seasonal timing
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2021 ◽  
Fangyue Zhang ◽  
Joel A. Biederman ◽  
Nathan A. Pierce ◽  
Daniel L. Potts ◽  
Charles John Devine ◽  

Rowland Burdon ◽  
Michael Bartlett

Plant phenology is manifested in the seasonal timing of vegetative and reproductive processes, but also has ontogenetic aspects. The adaptive basis of seasonal phenology has been considered mainly in terms of climatic drivers. However, some biotic factors as likely evolutionary influences on plants’ phenology appear to have been under-researched. Several specific cases of putative biotic factors driving plant phenology are outlined, involving both herbivores and pathogens. These illustrate the diversity of likely interactions rather than any systematic coverage or review. Emphasis is on woody perennials, in which phenology is often most multi-faceted and complicated by the ontogenetic aspect. The complete seasonal leaf fall that characterises deciduous plants may be a very important defence against some pathogens. Whether biotic influences drive acquisition or long-term persistence of deciduousness is considered. In one case; of leaf rusts in poplars, countervailing influences of the rusts and climate suggest persistence. Often, however, biotic and environmental influences likely reinforce each other. The timing and duration of shoot flushing may in at least some cases contribute to defences against herbivores, largely through brief periods of ‘predator satiation’ when plant tissues have highest food value. Wide re-examination of plant phenology, accommodating the roles of biotic factors and their interplays with environments as additional adaptive drivers, is advocated, towards developing and applying hypotheses that are observationally or experimentally testable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 288 (1963) ◽  
Marcel E. Visser ◽  
Melanie Lindner ◽  
Phillip Gienapp ◽  
Matthew C. Long ◽  
Stephanie Jenouvrier

Climate change has led to phenological shifts in many species, but with large variation in magnitude among species and trophic levels. The poster child example of the resulting phenological mismatches between the phenology of predators and their prey is the great tit ( Parus major ), where this mismatch led to directional selection for earlier seasonal breeding. Natural climate variability can obscure the impacts of climate change over certain periods, weakening phenological mismatching and selection. Here, we show that selection on seasonal timing indeed weakened significantly over the past two decades as increases in late spring temperatures have slowed down. Consequently, there has been no further advancement in the date of peak caterpillar food abundance, while great tit phenology has continued to advance, thereby weakening the phenological mismatch. We thus show that the relationships between temperature, phenologies of prey and predator, and selection on predator phenology are robust, also in times of a slowdown of warming. Using projected temperatures from a large ensemble of climate simulations that take natural climate variability into account, we show that prey phenology is again projected to advance faster than great tit phenology in the coming decades, and therefore that long-term global warming will intensify phenological mismatches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-198
Alexander F. C. Greenslade ◽  
Jason W. Chapman ◽  
Don R. Reynolds

Some species of psyllid (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) are known to make high-altitude windborne migrations, but compared with their sister superfamily, the Aphidoidea, our knowledge of these movements is rudimentary and unsystematised. Here we have extracted psyllid capture data from day and night aerial sampling carried out at a height of 200 m above ground at Cardington, Bedfordshire, UK, during summers between 1999 and 2007. These records were consolidated with high-altitude psyllid catches made over England during the 1930s and with some other trapping results from northwest Europe which were indicative of migration. Information on aerial densities, diel flight periodicity, and the sex-ratio of the aerial psyllid populations is presented. We also compared our results with those of a recent study which used the Rothamsted Insect Survey network of suction traps (sampling at a height of 12.2 m); this provided confirmative evidence that the suction-traps were indeed detecting migrating psyllids. Finally, both aerial netting and suction trap data were used to tentatively interpret the seasonal timing of migrations in terms of the breeding/overwintering cycles of some common psyllid species.

Natalie E. van Dis ◽  
Maurijn van der Zee ◽  
Roelof A. Hut ◽  
Bregje Wertheim ◽  
Marcel E. Visser

Climate change is rapidly altering the environment and many species will need to genetically adapt their seasonal timing to keep up with these changes. Insect development rate is largely influenced by temperature, but we know little about the mechanisms underlying temperature sensitivity of development. Here we investigate seasonal timing of egg hatching in the winter moth, one of the few species which has been found to genetically adapt to climate change, likely through selection on temperature sensitivity of egg development rate. To study when during development winter moth embryos are most sensitive to changes in ambient temperature, we gave eggs an increase or decrease in temperature at different moments during their development. We measured their developmental progression and timing of egg hatching, and used fluorescence microscopy to construct a timeline of embryonic development for the winter moth. We found that egg development rate responded more strongly to temperature once embryos were in the fully extended germband stage. This is the phylotypic stage at which all insect embryos have developed a rudimentary nervous system. Furthermore, at this stage timing of ecdysone signaling determines developmental progression, which could act as an environment dependent gateway. Intriguingly, this may suggest that, from the phylotypic stage onward, insect embryos can start to integrate internal and environmental stimuli to actively regulate important developmental processes. As we found evidence that there is genetic variation for temperature sensitivity of egg development rate in our study population, such regulation could be a target of selection imposed by climate change.

2021 ◽  
Jan Smit ◽  
Melanie During ◽  
Camille Berruyer ◽  
Dennis Voeten ◽  
Paul Tafforeau ◽  

Abstract The Cretaceous-Paleogene (KPg) mass extinction ~66 million years ago (Ma) was triggered by the Chicxulub impact on the present-day Yucatán Peninsula. This event caused the extinction of circa 76% of species, including all non-avian dinosaurs, and represents one of the most selective extinctions to date. The timing of the impact and its aftermath have mainly been studied on millennial timescales, leaving the season of the impact unconstrained. Here, we demonstrate that the impact that caused the KPg mass extinction took place during boreal spring. Osteohistology and stable isotope records of exceptionally preserved dermal and perichondrial bones in acipenseriform fishes from the Tanis impact-induced seiche deposits reveal annual cyclicity across the final years of the Cretaceous. These fishes ultimately perished in boreal spring. Annual life cycles, involving seasonal timing and duration of reproduction, feeding, hibernation, and aestivation, vary strongly across latest Cretaceous biotic diversity. We conclude that the timing of the Chicxulub impact in boreal spring significantly influenced selective biotic survival across the KPg boundary.

2021 ◽  
Gemma N. Villagomez ◽  
Fabian Nürnberger ◽  
Fabrice Requier ◽  
Susanne Schiele ◽  
Ingolf Steffan‐Dewenter

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
Laura Rosmalen ◽  
Jayme Dalum ◽  
Daniel Appenroth ◽  
Renzo T. M. Roodenrijs ◽  
Lauren Wit ◽  

Rowland Burdon ◽  
Michael Bartlett

Plant phenology is manifested in the seasonal timing of flowering and vegetative processes, but also has ontogenetic aspects. The adaptive basis of seasonal phenology has been considered mainly in terms of climatic drivers. However, some biotic factors as likely evolutionary influences on plants’ phenology appear to have been under-researched. Several specific cases of putative biotic factors driving plant phenology are outlined, involving both herbivores and pathogens. These illustrate the diversity of likely interactions rather than any systematic coverage or review. Emphasis is on woody perennials, in which phenology is often most multi-faceted and complicated by the ontogenetic aspect. The timing and duration of shoot flushing may in at least some cases contribute to defencses against herbivores, largely through brief periods of ‘predator satiation’ when plant tissues have highest food value. However, the complete seasonal leaf fall that characterizes deciduous plants may be a very important defencse against some pathogens. Whether biotic influences drive acquisition or ‘biotic lock-in’ of deciduousness is considered. In one case; of leaf rusts in poplars, countervailing influences of the rusts and climate suggest lock-in. Often, however, biotic and environmental influences likely reinforce each other. Wide re-examination of plant phenology, accommodating the roles of biotic factors and their interplays with environments as additional adaptive drivers, is advocated, towards developing and applying hypotheses that are observationally or experimentally testable.

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