selective mortality
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2021 ◽  
Phoebe Caie

<p>Variability in recruitment and early life-history traits is widespread in many marine organisms. Phenotypic variation is particularly prevalent in the early life-history stages (e.g., larvae and juveniles) of reef fish, and provides the basis for selective mortality on growth and size-related traits, with important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Recruitment variability can alter the effective densities experienced by these early life stages, raising additional questions about the interplay between selection and density-dependent processes. While many examples of growth- and size-selective mortality have been documented for young reef fish (typically caused by predators), few studies consider how the strength and/or direction of selective mortality changes with ontogeny, or how these patterns may be mediated by density. I explore spatio-temporal variability in early life-history traits of the common triplefin, Forsterygion lapillum, using metrics derived from otoliths (a re-analysis of two previously collected data sets). I evaluate patterns of variation in traits with respect to early life-history stage (either larvae or post-settlement juveniles) and document shifts in the distributions of traits that are consistent with selective mortality favouring slower growing individuals. I conclude that a cohort of juveniles (sampled after settlement) was comprised of individuals that were smaller at hatch and grew slowly throughout the pelagic larval period relative to a cohort of larvae (sampled prior to settlement). I then conducted an experiment using a set of mesocosms to evaluate whether selective mortality on early life-history traits in common triplefin could be caused by a natural predator, the variable triplefin, Forsterygion varium. Specifically, I exposed groups of fish of each stage to a pair of predators and I used otoliths to reconstruct the traits of fish that survived versus fish that were consumed (i.e., I recovered otoliths from the guts of predators). Selection trials were conducted across realistic density gradients for each developmental stage. Fish size was negatively correlated with relative fitness for larvae (indicating larger fish were consumed preferentially by predators) but not for juveniles (where no size-selective mortality was observed). These patterns were consistent across the range of densities evaluated. Both larvae and juveniles experienced significant selection against fast larval growth (estimated from growth increments in otoliths), and the strength of selection was inversely related to density (i.e., strongest at lower densities, weakest at higher densities). However, juveniles also experienced selective predation for fast growth at the larval-juvenile transition. As with larval growth, selection was strongest at lower densities and weakest at higher densities. Collectively, these results suggest that predators may preferentially target larger larvae, and faster growing individuals regardless of developmental stage. However, this effect may be mediated by density, such that the strongest selection occurs during low recruitment. Density-dependent selection could explain how faster growing individuals can survive this vulnerable stage. These results provide evidence for carry-over effects of larval growth on juvenile survival, and suggest conspecific density should be considered when evaluating patterns of selective mortality.</p>

2021 ◽  
Phoebe Caie

<p>Variability in recruitment and early life-history traits is widespread in many marine organisms. Phenotypic variation is particularly prevalent in the early life-history stages (e.g., larvae and juveniles) of reef fish, and provides the basis for selective mortality on growth and size-related traits, with important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Recruitment variability can alter the effective densities experienced by these early life stages, raising additional questions about the interplay between selection and density-dependent processes. While many examples of growth- and size-selective mortality have been documented for young reef fish (typically caused by predators), few studies consider how the strength and/or direction of selective mortality changes with ontogeny, or how these patterns may be mediated by density. I explore spatio-temporal variability in early life-history traits of the common triplefin, Forsterygion lapillum, using metrics derived from otoliths (a re-analysis of two previously collected data sets). I evaluate patterns of variation in traits with respect to early life-history stage (either larvae or post-settlement juveniles) and document shifts in the distributions of traits that are consistent with selective mortality favouring slower growing individuals. I conclude that a cohort of juveniles (sampled after settlement) was comprised of individuals that were smaller at hatch and grew slowly throughout the pelagic larval period relative to a cohort of larvae (sampled prior to settlement). I then conducted an experiment using a set of mesocosms to evaluate whether selective mortality on early life-history traits in common triplefin could be caused by a natural predator, the variable triplefin, Forsterygion varium. Specifically, I exposed groups of fish of each stage to a pair of predators and I used otoliths to reconstruct the traits of fish that survived versus fish that were consumed (i.e., I recovered otoliths from the guts of predators). Selection trials were conducted across realistic density gradients for each developmental stage. Fish size was negatively correlated with relative fitness for larvae (indicating larger fish were consumed preferentially by predators) but not for juveniles (where no size-selective mortality was observed). These patterns were consistent across the range of densities evaluated. Both larvae and juveniles experienced significant selection against fast larval growth (estimated from growth increments in otoliths), and the strength of selection was inversely related to density (i.e., strongest at lower densities, weakest at higher densities). However, juveniles also experienced selective predation for fast growth at the larval-juvenile transition. As with larval growth, selection was strongest at lower densities and weakest at higher densities. Collectively, these results suggest that predators may preferentially target larger larvae, and faster growing individuals regardless of developmental stage. However, this effect may be mediated by density, such that the strongest selection occurs during low recruitment. Density-dependent selection could explain how faster growing individuals can survive this vulnerable stage. These results provide evidence for carry-over effects of larval growth on juvenile survival, and suggest conspecific density should be considered when evaluating patterns of selective mortality.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
Charlotte Evangelista ◽  
Julia Dupeu ◽  
Joakim Sandkjenn ◽  
Beatriz Diaz Pauli ◽  
Anders Herland ◽  

Size-selective mortality due to harvesting is a threat to numerous exploited species, but how it affects the ecosystem remains largely unexplored. Here, we used a pond mesocosm experiment to assess how evolutionary responses to opposite size-selective mortality interacted with the environment (fish density and light intensity used as a proxy of resource availability) to modulate fish populations, prey community composition and ecosystem functions. We used medaka ( Oryzias latipes ) previously selected over 10 generations for small size (harvest-like selection; small-breeder line) or large size (large-breeder line), which displayed slow somatic growth and early maturity or fast somatic growth and late maturity, respectively. Large-breeder medaka produced more juveniles, which seemed to grow faster than small-breeder ones but only under high fish density. Additionally, large-breeder medaka had an increased impact on some benthic prey, suggesting expanded diet breadth and/or enhanced foraging abilities. As a consequence, increased light stimulated benthic algae biomass only in presence of large-breeder medaka, which were presumably better at controlling benthic grazers. Aggregated effect sizes at the community and ecosystem levels revealed that the ecological effects of medaka evolution were of similar magnitude to those induced by the environment and fish introduction. These findings indicate the important environmental dependency of evolutionary response to opposite size-selective mortality on higher levels of biological organizations.

2021 ◽  
Tamal Roy ◽  
Robert Arlinghaus

AbstractSize-selective mortality is common in fish populations and can operate either in a positive size-selective fashion or be negatively size-selective. Through various mechanisms (like genetic correlations among behaviour and life-history traits or direct selection on behaviour co-varying with growth rate or size-at-maturation), both positive- and negative size-selection can result in evolutionary changes in behavioural traits. Theory suggests that size-selection alone favours boldness, but little experimental evidence exists about whether and to what extent size-selection can trigger its evolution. Here we investigated the impact of size-selective mortality on boldness across ontogeny using three experimental lines of zebrafish (Danio rerio) generated through positive (large-harvested), negative (small-harvested) and random (control line) size-selective mortality for five generations. We measured risk-taking during feeding (boldness) under simulated aerial predation threat and in presence of a live cichlid. We found that boldness decreased with ontogenetic age under aerial predation threat, and the small-harvested line was consistently bolder than controls. Collective personality emerged post larval stages among the selection lines. In presence of a cichlid, the large-harvested line was bolder at the highest risk of predation. The large-harvested line showed higher variability and plasticity in boldness across life stages and predation risks. Collectively, our results demonstrate that size-selective harvesting may evolutionarily alter risk-taking tendency. Size-selection alone favours boldness when selection acts on small fish. Selection typical of fisheries operating on large fish favours boldness at the highest risk of predation and increases behavioural variability and plasticity. There was no evidence for positive size-selection favouring evolution of shyness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Dennis Petrie ◽  
Paul Allanson ◽  
Linkun Chen ◽  
Ulf Gerdtham

Abstract Background The positive cross-sectional association between health and SES often strengthens at younger ages before peaking at middle ages and then weakening at older ages. Selective mortality is a possible reason for the weakening relationship at older ages but current evidence for this is limited. Methods This paper uncovers the changing nature of the inter-dependence between SES and health over the lifecycle by further developing and applying longitudinal inequality decomposition techniques which account for mortality. We examine changes in SES-related health inequality for rolling age cohorts by gender for Australia (using the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey) and the United Kingdom (using the Understanding Society survey). Results We find for young men in both countries that the simultaneous co-movement in both health and income plays the major role in increasing health inequalities. At middle ages the poor start to lose health more quickly than the rich but at older ages selective mortality plays the major role with the poor more likely to die than the rich which also has an indirect effect of making morbidity losses seem less concentrated among the poor. Conclusions Selective mortality plays a major role in weakening the relationship between SES and health at older ages. Past studies have missed identifying the full effect of selective mortality. Key messages SES-related health inequalities accumulate throughout the lifecycle, even in older ages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 239 ◽  
pp. 105947
Andy Boëns ◽  
Patrick Grellier ◽  
Christophe Lebigre ◽  
Pierre Petitgas

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Tamal Roy ◽  
Kim Fromm ◽  
Valerio Sbragaglia ◽  
David Bierbach ◽  
Robert Arlinghaus

Size-selective mortality is common in fish stocks. Positive size-selection happens in fisheries where larger size classes are preferentially targeted while gape-limited natural predation may cause negative size-selection for smaller size classes. As body size and correlated behavioural traits are sexually selected, harvest-induced trait changes may promote prezygotic reproductive barriers among selection lines experiencing differential size-selective mortality. To investigate this, we used three experimental lines of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to positive (large-harvested), negative (small-harvested) and random (control line) size-selective mortality for five generations. We tested prezygotic preferences through choice tests and spawning trials. In the preference tests without controlling for body size, we found that females of all lines preferred males of the generally larger small-harvested line. When the body size of stimulus fish was statistically controlled, this preference disappeared and a weak evidence of line-assortative preference emerged, but only among large-harvested line fish. In subsequent spawning trials, we did not find evidence for line-assortative reproductive allocation in any of the lines. Our study suggests that size-selection due to fisheries or natural predation does not result in reproductive isolation. Gene flow between wild-populations and populations adapted to size-selected mortality may happen during secondary contact which can speed up trait recovery.

Valerio Sbragaglia ◽  
Jose Fernando López‐Olmeda ◽  
Elena Frigato ◽  
Cristiano Bertolucci ◽  
Robert Arlinghaus

2020 ◽  
Vol 650 ◽  
pp. 95-106
S Khamassi ◽  
L Coussau ◽  
M Guillemette ◽  
D Robert

The growth-survival paradigm predicts that year-class strength is determined by growth-dependent mortality during the larval stage. In Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus, the possibility that strong growth-dependent mortality extends into the early juvenile stage has not previously been tested because of the difficulty in sampling young-of-the-year (YOY) juveniles. The present study determined the timing of the ‘endpoint’ during the early ontogeny, when growth-selective mortality decreases and recruitment is set. We relied on regurgitations from one of the main predators of mackerel, the northern gannet Morus bassanus, as a source of YOY juveniles. Early growth trajectories of YOY mackerel were reconstructed from the otolith microstructure and were compared to those of 1-yr-old (OYO) juveniles from the same cohort for the year classes of 2015 and 2017. In both cohorts, the early growth trajectory of OYO fish was faster than that of YOY juveniles, indicating that growth-selective mortality extended beyond the larval stage. For the 2017 cohort, the comparison of larval growth trajectories between 2-mo-old YOY, 3mo-old YOY and OYO juveniles indicated that strong selection for fast growth persisted until the pre-wintering period, but that winter mortality likely did not play an important role in shaping year-class strength. These findings suggest that in Atlantic mackerel, the endpoint when the relative strength of cohorts is fixed occurs at the age of 3 mo. These results highlight the importance of considering growth-dependent mortality processes occurring beyond the larval stage to obtain a better understanding of causes of recruitment variability.

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