intuitionistic fuzzy numbers
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K. Kalaiarasi ◽  
M. Sumathi ◽  
A. Stanley Raj

The technique of limiting expenditure plays a critical part in an organization's ability to govern the smooth operation of its management system. The economic order quantity (EOQ) is calculated by solving a nonlinear problem, and the best solution is investigated in a fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy environment. The overall cost is made up of several factors, such as demand, holding, and ordering costs. The demand and stock-out characteristics were both fuzzified using fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. The numerical analysis shows the comparison between the two fuzzy numbers through sensitivity analysis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Remadi Daami Fedia ◽  
Frikha Moalla Hela

The real life problems are multidimensional in nature and may involve some ambiguity when it comes to decision making. It is, therefore, difficult to design the evaluation criteria precisely and determine the exact value of the attributes in the multicriteria analysis. The intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) achieved great success in treating this kind of ambiguity in a great deal of research. The study of sorting problems is an active research issue in the multiple criteria decision aid (MCDA) area. This paper investigated one of the sorting methods, FLOWSORT, and extended it to the multicriteria group decision making based on the output aggregation of the individual sorting results. The rating of each alternative was described through linguistic terms that can be expressed in triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. An illustrative example as well as an empirical comparison with other multi-criteria decision making methods were carried out to validate our extension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Zhen Zhang ◽  
Pengfei Su

Many experts and scholars focus on the Maclaurin symmetric mean (MSM) operator, which can reflect the interrelationship among the multi-input arguments. It has been generalized to different fuzzy environments and put into use in various actual decision problems. The fuzzy number intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (FNIFNs) could well depict the uncertainties and fuzziness during the English teaching quality evaluation. And the English teaching quality evaluation is frequently viewed as the multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) issue. We expand the MSM equation with FNIFNs to propose the fuzzy number intuitionistic fuzzy MSM (FNIFMSM) equation and fuzzy number intuitionistic fuzzy weighted MSM (FNIFWMSM) equation in this study. A few MADM tools are developed with FNIFWMSM equation. Finally, taking English teaching quality evaluation as an example, this paper illustrates the depicted approach.

2021 ◽  
khaista Rahman

Abstract In this paper, a logarithmic operational law for intuitionistic fuzzy numbers is defined, in which the based1 is a real number such that1 ∈(0,1) with condition1 ≠ 1. Some properties of logarithmic operational laws have been studied and based on these, several Einstein averaging and Einstein geometric operators namely, logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein weighted averaging (LIFEWA) operator, logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted averaging (LIFEOWA) operator, logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein hybrid averaging (LIFEHA) operator, logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein weighted geometric (LIFEWG) operator, logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted geometric (LIFEOWG) operator, and logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein hybrid geometric (LIFEHG) operator have been introduced, which can overcome the weaknesses of algebraic operators. Furthermore, based on the proposed operators a multi-attribute group decision-making problem is established under logarithmic operational laws. Finally, an illustrative example is used to illustrate the applicability and validity of the proposed approach and compare the results with the existing methods to show the effectiveness of it.

Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Farah Rasheed ◽  
Sajida Kousar ◽  
Javid Shabbir ◽  
Nasreen Kausar ◽  
Dragan Pamucar ◽  

The validity of survey sampling depends on how precise the data is. The validity reduces when questionnaire contains linguistic variables and respondent has to answer in zero or one. The ambiguity in the respondent’s mind can be minimized by getting a response in an intuitionistic fuzzy sense. In this study, we proposed intuitionistic fuzzy aggregative investment benefit rate to select the best manufacturing facility location, where respondents expressed both membership function and nonmembership function for linguistic variables, with some hesitancy level, and give significant improvement over the fuzzy assessment method. The proposed methodology is also verified at different hesitancy levels and recommended to use a small hesitancy level. Real-life example of the use of electronic data interchange (EDI) in Pakistan’s different fields, such as business, commerce, transport, airlines, warehousing, and logistic and delivery industry, is used to support the proposed methodology. Thus, an intuitionistic fuzzy rate reduces the cost, time, and effort of survey sampling instead of taking and analyzing responses from large samples.

2021 ◽  
Linxin Chen ◽  
Riqing Chen ◽  
Jian Lin

Abstract In this paper, an improved multiple attribute decision making (MADM) method based on the proposed novel score function and accuracy function of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IVIFNs) is proposed to aggregate large-scale data. The attribute values in the decision matrices provided by each decision-maker (DM), which are characterized by interval numbers. First, a transformation matrix is introduced to define the concepts of satisfactory set, un- satisfactory set and uncertainty set of alternatives. An approach is then developed for aggregating attribute values into IVIFNs, and we will obtain the collective evaluation of each alternative. Next, using the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging operator, the collective attribute values characterized by IVIFNs are aggregated to get the overall evaluation of alternatives. The score function and accuracy function are applied to calculate the score degree and the rank of each alternative. Finally, a large-scale example is given to verify the validity of the reported method.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Manisha Malik ◽  
S. K. Gupta ◽  
I. Ahmad

In many real-world problems, one may encounter uncertainty in the input data. The fuzzy set theory fits well to handle such situations. However, it is not always possible to determine with full satisfaction the membership and non-membership degrees associated with an element of the fuzzy set. The intuitionistic fuzzy sets play a key role in dealing with the hesitation factor along-with the uncertainity involved in the problem and hence, provides more flexibility in the decision-making process. In this article, we introduce a new ordering on the set of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and propose a simple approach for solving the fully intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problems with mixed constraints and unrestricted variables where the parameters and decision variables of the problem are represented by intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. The proposed method converts the problem into a crisp non-linear programming problem and further finds the intuitionistic fuzzy optimal solution to the problem. Some of the key significance of the proposed study are also pointed out along-with the limitations of the existing studies. The approach is illustrated step-by-step with the help of a numerical example and further, a production planning problem is also demonstrated to show the applicability of the study in practical situations. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed algorithm is analyzed with the existing studies based on various computational parameters.

Y. Saritha

In this, we studied and investigated IFM/IFG/1 vacation queueing system/waiting line with server breakdowns, repair and server timeout, “by using (Triangular Trapezoidal and Pentagonal) IF (Intuitionistic Fuzzy) numbers with the application of IFS (Intuitionistic fuzzy set). Here we operate single server vacation queueing system in the following manner; when the system finds empty, the server waits for fixed time ’c’ known as server timeout. At the expiration of this time, if no one arrives into the system, then server takes the vacation. If anyone arrived in the system during the timeout period as well as in vacation the server commences the service otherwise, he will go for another vacation. If the system had occurred with a breakdown, just after a break down the server undergoes for repair. After the repaired process is completed the server restarts the service to the arrived customer. By the approach of IFS properties, we develop the membership function of the system performance are of fuzzy nature. Based on IFS α-cut approach the Intuitionistic fuzzy queues are reduced to a family of ICS (Intuitionistic Crisp Set). The numerical results are illustrated to the model.

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