А.Л. Заика ◽  
Т.А. Ключников ◽  
Д. А. Гурулев

Писаница Кундусук - уникальный объект наскального искусства в горах Западного Саяна. Наскальные рисунки обследованы авторами в 2020 г. Скала с рисунками находится на правом берегу реки Амыл. Выявлено 16 камней с изображениями антропоморфных лиц без контура «джойского» типа. Датируются рисунки эпохой ранней бронзы и отражают художественные традиции окуневской культуры. Объект маркирует один из центров как сухопутных, так и речных древних коммуникаций. Памятник, видимо, являлся древним культовым местом. Здесь совершались ритуальные действия и минеральной краской изображались антропоморфные объекты поклонения для успешного преодоления речных и других препятствий. Лица могли отражать облик духов места, реки, маркировать этнокультурную принадлежность древних художников. Kundusuk rock art site (“Pisanitsa Kundusuk”) is a unique object of rock art in the Western Sayan Mountains. The rock drawings were examined by the authors in 2020. The rock with the drawings is located on the right bank of the Amyl River. Sixteen stones with images of anthropomorphic faces without the contour of the “Dzhoi” type were revealed. The drawings date back to the early Bronze Age and refl ect the artistic traditions of the Okunev culture. The object marks one of the centers of both land and river ancient communications. Apparently, the site was an ancient cult place. Here ritual actions were performed and anthropomorphic objects of worship were depicted with mineral paint to successfully overcome river and other obstacles. Faces could refl ect spirits of a place, a river, mark the ethno cultural identity of ancient artists.

Е. А. Миклашевич

Статья посвящена проблеме хронологической атрибуции самых ранних наскальных изображений нескольких сопредельных регионов Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии: Минусинской котловины, Горного Алтая, Северо-Западной Монголии, Западного Саяна и Южной Тувы (рис. 1-4). Рассматривается общность стиля, иконографии и репертуара основных анималистических образов; обсуждаются характер и причины этого сходства. Составлена карта распространения наскальных изображений древнейшего пласта (рис. 5). Актуальность проблемы их датирования заключается в том, что они не имеют археологических «привязок», поскольку до сих пор не обнаружено изобразительных материалов подобного стиля в закрытых комплексах. Можно лишь утверждать, что они древнее изображений окуневско-каракольской традиции. Исследователями предлагались разные датировки - от верхнего палеолита до эпохи ранней бронзы; предлагалась атрибуция афанасьевской культуре, но пока ни одна из версий не выглядит достаточно обоснованной. По мнению автора, вероятность принадлежности этого изобразительного пласта к эпохе камня довольно высока, однако для более узкого определения еще недостаточно данных. Пути решения проблемы требуют пополнения корпуса источников, более точного документирования памятников, применения междисциплинарных исследований, в том числе методов прямого датирования (например, уран-ториевое датирование перекрывающего наскальные рисунки кальцита и др.). The paper deals with the issue of chronological attribution of the earliest rock art in several adjacent regions of South Siberia and Central Asia such as the Minusinsk Depression, the Altai Republic, northwestern Mongolia, Western Sayan Mountains and southern Tuva (Fig. 1-4). It reviews shared stylistical traits, iconography and repertoire of main animalistic images discussing the nature and causes of this similarity. It also provides a map showing distribution of the rock images from the earliest layer (Fig. 5). Relevance of the issue of their dating is explained by the fact that they do not have any archaeological «links» as no figurative materials of this style have been discovered in closed assemblages. We can only argue that they are older than the images attributed to the Okunevo-Karakol traditions. Scholars have proposed various dates ranging from the Upper Paleolithic to the Early Bronze Age; the attribution to the Afanasyevo culture has been proposed; however, so far, none of the versions seems well justified. In the author’s opinion, probability of this figurative layer dating to the Stone Age is quite high, though there are no sufficient data to narrow down the time interval. To address this issue, it is necessary to expand the corps of sources, make more accurate records of the sites and conduct interdisciplinary studies including use of direct dating methods (such as uranium-thorium dating of the calcite over the rock images, etc.).

1995 ◽  
Vol 61 ◽  
pp. 347-370 ◽  
Richard Bradley ◽  
Felipe Criado Boado ◽  
Ramón Fábregas Valcarce

This paper discusses the relationship between the earlier prehistoric pattern of settlement in Atlantic Europe and the creation of rock art. It investigates the organisation of the Copper Age and Early Bronze Age landscape of north-west Spain using the evidence provided by the distribution, siting, and composition of rock carvings. It presents the results of field survey in three sample areas extending from the centre to the outer edge of their distribution. Although these drawings cannot be interpreted as illustrations of daily life, they may have helped to define rights to particular resources in an area which experienced abrupt changes of ground conditions over the course of the year.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-221 ◽  
Thomas Huet

In 1994, H. de Lumley's teams of researchers finished the colossal task—initiated more than 20 years earlier—of recording every pecked rock engraving of Mont Bégo's rock art. The following year, in the book Le grandiose et le sacré, Lumley defined the site as a sacred mountain and attributed rock engravings, considered as ex-votos, to the Early Bronze Age and the Bell Beaker period. However, it is hard to recognize what interpretations can be directly drawn from the data: some exceptional rock engravings are considered as representative of the whole corpus of rock engravings and the most numerous ones are considered as a ‘bruit de fond’ [background noise]. Furthermore, recognition of associations—where rock engravings are contemporaneous and significantly grouped—had been criticised, and the hypothesis that all the rock engravings can be considered as a single archaeological event seems also to be contradicted by studies of superimpositions. We developed a GIS and a comprehensive database, with statistics, to identify specific spatial configurations, seriation effects and, finally, the evolution of the rock art. By going further in the periodization, our aim is to propose some provisional hypotheses about the meaning of Mont Bégo's rock engravings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 226-239
S. V. Makhortykh ◽  
N. S. Kotova ◽  
V. S. Dzhos ◽  
S. B. Radchenko

The paper presents the unique Early Bronze Age burial complex excavated during 2017 field season nearby the hill of Kamyana Mohyla in Zaporizhzhya region (South-Eastern Ukraine). The tomb located 200 m from the Kamyana Mohyla complex is obviously connected with the prehistoric processes of the region. The Structure-for-motion photorgammetric modeling of the tumuli was provided in addition to archaeological, anthropological and microscopc research. The model was studied to provide additional information on the details of the complex in general and its construction features. Moreover, it makes the unique object available for publishing and demonstration. Paper presents burial and ritual complexes that show important data on the ritual worldview of the Early Bronze Age habitants of Ukrainian Steppe. The radiocarbon dating returned the timelap of 2831—2675 cal BC for the burial 2 and 2554—2478 cal BC for the ritual complex nearby. It means that the space around the Kamyana Mohyla was habitated by late Yamnaya culture population and used for the burial rituals and other sacral activities. The surface grave made of huge sandstone blocks, sometimes having a weight of approximately 700 kg is the first object of this kind in Ukrainian Steppe. Those graves that were excavated and studied here before, has been constructed inside the tumuli (i. e. kurgan). The stone used as a material for the construction was taken from the Hill of Kamyana Mohyla. This links the site with a number of previously excavated Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age burials in the closes Kamyana Mohyla surroundings. Complex shows traces of the Early Bronze Age rituals that took place in the Northwest Azov Sea region — the bull’s sacrifice and a vessel upturning. The pottery artifacts similar to those found in 2017 are known from the Late Yamnaya and Catacombnaya culture burials of the region. This is evident of the close rituals and beliefs of these cultures or of the Yamnaya component in the Catacombnaya rituals of the region. Same can be stated by the numerous features of the funeral rite.

А. Л. Заика ◽  
А. М. Клементьев

Изучение древнего наскального искусства требует междисциплинарного подхода. Cотрудничество исследователей петроглифов и палеозоологов позволяет провести реконструкцию состава палеофауны региона, помогает в интерпретации териоморфных образов. Предметом изучения данной статьи являются похожие на быков изображения в наскальном искусстве р. Ангара. Многие изображения датируются эпохой неолита - ранней бронзы. Причины их появления в таежном наскальном искусстве могли быть различными: влияние художественной традиции окуневской культуры с юга; стилизация образа лося или оленя; мифологизация образов таежных животных; наличие для древнего художника реальной натуры - дикого быка. Согласно данным палеозоологии в эпоху голоцена на Ангаре обитали реликтовые животные - бизоны, туры. Возможно, они обитали и на Среднем Енисее. Это позволило высказать предположение, что в наскальном искусстве изображен дикий бык, на которого охотился древний человек. The study of ancient rock art requires an interdisciplinary approach. Active cooperation of rock art researchers and paleozoologists makes it possible to reconstruct the composition of the paleofauna, to interpret theriomorphic images. The subject of the article is images similar to bulls in rock art on the Angara River. Many of the images date back to the Neolithic - early Bronze Age. The reasons for their appearance in taiga zone rock art could be diff erent: the infl uence of artistic tradition of the Okunev culture from the South; stylization of the image of an elk or a deer; mythologization of the images of taiga zone animals; the presence of a real animal in the nature - a wild bull. According to paleozoological data of the Holocene Epoch the Angara River valley was inhabited by relict animals - bisons, tours. Perhaps, they also lived in the Middle Yenisei. Therefore, we suggest that some petroglyphs depict a wild bull, which was hunted by an ancient man.

Archaeology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 49-64
Henadii Yevdokimov ◽  
Natalia Danylko ◽  
Serhii Pustovalov

The materials of the mounds located on the Lower Dnieper Right Bank, investigated by the Krasnoznamiansk expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1995, are introduced into scientific circulation. In total, 27 burials were examined, mainly of the Early Bronze Age, which were located in three burial mounds that fell into the reclamation zone between the villages of Kachkarovka and Sablukovka of the Beryslavskyi district of the Kherson Region The total number of mounds reaches 16 units. The Bronze Age of this region has been extremely insufficiently studied. Therefore, the published burials substantially supplement the understanding of it. As in other places, the first Yamna culture burials in the mounds are oriented along the west-eastern line, the later burials are oriented in a circle. The shape of the graves, the position of the buried people is typical for this region. These are rectangular pits with marked corners, shoulders or ledges. At a later stage — on the right or left side. Children’s Yamna culture graves with a large amount of inventory draw attention. For the Early Bronze Age, this is evidence of the presence of a powerful social center of the Yamna population. At the same time, the burials of adults are not distinguished by either size or inventory. In addition to ceramics, among the items were found two rather rare items — Pan’s flutes — bone musical instruments made of the middle parts of bird bones. Also important is the discovery of a Yamna culture pot in an Ingul grave, which is another evidence of the long-term coexistence of these two groups of population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (7) ◽  
pp. 191-202
Yury P. Chemyakin

Purpose. Materials published here describe findings on the ancient settlement Barsova Gora II/9b (located 7 km to the west of Surgut city on the right bank of the Ob river). Over the 5 years of excavations, the remains of structures from different time periods were uncovered and studied, among which 5 seated below grade square and rectangular dwellings stand out. Results. Original flat-bottomed pottery, clay ornamented bars and a spherical pommel have been found inside these dwellings. Clay bars were probably used as spatulas for smoothing dishes, skin scrapers. Among stone tools, polished ones predominate: chopping tools (axes, adzes, chisels, including grooved ones), lancet-shaped arrowheads and knives, as well as abrasives. Flint tool findings were less common: a few leaf-shaped arrowheads, scrapers and one lithic core. A fragment of a quartz lithic core and about ten quartz flakes were found as well. Among the pottery next to flat-bottomed vessels, there are round-bottomed vessels. Generally pottery is decorated in a variety of ways – drawn, impaled, using a walking comb stamp, with pits. Among the patterns there appears straight, broken or wavy lines, areas of a walking stamp. Clear geometric shapes are rare. On some pots horizontal compositions are replaced by vertical ones in the lower half of the vessels. Flat bottoms are ornamented with crossed, wavy and other patterns. Conclusion. Incorrect functional identification of the clay bars during first excavations led to initial incorrect dating of the settlement as belonging to the Early Bronze Age. The stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating during the new excavations revealed earlier settlement dates going back to early Neolithic. Some similarities to these structures and settlement type can be found in the ancient settlements of Boborykino and Bystrinsky cultures, Petrovoborsky and Kayukovsky types, settlements of Amnya I and others within the Eneolithic Period as well. However, the settlement of Barsova Gora II/9b is a unique cultural type dating from 6th – early 5th millennium BC.

1991 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-101 ◽  
Richard Bradley

Studies of the prehistoric landscape are best suited to the analysis of sedentary communities with enclosed resources. Studies of prehistoric art show different limitations, especially an excessive subjectivity. This paper attempts to bring these areas of research together by considering the changing content of rock art in relation to topography, the movement of people in the cultural landscape, and the operation of specialized kinds of monument. The characteristic designs found in the open air are analyzed in terms of their organization and visual impact, and the results of this pilot study are employed in a more detailed assessment of the positioning of prehistoric petroglyphs in two areas of Neolithic/Early Bronze Age Britain: Northumberland and Mid Argyll.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 373-385 ◽  
Fredrik Fahlander

AbstractDuring the Early Bronze Age in northern Europe, tree-like features appear in henges, burials, and rock art in ways that differ from earlier periods. Rather than investigating this phenomenon in symbolic or metaphorical terms, a concept of tree-ness is explored that focuses on the real constitution of trees and what trees actually do. It is suggested that the accentuation of tree-ness in Early Bronze Age ritual contexts can be related to an ontological shift in conjunction with emerging bronze technology in which different entities can merge or take advantage of each other’s generative properties.

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