spin exchange
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mikhail Padniuk ◽  
Marek Kopciuch ◽  
Riccardo Cipolletti ◽  
Arne Wickenbrock ◽  
Dmitry Budker ◽  

AbstractSearches for pseudo-magnetic spin couplings require implementation of techniques capable of sensitive detection of such interactions. While Spin-Exchange Relaxation Free (SERF) magnetometry is one of the most powerful approaches enabling the searches, it suffers from a strong magnetic coupling, deteriorating the pseudo-magnetic coupling sensitivity. To address this problem, here, we compare, via numerical simulations, the performance of SERF magnetometer and noble-gas-alkali-metal co-magnetometer, operating in a so-called self-compensating regime. We demonstrate that the co-magnetometer allows reduction of the sensitivity to low-frequency magnetic fields without loss of the sensitivity to nonmagnetic couplings. Based on that we investigate the responses of both systems to the oscillating and transient spin perturbations. Our simulations reveal about five orders of magnitude stronger response to the neutron pseudo-magnetic coupling and about three orders of magnitude stronger response to the proton pseudo-magnetic coupling of the co-magnetometer than those of the SERF magnetometer. Different frequency responses of the co-magnetometer to magnetic and nonmagnetic perturbations enables differentiation between these two types of interactions. This outlines the ability to implement the co-magnetometer as an advanced sensor for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometer for Exotic Physics searches (GNOME), aiming at detection of ultra-light bosons (e.g., axion-like particles).

Tian Zhao ◽  
Ying Liu ◽  
kai wei ◽  
Hongtai Xie ◽  
Tangjie Mu ◽  

Abstract Ultra-sensitive comagnetometers, which are designed to detect nuclear-and electron-spin-dependent interaction, have important applications ranging from basic research to inertial navigation systems (INSs). Unfortunately, electric heating, which is typically used in comagnetometers, introduces systematic errors because of the unavoidable generation of a modulated magnetic field. In this study, we investigate and introduce K-Rb-21Ne comagnetometer that uses laser heating for the first time, when operated in the spin-exchange relaxation free (SERF) regime. The performance of the comagnetometer, which is equipped with both laser heating and electric heating, is investigated, and the two heating modes are compared. The temperature characteristics of the comagnetometer are studied theoretically and experimentally. By optimizing the operating temperature and power density of the pump-light, an equivalent rotation sensitivity of 2.5×10^(-7) rad/s/√Hz@1Hz is achieved in laser heating mode. The improvement of laser-heating technology could prove essential to reduce electron relaxation and increase the low-frequency sensitivity of comagnetometers. Our results indicate that laser heating can make comagnetometers more suitable for applications in basic research (fifth force, dark matter, etc.), INSs, and other accurate measurements of electronic and nuclear precession.

PRX Quantum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Or Katz ◽  
Roy Shaham ◽  
Ofer Firstenberg

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 144
Taesu Park ◽  
Wang Ro Lee ◽  
Won-Joon Son ◽  
Ji-Hoon Shim ◽  
Changhoon Lee

The magnetic structure and the origin of band gap opening for Ba2CuOsO6 were investigated by exploring the spin exchange interactions and employing the spin–orbit coupling effect. It revealed that the double-perovskite Ba2CuOsO6, composed of the 3d (Cu2+) and 5d (Os6+) transition metal magnetic ions is magnetic insulator. The magnetic susceptibilities of Ba2CuOsO6 obey the Curie–Weiss law, with an estimated Weiss temperature of −13.3 K, indicating AFM ordering. From the density functional theory approach, it is demonstrated that the spin exchange interaction between Cu ions plays a major role in exhibiting an antiferromagnetic behavior in the Ba2CuOsO6 system. An important factor to understand regarding the insulating behavior on Ba2CuOsO6 is the structural distortion shape of OsO6 octahedron, which should be closely connected with the ionic size of the A-site ion. Since the d-block of Os6+ (d2) ions of Ba2CuOsO6 is split into four states (xy < xz, yz < x2–y2 < z2), the crucial key is separation of doubly degenerated xz and yz levels to describe the magnetic insulating states of Ba2CuOsO6. By orbital symmetry breaking, caused by the spin–orbit coupling, the t2g level of Os6+ (d2) ions is separated into three sublevels. Two electrons of Os6+ (d2) ions occupy two levels of the three spin–orbit-coupled levels. Since Ba2CuOsO6 is a strongly correlated system, and the Os atom belongs to the heavy element group, one speculates that it is necessary to take into account both electron correlation and the spin–orbit coupling effect in describing the magnetic insulating states of Ba2CuOsO6.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Jacques Curély

In earlier work, we previously established a formalism that allows to express the exchange energy J vs. fundamental molecular integrals without crystal field, for a fragment A–X–B, where A and B are 3d1 ions and X is a closed-shell diamagnetic ligand. In this article, we recall this formalism and give a physical interpretation: we may rigorously predict the ferromagnetic (J < 0) or antiferromagnetic (J > 0) character of the isotropic (Heisenberg) spin-spin exchange coupling. We generalize our results to ndm ions (3 £ n £ 5, 1 £ m £ 10). By introducing a crystal field we show that, starting from an isotropic (Heisenberg) exchange coupling when there is no crystal field, the appearance of a crystal field induces an anisotropy of exchange coupling, thus leading to a z-z (Ising-like) coupling or a x-y one. Finally, we discuss the effects of a weak crystal field magnitude (3d ions) compared to a stronger (4d ions) and even stronger one (5d ions). In the last step, we are then able to write the corresponding Hamiltonian exchange as a spin-spin one.

Thanh-Mai Thi Tran ◽  
Duong-Bo Nguyen ◽  
Hong-Son Nguyen ◽  
Minh-Tien Tran

Abstract Magnetic competition in topological kagome magnets is studied by incorporating the spin-orbit coupling, anisotropic Hund coupling and spin exchange into a tight-binding electron dynamics in the kagome lattice. Using the Bogoliubov variational principle we find the stable phases at zero and finite temperatures. At zero temperature and in the strong Ising-Hund coupling regime, a magnetic tunability from the out-of-plane ferromagnetism to the in-plane antiferromagnetism is achieved through a universal property of the critical in-plane Hund coupling. At low temperature the out-of-plane ferromagnetism is stable until a finite crossing temperature. Above the crossing temperature the in-plane antiferromagnetism is stable, but the magnetization of the out-of-plane ferromagnetism still survives. This suggests a metastable coexistence of these magnetic phases in a finite temperature range. A large anomalous Hall conductance is observed in the Ising-Hund coupling limit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (6) ◽  
Ya Wen ◽  
Xiangyu Li ◽  
Guiying Zhang ◽  
Kaifeng Zhao

A. K. Vershovskii ◽  
S. P. Dmitriev ◽  
M. V. Petrenko

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