2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (especial) ◽  
pp. 1-253
Junielson Soares Da Silva ◽  
Gisele Holanda De Sá ◽  
Neyla Cristiane Rodrigues de Oliveira

O II Congresso Nacional de Ensino de Ciências e Biologia Online - II CONECIBIO, ocorreu no período de 13 a 16 de outubro de 2021, com o apoio científico da revista  Journal of Education, Science and Health – JESH (Revista de Educação, Ciência e Saúde) e apoio institucional da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA, Campus Coelho Neto e Núcleo de Tecnologias para Educação da UEMA  - UEMANET. O evento teve carga horária de 40 horas, incluindo palestras, minicursos, apresentação de trabalhos e menção honrosa. A segunda edição do CONECIBIO, teve como tema "Ensino de Ciências em tempos de pandemia e negacionismo científico", dado o cenário mundial que vivenciamos, devido à pandemia da Covid-19, principalmente pelo aumento de correntes que negam a importância e o papel da Ciência. O CONECIBIO teve como objetivo reunir acadêmicos, docentes e pesquisadores nas áreas de ensino de Biologia, Ciências da Natureza, Química, Física, Educação no Campo, dentre outras, dos diversos cantos do país, para se discutirem possibilidades de mudança dos processos de ensino aprendizagem, para tornar os estudantes cada vez mais conscientes e protagonistas do seu papel socioambiental e da importância da Educação e Ciência.  O evento contou com a participação de graduandos, pós-graduandos, profissionais e pesquisadores da área de saúde, dos diversos cantos do Brasil e das mais variadas Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa do país. O CONECIBIO recebeu submissões, no formato de resumos simples e expandidos. Além de contar com apresentação oral e exposição em e-pôster. Os três melhores trabalhos em cada modalidade de apresentação receberam menção honrosa. Queremos agradecer a todos os envolvidos: palestrantes, avaliadores, participantes e divulgadores, monitores e todos os membros da Comissão Organizadora que aceitaram a ideia do evento. Saibam que sem vocês não seria possível a realização do CONECIBIO 2021. Esperamos continuar com outras edições e crescendo cada vez mais. Gratidão! Junielson Soares da Silva Neyla Cristiane Rodrigues de Oliveira

Lubov N. Sudyina ◽  
Evgeniy A. Chigishev ◽  
Aleksander I. Kalachikov

The paper identifies and systematically clarifies the possibilities of setting and solving the problem of choosing a model of socialization and self-realization of a person in a system of continuing education. The system of continuing education creates the conditions for holistic study and clarification of the possibilities of personality development, in this choice the person chooses the direction of future professional activity, determines the model of self-realization and socialization, the possibilities of which can be represented in a generalized way through the directions of “education”, “science”, “sport “,” Art “,” culture “, etc. The transition from one direction of socialization and self-realization of a person to another direction may be due to changes in the inner world personality and social and professional environment. The ambiguity of the choice of the model of socialization and the model of personal self-realization in the system of lifelong education determines the problem of personification and unification of the assessment of the quality of an individual’s activity in the chosen direction and the selected constructs for assessing the quality of pedagogical meters. In the structure of detailing the models under consideration, concepts are clarified, the principles of identifying and researching the socialization and self-realization of a person in the system of continuing education are highlighted. The quality and productivity of the identified and solved problems of socialization and self-realization can be clarified and presented in various kinds of self-presentations (student portfolio, professional-pedagogical case, etc.) and resume. To study and visualize the quality of socialization and self-realization of a person in the structure of the work organized by the teacher, you can also use questionnaires, whose popularity and the ambiguity in the interpretation of the received data explains the need for future development of program-pedagogical support for the study of the quality of socialization and self-realization of a person in the system of continuing education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
B.V. Boytsov ◽  
G.S. Zhetessova ◽  
M.K. Ibatov ◽  

The article discusses the methodology and provides the results of a multivariate SWOT analysis for a scientific and manufacturing educational process based on a set of regulatory and strategic documents, statistical data of the Republic of Kazakhstan; The main conclusions and description of the generated matrices for the subjects of interaction within the hierarchical triangle «Education – Science – Manufacturing (ESM)» are given.

2019 ◽  
pp. 14-31
P.V. Kuzenkov

The article offers a new evaluation of the wellknown phenomenon of cultural renaissance of the peoples of the Middle East and Egypt of the Syrians, the Copts, the Armenians, the Georgians, etc., in the first centuries AD. This period is commonly associated with the spreading of Christianity around the territory of the Roman Empire and the Parthian, later on Sassanid Iran. According to the author there are reasons to regard the genesis of the Christianity in the Middle East as a single yet multifaceted process of transformation of the Late Antiquity culture in its totality of the Eucumene, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pamir mountains. The essence of this process could roughly be defined as overcoming the Hellenistic culture crisis called forth by the ever deepening disparity between the transcendental intellectual environment it had given rise to, on the one hand, and its ideological nucleus rooted in the archaic Greek mythology, on the other. The only feasible recourse out of this crisis was the appearance of a new cultural nucleus, conventionally described as the canonized sacred text (The Holy Scriptures). This nucleus, together with the Hellenistic cultural and technological achievements (general literacy, school education, science, literature, symbolic culture, etc.) gave rise to religious civilizations with Christianity as the principal example. Thus, the author describes the historical transition from the Late Hellenistic and Post Hellenistic cultures of the Ancient Rome and the Ancient Middle East that resulted in the new nationallytinged in form but supranational in content cultures of the Christianity in the Middle East.В статье предлагается новая оценка известного феномена культурного возрождения народов Ближнего Востока и ЕгиптоСирийцев, Коптов, Армян, Грузин и др. в первые века нашей эры. Этот период обычно связывают с распространением христианства по территории Римской Империи и Парфянского, позднее Сасанидского Ирана. По мнению автора есть основания рассматривать генезис христианства на Ближнем Востоке как единый, но многогранный процесс трансформации культуры поздней Античности в ее тотальности Ойкумены, от Атлантического океана до Памирских гор. Суть этого процесса можно приблизительно определить как преодоление кризиса эллинистической культуры, вызванного все более углубляющимся несоответствием между трансцендентальной интеллектуальной средой, которую она породила, с одной стороны, и ее идеологическим ядром, коренящимся в архаической греческой мифологии, с другой. Единственным возможным выходом из этого кризиса было появление нового культурного ядра, условно описываемого как канонизированный священный текст (Священное Писание). Это ядро, наряду с эллинистическими культурными и технологическими достижениями (общая грамотность, школьное образование, наука, литература, символическая культура и др.) породило религиозные цивилизации с христианством, в качестве основного примера. Таким образом, автор описывает исторический переход от Позднеэллинистической и Постэллинистической культур Древнего Рима и Древнего Ближнего Востока к новым национально окрашенным по форме, но наднациональным по содержанию культурам христианства в Cредние века.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 155-162

Education like others spheres of life of modern society is in the state of dynamic changes. New formats of universities as well as their missions and roles in the social and economic development are actively discussed by professional environment. A number of external and internal factors that determine the depth and scale of transformation have effects on the development of the system of higher education. The system of higher education is under the influence of the system and institutional dynamics, which dictate the need for changes. The activity of universities as centers of education, science and culture is one of the most important bases of social progress. This role becomes especially important in XXI century, which is based on new knowledge and principles of technological development. First of all a university takes new features in the current conditions of globalization. The fundamental task that needs to be solved in order to achieve the goals of a modern University is the change of meanings, goals and content of education by active participation in the internationalization processes of the system of higher education and by introducing reforms in educational process. Of course new economic conditions (global market and information technologies) require modifications. It was stated that the commercialization of University innovations in Azerbaijan is a relatively new direction, since the country is just adopts the path of an innovative economy. In this regard the transformation of a scientific idea to a product or a service faces a number of difficulties. It was investigated the problem of commercialization of the results of scientific activities of higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan. For the first time Azerbaijan State University of Economics has implemented its rebranding in the educational system of the country in order to strengthen the market position of the educational institution and realization of innovative marketing strategies. The University’s strategic goals were defined under the UNEC brand, and the brand development was successfully continued with the support of the scientific and expert community. An integrative educational environment is created in Azerbaijan State University of Economics and such environment ensures the unity of the “education – science – innovation – commercialization – production system”. It is important to note that UNEC strategy also provides for clustering of economical education and so that it provides for increasing the integration pace of the University into the world scientific and educational space. The article presents the innovative infrastructure of Azerbaijan State University of Economics connected with its integration into the global scientific and educational environment. The paper studies the matters of the international cooperation issues of the University with universities of such countries as USA, EU, Russia, Turkey, which expands the academic potential of the University and increases its competitiveness. The article substantiates the conclusion that the globalization of higher education increases the importance of commercialization of higher education institutions in the field of education and science. The article reveals the successful experience of UNEC University in the creation and implementation of joint educational programs, expanding academic mobility, attracting foreign applicants, conducting joint researches and international scientific events in partnership with universities in the EU, Russia and Turkey.

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