low earth orbit
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Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 257
Avraham I. Bram ◽  
Irina Gouzman ◽  
Asaf Bolker ◽  
Nurit Atar ◽  
Noam Eliaz ◽  

In order to use polymers at low Earth orbit (LEO) environment, they must be protected against atomic oxygen (AO) erosion. A promising protection strategy is to incorporate polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) molecules into the polymer backbone. In this study, the space durability of epoxy-POSS (EPOSS) nanocomposites was investigated. Two types of POSS molecules were incorporated separately—amine-based and epoxy-based. The outgassing properties of the EPOSS, in terms of total mass loss, collected volatile condensable material, and water vapor regain were measured as a function of POSS type and content. The AO durability was studied using a ground-based AO simulation system. Surface compositions of EPOSS were studied using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It was found that with respect to the outgassing properties, only some of the EPOSS compositions were suitable for the ultrahigh vacuum space environment, and that the POSS type and content had a strong effect on their outgassing properties. Regardless of the POSS type being used, the AO durability improved significantly. This improvement is attributed to the formation of a self-passivated AO durable SiO2 layer, and demonstrates the potential use of EPOSS as a qualified nanocomposite for space applications.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 362
Amir Allahvirdi-Zadeh ◽  
Joseph Awange ◽  
Ahmed El-Mowafy ◽  
Tong Ding ◽  
Kan Wang

Global Navigation Satellite Systems’ radio occultation (GNSS-RO) provides the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere (UTLS) vertical atmospheric profiles that are complementing radiosonde and reanalysis data. Such data are employed in the numerical weather prediction (NWP) models used to forecast global weather as well as in climate change studies. Typically, GNSS-RO operates by remotely sensing the bending angles of an occulting GNSS signal measured by larger low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. However, these satellites are faced with complexities in their design and costs. CubeSats, on the other hand, are emerging small and cheap satellites; the low prices of building them and the advancements in their components make them favorable for the GNSS-RO. In order to be compatible with GNSS-RO requirements, the clocks of the onboard receivers that are estimated through the precise orbit determination (POD) should have short-term stabilities. This is essential to correctly time tag the excess phase observations used in the derivation of the GNSS-RO UTLS atmospheric profiles. In this study, the stabilities of estimated clocks of a set of CubeSats launched for GNSS-RO in the Spire Global constellation are rigorously analysed and evaluated in comparison to the ultra-stable oscillators (USOs) onboard the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC-2) satellites. Methods for improving their clock stabilities are proposed and tested. The results (i) show improvement of the estimated clocks at the level of several microseconds, which increases their short-term stabilities, (ii) indicate that the quality of the frequency oscillator plays a dominant role in CubeSats’ clock instabilities, and (iii) show that CubeSats’ derived UTLS (i.e., tropopause) atmospheric profiles are comparable to those of COSMIC-2 products and in situ radiosonde observations, which provided external validation products. Different comparisons confirm that CubeSats, even those with unstable onboard clocks, provide high-quality RO profiles, comparable to those of COSMIC-2. The proposed remedies in POD and the advancements of the COTS components, such as chip-scale atomic clocks and better onboard processing units, also present a brighter future for real-time applications that require precise orbits and stable clocks.

Aerospace ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Zhiyu Wang ◽  
Zishen Li ◽  
Ningbo Wang ◽  
Mainul Hoque ◽  
Liang Wang ◽  

The real-time integer-ambiguity resolution of the carrier-phase observation is one of the most effective approaches to enhance the accuracy of real-time precise point positioning (PPP), kinematic precise orbit determination (KPOD), and reduced-dynamic precise orbit determination (RPOD) for low earth orbit (LEO) satellites. In this study, the integer phase clock (IPC) and wide-lane satellite bias (WSB) products from CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) are used to fix ambiguity in real time. Meanwhile, the three models of real-time PPP, KPOD, and RPOD are applied to validate the contribution of ambiguity resolution. Experimental results show that (1) the average positioning accuracy of IGS stations for ambiguity-fixed solutions is improved from about 7.14 to 5.91 cm, with an improvement of around 17% compared to the real-time float PPP solutions, with enhancement in the east-west direction particularly significant, with an improvement of about 29%; (2) the average accuracy of the estimated LEO orbit with ambiguity-fixed solutions in the real-time KPOD and RPOD mode is improved by about 16% and 10%, respectively, with respect to the corresponding mode with the ambiguity-float solutions; (3) the performance of real-time LEO RPOD is better than that of the corresponding KPOD, regardless of fixed- or float-ambiguity solutions. Moreover, the average ambiguity-fixed ratio can reach more than 90% in real-time PPP, KPOD, and RPOD.

2022 ◽  
Alex B. Glenn ◽  
Peter L. Collen ◽  
Matthew McGilvray

S.B. Pichugin

The relevance of the work is associated with the active deployment of low-orbit communication systems and the expansion of research in the field of corresponding satellite systems. A promising low-orbit communication system based on relay satellites with the function (RSRFs) of routing message packets is considered. The low earth orbit communications systems use the BGP protocol and the AAA functionality at the ground station. For assessing the characteristics of RSRF inter-satellite paths, a scenario was created for the message packets arrival from a group of inter-satellite paths to one subscriber path. The corresponding analytical models have been developed using the mathematical apparatus of queuing systems with the simplest flows of requests and exponential distribution of the service time. The RSRF characteristics of a promising low-orbit communication system are predicted. It is proposed to make the mathematical apparatus of analytical models more complicated to take into account the dynamics of displacements and failures of the RSRF in a low-orbit communication system.

2022 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Messaoud Bensaada ◽  
Mohammed Ali Mebrek ◽  
Dave Schofield

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 186
Mustapha Meftah ◽  
Fabrice Boust ◽  
Philippe Keckhut ◽  
Alain Sarkissian ◽  
Thomas Boutéraon ◽  

INSPIRE-SAT 7 is a French 2-Unit CubeSat (11.5 × 11.5 × 22.7 cm) primarily designed for Earth and Sun observation. INSPIRE-SAT 7 is one of the missions of the International Satellite Program in Research and Education (INSPIRE). Twice the size of a 4 × 4 Rubik’s Cube and weighing about 3 kg, INSPIRE-SAT 7 will be deployed in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in 2023 to join its sister satellite, UVSQ-SAT. INSPIRE-SAT 7 represents one of the in-orbit demonstrators needed to test how two Earth observation CubeSats in orbit can be utilized to set up a satellite constellation. This new scientific and technological pathfinder CubeSat mission (INSPIRE-SAT 7) uses a multitude of miniaturized sensors on all sides of the CubeSat to measure the Earth’s energy budget components at the top-of-the-atmosphere for climate change studies. INSPIRE-SAT 7 contains also a High-Frequency (HF) payload that will receive HF signals from a ground-based HF transmitter to probe the ionosphere for space weather studies. Finally, this CubeSat is equipped with several technological demonstrators (total solar irradiance sensors, UV sensors to measure solar spectral irradiance, a new Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) wireless communication system, a new versatile telecommunication system suitable for CubeSat). After introducing the objectives of the INSPIRE-SAT 7 mission, we present the satellite definition and the mission concept of operations. We also briefly show the observations made by the UVSQ-SAT CubeSat, and assess how two CubeSats in orbit could improve the information content of their Earth’s energy budget measurements. We conclude by reporting on the potential of future missions enabled by CubeSat constellations.

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