women's press
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2021 ◽  
pp. 160-179
N. O. Avtaeva ◽  
E. Yu. Gordeeva ◽  
M. S. Shcherova

 The transformation of the women’s press during the NEP period is examined in the article, attention is paid to the specifics of the functioning of family and household magazines for women, on the pages of which both the reforms and events of the Soviet era and pre-revolutionary values were reflected. The authors strive to identify the role that the “Magazine for Housewives” and “Women’s Magazine” played during the NEP period, supporting the family world in all its diverse social and spiritual manifestations; to clarify the ratio of traditional and innovative journalistic approaches in the formation of family and everyday media discourse. The results of a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the publications of the “Magazine for Housewives” and “Women’s Magazine” of the NEP period are presented in the article. The novelty of the research is seen in the analysis of the structural, thematic, functional features of women’s magazines of the NEP era. Special attention is paid to the author’s body, including the previously unexplored works of A. S. Voznesensky (real name — Brodsky), who signed his materials with the pseudonym “Ilya Rentz”. It is concluded that non-state women’s editions of family and household orientation appealed to the experience of pre-revolutionary journalism and, discussing the reform of everyday life and family, continued to write about traditional family values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2 (11)) ◽  
pp. 141-153
Weronika Sałek ◽  

The women’s magazine segment in the UK accounts for a significant part of the publishing market and has the highest readership in the country. Despite its popularity, women’s press faces many problems caused by the expansion of new types of media. Media researchers and insiders report about a crisis and stagnation of this publishing branch. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in early 2020, has compounded problems within the women’s press market, but also accelerated the development of existing trends. Moreover, it has sped up the digitization of previously printed content. The COVID crisis has also taken its toll on the organization of editorial work. Under current restrictions related to COVID, magazines which previously were not as popular, have come to the fore – periodicals on cooking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2 (11)) ◽  
pp. 155-168
Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska ◽  
Katarzyna Gajlewicz-Korab ◽  

Women’s press has been analysed as an element of the Polish media system by representatives of various fields of research. There have been studies of press content, formal features of individual magazines, ownership and definition issues, and internal segmentations, amongst others. This research attempts to fill a gap in the study of women’s press content; it aims to show how the COVID-19 was presented in women’s press. As an introduction to the main research, this article examines a carefully selected study sample with individual sub-segments of women’s press each represented by a leading magazine. Research objectives include determining the ways in which COVID-19 is presented in certain women’s press titles belonging to different sub-segments, analysing the selection and presentation of information to potential readers in regards to their needs, and establishing the functions of COVID-19 guidance in women’s press.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 187-209
Joanna Ozimska

The discourse of slimming diets in contemporary Italian women's press. Qualitative analysis. Based on a corpus of articles extracted from contemporary Italian female magazines (2021) Donna Moderna and Grazia, this paper examines the nature of discourse of slimming diet. It is shown that the discourse has changed compared to the study conducted on the material from 2005-2008. Altogether 29 monthly issues have been analyzed. Currently emerging corpus does not contain many persuasive techniques related to emotions (Aristotle's pathos), the credibility of provided advice is enhanced mostly by arguments from authority (ethos). The innovation thus lies in the references to currently important societal topics, such as ecology (a manifestation of linguistic fashion). The research based on a rhetorical tools and analysis of press discourse shows that the topic of weight loss is treated nowadays with greater awareness and is being transferred to the pages of the men's press, in women's magazines its place is taken by e.g., cosmetic-surgical, or ecologic discourse. The conclusions from own research have been preceded by a review of theoretical issues in the field of a modern concept of a slimming diet, myth of beauty, development of the press in Italy, the role of cuisine and food in the Italian women's press.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-145
Desirée de Jesus

Aria S. Halliday (ed.). 2019. The Black Girlhood Studies Collection. Toronto: Women’s Press.

Jorge Alejandro Laris Pardo

El propósito de este trabajo es plantear las diversas maneras como las escritoras de la revista feminista La Mujer Mexicana (1904-1907) entendían la relación entre feminidad, naturaleza y búsqueda del conocimiento. En las páginas de esta publicación, distintas autoras expresaron ideas sobre ciencia, religión, historia y poder. A través de este ejercicio de análisis, no sólo se busca contribuir a la comprensión de los feminismos durante el porfiriato, sino hacer patentes las complejidades discursivas con que en la revista en cuestión, entre otras fuentes, se expresó una gama realmente amplia y plural de visiones sobre el papel que las mujeres de entonces debían desempeñar en la sociedad mexicana.Palabras clave: Discurso, Feminismo, Historiografía, Prensa femenina Discourses of science, nature, religion, history and power in the feminisms of La Mujer Mexicana (1904-1907)SummaryThe purpose of this work is to present the different ways in which the writers of the feminist magazine La Mujer Mexicana (The Mexican Woman) (1904-1907) understood the relationship between femininity, nature and the search for knowledge. In the pages of this publication, different female authors expressed ideas about science, religion, history and power. Through this exercise of analysis, it is not only sought to contribute to the understanding of feminisms during the Porfiriato, but to make patent the discursive complexities with which in the magazine in question, among other sources, a truly wide and plural range of views about the role that women of that time had to perform in Mexican society was expressed.Keywords: Speech, Feminism, Historiography, Women's press Discours de science, nature, religion, histoire et pouvoir chez les féminismes de La Mujer Mexicana (1904-1907)RésuméLe but de ce travail est celui d’exposer les diverses manières à travers lesquelles les écrivaines de la revue féministe  La Mujer Mexicana (1904-1907) comprenaient la relation parmi féminité, nature et recherche de la connaissance. Dans les pages de cette publication, diverses auteures ont exprimé des idées sur science, religion, histoire et pouvoir. À travers cet exercice d’analyse, on ne cherche pas seulement à contribuer à la compréhension des féminismes pendant le Porfiriat, mais aussi contribuer au fait de mettre en évidence les complexités discursives avec lesquelles la revue mentionnée a exprimé, entre autres sources, une gamme vraiment grande et plurielle des visions sur le rôle que les femmes d’autrefois devraient jouer dans la société mexicaine.Mots clés : Discours, Féminisme, Historiographie, Presse féminine

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