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2022 ◽  
pp. 303-320
Mara Simmons ◽  
Mary Wiltshire

The ‘New Era' defined as post pandemic has opened up a conversation for more opportunities to transform school design in order to create a more functional, engaged democratic society premised on a social responsibility reflecting a multicultural, empowered workforce. This chapter is a product of the collaboration of a UK and a US educator looking at two case studies of secondary education and one higher education that serve as examples of success for transforming schools. Using Bolman and Deal's Four Frames for Organizational Design, the authors make the case for school designs that take into account diverse learner groups and diverse pathways leading to an educated and skilled workforce. A result from this analysis includes a specific, short list of components to consider for transforming schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 113-116
V. I. Krasnopolsky ◽  
S. N. Buianova

Endometriosis as a gynecological disease is becoming a problem of the century, occupying the third place in the structure of gynecological pathology after inflammatory diseases and uterine fibroids. Insufficient effectiveness of treatment, disability and neurotization of women suffering from genital endometriosis, infertility as an important family and state problem. - a short list of troubles. caused by this disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 85-92
Ya.O. Romanyuk ◽  
O.V. Shulga ◽  
L.S. Shakun ◽  
M.I. Koshkin ◽  
Ye.B. Vovchyk ◽  

The article describes the successes and challenges of the Ukrainian network of optical stations (UMOS) in recent years in the field of astrometric observations of artificial space objects both in low-Earth orbit (LEO) and geostationary Earth orbit (GEO). UMOS was established in 2012 as a joint partnership of organizations interested in satellite observations for scientific purposes and practical near Earth space monitoring. The main purpose of the UMOS has been (and still is) to combine scientific and technical means with regular optical (positional and / or non-positional) observation. The short list of equipment of the UMOS members are given in the tables. The programs for observations, used methods and obtained results are described in the paper. In conclusion, the advantages of observations of artificial space objects by means of a network are summarized. The experience of UMOS and main results obtained by UMOS can be considered as the first step to create the SSA system of Ukraine.

О. М. Олейников

В статье представлен краткий свод перстней с изображением раскрытой кисти руки, обнаруженных на территории древней Руси и Волжской Булгарии. Более подробно рассматриваются перстни, обнаруженные в Великом Новгороде. Эти изделия представляли серийную продукцию, производившуюся на продажу. Специфика декора и ограниченный период бытования перстней позволяет рассматривать эту категорию украшений как хронологический маркер XIV в. The paper presents a short list of finger-rings featuring an open palm of the hand discovered in Medieval Russia and Volga Bulgaria. It provides a detailed review of the rings found in Velikiy Novgorod. These items were serial products made for sale. Distinctive decorative features and a limited period of such finger-rings use allow consider this category ofjewelry as a chronological marker of the 14th century.

Larisa A. Golofast ◽  

During excavations in 2019 in Phanagoria at the Lower City site, two amphorae with red paint dipinto representing a seven-lamp menorah were found in a fire layer dating from around the middle of the 6th century. Representations of seven-armed candelabrum on amphorae and generally on containers were a sign that they contained a kosher food, i.e. suitable for consumption according to Halakha – a corpus of laws guiding activities of a Jew. Thus, the published amphorae attest to the presence of a Jewish community in the city in early Byzantine time and fill a chronological gap in a short list of archaeological and written evidence about the Jewish community of Phanagoria, moreover, the fact that the vessels were found at a fairly close distance from each other in a narrowly dated gated complex may indicate the presence of a Jewish quarter there. The finds are of particular importance due to the fact that the number of amphorae and other vessels with dipinti representing a menorah known to date is rather insignificant. Their findings are known only from excavations in several centres of the Northern Pontic and Palestine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Peter Bragge ◽  
Lidia Horvat ◽  
Louise Mckinlay ◽  
Kim Borg ◽  
Belinda Macleod-Smith ◽  

Abstract Background Meaningful involvement of consumers in healthcare is a high priority worldwide. In Victoria, Australia, a Partnering in Healthcare (PiH) policy framework was developed to guide health services in addressing consumer-focused healthcare improvements. The aim of this project was to identify priorities for improvement relating to the framework from the perspective of Victorian healthcare consumers and those who work in the healthcare sector. Methods A survey of Victorians representing key stakeholder groups was used to identify a “long list” of potential priorities, followed by a day-long summit to reduce this to a “short list” using explicit prioritization criteria. The survey was piloted prior to implementation, and diverse consumer groups and key health service providers were purposefully sampled for the summit. Results The survey (n = 680 respondents) generated 14–20 thematic categories across the proposed framework’s five domains. The summit (n = 31 participants, including n = 21 consumer representatives) prioritized the following five areas based on the survey findings: communication, shared decision-making, (shared) care planning, health (system) literacy and people (not) around the patient. These priorities were underpinned by three cross-cutting principles: care/compassion/respect, accountability and diversity. Conclusion Few studies have explicitly sought consumer input on health policy implementation. Adopting a codesign approach enabled the framework to be a shared foundation of healthcare improvement. The framework was subsequently launched in 2019. All Victorian health services are required to commit annually to improvement priorities against at least two framework domains.

2021 ◽  
Lydia Merakeb ◽  
Soukaina Bennaamane ◽  
Eric Clot ◽  
Nicolas Mézailles ◽  
Marc Robert

Nitrogen reduction in mild conditions (i.e. room temperature and atmospheric pressure) and using a non-fossil source of hydrogen remains a high chemistry challenge. Molecular metal complexes, notably Mo based, have recently shown to be active for such nitrogen fixation. In this work, we report about the electrochemical N2 splitting with MoIII triphosphino com-plex ((PPP)MoI3), at room temperature and a moderately negative potential. A MoIV nitride species was generated, which was confirmed by electrochemistry and NMR studies. The reaction goes through the bi-electronic reduction of the starting Mo species, coordination of an N2 molecule, and further splitting to a MoIV nitride complex. Preliminary DFT investigation supports the intermediacy of a bridging MoIN2MoI dinitrogen dimer evolving to the Mo nitride via a low energy transition state. This example joins a short list of molecular electrochemical complexes for N2 reductive cleavage. It opens a door to molecular electrochemical PCET conversion studies of N2 to NH3.

ILR Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 001979392110364
Nicole Kreisberg ◽  
Nathan Wilmers

Starting in the 1980s, US employers revived aggressive action against unions. Employers’ public opposition to unions yielded a scholarly consensus that US employers actively and consistently discriminate against union supporters. However, evidence for widespread employer anti-union discrimination is based mainly on employer reactions to rare union organizing campaigns. To measure baseline or preventive anti-union discrimination, the authors field the first ever US-based résumé correspondence study of employer responses to union supporter applicants. Focus is on entry-level, non-college degree jobs and findings show no difference in employer callback rates for union supporter applicants relative to non-union applicants. Drawing on interviews and survey data, the authors suggest that union weakness itself may have hollowed preventive employer discrimination against union supporters.

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