global network
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2022 ◽  
Vol 128 (2) ◽  
D. R. Gozzard ◽  
L. A. Howard ◽  
B. P. Dix-Matthews ◽  
S. F. E. Karpathakis ◽  
C. T. Gravestock ◽  

Pathogens ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Cyrine Bouabid ◽  
Yoshiki Yamaryo-Botté ◽  
Sameh Rabhi ◽  
Haifa Bichiou ◽  
Chaima Hkimi ◽  

Leishmaniasis is a protozoal vector-borne disease that affects both humans and animals. In the Mediterranean Basin, the primary reservoir hosts of Leishmania spp. are mainly rodents and canids. Lipidomic approaches have allowed scientists to establish Leishmania spp. lipid profiles for the identification of cell stage specific biomarkers, drug mechanisms of action, and host immune response. Using an in silico approach of global network interaction between genes involved in fatty acid (FA) synthesis followed by the GC-MS approach, we were able to characterize the fatty acid profiles of L. major derived from human and rodent hosts. Our results revealed that the lipid profile of L. major showed similarities and differences with those already reported for other Leishmania species. Phospholipids are the predominant lipid class. FA composition of rodent parasites was characterized by a lower abundance of the precursor C18:2(n-6). One of the rodent clones, which also expressed the lowest lipid abundance in PL and TAG, was the least sensitive clone to the miltefosine drug and has the lowest infection efficiency. Our findings suggest that the lipid composition variation may explain the response of the parasite toward treatment and their ability to infect their host.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xiaotao Zhang ◽  
Da Huo ◽  
Shuang Meng ◽  
Junhang Li ◽  
Zhicheng Cai

This is the first study to analyze the spatial spillover effect of the internet on trade performance based on a vision of the public's sleep health. The internet's effect on trade performance has been enhanced in a new economy consisting of larger global markets. An overall improvement in health gradually impacts economic development. In this study, hierarchical modeling is applied to reveal the effect of the internet on trade performance at a fundamental level, and the effect of sleep health on trade performance at general level. The global network is structured by a spatial weight matrix based on the Mahalanobis distance of the internet and sleep health. Furthermore, spatial autoregressive modeling is applied to study the effect of the spatial weight matrix based on the Mahalanobis distance matrix of the internet and sleep health on trade performance. The spatial Durbin modeling is applied to further analyze the interaction effect of the spatial weight matrix and countries' factors on trade performance. It was found that the internet has a positive effect on trade performance, and good sleep health can be helpful to the spillover effect of the internet on trade performance. The interaction of the spatial weight matrix and gross domestic product (GDP) can further enhance the effect. This research can assist global managers to further understand the spatial spillover effect of the internet on trade performance based on a vision of the public's sleep health.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mikhail Padniuk ◽  
Marek Kopciuch ◽  
Riccardo Cipolletti ◽  
Arne Wickenbrock ◽  
Dmitry Budker ◽  

AbstractSearches for pseudo-magnetic spin couplings require implementation of techniques capable of sensitive detection of such interactions. While Spin-Exchange Relaxation Free (SERF) magnetometry is one of the most powerful approaches enabling the searches, it suffers from a strong magnetic coupling, deteriorating the pseudo-magnetic coupling sensitivity. To address this problem, here, we compare, via numerical simulations, the performance of SERF magnetometer and noble-gas-alkali-metal co-magnetometer, operating in a so-called self-compensating regime. We demonstrate that the co-magnetometer allows reduction of the sensitivity to low-frequency magnetic fields without loss of the sensitivity to nonmagnetic couplings. Based on that we investigate the responses of both systems to the oscillating and transient spin perturbations. Our simulations reveal about five orders of magnitude stronger response to the neutron pseudo-magnetic coupling and about three orders of magnitude stronger response to the proton pseudo-magnetic coupling of the co-magnetometer than those of the SERF magnetometer. Different frequency responses of the co-magnetometer to magnetic and nonmagnetic perturbations enables differentiation between these two types of interactions. This outlines the ability to implement the co-magnetometer as an advanced sensor for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometer for Exotic Physics searches (GNOME), aiming at detection of ultra-light bosons (e.g., axion-like particles).

BMC Neurology ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Liluo Nie ◽  
Yanchun Jiang ◽  
Zongxia Lv ◽  
Xiaomin Pang ◽  
Xiulin Liang ◽  

Abstract Background Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is commonly refractory. Epilepsy surgery is an effective treatment strategy for refractory epilepsy, but patients with a history of focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (FBTCS) have poor outcomes. Previous network studies on epilepsy have found that TLE and idiopathic generalized epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures (IGE-GTCS) showed altered global and nodal topological properties. Alertness deficits also were found in TLE. However, FBTCS is a common type of seizure in TLE, and the implications for alertness as well as the topological rearrangements associated with this seizure type are not well understood. Methods We obtained rs-fMRI data and collected the neuropsychological assessment data from 21 TLE patients with FBTCS (TLE- FBTCS), 18 TLE patients without FBTCS (TLE-non- FBTCS) and 22 controls, and constructed their respective functional brain networks. The topological properties were analyzed using the graph theoretical approach and correlations between altered topological properties and alertness were analyzed. Results We found that TLE-FBTCS patients showed more serious impairment in alertness effect, intrinsic alertness and phasic alertness than the patients with TLE-non-FBTCS. They also showed significantly higher small-worldness, normalized clustering coefficient (γ) and a trend of higher global network efficiency (gE) compared to TLE-non-FBTCS patients. The gE showed a significant negative correlation with intrinsic alertness for TLE-non-FBTCS patients. Conclusion Our findings show different impairments in brain network information integration, segregation and alertness between the patients with TLE-FBTCS and TLE-non-FBTCS, demonstrating that impairments of the brain network may underlie the disruptions in alertness functions.

2022 ◽  
pp. 000312242110695
Jane Pryma

Journalistic accounts of the opioid crisis often paint prescription opioids as the instrument of profit-minded pharmaceutical companies who enlisted pain specialists to overprescribe addictive drugs. Broadening beyond a focus on pharmaceutical power, this article offers a comparative-historical explanation, rooted in inter- and intra-professional dynamics, of the global increase in rates of opioid prescribing. Through archival analysis and in-depth interviews with pain specialists and public-health officials in the United States and France, I explain how and why opioids emerged as the “right tool for the job” of pain relief in the 1980s and 1990s, affecting how pain science is produced, pain management is administered, and a right to pain relief is promised in different national contexts. I argue that opioids, selected and destigmatized as the technology for pain relief, helped establish a global network of pain expertise, linking a fledgling field of pain specialists to the resources of global-health governance, public-health administration, humanitarian organizations, and pharmaceutical companies. I then compare how U.S. and French pain specialists leveraged opioids to strengthen the boundaries of their emergent fields. Pain specialists’ differing degrees of autonomy in each country’s network of pain expertise shaped the extent to which opioids could dominate pain management and lead to crisis. Tracing the relationship between opioids and pain expertise, I show how technologies can drive crises of expert credibility if and when they escape the control of the networked fields that selected them.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Liugen Wang ◽  
Min Shang ◽  
Qi Dai ◽  
Ping-an He

Abstract Background More and more evidence showed that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play important roles in the development and progression of human sophisticated diseases. Therefore, predicting human lncRNA-disease associations is a challenging and urgently task in bioinformatics to research of human sophisticated diseases. Results In the work, a global network-based computational framework called as LRWRHLDA were proposed which is a universal network-based method. Firstly, four isomorphic networks include lncRNA similarity network, disease similarity network, gene similarity network and miRNA similarity network were constructed. And then, six heterogeneous networks include known lncRNA-disease, lncRNA-gene, lncRNA-miRNA, disease-gene, disease-miRNA, and gene-miRNA associations network were applied to design a multi-layer network. Finally, the Laplace normalized random walk with restart algorithm in this global network is suggested to predict the relationship between lncRNAs and diseases. Conclusions The ten-fold cross validation is used to evaluate the performance of LRWRHLDA. As a result, LRWRHLDA achieves an AUC of 0.98402, which is higher than other compared methods. Furthermore, LRWRHLDA can predict isolated disease-related lnRNA (isolated lnRNA related disease). The results for colorectal cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, stomach cancer and breast cancer have been verified by other researches. The case studies indicated that our method is effective.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-199
Graham St John ◽  
Botond Vitos

Our subject is the legacy of Dada implicit to the Burning Man phenomenon. Animate in the provocative output of fin-de-siècle French Symbolist writer and puppeteer Alfred Jarry, and filtered through the antics of the San Francisco Cacophony Society, Dada is foundational to the cultural aesthetic of Burning Man, by which we mean the event in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert playa (Black Rock City) and a global network of “burn” events. We address the significance of the Cacophony Society expedition that inaugurated the desert phase of Burning Man in 1990, “Zone Trip # 4: Bad Day at Black Rock.” Integral to the surreal tourism ventured by Cacophonists prior to the inception of Burning Man, and pivotal to its desert phase, the Zone Trip kindled “Burner” culture on the Black Rock playa and abroad. Exploring the Dadaist impulse affecting Black Rock City and woven into a worldwide network, informed by interpretative and applied methods, the article addresses art projects (including those designed and implemented by Vitos) at three regional events—Israel’s Midburn and Germany’s Burning Bär and Kiez Burn—visited in 2018 and 2019 as part of a multisited ethnography of the Burning Man movement. As these projects illustrate, the ghost of Jarry haunts, as the spirit of Dada animates, the transnational “burnscape.”

2022 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
Joseph A. Smiga

AbstractAn experiment consisting of a network of sensors can endow several advantages over an experiment with a single sensor: improved sensitivity, error corrections, spatial resolution, etc. However, there is often a question of how to optimally set up the network to yield the best results. Here, we consider a network of devices that measure a vector field along a given axis; namely for magnetometers in the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME). We quantify how well the network is arranged, explore characteristics and examples of ideal networks, and characterize the optimal configuration for GNOME. We find that by re-orienting the sensitive axes of existing magnetometers, the sensitivity of the network can be improved relative to the past science runs.

E-methodology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 9-16

Aim. A theoretical review of the opportunities and functions of the application enabling the creation of internet surveys. Assessment of their use in accordance with own opinion and the analysis of the literature on the subject.Methods. Analysis of the literature on the subject and a summary of the description of the survey conducted on the basis of a questionnaire examining the interesting phenomenon of e-methodology and an opinion on distance learning. The authors analysed the advantages and disadvantages of the tools used in online research. The aforementioned experiences of the researchers refer to the experience gained during research on e-methodology.Results and conclusion. The interest in this medium as a tool for social and psychological research has been growing rapidly in the last ten years. The very rapid development of technology that has taken place during the COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to easilyconduct a research survey using the network, which can easily replace any labour-intensive data collection through inquiry. In addition, many different tools and techniques have been created that use the so-called “Global spider web” in conducting my own research. Theresearcher abandons direct contact with the respondent and devotes himself to the analysis of the phenomenon that interests him by analysing the given Internet environment, social groups that express themselves on a given topic or share their work on specifi c problems. However, the global network is not only a chance for good, innovative approach to research, but also threats and related difficulties. One of the most important weaknesses of the network is the fact that we can never be sure who is on the other end of the computer.Cognitive value. Presentation of new ways of conducting scientific research via the network, presenting my own analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the e-methodology phenomenon. Analysing the phenomenon of internet methodology, welearn that the tendency to participate in internet research is increasing. However, motivation to participate in internet research is not always sufficient, as mentioned by many researchers. There are many ways to infl uence the attractiveness of the research and the motivation to participate in the research. Thanks to this article, we also learn that it is still necessary to conduct further methodological research on increasing the effectiveness of Internet research and minimising errors associated with it. The issues presented in this article reflect the current methodological knowledge. We can predict that as the Internet grows and new technical opportunities emerge - such as video-enabled applications, among others - new methodological issues will arise that may be of interest to researchers.

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