scholarly journals LES study of precipitation/condensation dependance on cumulus clouds dynamics

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 89-92
Yefim L. Kogan

Abstract. Parameters affecting condensation/evaporation rates (CR/ER) in trade wind cumulus clouds were analyzed using LES model simulations. The model was initialized with data observed during the RICO field project, and simulated in a rather large 50.0×50.0×4 km3 domain. 2031 clouds were analyzed seeking relationships between CR/ER and thermo-dynamical cloud parameters. The condensation/evaporation rates were analyzed by stratifying the clouds by their size. The analyzed parameters included, among others, integral mass and buoyancy fluxes, as well as cloud and rain water and drop concentration. The results revealed rather remarkable relationship between integral condensation/evaporation rate and integral upward mass flux. Identified relathionship may be useful for parameterization of subgrid latent heat in meso and large-scale models.

2021 ◽  
Yefim Kogan

<p>Parameters of latent heat release were analyzed using LES model data. The system of trade wind cumulus clouds observed during the RICO field project was simulated over a domain size of a mesoscale model grid. The initialization of simulations were described in detail in the LES model intercomparison study by van Zanten et al 2011. Over 2000 clouds were analyzed focusing on relationship between parameters of latent heat release (phase transition rates) and dynamical/microphysical cloud characteristics.</p><p>Thephase transition rates, which in warm tropical clouds are represented by processes of condensation/evaporation, were analyzed by stratifying the clouds by their size/stage of maturity. The analyzed parameters included, among others, integral mass and buoyancy fluxes, cloud and rain water parameters, supersaturation. In addition to phase transition processes, we also analyzed the formation of precipitation and its dependence on cloud dynamical parameters. Of particular interest was the ratio of precipitation to condensation rate, which can be considered as an indicator of cloud “precipitation efficiency” (PE=PR/CR). We found that a critical vertical cloud depth separates clouds where PE is predominantly  < 1, from clouds where precipitation efficiency is mostly larger than one</p><p>The investigation of the relationships between phase transion rates and  cloud thermodynamical parameters revealed a remarkably strong correlation  between integral latent heat released in a cloud and its integral mass flux. The anticipated dependence on buoyancy flux was significanly weaker.</p><p>The identified latent heat-mass flux dependency and, based upon it, derived simple functional formulation can be important for the development of parameterization of subgrid latent heat release in meso- and large-scale forecast models.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 72 (5) ◽  
pp. 1837-1855 ◽  
Vickal V. Kumar ◽  
Christian Jakob ◽  
Alain Protat ◽  
Christopher R. Williams ◽  
Peter T. May

Abstract Cumulus parameterizations in weather and climate models frequently apply mass-flux schemes in their description of tropical convection. Mass flux constitutes the product of the fractional area covered by convection in a model grid box and the vertical velocity in cumulus clouds. However, vertical velocities are difficult to observe on GCM scales, making the evaluation of mass-flux schemes difficult. Here, the authors combine high-temporal-resolution observations of in-cloud vertical velocities derived from a pair of wind profilers over two wet seasons at Darwin with physical properties of precipitating clouds [cloud-top heights (CTH), convective–stratiform classification] derived from the Darwin C-band polarimetric radar to provide estimates of cumulus mass flux and its constituents. The length of this dataset allows for investigations of the contributions from different cumulus cloud types—namely, congestus, deep, and overshooting convection—to the overall mass flux and of the influence of large-scale conditions on mass flux. The authors found that mass flux was dominated by updrafts and, in particular, the updraft area fraction, with updraft vertical velocity playing a secondary role. The updraft vertical velocities peaked above 10 km where both the updraft area fractions and air densities were small, resulting in a marginal effect on mass-flux values. Downdraft area fractions are much smaller and velocities are much weaker than those in updrafts. The area fraction responded strongly to changes in midlevel large-scale vertical motion and convective inhibition (CIN). In contrast, changes in the lower-tropospheric relative humidity and convective available potential energy (CAPE) strongly modulate in-cloud vertical velocities but have moderate impacts on area fractions. Although average mass flux is found to increase with increasing CTH, it is the environmental conditions that seem to dictate the magnitude of mass flux produced by convection through a combination of effects on area fraction and velocity.

Marcus Klingebiel ◽  
Heike Konow ◽  
Bjorn Stevens

AbstractMass flux is a key quantity in parameterizations of shallow convection. To estimate the shallow convective mass flux as accurately as possible, and to test these parameterizations, observations of this parameter are necessary. In this study, we show how much the mass flux varies and how this can be used to test factors that may be responsible for its variation. Therefore, we analyze long term Doppler radar and Doppler lidar measurements at the Barbados Cloud Observatory over a time period of 30 months, which results in a mean mass flux profile with a peak value of 0.03 kg m−2 s−1 at an altitude of ~730 m, similar to observations from Ghate et al. (2011) at the Azores Islands. By combining Doppler radar and Doppler lidar measurements, we find that the cloud base mass flux depends mainly on the cloud fraction and refutes an idea based on large eddy simulations, that the velocity scale is in major control of the shallow cumulus mass flux. This indicates that the large scale conditions might play a more important role than what one would deduce from simulations using prescribed large-scale forcings.

2010 ◽  
Vol 67 (11) ◽  
pp. 3525-3540 ◽  
Hongli Jiang ◽  
Graham Feingold ◽  
Armin Sorooshian

Abstract Large-eddy simulations of warm, trade wind cumulus clouds are conducted for a range of aerosol conditions with a focus on precipitating clouds. Individual clouds are tracked over the course of their lifetimes. Precipitation rate decreases progressively as aerosol increases. For larger, precipitating clouds, the polluted clouds have longer lifetimes because of precipitation suppression. For clean aerosol conditions, there is good agreement between the average model precipitation rate and that calculated based on observed radar reflectivity Z and precipitation rate R relationships. Precipitation rate can be expressed as a power-law function of liquid water path (LWP) and Nd, to reasonable accuracy. The respective powers for LWP and Nd are of similar magnitude compared to those based on observational studies of stratocumulus clouds. The time-integrated precipitation rate represented by a power-law function of LWP, Nd, and cloud lifetime is much more reliably predicted than is R expressed in terms of LWP and Nd alone. The precipitation susceptibility (So = −dlnR/dlnNd) that quantifies the sensitivity of precipitation to changes in Nd depends strongly on LWP and exhibits nonmonotonic behavior with a maximum at intermediate LWP values. The relationship between So and precipitation efficiency is explored and the importance of including dependence on Nd in the latter is highlighted. The results provide trade cumulus cloud population statistics, as well as relationships between microphysical/macrophysical properties and precipitation, that are amenable for use in larger-scale models.

2015 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 2545-2561 ◽  
Florian Pantillon ◽  
Peter Knippertz ◽  
John H. Marsham ◽  
Cathryn E. Birch

Abstract Cold pool outflows, generated by downdrafts from moist convection, can generate strong winds and therefore uplift of mineral dust. These so-called haboob convective dust storms occur over all major dust source areas worldwide and contribute substantially to emissions in northern Africa, the world’s largest source. Most large-scale models lack convective dust storms because they do not resolve moist convection, relying instead on convection schemes. The authors suggest a parameterization of convective dust storms to account for their contribution in such large-scale models. The parameterization is based on a simple conceptual model, in which the downdraft mass flux from the convection scheme spreads out radially in a cylindrical cold pool. The parameterization is tested with a set of Met Office Unified Model runs for June and July 2006 over West Africa. It is calibrated with a convection-permitting run and applied to a convection-parameterized run. The parameterization successfully produces the extensive area of dust-generating winds from cold pool outflows over the southern Sahara. However, this area extends farther to the east and dust-generating winds occur earlier in the day than in the convection-permitting run. These biases are caused by biases in the convection scheme. It is found that the location and timing of dust-generating winds are weakly sensitive to the parameters of the conceptual model. The results demonstrate that a simple parameterization has the potential to correct a major and long-standing limitation in global dust models.

2010 ◽  
Vol 67 (7) ◽  
pp. 2212-2225 ◽  
Jennifer K. Fletcher ◽  
Christopher S. Bretherton

Abstract High-resolution three-dimensional cloud resolving model simulations of deep cumulus convection under a wide range of large-scale forcings are used to evaluate a mass flux closure based on boundary layer convective inhibition (CIN) that has previously been applied in parameterizations of shallow cumulus convection. With minor modifications, it is also found to perform well for deep oceanic and continental cumulus convection, and it matches simulated cloud-base mass flux much better than a closure based only on the boundary layer convective velocity scale. CIN closure maintains an important feedback among cumulus base mass flux, compensating subsidence, and CIN that keeps the boundary layer top close to cloud base. For deep convection, the proposed CIN closure requires prediction of a boundary layer mean turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and a horizontal moisture variance, both of which are strongly correlated with precipitation. For our cases, CIN closure predicts cloud-base mass flux in deep convective environments as well as the best possible bulk entraining CAPE closure, but unlike the latter, CIN closure also works well for shallow cumulus convection without retuning of parameters.

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