larval supply
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Peter L. Harrison ◽  
Dexter W. dela Cruz ◽  
Kerry A. Cameron ◽  
Patrick C. Cabaitan

Loss of foundation reef-corals is eroding the viability of reef communities and ecosystem function in many regions globally. Coral populations are naturally resilient but when breeding corals decline, larval supply becomes limiting and natural recruitment is insufficient for maintaining or restoring depleted populations. Passive management approaches are important but in some regions they are proving inadequate for protecting reefs, therefore active additional intervention and effective coral restoration techniques are needed. Coral spawning events produce trillions of embryos that can be used for mass larval rearing and settlement on degraded but recoverable reef areas. We supplied 4.6 million Acropora tenuis larvae contained in fine mesh enclosures in situ on three degraded reef plots in the northwestern Philippines during a five day settlement period to initiate restoration. Initial mean larval settlement was very high (210.2 ± 86.4 spat per tile) on natural coral skeleton settlement tiles in the larval-enhanced plots, whereas no larvae settled on tiles in control plots. High mortality occurred during early post-settlement life stages as expected, however, juvenile coral survivorship stabilised once colonies had grown into visible-sized recruits on the reef by 10 months. Most recruits survived and grew rapidly, resulting in significantly increased rates of coral recruitment and density in larval-enhanced plots. After two years growth, mean colony size reached 11.1 ± 0.61 cm mean diameter, and colonies larger than 13 cm mean diameter were gravid and spawned, the fastest growth to reproductive size recorded for broadcast spawning corals. After three years, mean colony size reached 17 ± 1.7 cm mean diameter, with a mean density of 5.7 ± 1.25 colonies per m–2, and most colonies were sexually reproductive. Coral cover increased significantly in larval plots compared with control plots, primarily from A. tenuis recruitment and growth. Total production cost for each of the 220 colonies within the restored breeding population after three years was United States $17.80 per colony. A small but significant increase in fish abundance occurred in larval plots in 2018, with higher abundance of pomacentrids and corallivore chaetodontids coinciding with growth of A. tenuis colonies. In addition, innovative techniques for capturing coral spawn slicks and larval culture in pools in situ were successfully developed that can be scaled-up for mass production of larvae on reefs in future. These results confirm that enhancing larval supply significantly increases settlement and coral recruitment on reefs, enabling rapid re-establishment of breeding coral populations and enhancing fish abundance, even on degraded reef areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 5457-5476
Vanessa Acosta ◽  
Erickxander Jiménez- Ramos ◽  
Ambar Vallera-Véliz

Artificial collectors are tools that explain the settlement dynamics of marine invertebrates. What is known about these in the Caribbean is very limited. In order to identify and quantify the diversity of epibionts in relation to depth, between December, 2015 and August, 2016, cylindrical collectors were suspended on a long line at varying depths. At each experimental depth, bimonthly temperature, chlorophyll a, and total seston records were obtained. 7,078 individuals belonging to five phyla were counted: Chordata, Echinodermata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca. The mollusks, mainly bivalves, were the most abundant, represented by: Pinctada imbricata, Pteria colymbus, and Crassotrea rhizophorae. The recruitment of organisms showed significant changes over time, with different fixation patterns. Abundance, wealth, and diversity, in each of the experimental depths were modulated by the temperature and phytoplankton biomass and the seston. The collectors, regardless of depth and time, acted as artificial habitats, reflecting the variety of benthic organisms, mainly mollusks, that naturally share the different environments that surround the southern coast of the Gulf of Cariaco, which could be a dynamic observed in the southeast Caribbean. The Gulf of Cariaco is an important ecosystem service due to the larval supply it provides to the environment, related to the fertility of its waters. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Romuald N. Lipcius ◽  
Yi Zhang ◽  
Jingyi Zhou ◽  
Leah B. Shaw ◽  
Junping Shi

Restoration of native oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in Chesapeake Bay shows great promise after three decades of failed attempts. Population models used to inform oyster restoration had integrated reef habitat quality, demonstrating that reef height determines oyster population persistence and resilience. Larval recruitment drives population dynamics of marine species, yet its impact with reef height and sediment deposition upon reef restoration is unknown. To assess the influence of reef height, sediment deposition and larval supply, we adapted a single-stage population model to incorporate stage structure using a system of four differential equations modeling change in juvenile density (J), and changes in volume of adults (A), oyster shell reef (R), and sediment (S) on an oyster reef. The JARS model was parameterized with empirical data from field experiments. Larval supply included larvae from the natal population and from outside populations. The stage-structured model possessed multiple non-negative equilibria (i.e., alternative stable states). Different initial conditions (e.g., oyster shell reef height) resulted in different final states. The main novel findings were that the critical reef height for population persistence and resilience was jointly dependent on sediment input and larval supply. A critical minimum larval supply was necessary for a reef to persist, even when initial sediment deposition was zero. As larval supply increased, the initial reef height needed for reef persistence was lowered, and oyster reef resilience was enhanced. A restoration oyster reef with higher larval influx could recover from more severe disturbances than a reef with lower larval influx. To prevent local extinction and assure a positive population state, higher levels of larval supply were required at greater sediment concentrations to overcome the negative effects of sediment accumulation on the reef. In addition, reef persistence was negatively related to sediment deposited on a reef prior to larval settlement and recruitment, implying that restoration reefs should be constructed immediately before settlement and recruitment to minimize sediment accumulation on a reef before settlement. These findings are valuable in oyster reef restoration because they can guide reef construction relative to larval supply and sediment deposition on a reef to yield effective and cost-efficient restoration strategies.

Aquaculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 737639
Bernardo R. Broitman ◽  
Carlos Lara ◽  
Raúl P. Flores ◽  
Gonzalo S. Saldías ◽  
Andrea Piñones ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Ángela Martínez-Quintana ◽  
Howard R. Lasker

Recruitment is a key demographic process for maintenance of local populations and recovery following disturbance. For marine invertebrates, distribution and abundances of recruits are impacted by spatiotemporal variation in larval supply, settlement rates and post-settlement survival. However, for colonial and modular organisms, differences in survival and growth between settlers and colonial recruits may also affect recruitment patterns. In the Caribbean, shifts in the benthic community structure favoring octocoral’s have been detected, and recruitment has been suggested as key for octocoral’s resilience. Hence, we studied octocoral recruitment dynamics, and evaluated the role of pre-settlement, settlement and post-settlement processes in recruit’s densities. We performed the study at two sites with different octocoral densities, on the south coast of St. John, United States Virgin Islands, and distinguished between processes occurring to recently settled polyps and to colonial recruits. At both sites, we monitored P. homomalla settlers on settlement tiles for 3 months, and colonial recruits of two of the most abundant genera (Eunicea and Pseudoplexaura) for 3 years. In addition, we assessed whether recruits morphological traits affected recruitment and divided recruits of the genus Eunicea based on the presence of large calyces. The major contributor to both, single-polyps and colonial recruit densities was larval supply. Single-polyp densities were not limited by the availability of space, settlement cues, or early post-settlement survival. Height was the only predictor of survival and growth of colonial recruits, with potential growth rates increasing with height. However, large recruits suffered partial mortality often, distorting the relationship between recruit age and size, and causing most recruits to remain in the recruit size class (≤5 cm) longer than a year. Octocorals have been resilient to the conditions that have driven the decline of scleractinian corals throughout the Caribbean, and recruitment has been key to that success. Our results are crucial to understand early life history dynamics of Caribbean octocorals, and highlights the need to standardize the definition of recruit among colonial and modular taxa to facilitate inter-specific comparisons, and to understand future changes in coral reef community assemblages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 915
Takashi Noda ◽  
Masashi Ohira

To elucidate how the population dynamics of the acorn barnacle Balanus glandula transitioned after its invasion in 2000 along the Pacific coast of Japan, a population census was conducted from 2004 to 2014 at five shores along 49 km of coastline 144–193 km east outside of the invasion front. Survey areas at each shore consisted of five paired plots (cleared recruitment plots and control plots). Larval recruitment was first detected in 2004 but benthic individuals were not detected until 2 years later. The abundance and occurrence of B. glandula increased until around 2010; abundance then decreased but occurrence remained high (70%) until 2014, suggesting that the metapopulation of this barnacle approached a maximum around 2011. From 2011, the population dynamics of B. glandula changed considerably at two contrasting spatial scales: at a regional scale, the dependency of the number of larvae on stock size decreased, whereas at a local scale, the relative contribution of larval supply as a determinant of local population dynamics decreased. These findings suggest that the major driving force of population dynamics of the introduced barnacle changed in just a few years after invasion; therefore, population census data from just after an invasion, including larval recruitment monitoring just outside the invasion front, is essential to understanding invasion dynamics by sessile marine organisms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (41) ◽  
pp. 25595-25600
Hugo B. Harrison ◽  
Michael Bode ◽  
David H. Williamson ◽  
Michael L. Berumen ◽  
Geoffrey P. Jones

Well-managed and enforced no-take marine reserves generate important larval subsidies to neighboring habitats and thereby contribute to the long-term sustainability of fisheries. However, larval dispersal patterns are variable, which leads to temporal fluctuations in the contribution of a single reserve to the replenishment of local populations. Identifying management strategies that mitigate the uncertainty in larval supply will help ensure the stability of recruitment dynamics and minimize the volatility in fishery catches. Here, we use genetic parentage analysis to show extreme variability in both the dispersal patterns and recruitment contribution of four individual marine reserves across six discrete recruitment cohorts for coral grouper (Plectropomus maculatus) on the Great Barrier Reef. Together, however, the asynchronous contributions from multiple reserves create temporal stability in recruitment via a connectivity portfolio effect. This dampening effect reduces the variability in larval supply from individual reserves by a factor of 1.8, which effectively halves the uncertainty in the recruitment contribution of individual reserves. Thus, not only does the network of four marine reserves generate valuable larval subsidies to neighboring habitats, the aggregate effect of individual reserves mitigates temporal fluctuations in dispersal patterns and the replenishment of local populations. Our results indicate that small networks of marine reserves yield previously unrecognized stabilizing benefits that ensure a consistent larval supply to replenish exploited fish stocks.

2020 ◽  
Jeffrey Shima ◽  
SE Swearer

© 2016 by the Ecological Society of America. Larval dispersal is disproportionately important for marine population ecolgy and evolution, yet our inability to track individuals severely constrains our understanding of this key process. We analyze otoliths of a small reef fish, the common triplefin ( Forsterygion lapillum ), to reconstruct individual dispersal histories and address the following questions: (1) How many discrete sets of dispersal histories (dispersal cohorts) contribute to replenishment of focal populations; (2) When do dispersal cohorts converge (a metric of shared dispersal histories among cohorts); and (3) Do these patterns predict spatiotemporal variation in larval supply? We used light traps to quantify larval supply, and otolith microstructure and microchemistry (using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry; LA - ICP - MS ) to reconstruct daily environmental histories of individuals in their 30- d lead- up to settlement. Our results indicate that a variable number of dispersal cohorts replenish focal populations (range of 2-8, mean of 4.3, standard deviation of 2.8). Convergence times varied (from 0 to >30 d prior to settlement), and larval supply was negatively correlated with cohort evenness but not with the number of cohorts, or when they converged, indicating disproportionately large contributions from some cohorts (i.e., sweepstakes events). Collectively, our results suggest that larval reef fishes may variably disperse in shoals, to drive local replenishment and connectivity within a metapopulation.

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