media transformation
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Maria Asumpta Evi Marlina ◽  
Anastasia Filiana Ismawati ◽  
Kazia Laturette ◽  
Eko Budi Santoso ◽  
Fanny Septina ◽  

Program peningkatan literasi keuangan bagi buruh migran Indonesia di Singapura, Hongkong, dan Roma diikuti oleh tujuh puluh lima peserta. Dari tujuh puluh lima perserta tersebut hanya ada satu pekerja migran laki-laki. Permasalah dalam literasi keuangan yang dialami para buruh migran tersebut antara lain kesulitan mengelola keuangan dan kesulitan membuat anggaran untuk bisnisnya. Uang yang mereka kirim ke sanak saudara di Indonesia untuk mengembangkan bisnis justru habis karena para buruh migran tersebut kurang paham tentang pengelolaan keuangan. Tujuan program tersebut adalah untuk memberikan tambahan wawasan tentang literasi keuangan dan memberikan konsultasi dalam bidang keuangan untuk pengembangan bisnis mereka yang dijalankan di Indonesia. Program pelatihan tersebut terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu observasi, persiapan, pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Kegiatan tersebut dilakukan berkat kerjasama antara Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Ciputra, Universitas Ciputra Media Transformation Ministry, dan Development Singapore. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan tersebut, peserta dapat membuat penganggaran bagi bisnis mereka.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 364
Marina Sheresheva ◽  
Lyudmila Skakovskaya ◽  
Elena Bryzgalova ◽  
Anton Antonov-Ovseenko ◽  
Helen Shitikova

The study presented in the paper aims to analyze the Russian print media market before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the prospects of local media transformation in the challenging environment. In the pre-pandemic decade, there was a growing body of literature on media convergence in emerging markets confirming that this concept is growing in importance as a strategic path of conventional media transformation. Still, the research on the Russian conventional media transformation is scarce, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic risks on Russian print media and their business models have not been investigated so far. To fill the gap, we combined desk research, processing of published industry statistics, and data obtained by means of expert interviews. The results confirm that in the first decades of the 21st century Russian print media paid less attention to the opportunities of media convergence than Western ones. At the same time, those Russian conventional media that set ambitious goals for their future considered the adoption of the media convergence approach as crucial, even before the pandemic. The findings show the lack of systemic measures to improve the overall situation on the national media market that faces difficult times, and the need to take into account pandemic risks in the print media management activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 407
Kardi Kardi ◽  
Al Makin ◽  
Anis Masruri

This article aims to describe the Pesantren’s response to the use of digital applications of classical books as open sources of education. Starting from the phenomenon of using al-maktabah sya> milah software in Pesantren Salaf (traditional Islamic boarding schools) where they have a scientific tradition of using printed Kitab Kuning (Islamic classical books) for quite a long time. The presence of a digital media transformation called al-maktabah sya>milah is an alternative for searching information on classical books in Pesantrens. Then, this article questions on the emergence of al-maktabah syu> mila NU fi>ha software at the Pesantren Assalafiyyah, Mlangi, Sleman, Yogyakarta in response to the presence of al-maktabah sya>milah. Syu>mila NU containing digital books by mu'tabar ulama taught in Pesantren Salaf, while Syamilah containing books by Arabic ulama allegedly carrying Wahhabi understanding. This has led to a contestation between the two Kitab Kuning digital applications in the Pesantren Salaf. This article uses an interpretive qualitative descriptive approach from library document data, multi-site, and software. The author analyzes the information on both the software and the related web. Maktabah syu> mila NU fi>ha software development is defensive which aims to fortify the Pesantren from the influence of the syamilah maktabah understanding which brings Wahhabi; a intolerant, apolitical, anti-tradition, and transnational understanding. The presence of this application appeared various responses from the pesantrens. Pesantren Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Lirboyo, Kediri tends to be skeptical whether Pesantren Assalafiyyah Mlangi, Yogyakarta is more neutral, and Pesantren Salafiyyah Syafi’iyyah Sukorejo, Situbondo tends to be moderate and optimistic. This response is inseparable from the pesantren policy which is contained in the board’s rules for the use of electronic devices.

2020 ◽  
pp. 3-91
Lars Elleström

Abstract This chapter is a significantly expanded and improved version of ‘The Modalities of Media: A Model for Understanding Intermedial Relations’ from 2010. It suggests an elaborated theoretical framework for distinguishing the multimodal character of media products, which are understood as those entities and phenomena that make inter-human communication possible. It offers a foundational model for describing and analysing the most basic similarities, differences and interrelations among all conceivable forms of media. The chapter also explains some basic mechanisms for categorising media products into media types and the intricate nature of media borders: how they are identified, construed and crossed. Finally, it broadly discusses two general intermedial perspectives: media integration and media transformation.

Abdullah Iskandar ◽  
Takafumi Nakanishi ◽  
Achmad Basuki ◽  
Ryotaro Okada ◽  
Takashi Kitagawa

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