scholarly journals On the quotients of c-spaces

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Santhosh P K

In this paper, the concept of weak c-structure generated by a family of functions is introduced and quotient spaces are introduced as a particular case of this. Properties of quotient maps are explored. A method of finding quotient space of  topologizable and graphical c-spaces are described.

Jiaxing Lu ◽  
Jiang Qing ◽  
Huang He ◽  
Zhang Zhengyong ◽  
Wang Rujing

Case retrieval is one of the key steps of case-based reasoning. The quality of case retrieval determines the effectiveness of the system. The common similarity calculation methods based on attributes include distance and inner product. Different similarity calculations have different influences on the effect of case retrieval. How to combine different similarity calculation results to get a more widely used and better retrieval algorithm is a hot issue in the current case-based reasoning research. In this paper, the granularity of quotient space is introduced into the similarity calculation based on attribute, and a case retrieval algorithm based on granularity synthesis theory is proposed. This method first uses similarity calculation of different attributes to get different results of case retrieval, and considers that these classification results constitute different quotient spaces, and then organizes these quotient spaces according to granularity synthesis theory to get the classification results of case retrieval. The experimental results verify the validity and correctness of this method and the application potential of granularity calculation of quotient space in case-based reasoning.

2016 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 57-71 ◽  
Carles Barcelo-Vidal ◽  
Josep-Antoni Martín-Fernández

The term compositional data analysis is historically associated to the approach based on the logratio transformations introduced in the eighties. Two main principles of this methodology are scale invariance and subcompositional coherence. New developments and concepts emerged in the last decade revealed the need to clarify the concepts of compositions, compositional sample space and subcomposition. In this work the mathematics of compositional analysis based on equivalence relation is presented. The two principles are essential attributes of the corresponding quotient space. A logarithmic isomorphism between quotient spaces induces a metric space structure for compositions. Using this structure, the statistical analysis of compositions consists of analysing logratio coordinates.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1014-1022 ◽  
Moiz ud Din Khan ◽  
Rafaqat Noreen ◽  
Muhammad Siddique Bosan

AbstractIn this paper, we continue the study of s-topological and irresolute-topological groups. We define semi-quotient mappings which are stronger than semi-continuous mappings, and then consider semi-quotient spaces and groups. It is proved that for some classes of irresolute-topological groups (G, *, τ) the semi-quotient space G/H is regular. Semi-isomorphisms of s-topological groups are also discussed.

Konstantin V. Kholshevnikov ◽  
Danila V. Milanov ◽  
Anastasia S. Shchepalova ◽  

Distance functions on the set of Keplerian orbits play an important role in solving problems of searching for parent bodies of meteoroid streams. A special kind of such functions are distances in the quotient spaces of orbits. Three metrics of this type were developed earlier. These metrics allow to disregard the longitude of ascending node or the argument of pericenter or both. Here we introduce one more quotient space, where two orbits are considered identical if they differ only in their longitudes of nodes and arguments of pericenters, but have the same sum of these elements (the longitude of pericenter). The function q is defined to calculate distance between two equivalence classes of orbits. The algorithm for calculation of ̺6 value is provided along with a reference to the corresponding program, written in C++ language. Unfortunately, ̺6 is not a full-fledged metric. We proved that it satisfies first two axioms of metric space, but not the third one: the triangle inequality does not hold, at least in the case of large eccentricities. However there are two important particular cases when the triangle axiom is satisfied: one of three orbits is circular, longitudes of pericenters of all three orbits coincide. Perhaps the inequality holds for all elliptic orbits, but this is a matter of future research.

1968 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-322 ◽  
S. D. McCartan

It is well known that, in the study of quotient spaces it suffices to consider a topological space (X, ), an equivalence relation R on X and the projection mapping p: X → X/R (where X/R is the family of R-classes of X) defined by p(x) = Rx (where Rx is the R-class to which x belongs) for each x ∈ X. A topology may be defined for the set X/R by agreeing that U ⊆ X/R is -open if and only if p-1 (U) is -open in X. The topological space is known as the quotient space relative to the space ) and projection p. If (or simply ) since the symbol ≤ denotes all partial orders and no confusion arises) is a topological ordered space (that is, X is a set for which both a topology and a partial order ≤ is defined) then, providing the projection p satisfies the propertya partial order may be defined in X/R by agreeing that p(x) < p(y) if and only if x < y in x. The topological ordered space is known as the quotient ordered space relative to the ordered space and projection p.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Hawete Hattab

AbstractLet R be an open equivalence relation on a topological space E. We define on E a new equivalence relation ̃ℜ̅ by x̃ ̃ℜ̅y if the closure of the R-trajectory of x is equal to the closure of the R-trajectory of y. The quotient space E/̃ ̃ℜ̅ is called the trajectory class space. In this paper, we show that the space E/̃ ̃ℜ̅ is a simple model of the quotient space E/R. This model can provide a finite model. Some applications to orbit spaces of groups of homeomorphisms and leaf spaces are given.

Filomat ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Ali Pakdaman ◽  
Hamid Torabi ◽  
Behrooz Mashayekhy

Let X be a locally 1-connected metric space and A1,A2,...,An be connected, locally path connected and compact pairwise disjoint subspaces of X. In this paper, we show that the quotient space X/(A1,A2,..., An) obtained from X by collapsing each of the sets Ai?s to a point, is also locally 1-connected. Moreover, we prove that the induced continuous homomorphism of quasitopological fundamental groups is surjective. Finally, we give some applications to find out some properties of the fundamental group of the quotient space X/(A1,A2,...,An).

1997 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 1117-1138
Zhiguo Hu

AbstractLet VN(G) be the von Neumann algebra of a locally compact group G. We denote by μ the initial ordinal with |μ| equal to the smallest cardinality of an open basis at the unit of G and X = ﹛α ; α < μ﹜.We show that if G is nondiscrete then there exist an isometric *-isomorphism of l∞(X) into VN(G) and a positive linear mapping π of VN(G) onto l∞(X) such that π o = idl∞(X) and and π have certain additional properties. Let UCB((Ĝ)) be the C*–algebra generated by operators in VN(G) with compact support and F(Ĝ) the space of all T∈ VN(G) such that all topologically invariant means on VN(G) attain the same value at T. The construction of the mapping π leads to the conclusion that the quotient space UCB((Ĝ))/F((Ĝ)) ∪UCB((Ĝ)) has l∞(X) as a continuous linear image if G is nondiscrete. When G is further assumed to be non-metrizable, it is shown that UCB((Ĝ))/F((Ĝ)) ∪UCB((Ĝ)) contains a linear isomorphic copy of l∞(X). Similar results are also obtained for other quotient spaces.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-359
Mikhail G. Tkachenko

AbstractLet G be an arbitrary topological group. We prove that the cellularity of G is equal to the cellularity of the quotient space {G/K} for every compact subgroup K of G.

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