ozone uptake
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 18393-18411
Auke J. Visser ◽  
Laurens N. Ganzeveld ◽  
Ignacio Goded ◽  
Maarten C. Krol ◽  
Ivan Mammarella ◽  

Abstract. Dry deposition is an important sink of tropospheric ozone that affects surface concentrations and impacts crop yields, the land carbon sink, and the terrestrial water cycle. Dry deposition pathways include plant uptake via stomata and non-stomatal removal by soils, leaf surfaces, and chemical reactions. Observational studies indicate that ozone deposition exhibits substantial temporal variability that is not reproduced by atmospheric chemistry models due to a simplified representation of vegetation uptake processes in these models. In this study, we explore the importance of stomatal and non-stomatal uptake processes in driving ozone dry deposition variability on diurnal to seasonal timescales. Specifically, we compare two land surface ozone uptake parameterizations – a commonly applied big leaf parameterization (W89; Wesely, 1989) and a multi-layer model (MLC-CHEM) constrained with observations – to multi-year ozone flux observations at two European measurement sites (Ispra, Italy, and Hyytiälä, Finland). We find that W89 cannot reproduce the diurnal cycle in ozone deposition due to a misrepresentation of stomatal and non-stomatal sinks at our two study sites, while MLC-CHEM accurately reproduces the different sink pathways. Evaluation of non-stomatal uptake further corroborates the previously found important roles of wet leaf uptake in the morning under humid conditions and soil uptake during warm conditions. The misrepresentation of stomatal versus non-stomatal uptake in W89 results in an overestimation of growing season cumulative ozone uptake (CUO), a metric for assessments of vegetation ozone damage, by 18 % (Ispra) and 28 % (Hyytiälä), while MLC-CHEM reproduces CUO within 7 % of the observation-inferred values. Our results indicate the need to accurately describe the partitioning of the ozone atmosphere–biosphere flux over the in-canopy stomatal and non-stomatal loss pathways to provide more confidence in atmospheric chemistry model simulations of surface ozone mixing ratios and deposition fluxes for large-scale vegetation ozone impact assessments.

2021 ◽  
Auke J. Visser ◽  
Laurens N. Ganzeveld ◽  
Ignacio Goded ◽  
Maarten C. Krol ◽  
Ivan Mammarella ◽  

Abstract. Dry deposition is an important sink of tropospheric ozone that affects surface concentrations, and impacts crop yields, the land carbon sink and the terrestrial water cycle. Dry deposition pathways include plant uptake via stomata and nonstomatal removal by soils, leaf surfaces and chemical reactions. Observational studies indicate that ozone deposition exhibits substantial temporal variability that is not reproduced by atmospheric chemistry models due to a simplified representation of vegetation uptake processes in these models. In this study, we explore the importance of stomatal and non-stomatal uptake processes in driving ozone dry deposition variability on diurnal to seasonal timescales. Specifically, we compare two land surface ozone uptake parameterizations – a commonly applied ’big leaf’ parameterization (W89; Wesely, 1989) and a multi-layer model (MLC-CHEM) constrained with observations – to multi-year ozone flux observations at two European measurement sites (Ispra, Italy, and Hyytiälä, Finland). We find that W89 cannot reproduce the diurnal cycle in ozone deposition due to a mis-representation of stomatal and non-stomatal sinks at our two study sites, while MLC-CHEM accurately reproduces the different sink pathways. Evaluation of non-stomatal uptake further corroborates the previously found important roles of wet leaf uptake in the morning under humid conditions, and soil uptake during warm conditions. The misrepresentation of stomatal versus non-stomatal uptake in W89 results in an overestimation of growing-season cumulative ozone uptake (CUO), a metric for assessments of vegetation ozone damage, by 18 % (Ispra) and 28 % (Hyytiälä), while MLC-CHEM reproduces CUO within 7 % of the observation-inferred values. Our results indicate the need to accurately describe the partitioning of the ozone atmosphere-biosphere flux over the in-canopy stomatal and non-stomatal loss pathways to provide more confidence in atmospheric chemistry model simulations of surface ozone mixing ratios and deposition fluxes for large-scale vegetation ozone impact assessments.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 350
Xianjie Wang ◽  
Christelle Barakat ◽  
Zixian Jia ◽  
Manolis N. Romanias ◽  
Frédéric Thévenet ◽  

If a number of literature studies point at the positive role of coupling materials with non-thermal plasma, particularly for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) removal, most of them focus on the direct plasma-material interaction to understand the coupling. However, a key contribution relies in the VOC–material interaction. Therefore, this study focuses on the adsorption step of targeted VOCs to provide a new insight on plasma–material coupling. The adsorption of acetone, used as probe VOC, is explored on two widespread coupling materials: TiO2 and CeO2. First, their behaviors are compared regarding acetone uptake. This process is reactive and creates other organic species than acetone on both surfaces. Second, the metal oxide behaviors are compared regarding ozone uptake. Interestingly, under typical VOC treatment configuration, i.e., with organics on their surfaces, ozone uptake is driven by the adsorbed organics, not directly by the metal oxides anymore. Finally, the ozonation of both materials, preliminary exposed to acetone, is explored through the evolution of the adsorbed organics and the corresponding mineralization, i.e., CO and CO2 formation. It evidences that the reactive adsorption of VOCs plays a key role in making the surface organics ready for an efficient oxidation and mineralization under post-plasma exposure.

Planta ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 253 (3) ◽  
Eleni Goumenaki ◽  
Ignacio González-Fernández ◽  
Jeremy D. Barnes

Abstract Main conclusion Plants exposed to equivalent ozone fluxes administered during day-time versus night-time exhibited greater losses in biomass at night and this finding is attributed to night-time depletion of cell wall-localised ascorbate. Abstract The present study employed Lactuca sativa and its closest wild relative, L. serriola, to explore the relative sensitivity of plants to ozone-induced oxidative stress during day-time versus night-time. By controlling atmospheric ozone concentration and measuring stomatal conductance, equivalent ozone uptake into leaves was engineered during day and night, and consequences on productivity and net CO2 assimilation rate were determined. Biomass losses attributable to ozone were significantly greater when an equivalent dose of ozone was taken-up by foliage at night compared to the day. Linkages between ozone impacts and ascorbic acid (AA) content, redox status and cellular compartmentation were probed in both species. Leaf AA pools were depleted by exposure of plants to darkness, and then AA levels in the apoplast and symplast were monitored on subsequent transfer of plants to the light. Apoplast AA appeared to be more affected by light–dark transition than the symplast pool. Moreover, equivalent ozone fluxes administered to leaves with contrasting AA levels resulted in contrasting effects on the light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation (Asat) in both species. Once apoplast AA content recovered to pre-treatment levels, the same ozone flux resulted in no impacts on Asat. The results of the present investigation reveal that plants are significantly more sensitive to equivalent ozone fluxes taken-up at night compared with those during the day and were consistent with diel shifts in apoplast AA content and/or redox status. Furthermore, findings suggest that some thought should be given to weighing regional models of ozone impacts for extraordinary night-time ozone impacts.

Chiara Proietti ◽  
Maria Francesca Fornasier ◽  
Pierre Sicard ◽  
Alessandro Anav ◽  
Elena Paoletti ◽  

Abstract In Europe, tropospheric ozone pollution appears as a major air quality issue, and ozone concentrations remain potentially harmful to vegetation. In this study we compared the trends of two ozone metrics widely used for forests protection in Europe, the AOT40 (Accumulated Ozone over Threshold of 40 ppb) which only depends on surface air ozone concentrations, and the Phytotoxic Ozone Dose which is the accumulated ozone uptake through stomata over the growing season, and above a threshold Y of uptake (PODY). By using a chemistry transport model, we found that European-averaged ground-level ozone concentrations (− 2%) and AOT40 metric (− 26.5%) significantly declined from 2000 to 2014, due to successful control strategies to reduce the emission of ozone precursors in Europe since the early 1990s. In contrast, the stomatal ozone uptake by forests increased from 17.5 to 26.6 mmol O3 m−2 despite the reduction in ozone concentrations, leading to an increase of potential ozone damage on plants in Europe. In a climate change context, a biologically-sound stomatal flux-based standard (PODY) as new European legislative standard is needed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 200412-0
Rabia Zafar ◽  
Seon Yeong Park ◽  
Chang Gyun Kim

Microplastics coexist with the chemical reactive oxygen species in natural waters, however, there is still a lack to elucidate the effect of these radicals on the microplastic surficial oxidation. In this study, the ozonation of polyethylene microplastics was carried out under varying ozone dosages ranging from 4 to 7 mg/min for 60, 120 and 180 min, where its ozone uptake was iodometrically compared and surficial modification was spectroscopically analyzed using FTIR and XPS. For that, the lowest ozone uptake was 16% at 4 mg/min ozone supplied for 60 min whereas the highest was observed of 44% at 7 mg/min ozone added for 180 min. Moreover, in the FTIR analysis, carbonyl (1,600-1,800 cm<sup>-1</sup>) and hydroxyl (3,200-3,600 cm<sup>-1</sup>) indices were improved more than 20% and 13% when they were ozonized at 7 mg/min for 180 min compared to 4 mg/min for 60 min, respectively. XPS also revealed that 7 mg/min of ozone supplied for 180 min provided the highest of oxygen functionalities, but while there was no significant change in C-C bond. It can be concluded that the surficial modification of PE including formation of oxygen functionalities could be more preferably influenced by the reaction time than ozone dosages.

2020 ◽  
Meiyun Lin ◽  
Larry Horowitz ◽  
Yuanyu Xie ◽  
Fabien Paulot ◽  
Sergey Malyshev ◽  

&lt;p&gt;This study highlights a previously under-appreciated &amp;#8220;climate penalty&amp;#8221; feedback mechanism - namely, substantial reductions of ozone uptake by water stressed vegetation &amp;#8211; as a missing piece to the puzzle of why European ozone pollution episodes have not decreased as expected in recent decades, despite marked reductions in regional emissions of ozone precursors due to regulatory changes. The most extreme ozone pollution episodes are linked to heatwaves and droughts, which are increasing in frequency and intensity over Europe, with severe impacts on natural and human systems. Under drought stress, plants close their stomata to reduce water loss, consequently limiting the ozone uptake by vegetation (a component of dry deposition), leading to increased surface ozone concentrations. Such land-biosphere feedbacks are often overlooked in prior air quality projections, owing to a lack of process-based model formulations. Here, we use six decades of observations and Earth system model simulations (1960-2018) with an interactive dry deposition scheme to show that declining ozone removal by water-stressed vegetation in the warming climate exacerbate ozone air pollution over Europe. Incorporated into a dynamic vegetation land &amp;#8211; atmospheric chemistry &amp;#8211; climate model, the dry deposition scheme mechanistically describes the response of ozone deposition to atmospheric CO&lt;sub&gt;2&amp;#160;&lt;/sub&gt;concentration, canopy air vapor pressure deficit, and soil water availability. Our observational and modeling analyses reveal drought stress causing as much as 70% reductions in ozone removal by forests. Reduced ozone removal by water-stressed vegetation worsens peak ozone episodes during European mega-droughts, such as the 2003 event, offsetting much of the air quality improvements gained from regional emission controls. Accounting for vegetation feedbacks leads to a three-fold increase in high surface ozone events above 80 ppbv (8-hour average) and a 20% increase in the sensitivity of ozone pollution extremes (95&lt;sup&gt;th&amp;#160;&lt;/sup&gt;percentile) to increasing temperature. As the frequency of hot and dry summers is expected to increase in the coming decades, this ozone climate penalty could be severe and therefore needs to be considered when designing clean air policy in the European Union.&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Notes: This study is currently under review for possible publication in Nature Climate Change.&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;

2019 ◽  
Vol 669 ◽  
pp. 1043-1052 ◽  
Alessandro Anav ◽  
Alessandra De Marco ◽  
Pierre Friedlingstein ◽  
Flavia Savi ◽  
Pierre Sicard ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 904-912 ◽  
Jingxin Xu ◽  
Youfei Zheng ◽  
Yuhong He ◽  
Fahu Zhu ◽  
Boru Mai ◽  

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