Mathematics as Current Events

1993 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-116
Mary F. Klein

The Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM1989) lists “learning to value mathematics” as one goal for students. The intent of this goal is “to focus attention on the need for student awareness of the interaction between mathematics and the historical situations from whkh it has developed and the impact that interaction has on our culture and our lives.” One way to reach this goal is to study the history of mathematics; another way is to study current events and see mathematics in the making

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 420-422
James Fey

For mathematics educators of a certain age or those with particular expertise in the history of mathematics education, the appearance of a book that purports to describe, analyze, and explain the “new math” movement of the 1950s and 1960s quite reasonably prompts the question: What else could possibly be said about that iconic era? Others with less experience in or historical knowledge of the field might pass on the book because they are only vaguely aware of the new math as a longago and thoroughly discredited effort to reform school mathematics curricula and teaching. However, I think mathematics educators in both groups–knowledgeable veterans and newcomers to the field–will find Christopher J. Phillips's retelling of the new math story a fascinating read that is filled with timeless insights into the academic and political dynamics of school mathematics and, more broadly, American education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 212-239
Ligia Arantes Sad ◽  
Claudia Alessandra C. de Araujo Lorenzoni

El texto discute el potencial y las contribuciones de la Historia de las Matemáticas en las prácticas de enseñanza de la Educación Matemática, ilustrada por dos episodios específicos de la práctica pedagógica de los autores. Toma como notas teóricas estudios como los de Ferreira, D'Ambrosio, Barbin, Jankivist y Vianna sobre los argumentos, implicaciones y sugerencias dirigidas al uso didáctico de la historia de las matemáticas. Los fundamentos de los autores se basan en un diálogo con la etnomatemática, entendiendo así las matemáticas escolares o las matemáticas, vistas en una forma occidental dominante, como una entre otras posibilidades de hacer y pensar matemáticamente. A lo largo del texto, la historia se destaca como un subsidio para la creación, tanto individual como colectiva, de explicaciones, relaciones de significados, objetos y significados que no se constituyeron hasta entonces. La creatividad, desde la perspectiva de Karwowski, Jankovska y Szwajkowski, y la investigación, en la línea de Ponte, se presentan como elementos relevantes en el proceso de enseñanza para estimular en cada estudiante una relación de construcción y apropiación del conocimiento matemático escolar de manera participativa. , interrogador y productor de nuevos conocimientos. Como resultado, señalamos: ser capaces de unir teorías e ideas científicas al analizar el potencial y las contribuciones de la Historia de las Matemáticas en las prácticas de enseñanza de la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la escuela, involucrando investigación y creatividad en metodologías y contextos híbridos de diferentes culturas.Palabras clave: Historia de las matemáticas. Educación matemática escolar. Juegos indígenas tradicionales. Investigación y creatividad.  HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS IN MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION, A ROUTE OF RESEARCH, CREATIVITY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY AbstractThe text discusses the potential and contributions of the History of Mathematics in teaching practices in Mathematical Education, illustrated by two specific episodes of the authors' pedagogical practice. It takes as theoretical notes studies like those of Ferreira, D'Ambrosio, Barbin, Jankivist and Vianna about the arguments, implications and suggestions directed to the didactic use of the history of mathematics. The authors' foundations are based on a dialogue with Ethnomathematics, thus understanding school mathematics or mathematics - seen in a dominant Western way - as one among other possibilities of doing and thinking mathematically. Throughout the text, history stands out as a subsidy for the creation, both individual and collective, of explanations, relations of meanings, objects and meanings that were not constituted until then. Creativity, from the perspective of Karwowski, Jankovska and Szwajkowski, and research, in the Ponte line, are presented as relevant elements in the teaching process in order to stimulate in each student a relationship of construction and appropriation of school mathematical knowledge in a participatory way, questioner and producer of new knowledge. As a result we point out - being able to unite theories and scientific ideas when analyzing potentialities and contributions of the History of Mathematics in teaching practices of school Mathematics teaching, involving research and creativity in hybrid methodologies and contexts of different cultures.Keywords: History of Mathematics. School mathematical education. Traditional indigenous games. Research and creativity. HISTÓRIA DA MATEMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO MATEMÁTICA, UMA VIA DE INVESTIGAÇÃO, CRIATIVIDADE E DIVERSIDADE CULTURAL ResumoO texto discute potencialidades e contribuições da História da Matemática em práticas docentes da Educação Matemática, ilustradas por dois episódios específicos da prática pedagógica das autoras. Toma como apontamentos teóricos estudos como os de Ferreira, D’Ambrosio, Barbin, Jankivist e Vianna acerca dos argumentos, implicações e sugestões direcionadas ao uso didático da história da matemática. Os fundamentos das autoras são alicerçados em diálogo com a Etnomatemática, entendendo, assim, a matemática ou a matemática escolar - vista de modo ocidental dominante – como uma entre outras possibilidades do fazer e pensar matematicamente. Ao longo do texto, destaca-se a história como subsídio para criação, tanto individual quanto coletiva, de explicações, relações de significados, objetos e sentidos que não estavam até então constituídos. A criatividade, na perspectiva de Karwowski, Jankovska e Szwajkowski, e a investigação, na linha de Ponte, são apresentadas como elementos relevantes no processo de ensino a fim de estimular em cada estudante uma relação de construção e apropriação do conhecimento matemático escolar de forma participativa, questionadora e produtora de novos conhecimentos. Como resultado apontamos - poder unir teorias e ideias científicas ao analisar  potencialidades e contribuições da História da Matemática em práticas docentes do ensino da Matemática escolar, envolvendo a investigação e a criatividade em metodologias híbridas e contextos de diferentes culturas.Palavras-chave: História da Matemática. Educação matemática escolar. Jogos tradicionais indígenas. Investigação e criatividade.

2012 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-274
Andreas Stynen

Filmhistorici beperkten zich lange tijd tot de studie van inhoudelijke en vormelijke aspecten enerzijds en van regisseurs anderzijds. In de jaren 1990 verbreedde de focus en sindsdien worden ook het publiek en de hele kijkervaring als relevante geschiedkundige thema’s erkend. Dat perceptie vanuit diverse invalshoeken kan worden geanalyseerd, blijkt uit enkele recente publicaties van Vlaamse auteurs. In De verlichte stad (2007), een bundel onder redactie van Daniël Biltereyst en Philippe Meers, staat de geschiedenis van de infrastructuur en (verzuilde) kaders achter het bioscooplandschap centraal. Dat het zinvol is om ook vanuit de programmatie de impact op de toeschouwers te bestuderen, blijkt overtuigend uit Roel Vande Winkel en Ine Van linthouts De Vlaschaard 1943 (2007): deze minutieuze reconstructie van de controversiële verfilming van Stijn Streuvels’ grote doorbraakroman, in volle oorlogstijd, gaat uitvoerig in op het verrassende onthaal dat deze Duitse productie te beurt viel. Filmen voor Vlaanderen (2008), van Biltereyst en Vande Winkel, herinnert eraan hoe speelfilms lange tijd werden vertoond als deel van een ruimer programma, dat ook actualiteit en zelfs propaganda omvatte. Clemens De Landtsheer, de eerste secretaris van het IJzerbedevaartcomité, wordt voor het voetlicht geplaatst als één van de belangrijkste promotoren van de funderingsmythe van de Vlaamse beweging. De zeven filosofische gesprekken die Johan Swinnen voor Reflecties (2009) voerde, maken tot slot duidelijk dat filmprojectie niet enkel historische vragen oproept.________Eyes focused on the white screen. Four recent studies about film experience in Flanders.For a long time, film historians limited their studies to the content and formal aspects of film on the one hand and film directors on the other hand. During the 1990’s, the area of interest was widened and since then the public and the total viewing experience have also been recognized as relevant historical themes. Some recent publications by Flemish authors demonstrate that perception may be analysed from various perspectives. The main topic of De verlichte stad (The illuminated city) (2007), an anthology edited by Daniël Biltereyst and Philippe Meers, is the history of the infrastructure and the pillarisation behind the cinema landscape. De Vlaschaard (flax grower)1943 (2007) by Roel Vande Winkel and Ine Van linthout demonstrate convincingly that it is meaningful to study the impact on the audience from the perspective of the programming as well. This precise reconstruction of the controversial adaptation of Stijn Streuvel’s main breakthrough novel for the screen, in the middle of wartime, looks in detail at the surprising welcome enjoyed by this German production. Filming for Flanders (2008), by Biltereyst and Vande Winkel, reminds us how for a long time feature films were shown as part of a larger programme that also included current events and even propaganda. Clemens De Landtsheer, the first secretary of the IJzer Pilgrimage Committee, is brought into the limelight as one of the most important promoters of the foundation myth of the Flemish movement.  Finally, the seven philosophical conversations, which Johan Swinnen engaged in for Reflecties (reflections) (2009), demonstrate that film projections do not only evoke historical questions.

1925 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 296-297
Walter Crosby Eells

The course in history of mathematics is given this year at Whitman College two hours a week for sixteen weeks to a class of five juniors and seniors, all of whom are planning on teaching high school mathematics.

1988 ◽  
Vol 81 (7) ◽  
pp. 583-592 ◽  
Israel Kleiner

The usual definition of complex numbers, either as ordered pairs (a, b) of real numbers or as “numbers” of the form a + bi, does not give any indication of their long and tortuous evolution, which lasted about three hundred years. I want to describe this evolution very briefly because I think some lessons can be learned from this story, just as from many other such stories concerning the evolution of a concept, result, or theory. These lessons have to do with the impact of the history of mathematics on our understanding of mathematics and on our effectiveness in teaching it. But more about the moral of this story later.

1992 ◽  
Vol 85 (8) ◽  
pp. 616-618
Warren W. Esty ◽  
Anne R. Teppo

The NCTM's Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics states, “Evaluation is a tool for implementing the Standards and effecting change systematically” (1989, 189). Tests are one facet of evaluation, and we maintain that mathematics classes are strongly affected by the way in which test scores are used to generate final course grades. In the traditional secondary school mathematics class, current grading practices tend to drive instruction by putting constraints on specific course content and its organization. In turn, content and its organization affect testing and therefore grading. The interaction of these factors is an aspect of assessment that is not specifically discussed by the NCTM's evaluation standards. The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of grading on mathematics instruction and on the implementation of the curriculum and evaluations standards.

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