scholarly journals The rise of Chrome

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. e28 ◽  
Jonathan Tamary ◽  
Dror G. Feitelson

Since Chrome’s initial release in 2008 it has grown in market share, and now controls roughly half of the desktop browsers market. In contrast with Internet Explorer, the previous dominant browser, this was not achieved by marketing practices such as bundling the browser with a pre-loaded operating system. This raises the question of how Chrome achieved this remarkable feat, while other browsers such as Firefox and Opera were left behind. We show that both the performance of Chrome and its conformance with relevant standards are typically better than those of the two main contending browsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox. In addition, based on a survey of the importance of 25 major features, Chrome product managers seem to have made somewhat better decisions in selecting where to put effort. Thus the rise of Chrome is consistent with technical superiority over the competition.

2015 ◽  
Jonathan Tamary ◽  
Dror G Feitelson

Since Chrome's initial release in 2008 it has grown in market share, and now controls roughly half of the desktop browsers market. In contrast with Internet Explorer, the previous dominant browser, this was not achieved by marketing practices such as bundling the browser with a pre-loaded operating system. This raises the question of how Chrome achieved this remarkable feat, while other browsers such as Firefox and Opera were left behind. We show that both the performance of Chrome and its conformance with relevant standards are typically better than those of the two main contending browsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox. In addition, based on a survey of the importance of 25 major features, Chrome product managers seem to have made somewhat better decisions in selecting where to put effort. Thus the rise of Chrome is consistent with technical superiority over the competition.

2015 ◽  
Jonathan Tamary ◽  
Dror G Feitelson

Since Chrome's initial release in 2008 it has grown in market share, and now controls roughly half of the desktop browsers market. In contrast with Internet Explorer, the previous dominant browser, this was not achieved by marketing practices such as bundling the browser with a pre-loaded operating system. This raises the question of how Chrome achieved this remarkable feat, while other browsers such as Firefox and Opera were left behind. We show that both the performance of Chrome and its conformance with relevant standards are typically better than those of the two main contending browsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox. In addition, based on a survey of the importance of 25 major features, Chrome product managers seem to have made somewhat better decisions in selecting where to put effort. Thus the rise of Chrome is consistent with technical superiority over the competition.

2015 ◽  
Jonathan Tamary ◽  
Dror G Feitelson

Since Chrome's initial release in 2008 it has grown in market share, and now controls roughly half of the desktop browsers market. In contrast with Internet Explorer, the previous dominant browser, this was not achieved by marketing practices such as bundling the browser with a pre-loaded operating system. This raises the question of how Chrome achieved this remarkable feat, while other browsers such as Firefox and Opera were left behind. We show that both the performance of Chrome and its conformance with relevant standards are typically better than those of the two main contending browsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox. In addition, based on a survey of the importance of 25 major features, Chrome product managers seem to have made somewhat better decisions in selecting where to put effort. Thus the rise of Chrome is consistent with technical superiority over the competition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Wiwi Warsiati ◽  
Tiris Sudartono ◽  
Riana Dewi

The role of cooperatives on the economy in Indonesia is still low due to low performance and cooperative governance not based on good cooperative governance. Cooperatives find it difficult to develop because they are unable to keep up with changes in the digital era. Pancasila economics was explored and built on the values adopted in Indonesian society which put forward the principles of humanity, nationalism, and cooperative democracy demanded to make a transformation so as not to be left behind by members and society. The Kopti cooperative consists of entrepreneurs who know tempeh has the potential to make changes because the quality of human resources is better than other cooperatives. Cooperatives must build creative and innovative characters for cooperative mobilizers through education and training. Cooperative in the digital era by implementing Information Networks, e-commerce online stores that have advantages such as Cost Savings, Potential Income, Extensive sales, Ease in targeting customers, Facilitating the process when orders increase Keywords: cooperatives, digital era

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 91-116
Robert J. Bast

The 1524 uprising of evangelical artisans in Augsburg on behalf of the Franciscan preacher Johann Schilling counts as a turning point of the Reformation movement in that city. Relying on chronicles, government reports, and interrogation records, previous scholarship—none better than Jörg Rogge’s— has exposed the egalitarian theology and the social, economic, and political critique that united Schilling’s supporters. Yet the source of their ideology has always been unclear, for Schilling left behind neither treatises nor sermon transcriptions. That lacuna can be filled in part by re-examining sources largely overlooked: the four pamphlets published in 1524 by the weaver Ulrich (Utz) Richsner. A contextual reading of those pamphlets suggests a close collaboration between Schilling and Richsner, and a much more central role for Richsner in the movement around Schilling than has yet been recognized. La révolte en 1524 des artisans évangéliques d’Augsbourg pour le compte du prédicateur franciscain Johann Schilling est considérée comme un tournant dans le mouvement de réforme de cette ville. En se basant sur des chroniques, des rapports gouvernementaux et des minutes d’interrogatoires, la recherche — incluant les travaux inégalés de Jörg Rogge — a mis en lumière la théologie égalitaire ainsi que la critique sociale, économique et politique qui ont rassemblé les partisans de Schilling. Toutefois, les sources de cette pensée n’ont jamais été clarifiées, puisque Schilling n’a laissé ni écrits, ni transcriptions de sermons. Cette lacune peut être partiellement comblée en réexaminant des sources qui jusqu’à maintenant ont été négligées, c’est-à-dire les quatre libelles publiés en 1524 par le tisserand Ulrich (Utz) Richsner. Une lecture de ces textes dans leur contexte suggère une collaboration étroite entre Schilling et Richsner, ainsi qu’un rôle beaucoup plus important de Richsner dans le mouvement entourant le procès de Schilling, deux aspects méritant davantage notre attention.

Photographs by J. E. Mack of the first atomic explosion in New Mexico were measured, and the radius, R , of the luminous globe or ‘ball of fire’ which spread out from the centre was determined for a large range of values of t , the time measured from the start of the explosion. The relationship predicted in part I, namely, that R* would be proportional to t , is surprisingly accurately verified over a range from R = 20 to 185 m. The value of R" t-1 so found was used in conjunction with the formulae of part I to estimate the energy E which was generated in the explosion. The amount of this estimate depends on what value is assumed for y , the ratio of the specific heats of air. Two estimates are given in terms of the number of tons of the chemical explosive T.N.T. which would release the same energy. The first is probably the more accurate and is 16,800 tons. The second, which is 23,700 tons, probably overestimates the energy, but is included to show the amount of error which might be expected if the effect of radiation were neglected and that of high temperature on the specific heat of air were taken into account. Reasons are given for believing that these two effects neutralize one another. After the explosion a hemispherical volume of very hot gas is left behind and Mack’s photographs were used to measure the velocity of rise of the glowing centre of the heated volume. This velocity was found to be 35 m./sec. Until the hot air suffers turbulent mixing with the surrounding cold air it may be expected to rise like a large bubble in water. The radius of the ‘equivalent bubble’ is calculated and found to be 293 m. The vertical velocity of a bubble of this radius is 2/3 √(g 29300) or 35.7 m./sec. The agreement with the measured value, 35 m./sec., is better than the nature of the measurements permits one to expect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Siti Sahatul Fatimah ◽  
Sri Marwanti ◽  
Suprapti Supardi

Ekspor merupakan salah satu parameter yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan, agar suatu negara dapat mengetahui seberapa besar pertumbuhan ekonominya. Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor yang memiliki peranan penting dalam kontribusi ekonomi Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kinerja ekspor komoditas udang Indonesia di Amerika Serikat tahun 2009-2017. Komoditas udang yang diteliti dikelompokkan lebih spesifik menjadi tiga jenis produk, yaitu udang beku, udang segar dan udang olahan. Metode analisis adalah Constant Market Share (CMS) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data sekunder daritahun 2009 hingga tahun 2017 yang diperoleh dari United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Division (UN Comtrade) dan International Trade Center (ITC:).Rata-rata pertumbuhan ekspor udang Indonesiasecara umum lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata pertumbuhan ekspor udang dunia. Kinerja ekspor udang beku lebih baik dibanding udang segar dan udang olahan, dilihat dari aspek efek komposisi produk dan dan efek daya saing, namun dari aspek efek distribusi udang beku dan udang segar kalah dibanding dengan udang olahan. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa udang beku Indonesia memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk dikembangkan, walaupun dari aspek distribusi masih lemah (ditunjukkan dengan nilai yang bertanda negatif). Hasil CMS menunjukkan bahwa ekspor udang Indonesia masih berfokus pada udang beku saja, dan kurang memprioritaskan udang segar dan udang olahan. Hal tersebutmenunjukkan bahwa perlu adanya evaluasi baik dari sisi produksi, distribusi dan mutu produk untuk meningkatkan kinerja produk terutama di udang segar maupun olahan. Title: Export Performance of Indonesian Shrimp In the United States During 2009-2017: A Constant Market Share Model Approach  Export is an important sector to calculate the economic growth of the country. Shrimp is one of main commodity that gives significant contribution to Indonesia economic. The research was aimed at analyzing the export performance of Indonesian shrimp in the United States during 2009-2017. Specifically, the shrimps were grouped into three categories, frozen shrimp, fresh shrimp, and processed shrimp. Constant Market Share (CMS) approach was used in this study. This study used secondary data from 2009 to 2017 that were collected from the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Division (UN Comtrade) and International Trade Center (ITC). The average growth of Indonesia shrimp was higher than the average growth of the world shrimp exports. The result of CMS suggested that export performance of frozen shrimp was better than the fresh shrimp and processed shrimp based on product composition and competitiveness effect. However, processed shrimp was better than frozen shrimp and fresh shrimp in terms of distribution effect. The result showed that Indonesia shrimp exports were still focused only on frozen shrimp rather than fresh shrimp and processed shrimp. Frozen shrimp had a great potential of development despite of its poor distribution (negative value). This phenomenon suggested a necessary evaluation on the production, distribution, and product quality to improve the product performance especially on fresh shrimp and processed shrimp.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 427
Li ◽  
Wang ◽  
Guan ◽  
Xie ◽  
Huang ◽  

With the diversification of terminal equipment and operating systems, higher requirements are placed on the rendering performance of maps. The traditional map rendering engine relies on the corresponding operating system graphics library, and there are problems such as the inability to cross the operating system, low rendering performance, and inconsistent rendering style. With the development of hardware, graphics processing unit (GPU) appears in various platforms. How to use GPU hardware to improve map rendering performance has become a critical challenge. In order to address the above problems, this study proposes a cross-platform and high-performance map rendering (Graphics Library engine, GL engine), which uses mask drawing technology and texture dictionary text rendering technology. It can be used on different hardware platforms and different operating systems based on the OpenGL graphics library. The high-performance map rendering engine maintains a consistent map rendering style on different platforms. The results of the benchmark experiments show that the performance of GL engine is 1.75 times and 1.54 times better than the general map rendering engine in the iOS system and in the Android system, respectively, and the rendering performance for vector tiles is 11.89 times and 9.52 times better than rendering in the Mapbox in the iOS system and in the Android system, respectively.

1984 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-201 ◽  
Roderick Brodie ◽  
Cornelis A. De Kluyver

Linear and multiplicative market share models are compared with the attraction specification on the basis of both predictive and descriptive measures. The data used represent 15 brands in three different markets. The results show that linear and multiplicative models with brand-specific parameters estimated by OLS or GLS may perform as well as or better than the attraction specification. The failure of parameter restrictions and ex-post normalization to improve prediction power is explained in terms of the heterogeneity in the estimated parameters. This finding is consistent across brands and models and suggests that the hypothesis of equal response parameters across brands should be tested formally before such restrictions are imposed. The combined results suggest that the attraction model may have considerable intuitive appeal, but that its superiority for descriptive and predictive purposes is not yet established.

2011 ◽  
Vol 135-136 ◽  
pp. 834-839 ◽  
Xu Dong Li ◽  
Zhou Lei

It is known to all that the performance of Para-virtualization virtualization machine is much better than full virtualization machine's. However, the full virtualization machine has advantage that it need not require modify the operating system kernel. Therefore we worked to improve the performance of network in the full virtualization environment. This paper provide a method to improve Xen network virtualization performance and so we could be both using the full virtualization machine without change the operating system and improve its performance to a high level.

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