scholarly journals Evaluation and prioritization of rice production practices and constraints under temperate climatic conditions using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP)

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. e0909 ◽  
Shabir A. Mir ◽  
Theagarajan Padma

Due to overwhelming complex and vague nature of interactions between multiple factors describing agriculture, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods are widely used from farm to fork to facilitate systematic and transparent decision support, figure out multiple decision outcomes and equip decision maker with confident decision choices in order to choose best alternative. This research proposes a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) based decision support to evaluate and prioritize important factors of rice production practices and constraints under temperate climatic conditions and provides estimate of weightings, which measure relative importance of critical factors of the crop under biotic, abiotic, socio-economic and technological settings. The results envisage that flood, drought, water logging, late sali, temperature and rainfall are important constraints. However, regulating transplantation time; maintaining planting density; providing training to the educated farmers; introducing high productive varieties like Shalimar Rice-1 and Jhelum; better management of nutrients, weeds and diseases are most important opportunities to enhance rice production in the region. Therefore, the proposed system supplements farmers with precise decision information about important rice production practices, opportunities and constraints.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Akik Hidayat ◽  
Ebby Syabilal Rasyad

Nowadays, there are many brands of notebook with various specifications and prices are available in markets. This condition makes consumers face difficulties in determining the  appropriate option according to their needs and budget. Correspondingly, development of computer has also increased, for instance the use of computer in giving the best decision about a certain issue, in this case it is a matter of choosing a notebook. Therefore, it is important to develop a decision support system in order to choose notebooks by using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) so that consumers can determine the fittest notebook in accordance with the consumer’s wishes and budget.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Wahyu Widodo ◽  
Haiban Zainur

Penentuan lokasi untuk mendirikan gerai baru minimarket masih dilakukan secara manual dan sering terjadi lokasi yang ditentukan tidak tepat sasaran karena tanpa mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor resiko yang akan terjadi. Maka perlu dibangun suatu Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Menentukan Lokasi Pendirian Gerai Baru pada Minimarket modern dengan memanfaatkan model Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Model ini melakukan penilaian kelayakan lokasi dengan 9 kriteria, yaitu jarak dengan pasar tradisional, dampak sosial lingkungan, rencana operasi, lokasi, akses jalan, jarak hunian, trafik, fasilitas pendukung, dan luas bangunan. Kemudian dilakukan pembobotan nilai kriteria yang menghasilkan pemeringkatan alternatif yang objektif.  Hasil dari 8 kali pengujian dengan jumlah kriteria dan lokasi yang berbeda, perhitungan sensitifitas menujukan nilai sebesar 72.72 %, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem pendukung keputusan ini sudah dapat berfungsi dengan baik untuk melakukan pemilihan lokasi pendirian gerai baru.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-251
Addin Aditya ◽  
Febry Eka Purwiantono

The purpose of this research is to build a decision support model for prospective students in choosing undergraduate programs at state universities after they accomplished their high school. There are more than 800 undergraduate programs from science and technology departments from 40 state universities in Indonesia. In this research, we use the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) to model a decision. This method is chosen because able to make comparisons between criteria more complex than other DSS (Decision Support System) methods. For the criteria used in this research is computer-based test result, student capacity in 2019 and the people who interest in those majors in 2018. The main result of this research is a ranking of science and technology departments at 40 state universities in Indonesia. The results of this research are expected to be able to assist students in choosing majors that will be taken after graduation in their school. In addition, the method of this research can also be continued in subsequent researches that are similar (theoretically). Whereas practically, this method can be implemented every year using different data.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.27) ◽  
pp. 238 ◽  
Satria Abadi ◽  
Miftachul Huda ◽  
Bushrah Basiron ◽  
Siti Suhaila Ihwani ◽  
Kamarul Azmi Jasmi ◽  

Notebooks are technological devices widely adopted to assist in human daily life including learning, business, communication and other tasks. Equipped with the distinctive features, notebook was facilitated more simply for one touch screen basis to enable freely in exploring the users’ creativity. This study attempts to examine the process of selecting notebook brand among the consumers. Using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) to help decision support system in the selection of Notebook from decision support systems designed to enhance all decision-process through identifying problems, selecting relevant data and defining the approaches was used to evaluate the selection of alternatives in the decision-making process. The finding reveals that the visibility of decision making into the ranking of priority with alternative choice of notebook can be viewed as follows Zyrex 16%, HP 15%, Asus 14%, Apple 13%, Samsung and Axioo 11%, Acer and Toshiba with priority 10 %. 

Yudi Istianto ◽  
Bambang Sugiantoro

The tourism industry is currently one of the important assessments for a certain region. Gunungkidul has a lot of of beach tourism potentials until visitors are confused to choose the right beach. The purpose of this research is to analyze and apply Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process method in calculating the selection of beach tourism object in Gunungkidul with eight main criteria into a website.Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a decision-making method to establish the best alternative of a number of alternatives based on several criteria that will be considered. One method of MCDM is the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process method. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process is a method of developing Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which can describe unclear decisions and minimize uncertainty on AHP. Fuzzy approach, especially triangular fuzzy number to AHP scale, is expected to minimize uncertainty so that expected result was obtained more accurately.The decision support system for choosing a beach resort in Gunungkidul has been successfully built by applying the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process method. The calculation of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process method with the same computer result with manual calculation. The testing system was done using Black Box method by testing Alpha and Betha. From the results of system testing, it was known that the average result of the overall function score was 104 which was on rating scale 97.51 - 120 (Very Good).

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-39
Luluk Suryani ◽  
Raditya Faisal Waliulu ◽  
Ery Murniyasih

Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) adalah salah satu penggerak perekonomian suatu daerah, termasuk Kota Sorong. UKM di Kota Sorong belum berkembang secara optimal. Ada beberapa penyebab diantaranya adalah mengenai finansial, lokasi, bahan baku dan lain-lain. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalah tersebut peneliti terdorong untuk melakukan pengembangan Aplikasi yang dapat membantu menentukan prioritas UKM yang sesuai dengan kondisi pelaku usaha. Pada penelitian ini akan digunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP), untuk pengambilan keputusannya. Metode AHP dipilih karena mampu menyeleksi dan menentukan alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif yang tersedia. Dalam hal ini alternatif yang dimaksudkan yaitu UKM terbaik yang dapat dipilih oleh pelaku usaha sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap atribut, kemudian dilakukan proses perankingan yang akan menentukan alternatif yang optimal, yaitu UKM. Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan yang dikembangkan berbasis Android, dimana pengguna akan mudah menggunakannya sewaktu-waktu jika terjadi perubahan bobot pada kriteria atau intensitas.  Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa metode AHP berhasil diterapkan pada Aplikasi Penentuan Prioritas Pengembangan UKM.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 663 ◽  
Muhammad Fadlan ◽  
Muhammad Muhammad ◽  

Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA) sebagai salah satu bentuk dukungan pemerintah Republik Indonesia terhadap dunia pendidikan. Beasiswa yang disalurkan oleh pemerintah melalui Perguruan Tinggi yang ada di Indonesia ini, penyeleksian dan penetapan penerimanya sepenuhnya diserahkan kepada pihak Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan. Tahap inilah yang sangat rentan terjadinya kecurangan. Pada objek penelitian  yang diteliti hingga saat ini proses penyeleksian masih dilakukan dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel, hal ini tentu saja kurang efektif dan efisien, serta rentan akan terjadinya kesalahan bahkan kecurangan. Untuk itu, diperlukan suatu metodologi dan aplikasi yang tepat dalam melakukan penyeleksian penerima beasiswa tersebut. Decision Support System digunakan sebagai solusi untuk melakukan perekomendasian penerima beasiswa, khususnya dengan menggunakan Metode Technique  for  Order  Preference  by  Similarity  to  Ideal  Solution  (TOPSIS)  dan  Analytical  Hierarcy Process (AHP). Penggunaan kombinasi dua metode tersebut dilakukan agar memiliki tingkat akurasi yang baik jika dibandingkan  dengan menggunakan satu metode. Hasilnya,  aplikasi  decision support system dengan penerapan kombinasi metode Topsis dan AHP berhasil di rancang dan di ujicoba, serta sukses dalam perekomendasian penerima beasiswa PPA dengan menghasilkan data alternatif mahasiswa yang terurut mulai dari nilai preferensi yang paling tinggi 0.764 hingga terendah 0.189. Hasil ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi pengambil keputusan dalam mengambil keputusan yang efektik, efisien dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.

Alek Siswanto ◽  
Syariful Alim

Grant scholarships to students are conducted by the University based on the achievements achieved. Since the last few years Bhayangkara University has run a Joint Degree Program scholarship in cooperation with Thailand, India, and plans to continue to the Netherlands. In scholarship grants, the Universityoften finds it difficult to determine the scholarship recipients, so it is found that scholarships are not accurate due to the manual system for the awarding of scholarships. The decision support system is an information system aimed at assisting the University in solving the problem of awarding Joint Degree Program scholarship. One method that can be used in decision support systems is Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method takes into account the extent of validity to the extent of inconsistency tolerance of the various criteria and alternatives chosen by the decision maker. In this research, the data used is UBHARA student data 3 last generation. The criteria used are GPA, TOEFL score, TPA Test Score, and Value of Communication Skill Test. From the results of experiments carried out the results of manual calculations of the application and manual calculations from the Institute of Cooperation get a presentation 100% equation in determining scholarship recipients. So as to produce the ranking of students, two students with the highest score in each department that will get a Joint Degree Program scholarship.Keywords: Scholarship, Student, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Decision Support System.

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