“What May Look Like Nothing to You, Is Everything to Someone Else”

Quenton Cypress ◽  
Stephen Bridenstine

What are the future heritage concerns of the Seminole Tribe of Florida? How will the THPO be relevant to that discussion in the next five, ten, twenty, and more years? Working with Tribal youth is one of the most important aspects of the office and one in which we are most proud of our achievements to date. Two tribal government programs allow the opportunity for Tribal youth to work within the department: the Summer Work Experience Program for high school students and Tribal Work Experience Program for adults. These programs are immersive, allowing students to learn more about the processes of working in a THPO. There is no doubt the students have themselves fundamentally shaped the broader staff and the program itself. In this way the THPO can operate as a cultural learning vehicle allowing Tribal youth to be more than passive learners of their culture. They are tasked to seek out, learn, and protect cultural knowledge through the various projects undertaken by the THPO. The resultant learning experience is meaningful, reflexive, and vibrant, offering opportunities for transmission of cultural knowledge that might have otherwise been lost.

Hellan Dellamycow Gomes Viana ◽  
Pericles de Lima Sobreira ◽  
Levy Marlon Souza Santiago ◽  
Jauberth Weyll Abijaude ◽  
Karim El Guemhioui ◽  

Margaret Lincoln

During the academic year 2007-2008, a hybrid online course was piloted at Lakeview High School in Battle Creek, Michigan. The course was created in response to a newly mandated Michigan Department of Education online learning graduation requirement. Blackboard Learning Management System was utilized for instruction. The curricular focus was information literacy. Students included 11th and 12th graders who also gained real world library work experience. In the new online learning environment, library media specialists are creating an infrastructure to support the dynamic and evolving ways that students and teachers use information resources.

1986 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 30-33
Victoria Pohl

String art on an octahedron provides a viable way to teach and illustrate geometric concepts to junior high school students. This learning experience also furnihes an opportunity to correlate mathematics and art. Furthermore, artistic geometric constructions often stimulate junior high school students, particularly those who do not fare well in other areas of mathematics. After completing the following construction, students and teache rs should agree that learning can be fun.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Anas Arfandi ◽  
Onesimus Sampebua

Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesiapan siswa SMK dan sekolah menghadapi praktik kerja industri dan kesiapan pihak industri melaksanakan praktik kerja industri. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis survei. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh guru pembimbing prakerin dan kepala sekolah, instruktur prakerin di industri, dan seluruh siswa kelas XI program keahlian teknik bangunan di Kota Makassar yang telah melaksanakan prakerin. Penarikan sampel menggunakan ProportionateSampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi, sedang analisis data dengan teknik statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa SMK siap melakukan praktik kerja industri. Hal itu didukung oleh tingkat pengetahuan siswa, sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh sekolah, dan kemampuan keterampilan dasar siswa yang baik. SMK siap melakukan praktik kerja industri. Industri pelaksana prakerin siap melakukan praktik kerja industri terutama pada industri golongan besar dan menengah, sedang industri golongan kecil hanya 75%. Kerja sama yang terbangun antara industri dan sekolah masih kurang baik terutama pada industri-industri golongan kecil, sedang golongan menengah dan besar sudah cukup baik walaupun masih sangat terbatas. Kata kunci: kesiapan, praktik kerja industri, program studi keahlian teknik bangunanTHE READINESS IN IMPLEMENTING THE INDUSTRIAL WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM OF THE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IN MAKASSAR CITY Abstract:This study was aimed to describe the readiness of the vocational high school students, the schools and the industries to implement the industrial work experience program. This study belongs to a survey method. The population consisted of all teachers supervising the industrial work experience program and principals, all instructors in industries, and all grade XI students in the civil engineering program in Makassar City joining the industrial work experience program. The sample was drawn using the proportional stratified sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaires, observations, and documentation, while the data were analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that the students were ready to implement the industrial work experience program. This was supported by the students’ knowledge level, the socialization done by the schools, and the students’ good basic skill ability. The vocational high schools were ready to implement the industrial work experience program. The industries were also ready to implement the industrial work experience program, especially those belonging to the large and medium scales, while the small scale industries were not fully ready (only 75%). The cooperation between industries and schools were not good, especially in the small scale industries, while in the large and medium scale industries, the cooperation was better, though it was still limited. Keyword: the readiness, industrial work experience program, civil engineering

Hanan Almarashdi ◽  
Adeeb M. Jarrah

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in several countries being locked down, there has been a paradigm shift in terms of learning worldwide. As a result, educational institutions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have acted swiftly and shifted from face-to-face education to distance learning. Thus, this study investigated high school students’ perspectives on the distance learning of mathematics. The research employed a quantitative method using a developed and validated online survey. The convenience sampling consisted of 580 high school students in Al Ain. Descriptive statistical analysis of the mean and standard deviation of scores was used and then interpreted based on Gagné’s rating (1991). In general, the results showed that the students had an ambivalent view of their distance learning experience. Notably, students’ most negative perceptions were about missing the interaction with teachers and colleagues, and disapproving of the unfavourably long screen times. Furthermore, 78.3% of the participants showed no preference for choosing to study mathematics by distance learning in the future, given a choice. This study has extra relevance since the process of distance learning has become more prevalent in the UAE owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, it is imperative that educational institutions try to understand the complexity and embedded nature of distance learning, and the challenges encountered by students while they are studying mathematics in an online environment.

10.28945/3989 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 025-040
MaryBeth Walpole ◽  
Felicia Crockett

Aim/Purpose: Service Learning is not used in graduate education to the extent it is in un-dergraduate education. This paper utilizes a developmental evaluation methodological approach and a strategic partnership conceptual framework in examining a service learning course in which higher education master students gain valuable experience they can use in their careers while assisting high school students as they apply to college. Background: Little research has been done on service learning at the graduate level. Moreover, although service learning is growing on campuses, master of higher education students may not have experience with it. Additionally, gaps in college access by socioeconomic status and race continue to exist, yet little research has been done on how service recipients experience service learning. This paper evaluates a service learning course and addresses the service recipients who were high school students at the time and the experiences of graduate students who were enrolled in the course. The research questions are the following. To what extent do high school recipients report an increase in college application behaviors from the beginning to the end of the service learning experience? How do high school recipients describe their experiences with the graduate students? How do Master of Higher Education students describe their knowledge of the college admission process as a result of their experiences with service learning? How do they describe their experiences with service learning? What skills, if any, do they report improved as a result of the service learning experience? Methodology: The paper uses developmental program evaluation methodological ap-proach, and data collection strategies include survey responses and inter-views with former high school students as well as document analysis of former graduate students’ reflective essays and interviews with them. Contribution: Little is documented regarding graduate student experiences with service learning, particularly Higher Education master programs. Additionally, little research exists on service recipients experiences. Findings: The service learning course was helpful to the high school students’ college application process, and students reported increases in college application behaviors as a result of the service learning project. The course also strengthened the higher education master students’ communication skills, interpersonal skills, and awareness of diversity and equity issues. Recommendations for Practitioners: Service learning experiences can be utilized to strengthen higher education master students’ skills, and detailed information regarding the process of creating a service learning course are provided in the paper. Recommendation for Researchers: The paper recommends additional research on service learning in graduate programs and additional research on the experiences of service recipients and community partners. Impact on Society: This paper impacts master students who plan to work on college campuses and strengthen their skills in several areas that should positively affect the future students with whom they work. Additionally, the course resulted in high school students reporting increased college application behaviors, such as taking admission tests, seeking letters of recommendation, and writing essays, and may increase the number of students from underrepresented backgrounds who successfully enroll in college. Future Research: Additional research on service learning in graduate programs and additional research on the experiences of service learning recipients should follow this study.

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