Johann Gottfried Herder und der Norden. Elemente eines Konstruktionsprozesses

Bernd Henningsen
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 82 ◽  
Noezafri Amar

This research was aimed at describing the accuracy level of Google Translate especially in translating English text into Indonesian based on language error analysis and the use of equivalence strategy. The data were collected by taking one paragraph from Johann Gottfried Herder’s Selected Writings on Aesthetics book as the source text. Then they were translated by Google Translate (GT). The data of GT translation were analyzed by comparing them with the measurement instrument of translation equivalence level and elaborating the equivalence strategy of GT. By doing so the language errors were seen thus the accuracy level of GT translation could be described. The result of this research showed that (1) out of 13 source data only 4 or 31% are accurate translation, 7 or 54% are less accurate translation, and 2 or 15% are inaccurate translation. Therefore it is implied that its reliability for accurate level is only 31%. Half of them is less understandable and a few are not understandable. (2) If the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is sufficiently transposition and literal, GT can produce an accurate translation. (3) If the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is combined strategy between transposition and modulation or descriptive, more difficult strategies, GT just produce less accurate translation because it kept using literal and transposition strategies. (4) But if the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is only modulation, GT just produce inaccurate translation which is not understandable because it can only use transposition strategy. Even if the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is just a transposition strategy, in one case, GT failed to translate and it produced inaccurate translation because its strategy is only literal. In conclusion, especially in this case study, Google Translate can only translate English source text into Indonesian correctly if the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is just literal or transposition.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat keakuratan Google Translate khususnya dalam menerjemahkan teks berbahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia berdasarkan analisis kesalahan bahasa dan penggunaan strategi pemadanan. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengambil satu paragraf dari buku Johann Gottfried Herder yang berjudul ‘Selected Writings on Aesthetics’ sebagai teks sumber. Kemudian data tersebut diterjemahkan oleh Google Translate (GT). Data terjemahan GT itu dianalisis dengan cara membandingkannya dengan instrumen pengukur tingkat kesepadanan terjemahan dan menjelaskan strategi pemadanan yang digunakan. Dengan melakukan hal tersebut kesalahan bahasanya dapat terlihat sehingga tingkat keakuratan terjemahan GT dapat dideskripsikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) Dari 13 data sumber hanya 4 data atau 31% yang merupakan terjemahan akurat, 7 data atau 54% merupakan terjemahan yang kurang akurat, dan 2 data atau 15% merupakan terjemahan tidak akurat. Dengan demikian tingkat kehandalannya sampai pada tingkat akurat hanya sebesar 31% saja. Sementara sekitar setengahnya lagi kurang dapat dipahami. Sedangkan sisanya tidak bisa dipahami. (2) Apabila strategi pemadanan yang seharusnya dipakai cukup transposisi dan terjemahan literal saja ternyata GT mampu menghasilkan terjemahan yang akurat. (3) Apabila strategi yang harus dipakai adalah strategi kombinasi antara transposisi dan modulasi atau deskriptif, strategi yang lebih sulit, GT hanya mampu menghasilkan terjemahan yang kurang akurat karena tetap menggunakan strategi penerjemahan literal dan transposisi saja. (4) Tetapi apabila strategi yang seharusnya dipakai hanya strategi modulasi saja GT hanya menghasilkan terjemahan tidak akurat, yang tidak bisa dipahami karena hanya mampu memakai strategi transposisi saja. Bahkan jika seharusnya strategi yang dipakai adalah sekedar transposisi, pada satu kasus, GT ternyata gagal menerjemahkan dan menghasilkan terjemahan tidak akurat karena strategi yang dipakainya adalah penerjemahan literal. Sebagai simpulan, khususnya dalam studi kasus ini, Google Translate hanya mampu menerjemahkan teks sumber berbahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia secara akurat jika strategi pemadanannya yang sesuai hanya sekedar literal atau transposisi.

Sarah Collins

This chapter examines the continuities between the categories of the “national” and the “universal” in the nineteenth century. It construes these categories as interrelated efforts to create a “world” on various scales. The chapter explores the perceived role of music as a world-making medium within these discourses. It argues that the increased exposure to cultural difference and the interpretation of that cultural difference as distant in time and space shaped a conception of “humanity” in terms of a universal history of world cultures. The chapter reexamines those early nineteenth-century thinkers whose work became inextricably linked with the rise of exclusivist notions of nationalism in the late nineteenth century, such as Johann Gottfried Herder and John Stuart Mill. It draws from their respective treatment of music to recover their early commitment to universalizable principles and their view that the “world” is something that must be actively created rather than empirically observed.

1953 ◽  
Vol 6 (jg) ◽  
pp. 617-633
August Wolff

2000 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-265
Lukas Erne

Britain began making Shakespeare her national poet early in the eighteenth century, and Germany followed suit a few decades later, progressively turning ‘unser Shakespeare’ into one of three national poets, with Goethe and Schiller. As early as 1773, Johann Gottfried Herder included his essay on ‘Shakespear’ in a collection entitled Von Deutscher Art und Kunst. The drama of the ‘Sturm und Drang’, which Herder's collection programmatically inaugurated, appropriated what Goethe (Götz von Berlichingen), Schiller (The Robbers) and their contemporaries (mis)understood to be Shakespeare's dramatic technique. By the end of the century, the assimilation had advanced far enough for August Wilhelm von Schlegel, the famous translator of seventeen of Shakespeare's plays, to indulge in no slight national chauvinism: ‘I am eager’, he writes in a letter to his cotranslator Ludwig Tieck, ‘to have your letters on Shakespeare.… I hope you will prove, among other things, that Shakespeare wasn't English. I wonder how he came to dwell among the frosty, stupid souls on that brutal island? … The English critics understand nothing about Shakespeare.’ Even though Tieck failed to prove that Shakespeare was not of English birth, the conviction that Shakespeare was best understood by German rather than by English critics only grew in the course of the nineteenth century. Appropriately, it was in Germany that the first periodical devoted exclusively to Shakespeare, the Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, was founded in 1865. Fifty years later, the German novelist Gerhart Hauptmann could still claim that ‘there is no people, not even the English, that has the same right to claim Shakespeare as the German. Shakespeare's characters are a part of our world, his soul has become one with ours: and though he was born and buried in England, Germany is the country where he truly lives.’

Renata Gambino ◽  
Grazia Pulvirenti

Recent theories within the avenue of the bio-cultural turn, and particularly about embodied cognition are forecasted in the anthropological, philosophical, physiological and scientific debate of the late 18th century in Germany. Philosopher and theologian Johann Gottfried Herder contributed to this discourse sigificantly, opening up new perspectives on the link among thought and language and body. In this paper we aim at highlighting some core issues of Herders’s discourse about knowledge, perception and cognition, that seem to anticipate some of the most recent 4E Cognition issues.

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