвоения некогда единой основы мифомышления At the level of the motivational and figurative structure of the text, the originality of reflection of the ancient Iranian mythological fragments representations is considered in the number of Ossetian literature pieces of different genre affiliations. The comparative and semiotic methods of analysis are used, which allow revealing the deep layer of mythological structures and the early senses implicitly laid in them. The semantics and functionality of the act of peacemaking and anthropomorphization of the world axis are investigated. From the philosophical metaphorical point of view there are considered the archetype of the first man, other constants of mythconsciousness, used by the writers in their projection to the present. It is concluded that the Ossetian authors are focused mainly on recreating a three-levelled model of the world, dating back to the Indo-Iranian era of cultural and historical community. At the same time, the plot-forming role of motives and images, which refers to the perceiving consciousness to the dual system of world order, is obvious. Thus, new interpretational approaches contributed to the reconstruction of the ancient Iranian mythological nucleus (dichotomy of good and evil) in B.Gurzhibekovs poem (The Enchanted Beauty) there as in N.Dzhusoitys novels-myths Syrdons Tears, M.Bulkatys The Seventh Campaign of Nart Soslan, marked also the crossings with Avestian cosmogony at the level of freedom of choices idea of, the importance of good /evil thought/ word in the arrangement of the world order. Direct associations with the socio-ethical postulates of Zoroastrianism are revealed in B.Gusalovs novel Flesh from the Flesh (the cattleman and his cows voices). The article proposes to discuss the nature of the designated myth elements in the literary works of the Ossetian authors: as the result of genetic continuity (the level of subconscious embodiment) or the secondary/ bookish assimilation of the once unified basis of mythic reasoning.

ICR Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-125
Javad Fakhkhar Toosi

This article endeavours to show the compatibility of significant trends in the largest Islamic theological school, namely the Ashari, with the authority of reason in ethics. On the one hand, this authority requires reason to understand moral values while, on the other, proving that this authority does not conflict with the creation of actions by God. Asharism has accepted the ability of reason to understand moral values, while also accepting practical reason. Moral values and their antithesis are examples of good and evil and can be understood by rational reasoning. Nevertheless, Asharism also regards acts as the creation of God, yet without negating the ability of reason to understand good and evil. This article explains the differences between the Asharites and Mutazilites regarding the authority of independent reason in ethics. The negation of the ability of reason to discern God's acts and commands, thereby accepting the need for religion, has made the Asharite theological school unique. Accordingly, religion and reason are the two references in ethics within this school. This article concludes that the authority of reason is compatible with Asharism if we base our reading on the view of many prominent Ashari scholars. Furthermore, this foundation could be used to study the compatibility of Islam with modern ethical theories.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 52-79
V. T. Yungblud

The Yalta-Potsdam system of international relations, established by culmination of World War II, was created to maintain the security and cooperation of states in the post-war world. Leaders of the Big Three, who ensured the Victory over the fascist-militarist bloc in 1945, made decisive contribution to its creation. This system cemented the world order during the Cold War years until the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and the destruction of the bipolar structure of the organization of international relations. Post-Cold War changes stimulated the search for new structures of the international order. Article purpose is to characterize circumstances of foundations formation of postwar world and to show how the historical decisions made by the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition powers in 1945 are projected onto modern political processes. Study focuses on interrelated questions: what was the post-war world order and how integral it was? How did the political decisions of 1945 affect the origins of the Cold War? Does the American-centrist international order, that prevailed at the end of the 20th century, genetically linked to the Atlantic Charter and the goals of the anti- Hitler coalition in the war, have a future?Many elements of the Yalta-Potsdam system of international relations in the 1990s survived and proved their viability. The end of the Cold War and globalization created conditions for widespread democracy in the world. The liberal system of international relations, which expanded in the late XX - early XXI century, is currently experiencing a crisis. It will be necessary to strengthen existing international institutions that ensure stability and security, primarily to create barriers to the spread of national egoism, radicalism and international terrorism, for have a chance to continue the liberal principles based world order (not necessarily within a unipolar system). Prerequisite for promoting idea of a liberal system of international relations is the adjustment of liberalism as such, refusal to unilaterally impose its principles on peoples with a different set of values. This will also require that all main participants in modern in-ternational life be able to develop a unilateral agenda for common problems and interstate relations, interact in a dialogue mode, delving into the arguments of opponents and taking into account their vital interests.

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