international organization for standardization
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2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (esp2) ◽  
pp. 121-136
José Nunes da Silva Filho ◽  
Camila Damaceno

A gestão escolar (GE) é um conjunto de atividades e tarefas administrativas que gera inúmeros desafios. Prática ordenada e complexa que visa, através da participação e do planejamento coletivo, gerar e organizar a autonomia da unidade escolar. Objetivo geral: analisar e descrever o volume da produção científica em GE ao longo dos últimos anos, computados a partir da biblioteca on-line SciELO Brasil. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas. O acesso e a busca dos dados aconteceram durante a primeira quinzena do mês julho de 2021, catalogando o número total de publicações e suas respectivas datas sobre a temática GE. Para analisar os resultados, realizou-se uma estatística simples, com mensurações da frequência, gráficos e tabelas, via software Excel, versão 2016. Para a comparação entre as médias, utilizou-se de análise não paramétrica com o teste U de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney. Resultados: foram refinados um volume total de 316 artigos no formato International Organization for Standardization (ISO 690) em cinquenta e oito periódicos diferentes e escritos em quatro idiomas distintos, incluindo o Português. Conclusão: conclui-se que especificamente na biblioteca on-line SciELO, houve ao longo dos últimos anos, um crescimento significativo do número de produção científica acerca do tema.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-49
I Irwansyah ◽  
Asbar Asbar ◽  
Amir Zaki Mubarak

ABSTRAKTujuan dilaksanakan pengabdian ini untuk memperkenalkan dan memberikan pelatihan penggunaan perangkat lunak Autodesk Inventor untuk memproduksi gambar teknik berbasis Computer-aided Design (CAD) menurut International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Metode yang dilaksanakan melalui teori, praktik dan diskusi serta penyelesaian tugas perancangan mesin secara mandiri dan berkelompok. Materi pelatihan meliputi gambar kerja, pengenalan dasar CAD, pemodelan gambar two-dimensional (2D) dan three-dimensional (3D), perakitan dan presentasi model 3D. Evaluasi kegiatan dinilai mengacu pada kesiapan penyelesaian tugas perancangan dan kesesuaian hasil gambar menurut standar ISO. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan CAD tingkat dasar diperoleh capaian dimana peserta telah menyelesaikan materi pembekalan menggambar teknik dan berhasil menyelesaikan tugas perancangan yang diberikan. Tugas proyek perancangan yang diberikan menuntut penguasaan dalam hal membuat model 3D dari gambar sketsa 2D, membuat gambar susunan, membuat gambar kerja dan menyajikannya dalam format presentasi model bergerak. Keberhasilan menyelesaikan tugas tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa para peserta paham dan mampu mengoperasikan perangkat lunak Autodesk Inventor. Kesimpulan, kemampuan dasar ini dapat dijadikan bekal untuk pengembangan diri peserta dalam pengembangan dan penguasaan CAD tingkat lanjut. Kegiatan ini memberikan kontribusi berdasarkan tingginya animo untuk mengikuti pelatihan hingga akhir dan menyelesaikan tugas, dan juga memberikan dampak secara tidak langsung kepada persiapan tenaga terampil CAD pada industri di Aceh.Kata kunci: perancangan berbantuan komputer; gambar teknik 2D/3D; Autodesk InventorABSTRACTThe purpose of this service is to introduce and provide training on the use of Autodesk Inventor software to produce Computer-aided Design (CAD) based technical drawings according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The method is carried out through theory, practice, and discussion, as well as completing machine design tasks independently and in groups. The training materials include working drawings, basic introduction to CAD, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) drawing modeling, assembly, and presentation of 3D models. Evaluation of activities assessed refers to the readiness to complete the design task and the suitability of the drawings according to ISO standards. Based on the results of the basic level CAD training, there were achievements where participants had completed the technical drawing briefing material and completed the given design task. The design project task given requires mastery in terms of making 3D models from 2D sketch images, making layout drawings, making working drawings, and presenting them in a moving model presentation format. Successful completion of the task indicates that the participants understand and can operate the Autodesk Inventor software. In conclusion, this basic ability can be used as a provision for participants' self-development in the development and mastery of advanced CAD. This activity contributes based on the high interest in participating in training to the end and completing assignments and also has an indirect impact on the preparation of skilled CAD workers in the industry in Aceh.Keywords: computer-aided design; 2D/3D engineering drawing; Autodesk Inventor

Elie Saliba ◽  
Régine Vignes Lebbe ◽  
Alain Dubois ◽  
Annemarie Ohler

Zoological nomenclature, the discipline of taxonomy responsible for managing the scientific names of animal taxa, takes its roots in the work of Carolus Linnaeus, and has been governed by an international Code since the beginning of the 20th century. Like any other scientific discipline, it has developed its own vocabulary, which has gotten increasingly complex with time. However, it sometimes lacks clarity in its terminology. New terms have been defined by various authors to reduce ambiguity or replace existing problematic terms. To make these new terms, but also terms used by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (the Code), accessible, an electronic Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) thesaurus was created, called Zoonom. Zoonom was built using an open-source thesaurus-making software, Opentheso. Opentheso complies with the most recent standards i.e., ISO 25964-1 (International Organization for Standardization 2011) and ISO 25964-2 (International Organization for Standardization 2013). The thesaurus is shared online through the LOTERRE platform (Linked Open TERminology REssources). SKOS is part of the Semantic Web family of standards and a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation for controlled vocabularies and thesauri. It is itself based on the Web Ontology Language (OWL). See some applications of SKOS and semantic web for biodiversity in Larmande et al. 2013. Zoonom contains 920 terms (excluding terms from the same word families, like plurals), distributed within 794 concepts, 404 etymologies and 58 references. It is divided into 20 collections and covers every aspect of zoological nomenclature, from theoretical nomenclature to taxonomic publications. Find the link to a downloadable file in the description of Zoonom. The thesaurus can be used as a classical glossary, using the search bar, or in alphabetical order, but this is not its only feature. Gathering different terms under a single concept also offers the possibility of refining the terminologies, and thus accessing a less ambiguous equivalent term. A richly developed vocabulary enables better labeling of particular names or situations in databases, software, or in the context of Semantic Web. As an example, let’s focus on the concept of nomen dubium. It is defined by the Code as “a name of unknown or doubtful application” (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999). However, at least four different major categories of nomina dubia exist. Names attached to multiple types belonging to potentially different taxa; names attached to a problematic type; names attached to a non-identifiable type; and names not clearly available because their conditions of availability have not been checked. Concepts have been created to distinguish each of these situations: Synaptonym, Anaptonym, Nyctonym (Dubois 2011) and Aporioplonym. The nomenclatural treatment of these names varies. Some may need the designation of a neotype (nyctonym) or if relevant, lectotype (synaptonym); others may need a referral to the Commission, while some will stay dubious, or even end up being deemed unavailable (aporioplonym). The simple tagging “nomen dubium” gives little to no information about the exact status of the name, only implying that it is not valid. A better description of the scientific names in databases is beneficial both for information retrieval and intercommunication. Zoonom is destined to be updated at least once a year. Any relevant propositions of new concepts are highly welcomed. We are especially looking for terms widely used in a part of the taxonomic community, or associated with a particular taxon, but unknown or obscure outside of these applications. Crosslinking the common concepts with the NOMEN OWL ontology (Yoder et al. 2017) and Wikidata might be implimented in the near future. In conclusion, Zoonom should help provide a better understanding of zoological nomenclature and assist in the curation and management of databases by offering improved tags and definitions.

2021 ◽  
Aline Prado Costa ◽  
Katrícia Milena Almeida Corrêa ◽  
Erica de Matos Miranda ◽  
Regina Coeli Ruschel

A ISO 19650 consiste em uma série normativa, de escala internacional, com ênfase em Building Information Modeling (BIM). Esta série de normas tem sido bem recebida entre os países membros da Organização Internacional de Normalização (International Organization for Standardization – ISO), porém, para que a aplicação efetiva dessa série ocorra, se faz necessário um processo específico de adoção. Este artigo visa caracterizar o contexto internacional do processo de adoção das partes 1 e 2 da ISO 19650, lançadas em 2018. A partir de um levantamento feito junto às plataformas online de organizações normativas de nível nacional, além de um levantamento bibliográfico, constatou-se que o setor governamental impulsionou a aplicação da norma na maior parte dos países pesquisados e que o grau de adoção da tecnologia BIM não determina o status de adoção da referida norma.

Ito Setiawan ◽  
Aldistya Riesta Sekarini ◽  
Retno Waluyo ◽  
Fiby Nur Afiana

Bertambahnya ketergantungan organisasi terhadap penggunaan sistem informasi dalam rutinan sejalan dengan ancaman dan risiko yang timbul dari penggunaan sistem informasi tersebut. Permasalahan penggunaan sistem informasi juga dialami oleh Tripio Purwokerto. Tripio merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi di Purwokerto. Tripio memiliki dua sistem informasi untuk menunjang proses bisnisnya yaitu website dan Point of Sales (POS) systems. Dalam penggunaan sistem informasi mengalami permasalahan seperti server mengalami error, jaringan yang bermasalah, data yang rusak karena terkena virus dan human error. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui risiko dan juga dampak dari penggunaan sistem informasi di Tripio Purwokerto. Metode yang digunakan adalah International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3100:2018 dan standar pengendalian menggunakan International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27001:2013. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat 15 risiko yang terdiri dari 6 risiko dengan tingkat risiko high, 7 risiko dengan tingkat risiko medium, dan 2 risiko dengan tingkat risiko low. Rekomendasi kontrol yang digunakan mengacu pada ISO 27001:2013 bagian human recource security, access control, physical and environmental security, operations security, protection from malware, communications security, system acquisition, development and maintenance.

Наталія Овандер

В статті здійснено аналіз діючих міжнародних стандартів з управління ризиками та надається скорочена характеристика змісту та сфери застосування кожного з них. Встановлено, що в Україні діючими є державні стандарти (ДСТУ), які є аналогами розроблених Міжнародною організацією зі стандартизації (International Organization for Standardization, ISO), що дає можливість суб’єкту господарювання впроваджувати в свою практику управління ризиками міжнародний досвід. Доведено, що сьогодення вимагає постійного моніторингу факторів, які утворюють ризиковані ситуації, з метою формування ефективної системи ідентифікації, аналізу та оптимізації ризиків. Особливу увагу в статті приділено аналізу документів, які були випущені міжнародними організаціями останнім часом і присвячені актуальній проблемі сьогодення – управління ризиками шахрайства, відмивання грошей, фінансування тероризму та кіберзлочинності під час пандемії COVID-19. В статті констатовано, що 75% ризик-менеджерів вважають, що в результаті пандемії попит на управління ризиками зросте.

2021 ◽  
Norbert Hoeller ◽  
Filippo A. Salustri

This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of developing standards for biomimetic materials, based on the authors experience with International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/Technical Committee 266 Biomimetics. With the expansion of global trade, international standards are increasingly called on to protect the interests of consumers, improve business productivity and facilitate trade. In the past, standards typically addressed form/fit/function specifications and were associated with mature industries. Recently some ISO standards are focusing on processes, quality and consistency, which can support advances in emerging fields. ISO has the potential to advance biomimetic materials and biomimetics in general by developing and promoting frameworks that reflect the evolving nature of biomimetics.

2021 ◽  
Norbert Hoeller ◽  
Filippo A. Salustri

This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of developing standards for biomimetic materials, based on the authors experience with International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/Technical Committee 266 Biomimetics. With the expansion of global trade, international standards are increasingly called on to protect the interests of consumers, improve business productivity and facilitate trade. In the past, standards typically addressed form/fit/function specifications and were associated with mature industries. Recently some ISO standards are focusing on processes, quality and consistency, which can support advances in emerging fields. ISO has the potential to advance biomimetic materials and biomimetics in general by developing and promoting frameworks that reflect the evolving nature of biomimetics.

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