scholarly journals Review "Vegetation modulates the impact of climate extremes on gross primary production"

2020 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Milan Flach ◽  
Alexander Brenning ◽  
Fabian Gans ◽  
Markus Reichstein ◽  
Sebastian Sippel ◽  

Abstract. Drought and heat events affect the uptake and sequestration of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Factors such as the duration, timing and intensity of extreme events influence the magnitude of impacts on ecosystem processes such as gross primary production (GPP), i.e. the ecosystem uptake of CO2. Preceding soil moisture depletion may exacerbate these impacts. However, some vegetation types may be more resilient to climate extremes than others. This effect is insufficiently understood at the global scale and is the focus of this study. Using a global upscaled product of GPP that scales up in-situ land CO2 flux observations with global satellite remote sensing, we study the impact of climate extremes at the global scale. We find that GPP in grasslands and agricultural areas is generally reduced during heat and drought events. However, we also find that forests, if considered globally, appear not in general to be particularly sensitive to droughts and heat events that occurred during the analyzed period or even show increased GPP values during these events. On the one hand, this is in many cases plausible, e.g. when no negative preconditioning has occurred. On the other hand, however, this may also reflect a lack of sensitivity in current remote sensing derived GPP products to the effects of droughts and heatwaves. The overall picture calls for a differentiated consideration of different land cover types in the assessments of risks of climate extremes for ecosystem functioning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Milan Flach ◽  
Alexander Brenning ◽  
Fabian Gans ◽  
Markus Reichstein ◽  
Sebastian Sippel ◽  

Abstract. Drought and heat events affect the uptake and sequestration of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Factors such as the duration, timing, and intensity of extreme events influence the magnitude of impacts on ecosystem processes such as gross primary production (GPP), i.e., the ecosystem uptake of CO2. Preceding soil moisture depletion may exacerbate these impacts. However, some vegetation types may be more resilient to climate extremes than others. This effect is insufficiently understood at the global scale and is the focus of this study. Using a global upscaled product of GPP that scales up in situ land CO2 flux observations with global satellite remote sensing, we study the impact of climate extremes at the global scale. We find that GPP in grasslands and agricultural areas is generally reduced during heat and drought events. However, we also find that forests, if considered globally, appear in general to not be particularly sensitive to droughts and heat events that occurred during the analyzed period or even show increased GPP values during these events. On the one hand, normal-to-increased GPP values are in many cases plausible, e.g., when conditions prior to the event have been particularly positive. On the other hand, however, normal-to-increased GPP values in forests may also reflect a lack of sensitivity in current remote-sensing-derived GPP products to the effects of droughts and heatwaves. The overall picture calls for a differentiated consideration of different land cover types in the assessments of risks of climate extremes for ecosystem functioning.

2020 ◽  
Milan Flach ◽  
Alexander Brenning ◽  
Fabian Gans ◽  
Markus Reichstein ◽  
Sebastian Sippel ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 373 (1760) ◽  
pp. 20180084 ◽  
Erik van Schaik ◽  
Lars Killaars ◽  
Naomi E. Smith ◽  
Gerbrand Koren ◽  
L. P. H. van Beek ◽  

The 2015/2016 El Niño event caused severe changes in precipitation across the tropics. This impacted surface hydrology, such as river run-off and soil moisture availability, thereby triggering reductions in gross primary production (GPP). Many biosphere models lack the detailed hydrological component required to accurately quantify anomalies in surface hydrology and GPP during droughts in tropical regions. Here, we take the novel approach of coupling the biosphere model SiBCASA with the advanced hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB to attempt such a quantification across the Amazon basin during the drought in 2015/2016. We calculate 30–40% reduced river discharge in the Amazon starting in October 2015, lagging behind the precipitation anomaly by approximately one month and in good agreement with river gauge observations. Soil moisture shows distinctly asymmetrical spatial anomalies with large reductions across the north-eastern part of the basin, which persisted into the following dry season. This added to drought stress in vegetation, already present owing to vapour pressure deficits at the leaf, resulting in a loss of GPP of 0.95 (0.69 to 1.20) PgC between October 2015 and March 2016 compared with the 2007–2014 average. Only 11% (10–12%) of the reduction in GPP was found in the (wetter) north-western part of the basin, whereas the north-eastern and southern regions were affected more strongly, with 56% (54–56%) and 33% (31–33%) of the total, respectively. Uncertainty on this anomaly mostly reflects the unknown rooting depths of vegetation. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘The impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño on the terrestrial tropical carbon cycle: patterns, mechanisms and implications’.

2010 ◽  
Vol 40 (5) ◽  
pp. 850-860 ◽  
M. Chiesi ◽  
M. Moriondo ◽  
F. Maselli ◽  
L. Gardin ◽  
L. Fibbi ◽  

Simulating the effects of possible environmental changes on the forest carbon budget requires the use of calibrated and tested models of ecosystem processes. A recently proposed simulation approach based on the use of the BIOME-BGC model was applied to yield estimates of present carbon fluxes and pools in Tuscany forests (central Italy). After the validation of these estimates against existing ground data, the simulation approach was used to assess the impact of plausible climate changes (+2 °C and increased CO2 concentration) on forest carbon dynamics (gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP), and relevant allocations). The results indicate that the temperature change tends to inhibit all production and allocation processes, which are instead enhanced by the CO2 concentration rise. The combination of the two factors leads to a general increase in both GPP and NPP that is higher for deciduous oaks and chestnut (+30% and 24% for GPP and +42% and 31% for NPP, respectively). Additionally, vegetation carbon is slightly increased, while total soil carbon remains almost unchanged with respect to the present conditions. These findings are analyzed with reference to the Tuscany forest situation and previous studies on the subject.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1869-1907 ◽  
J. Zscheischler ◽  
M. D. Mahecha ◽  
S. Harmeling ◽  
A. Rammig ◽  
E. Tomelleri ◽  

Abstract. Climate extremes can affect the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, for instance via a reduction of the photosynthetic capacity or alterations of respiratory processes. Yet the dominant regional and seasonal effects of hydrometeorological extremes are still not well documented. Here we quantify and characterize the role of large spatiotemporal extreme events in gross primary production (GPP) as triggers of continental anomalies. We also investigate seasonal dynamics of extreme impacts on continental GPP anomalies. We find that the 50 largest positive (increase in uptake) and negative extremes (decrease in uptake) on each continent can explain most of the continental variation in GPP, which is in line with previous results obtained at the global scale. We show that negative extremes are larger than positive ones and demonstrate that this asymmetry is particularly strong in South America and Europe. Most extremes in GPP start in early summer. Our analysis indicates that the overall impacts and the spatial extents of GPP extremes are power law distributed with exponents that vary little across continents. Moreover, we show that on all continents and for all data sets the spatial extents play a more important role than durations or maximal GPP anomaly when it comes to the overall impact of GPP extremes. An analysis of possible causes implies that across continents most extremes in GPP can best be explained by water scarcity rather than by extreme temperatures. However, for Europe, South America and Oceania we identify also fire as an important driver. Our findings are consistent with remote sensing products. An independent validation against a literature survey on specific extreme events supports our results to a large extent.

2017 ◽  
Vol 215 (4) ◽  
pp. 1370-1386 ◽  
Anthony P. Walker ◽  
Tristan Quaife ◽  
Peter M. van Bodegom ◽  
Martin G. De Kauwe ◽  
Trevor F. Keenan ◽  

2020 ◽  
Gianluca Filippa ◽  
Edoardo Cremonese ◽  
Marta Galvagno ◽  
Mirco Migliavacca

<p>Flux towers are more and more often equipped with digital cameras (aka phenocams) widely used to track canopy greenness. Phenocam-derived vegetation indices can capture land surface phenology but also seasonality in gross primary production (GPP) estimated from eddy covariance (EC) measurements. In addition, phenocams can be used to track seasonal development of different species or individuals within the same image scene, and evaluate spatial variability within the footprint of EC measurements. Further, phenocams were recently used to quantify disturbance such as late frost, fires, storms etc. in forested ecosystems and the impact of climate extremes on ecosystem functioning. With the recent rapid development of phenocameras, the need for up-to-date, efficient, open-source software is also increasing tremendously. The phenopix R package was developed for this purpose. In this contribution, we will provide an overview of the software capabilities, with a special focus on how EC measurements can benefit from phenocam data streams.</p><p>The steps of a basic processing workflow will be illustrated, including drawing a region of interest (ROI) on an image; extracting red, green and blue digital numbers from a seasonal series of images; depicting greenness index trajectories; fitting a curve to the seasonal trajectories; extracting relevant phenological thresholds (phenophases); characterizing phenophase uncertainties. A focus will be made on recent software developments, including the calculation of camera-derived NDVI and other infrared-based indices, and the handling of shifts in the field of view of the phenocameras.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2909-2924 ◽  
J. Zscheischler ◽  
M. Reichstein ◽  
S. Harmeling ◽  
A. Rammig ◽  
E. Tomelleri ◽  

Abstract. Climate extremes can affect the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, for instance via a reduction of the photosynthetic capacity or alterations of respiratory processes. Yet the dominant regional and seasonal effects of hydrometeorological extremes are still not well documented and in the focus of this paper. Specifically, we quantify and characterize the role of large spatiotemporal extreme events in gross primary production (GPP) as triggers of continental anomalies. We also investigate seasonal dynamics of extreme impacts on continental GPP anomalies. We find that the 50 largest positive extremes (i.e., statistically unusual increases in carbon uptake rates) and negative extremes (i.e., statistically unusual decreases in carbon uptake rates) on each continent can explain most of the continental variation in GPP, which is in line with previous results obtained at the global scale. We show that negative extremes are larger than positive ones and demonstrate that this asymmetry is particularly strong in South America and Europe. Our analysis indicates that the overall impacts and the spatial extents of GPP extremes are power-law distributed with exponents that vary little across continents. Moreover, we show that on all continents and for all data sets the spatial extents play a more important role for the overall impact of GPP extremes compared to the durations or maximal GPP. An analysis of possible causes across continents indicates that most negative extremes in GPP can be attributed clearly to water scarcity, whereas extreme temperatures play a secondary role. However, for Europe, South America and Oceania we also identify fire as an important driver. Our findings are consistent with remote sensing products. An independent validation against a literature survey on specific extreme events supports our results to a large extent.

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