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Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 143
Hamed Hafizi ◽  
Ali Arda Sorman

Precipitation measurement with high spatial and temporal resolution over highly elevated and complex terrain in the eastern part of Turkey is an essential task to manage the water structures in an optimum manner. The objective of this study is to evaluate the consistency and hydrologic utility of 13 Gridded Precipitation Datasets (GPDs) (CPCv1, MSWEPv2.8, ERA5, CHIRPSv2.0, CHIRPv2.0, IMERGHHFv06, IMERGHHEv06, IMERGHHLv06, TMPA-3B42v7, TMPA-3B42RTv7, PERSIANN-CDR, PERSIANN-CCS, and PERSIANN) over a mountainous test basin (Karasu) at a daily time step. The Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE), including its three components (correlation, bias, and variability ratio), and the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) are used for GPD evaluation. Moreover, the Hanssen-Kuiper (HK) score is considered to evaluate the detectability strength of selected GPDs for different precipitation events. Precipitation frequencies are evaluated considering the Probability Density Function (PDF). Daily precipitation data from 23 meteorological stations are provided as a reference for the period of 2015–2019. The TUW model is used for hydrological simulations regarding observed discharge located at the outlet of the basin. The model is calibrated in two ways, with observed precipitation only and by each GPD individually. Overall, CPCv1 shows the highest performance (median KGE; 0.46) over time and space. MSWEPv2.8 and CHIRPSv2.0 deliver the best performance among multi-source merging datasets, followed by CHIRPv2.0, whereas IMERGHHFv06, PERSIANN-CDR, and TMPA-3B42v7 show poor performance. IMERGHHLv06 is able to present the best performance (median KGE; 0.17) compared to other satellite-based GPDs (PERSIANN-CCS, PERSIANN, IMERGHHEv06, and TMPA-3B42RTv7). ERA5 performs well both in spatial and temporal validation compared to satellite-based GPDs, though it shows low performance in producing a streamflow simulation. Overall, all gridded precipitation datasets show better performance in generating streamflow when the model is calibrated by each GPD separately.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Imam Roheman ◽  
Dian Anita

This research is motivated by the level of taxpayer compliance in paying Land and Building Tax, the lack of coordination between village collector officers and the Regional Revenue Agency, and the low performance in collecting Land and Building Taxes. The method in this study uses qualitative research. Primary data sources are 10 people. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. Test the validity of the data in this study using prolonged observation of increased persistence and triangulation. The results obtained in this study, the role of village collector officers in improving taxpayer compliance in paying PBB taxes in Subang District, Jalancagak District and Subang District has been implemented but not maximized. Not maximized based on the obstacles that occur, both internal and external obstacles. Internal obstacles include the lack of awareness of taxpayers in paying land and building taxes, lack of understanding of land and building taxes, lack of understanding of the main duties and functions of village collector officers and the economic condition of taxpayers. Meanwhile, external constraints include, where the tax subject is not known to the officer, the contents of the data are not in accordance with the tax object owned, multiple tax returns (SPPT) and regional expansion. The strategic efforts carried out are by providing counseling or socialization, increasing the level of land and building tax services and providing sanctions so that the achievement of the target of land and building tax revenue can be achieved.

Carl James ◽  
imothy Jones ◽  
Saro Farra

The physiological and performance attributes of elite squash players were investigated. Thirty-one players (21 males, world ranking [WR] 42-594; 10 females, WR 7-182) completed a battery of fitness tests which included an aerobic squash-specific physical performance test (SPPT), repeated-sprint ability (RSA), change-of-direction speed (COD), acceleration (5-m sprint), body composition and force development (countermovement jump) assessments. The SPPT provided a finishing lap score, V̇O2max, average movement economy and the lap corresponding to a blood lactate concentration of 4 mM.L-1. Players were ranked and assigned to HIGH or LOW performance tiers. Two-way ANOVA (performance level*sex) revealed higher ranked players performed better (p < 0.05) for SPPT final lap (d = 0.35), 4 mM.L-1 lap (d = 0.52) and COD (d = 0.60). SPPT displayed a ‘very-large’ correlation with 4 mM.L-1 lap (r = 0.86), ‘large’ correlations with COD (r = 0.79), RSA (r = 0.79), sum-of-7 skinfolds (r = 0.71) and V̇O2max (r = 0.69), and a ‘trivial’ correlation with average movement economy (r = 0.02). Assessments of cardiovascular fitness (i.e. 4 mM.L-1 lap), RSA, COD and body composition appear highly pertinent for performance profiling of squash players. Regular, submaximal assessment of the 4 mM.L-1 lap during the SPPT may offer a practical athlete monitoring approach for elite squash players.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Dan Yoon ◽  
Hyoun-Joong Kong ◽  
Byeong Soo Kim ◽  
Woo Sang Cho ◽  
Jung Chan Lee ◽  

AbstractComputer-aided detection (CADe) systems have been actively researched for polyp detection in colonoscopy. To be an effective system, it is important to detect additional polyps that may be easily missed by endoscopists. Sessile serrated lesions (SSLs) are a precursor to colorectal cancer with a relatively higher miss rate, owing to their flat and subtle morphology. Colonoscopy CADe systems could help endoscopists; however, the current systems exhibit a very low performance for detecting SSLs. We propose a polyp detection system that reflects the morphological characteristics of SSLs to detect unrecognized or easily missed polyps. To develop a well-trained system with imbalanced polyp data, a generative adversarial network (GAN) was used to synthesize high-resolution whole endoscopic images, including SSL. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on GAN-synthesized images ensure that synthetic images are realistic and include SSL endoscopic features. Moreover, traditional augmentation methods were used to compare the efficacy of the GAN augmentation method. The CADe system augmented with GAN synthesized images showed a 17.5% improvement in sensitivity on SSLs. Consequently, we verified the potential of the GAN to synthesize high-resolution images with endoscopic features and the proposed system was found to be effective in detecting easily missed polyps during a colonoscopy.

2022 ◽  
Sarath W. Samaranayake ◽  
Patteera Thienpermpool

This paper reports the findings of a study that investigated why a large number of test-takers show a low performance in four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) offered in an entry test used by a College of Technology in Oman to place students in advanced diploma and bachelor’s degree programs. The main research question was meant to find out what difficulties the test takers face in the three tests (Listening, reading, and writing) in two semesters. The study analyzed the entry test results for two semesters including survey results obtained from the test takers regarding the difficulties experienced by them in the three tests and an analysis of writing answer scripts. The findings indicate that most test takers were not qualified enough to pursue their studies in the advanced diploma or bachelor’s degree programs due to their low performance in the entry test. The findings, moreover, suggest that the current placement test poses difficulties for most test-takers. Therefore, based on the findings, the possible reasons for the low performance of the test takers and the fairness of the entry test are explicitly discussed and finally, suggestions and recommendations for addressing the issue of the current entry test are offered.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-222
Gregory T. Papanikos

This paper examines the primary elections of the PanHellenic Socialist Party (PASOK) which were held on 5th and 12th of December 2021. Six candidates run for the position of the president in the first round and two runners-up in the second. As mentioned in the literature, there is a dearth of primary elections studies relative to general elections. The latter attract the attention of mass media for the obvious reason: they determine who or which party will govern the country or any other political entity. Nevertheless, there is a growing literature on primary studies. There are three aspects researched in this literature: (a) primary elections systems, (b) why a political party decides to hold primary elections and (c) the selection criteria of candidates and voters. This paper uses the existing literature to analyze some facets of the history of PASOK’s primary elections, emphasizing the most recent one of 2021. The most important conclusion emerging from this analysis is that ideology did play a role, particularly the candidates’ stance on their possible collaboration with the right-wing or the left-wing parties, which has been a controversial issue in the last decade. Another important conclusion is that PASOK voters opted for a younger candidate primarily because they wanted to get out of the current stalemate of PASOK’s low performance in general elections. As predicted from the literature, the competition between the six candidates resulted in a large turnout on the ballot date even though other factors played a positive role such as very good weather and a wide media coverage. Keywords: primaries, elections, voting, political parties, PASOK, Greece

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Lydia Nyati-Saleshando ◽  
Rosinah T. Mokotedi

This paper presents findings on a case study of how the language in education policy was being implemented at Muzi Primary School. To provide the context, a description of the development of the language in education policy from independence to present period is provided. The study aimed to address the following questions: 1. What factors did teachers perceive to contribute to the low performance of the school? 2. What role did language of instruction play in the learning process? 3. What attitudes were portrayed or displayed by teachers and how did these affect learning? 4. What were the implications of findings to nation-building, democracy, and social integration? The paper argues that the language policy, which promoted monolingualism, was a failure to acknowledge reality and an impediment to learning, a negation of democratic principles and a hinderance to social integration. The school context demonstrated how the education policy fostered monolingualism in a multilingual context and this negatively impacted on learning.

2022 ◽  
pp. 326-348
Peace Kumah ◽  
Winfred Yaokumah ◽  
Charles Buabeng-Andoh

This article focuses on identifying key human resource management (HRM) practices necessary for improving information security performance from the perspective of IT professionals. The Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) via SmartPLS 3.0 was employed and 232 samples were collected from information technology (IT) professionals in 43 organizations. The analysis identified information security training, background checks and monitoring as very important HRM practices that could improve the performance of organizational information security. In particular, the study found training on mobile devices security and malware; background checks and monitoring of potential, current and former employees as of high importance but with low performance. Thus, these key areas need to be improved with top priority. Conversely, the study found accountability and employee relations as being overly emphasized by the organisations. The findings raised some useful implications and information for HR and IT leaders to consider in future information security strategy.

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