circadian system
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 729
Anna Ashton ◽  
Russell G. Foster ◽  
Aarti Jagannath

Circadian rhythms are essential for the survival of all organisms, enabling them to predict daily changes in the environment and time their behaviour appropriately. The molecular basis of such rhythms is the circadian clock, a self-sustaining molecular oscillator comprising a transcriptional–translational feedback loop. This must be continually readjusted to remain in alignment with the external world through a process termed entrainment, in which the phase of the master circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is adjusted in response to external time cues. In mammals, the primary time cue, or “zeitgeber”, is light, which inputs directly to the SCN where it is integrated with additional non-photic zeitgebers. The molecular mechanisms underlying photic entrainment are complex, comprising a number of regulatory factors. This review will outline the photoreception pathways mediating photic entrainment, and our current understanding of the molecular pathways that drive it in the SCN.

2021 ◽  
pp. 074873042110642
Diane B. Boivin ◽  
Philippe Boudreau ◽  
Anastasi Kosmadopoulos

The various non-standard schedules required of shift workers force abrupt changes in the timing of sleep and light-dark exposure. These changes result in disturbances of the endogenous circadian system and its misalignment with the environment. Simulated night-shift experiments and field-based studies with shift workers both indicate that the circadian system is resistant to adaptation from a day- to a night-oriented schedule, as determined by a lack of substantial phase shifts over multiple days in centrally controlled rhythms, such as those of melatonin and cortisol. There is evidence that disruption of the circadian system caused by night-shift work results not only in a misalignment between the circadian system and the external light-dark cycle, but also in a state of internal desynchronization between various levels of the circadian system. This is the case between rhythms controlled by the central circadian pacemaker and clock genes expression in tissues such as peripheral blood mononuclear cells, hair follicle cells, and oral mucosa cells. The disruptive effects of atypical work schedules extend beyond the expression profile of canonical circadian clock genes and affects other transcripts of the human genome. In general, after several days of living at night, most rhythmic transcripts in the human genome remain adjusted to a day-oriented schedule, with dampened group amplitudes. In contrast to circadian clock genes and rhythmic transcripts, metabolomics studies revealed that most metabolites shift by several hours when working nights, thus leading to their misalignment with the circadian system. Altogether, these circadian and sleep-wake disturbances emphasize the all-encompassing impact of night-shift work, and can contribute to the increased risk of various medical conditions. Here, we review the latest scientific evidence regarding the effects of atypical work schedules on the circadian system, sleep and alertness of shift-working populations, and discuss their potential clinical impacts.

Aging ◽  
2021 ◽  
Emanuel Barth ◽  
Akash Srivastava ◽  
Diane Wengerodt ◽  
Milan Stojiljkovic ◽  
Hubertus Axer ◽  

Malena Lis Mul Fedele ◽  
Camila Agustina Senna ◽  
Ignacio Aiello ◽  
Diego Andres Golombek ◽  
Natalia Paladino

Sepsis is a syndrome caused by a deregulated host response to infection, representing the primary cause of death from infection. In animal models, the mortality rate is strongly dependent on the time of sepsis induction, suggesting a main role of the circadian system. In patients undergoing sepsis, deregulated circadian rhythms have also been reported. Here we review data related to the timing of sepsis induction to further understand the different outcomes observed both in patients and in animal models. The magnitude of immune activation as well as the hypothermic response correlated with the time of the worst prognosis. The different outcomes seem to be dependent on the expression of the clock gene Bmal1 in the liver and in myeloid immune cells. The understanding of the role of the circadian system in sepsis pathology could be an important tool to improve patient therapies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Yuzeng Shi ◽  
Yu Liu ◽  
Ling Yang ◽  
Jie Yan

In response to a light stimulus, the mammalian circadian clock first dramatically increases the expression of Per1 mRNA, and then drops to a baseline even when light persists. This phenomenon is known as light adaptation, which has been experimentally proven to be related to the CRTC1-SIK1 pathway in suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). However, the role of this light adaptation in the circadian rhythm remains to be elucidated. To reveal the in-depth function of light adaptation and the underlying dynamics, we proposed a mathematical model for the CRTC1-SIK1 network and coupled it to a mammalian circadian model. The simulation result proved that the light adaptation is achieved by the self-inhibition of the CRTC1/CREB complex. Also, consistently with experimental observations, this adaptation mechanism can limit the phase response to short-term light stimulus, and it also restricts the rate of the phase shift in a jet lag protocol to avoid overly rapid re-entrainment. More importantly, this light adaptation is predicted to prevent the singularity behavior in the cell population, which represents the abolishment of circadian rhythmicity due to desynchronization of oscillating cells. Furthermore, it has been shown to provide refractoriness to successive stimuli with short gap. Therefore, we concluded that the light adaptation generated by the CRTC1-SIK1 pathway in the SCN provides a robust mechanism, allowing the circadian system to maintain homeostasis in the presence of light perturbations. These results not only give new insights into the dynamics of light adaptation from a computational perspective but also lead us to formulate hypotheses about the related physiological significance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
Sarah L. Chellappa ◽  
Phillip A. Engen ◽  
Ankur Naqib ◽  
Jingyi Qian ◽  
Nina Vujovic ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 252 ◽  
pp. 111386
Armin Amirazar ◽  
Mona Azarbayjani ◽  
Maziyar Molavi ◽  
Morteza Karami

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. A26-A27
A Burns ◽  
D Windred ◽  
J Lane ◽  
R Saxena ◽  
A Phillips ◽  

Abstract Introduction Light has powerful effects on mood, sleep, and the circadian system. Humans evolved in an environment with a clear distinction between day and night, but our modern lighting environments have blurred this distinction. While the disruptive effects of night time light exposure are well described, the potential positive effects of daytime light exposure on these systems are less well studied. Method Participants were a subset of the UK Biobank cohort who were invited to complete a seven day wrist-worn actimetry and light sensor study (n = 8,372, 61% female, age range: 39–70). Hierarchical linear models assessed the association between average daytime light exposure and mood-, sleep- and circadian-related outcomes, adjusted for age, sex, and season of assessment. Results Greater daytime light exposure was associated with earlier chronotype (p < .001), greater ease of getting up in the morning (p < .001), lower odds of using antidepressant medication (p < .001), less frequent low-mood (p = .002), less frequent anhedonia (p < .001), greater happiness (p < .001), less frequent insomnia symptoms (p = .01) and less frequent tiredness (p < .001). Conclusions In the largest study to-date, we observe that greater daytime light predicts better outcomes across a range of mood-, sleep- and circadian-related measures. Our findings are consistent with the known effects of light on the circadian system, whereby greater daytime light enhances the strength of the rhythm allowing for greater distinction between sleep and wake states. These findings

2021 ◽  
Vol 141 (10) ◽  
pp. S169
V. Németh ◽  
Á Kinyó ◽  
S. Horváth ◽  
R. Gyulai ◽  
Z. Lengyel

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