tensile crack
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8201
Lihua Li ◽  
Han Yan ◽  
Henglin Xiao ◽  
Wentao Li ◽  
Zhangshuai Geng

It is well known that geomembranes frequently and easily fail at the seams, which has been a ubiquitous problem in various applications. To avoid the failure of geomembrane at the seams, photocuring was carried out with 1~5% photoinitiator and 2% carbon black powder. This geomembrane can be sprayed and cured on the soil surface. The obtained geomembrane was then used as a barrier, separator, or reinforcement. In this study, the direct shear tests were carried out with the aim to investigate the interfacial characteristics of photocured geomembrane–clay/sand. The results show that a 2% photoinitiator has a significant effect on the impermeable layer for the photocured geomembrane–clay interface. As for the photocured geomembrane–sand interface, it is reasonable to choose a geomembrane made from a 4% photoinitiator at the boundary of the drainage layer and the impermeable layer in the landfill. In the cover system, it is reasonable to choose a 5% photoinitiator geomembrane. Moreover, as for the interface between the photocurable geomembrane and clay/sand, the friction coefficient increases initially and decreases afterward with the increase of normal stress. Furthermore, the friction angle of the interface between photocurable geomembrane and sand is larger than that of the photocurable geomembrane–clay interface. In other words, the interface between photocurable geomembrane and sand has better shear and tensile crack resistance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 5327
Hao Wu ◽  
Guoyan Zhao ◽  
Weizhang Liang

Hole defects embedded in rocks have a crucial influence on their stability and failure mechanism. The purpose of this research is to explore the mechanical response and fracture behavior around inverted U-shaped openings in rocks under compressive stress. To begin with, a multitude of uniaxial compression experiments on prismatic sandstone samples with one single or two inverted U-shaped openings with different configurations were carried out. In the experiments, the advanced DIC (digital image correlation) and AE (acoustic emission) apparatus was combinedly utilized to monitor the crack growth and determine the threshold stresses involved in fracture behavior. After that, the stress distributions around the openings under unidirectional stress were simulated by a numerical study. Test results suggest that the presence of openings strongly degrades the strength and deformation parameters, and the reduction degree depends on the number and configuration of openings. During the fracture process, five sorts of cracks, namely the elementary tensile crack, posterior tensile crack, slabbing crack, shear crack and spalling crack, are formed around the openings. For the samples containing two openings, three categories of hole coalescence appear: slabbing coalescence, shear coalescence and tensile coalescence. The failure mode of the samples containing one single or two diagonal openings is dominated by shear cracks, while that of the other samples is tensile-shear failure. Stress analysis shows that the concentrated stresses at the peripheries of the openings can better explain the fracture behavior.

2018 ◽  
Vol 98 (6) ◽  
Fabian Barras ◽  
René Carpaij ◽  
Philippe H. Geubelle ◽  
Jean-François Molinari

Vahab Sarfarazi ◽  
Hadi Haeri ◽  
Mohammad Fatehi

This study presents crack initiation, propagation and coalescenceat or near pre-existing open cracks in a numericalmodel under Brazilian test. Firstly, Particle Flow Code intwo dimensions (PFC2d) was calibrated with respect to thedata obtained from experimental laboratory tests to ensurethe conformity of the simulated numerical models response.Brazilian discs contain one, two, three, four, and five parallelcentred cracks (45° to the horizontal) under compressiveline loading. Models containing two and three cracks havedifferent joint spacing and joint configuration. In model consistingone flaws, tensile cracks initiated from notch tip andpropagates in direction of compressive loading till coalescewith model edge. By increasing the number of notch, first typeof tensile crack initiated at the tips of outer flaws and coalescedwith model edge. Also second type of tensile cracksinitiates from middle of inner flaws and coalesce with tip ofthe neighbouring flaws. The results show that joint spacingand joint configuration has important effect on the failure patternin model consisting two and three notch. Experimentaland numerical results rendered by other researchers showed agood agreement with the numerical results in the coalescencecharacteristics in cracked model. In addition, crack initiationand coalescence stresses in models were analyzed and comparedwith those in the single-flawed model.

2017 ◽  
Vol 191 ◽  
pp. 674-680
Tateki Ishii ◽  
Yuzo Obara ◽  
Minami Kataoka ◽  
Jeong SangSun

2016 ◽  
Vol 673 ◽  
pp. 458-466 ◽  
Haiyan Yue ◽  
Penghuai Fu ◽  
Zhenming Li ◽  
Liming Peng

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