brachial plexus injury
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Anna Boesendorfer ◽  
Agnes Sturma ◽  
Clemens Gstoettner ◽  
Anna Pittermann ◽  
Gregor Laengle ◽  

Introduction: Many adults who had a severe Narakas IV obstetric brachial plexus injury (OBPI) suffer from extensive impairments in daily living due to limited hand-arm function. The dramatic loss of axonal support at this very early age of development often render the entire extremity a biologic wasteland and reconstructive methods and therapies often fail to recover any functional hand use. In this scenario bionic reconstruction, including an elective amputation and a subsequent prosthetic fitting, may enable functional improvement in adults suffering from the consequences of such severe brachial plexus injuries. We here describe our experience in treating such patients and lay out the surgical rational and rehabilitation protocol exemplified in one patient.Case Presentation/Methods: A 27-year-old adult with a unilateral OBPI contacted our center. He presented with globally diminished function of the affected upper extremity with minimal hand activity, resulting in an inability to perform various tasks of daily living. No biological reconstructive efforts were available to restore meaningful hand function. An interdisciplinary evaluation, including a psychosocial assessment, was used to assess eligibility for bionic reconstruction. Before the amputation and after the prosthetic fitting functional assessments and self-reported questionnaires were performed.Results: One month after the amputation and de-rotation osteotomy of the humerus the patient was fitted with a myoelectric prosthesis. At the 1.5 year-follow-up assessment, the patient presented with a distinct improvement of function: the ARAT improved from 12 to 20 points, SHAP score improved from 8 to 29, and the DASH value improved from 50 to 11.7. The average wearing times of the prosthesis were 5 to 6 h per day (on 4–5 days a week).Discussion: The options for adults suffering from the consequences of severe OBPIs to improve function are limited. In selected patients in whom the neurological deficit is so severe that biologic hand function is unsatisfactory, an elective amputation and subsequent restoration of the hand with mechatronic means may be an option. The follow-up results indicate that this concept can indeed lead to solid hand function and independence in daily activities after amputation, subsequent prosthetic fitting, and rehabilitation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. e243798
Josh King-Robson ◽  
Eleanor Bates ◽  
Elisaveta Sokolov ◽  
Robert D M Hadden

Prone positioning is a mainstay of management for those presenting to the intensive care unit with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome due to COVID-19. While this is a necessary and life-saving intervention in selected patients, careful positioning and meticulous care are required to prevent compression and traction of the brachial plexus, and resultant brachial plexopathy. We describe two patients who developed a brachial plexus injury while undergoing prone positioning for management of COVID-19 pneumonitis. Both patients were diabetic and underwent prolonged periods in the prone position during which the plexopathy affected arm was abducted for 19 and 55 hours, respectively. We discuss strategies to reduce the risk of this rare but potentially disabling complication of prone positioning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Lidiane Souza ◽  
Luiggi Lustosa ◽  
Ana Elisa Lemos Silva ◽  
José Vicente Martins ◽  
Thierry Pozzo ◽  

Background: Traumatic brachial plexus injury (TBPI) typically causes sensory, motor and autonomic deficits of the affected upper limb. Recent studies have suggested that a unilateral TBPI can also affect the cortical representations associated to the uninjured limb.Objective: To investigate the kinematic features of the uninjured upper limb in participants with TBPI.Methods: Eleven participants with unilateral TBPI and twelve healthy controls matched in gender, age and anthropometric characteristics were recruited. Kinematic parameters collected from the index finger marker were measured while participants performed a free-endpoint whole-body reaching task and a cup-to-mouth task with the uninjured upper limb in a standing position.Results: For the whole-body reaching task, lower time to peak velocity (p = 0.01), lower peak of velocity (p = 0.003), greater movement duration (p = 0.04) and shorter trajectory length (p = 0.01) were observed in the TBPI group compared to the control group. For the cup-to-mouth task, only a lower time to peak velocity was found for the TBPI group compared to the control group (p = 0.02). Interestingly, no differences between groups were observed for the finger endpoint height parameter in either of the tasks. Taken together, these results suggest that TBPI leads to a higher cost for motor planning when it comes to movements of the uninjured limb as compared to healthy participants. This cost is even higher in a task with a greater postural balance challenge.Conclusion: This study expands the current knowledge on bilateral sensorimotor alterations after unilateral TBPI and should guide rehabilitation after a peripheral injury.

Neurosurgery ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-50
Robert B. Kim ◽  
Michael Bounajem ◽  
Forrest Hamrick ◽  
Mark A. Mahan

Cureus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Ahmad Arieff Atan ◽  
Zamri Ab Rahman ◽  
Khairul Rizal Zayzan ◽  
Norhaslinda Bahaudin ◽  
Abdul Rauf Ahmad

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 651-659
Ethan L. Mackenzie ◽  
Jeffrey D. Larson ◽  
Samuel O. Poore

Background Many surgical specialties have had pioneering influences from plastic surgeons. However, many of these areas of practice have evolved to include surgeons from diverse training backgrounds. This raises the question as to whether the prominence of other specialties in clinical practice translates to greater research productivity in these areas. The objective of this paper is to investigate the publication volumes of plastic surgeons in selected areas of practice compared to surgeons from other disciplines.Methods PubMed was used to examine publication trends in areas associated with plastic surgery. Searches for the following topics were performed: head and neck reconstruction, hand surgery, breast reconstruction, ventral hernia repair, abdominal component separation, brachial plexus injury, craniofacial surgery, and aesthetic surgery. Affiliation tags were used to examine contributions from nine specialties. Web of Science was used to identify the top cited articles for the last 10 years in each area.Results Articles by non-plastic surgeons comprise the majority of the literature for all areas of practice studied except for breast reconstruction and aesthetic surgery. Despite this, plastic surgeons contributed the greatest number of top cited articles over the last 10 years for five of the areas of practice.Conclusions While plastic surgeons do not contribute the greatest proportion of articles published each year in several of the selected areas of practice, they do publish a larger number of articles that are the most cited. Plastic surgeons remain the dominant academic force in terms of volume and citations for both breast and aesthetic surgery.

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