matrix diffusion
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Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1464
Haiping Wang ◽  
Dong Liu ◽  
Jianguo Wang ◽  
Yanhui Yang ◽  
Haodong Rao ◽  

The formation of the irregular γ′ precipitates in the nickel-based superalloy Waspaloy was investigated during the continuous cooling, which is relevant to the cooling rates and interrupted temperature. The morphology of the γ′ precipitates was observed to change from a dispersed sphere to the flower-like one with the decreasing of the cooling rates. It was found that there are three modes of transportation of the solute atoms involved in relation to the γ′ precipitates: dissolution from the small γ′ precipitates to the γ matrix, diffusion to the large γ′ precipitates from the matrix, and the short distance among γ′ precipitates close to each other. Meanwhile, the slower cooling rates tend to result in the serrated grain boundaries, and the wavelength between successive peaks (λ) and the maximum amplitude (A) are larger with the decreasing of the cooling rates. The content of the low ΣCSL boundaries increases with the decreasing of the cooling rates, which is of great benefit in improving the creep property of the Waspaloy.

Soil Systems ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Steven Chapman ◽  
Beth Parker ◽  
Tom Al ◽  
Richard Wilkin ◽  
Diana Cutt ◽  

This study uses a combination of conventional and high resolution field and laboratory methods to investigate processes causing attenuation of a hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) plume in sedimentary bedrock at a former industrial facility. Groundwater plume Cr(VI) concentrations decline by more than three orders of magnitude over a 900 m distance down gradient from the site. Internal plume concentrations generally exhibit stable to declining trends due to diffusive and reactive transport in the low permeability matrix as fluxes from the contamination source dissipate due to natural depletion processes and active remediation efforts. The strong attenuation is attributed to diffusion from mobile groundwater in fractures to immobile porewater in the rock matrix, and reactions causing transformation of aqueous Cr(VI) to low-solubility Cr(III) precipitates, confirmed by high spatial resolution rock matrix contaminant concentrations and comparisons with groundwater concentrations from multi-level sampling within the plume. Field characterization data for the fracture network and matrix properties were used to inform 2-D discrete-fracture matrix (DFM) numerical model simulations that quantify attenuation due to diffusion and reaction processes, which show consistency with field datasets, and provide insights regarding future plume conditions. The combination of field, laboratory and modeling evidence demonstrates effects of matrix diffusion and reaction processes causing strong attenuation of a Cr(VI) plume in a sedimentary bedrock aquifer. This approach has important implications for characterization of sites with Cr(VI) contamination for improved site conceptual models and remediation decision-making.

Zakhar Lanetc ◽  
Aleksandr Zhuravljov ◽  
Yu Jing ◽  
Ryan T. Armstrong ◽  
Peyman Mostaghimi

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