forbush decrease
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2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 216
Miho Janvier ◽  
Pascal Démoulin ◽  
Jingnan Guo ◽  
Sergio Dasso ◽  
Florian Regnault ◽  

Abstract Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are known to modify the structure of the solar wind as well as interact with the space environment of planetary systems. Their large magnetic structures have been shown to interact with galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), leading to the Forbush decrease (FD) phenomenon. We revisit in the present article the 17 yr of Advanced Composition Explorer spacecraft ICME detection along with two neutron monitors (McMurdo and Oulu) with a superposed epoch analysis to further analyze the role of the magnetic ejecta in driving FDs. We investigate in the following the role of the sheath and the magnetic ejecta in driving FDs, and we further show that for ICMEs without a sheath, a magnetic ejecta only is able to drive significant FDs of comparable intensities. Furthermore, a comparison of samples with and without a sheath with similar speed profiles enable us to show that the magnetic field intensity, rather than its fluctuations, is the main driver for the FD. Finally, the recovery phase of the FD for isolated magnetic ejecta shows an anisotropy in the level of the GCRs. We relate this finding at 1 au to the gradient of the GCR flux found at different heliospheric distances from several interplanetary missions.

2021 ◽  
Binod Adhikari ◽  
Rabin Baral ◽  
Andres Calabia Aibar ◽  
Munawar shah ◽  
Maria D Rodriguez Frias ◽  

2021 ◽  
Renan de Aguiar ◽  
Anderson Campos Fauth ◽  
Vicente Agosín ◽  
Angelines Alberto Morillas ◽  
César Álvarez Ochoa ◽  

Alexander MacKinnon ◽  
Sam Rennie

Local Intermittency Measure (LIM) is a development of wavelet analysis particularly suited to the diagnosis of isolated, intermittent events in time series. We construct LIM scalograms of Neutron Monitor (NM) data for an example each of a large GLE and a Forbush decrease. Both kinds of event show distinctive LIM signatures. In the case of the Forbush decrease the method also identifies a second, much smaller event that took place in the same time period. LIM may thus be a useful tool for automated or semi-automated detection of such events in NM data.

Dimitra Lingri ◽  
Helen Mavromichalaki ◽  
Anatoly V. Belov ◽  
Eugenia A. Eroshenko

Many previous studies have shown that before the beginning of a Forbush Decrease (FD) of the cosmic ray intensity, a precursor signal can be observed. All these surveys were focused on FDs that are associated with a sudden storm com- mencement (SSC). In this work we demonstrate that precursors could also be observed in events without a SSC that is determined by an abrupt increase of the interplanetary magnetic field. The type of precursory signals and their diversity among the events are the main purpose of this study. We try to figure out similarities and differences on the signals and the associated events from both categories in the last fifty years, from 1969 to 2019, using the same selection criteria of the under investigation FDs. Simultaneously the orientation of the upcoming solar disturbances in comparison to the way they configure the increase of the interplanetary magnetic field and create these signals are discussed.

Simone Benella ◽  
Rami Vainio ◽  
Catia Grimani ◽  
Giuseppe Consolini ◽  
Qiang Hu ◽  

Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are large-scale solar wind disturbances propagating from the Sun and causing a depression of the galactic-cosmic ray (GCR) intensity known as Forbush decrease (FD). IC- MEs generally contain coherent plasma structures called magnetic clouds (MCs). A unique and powerful data analysis tool allowing for the study of the quasi-3-D configuration of a MC is the Grad-Shafranov (GS) recons - truction. The aim of this work is to investigate the role played by the MC configuration in the formation of a FD. A suited full-orbit test-particle simulation has been developed in order to evaluate FD amplitude and time pro- file produced by the MC obtained with the GS reconstruction. Particle trajectories are computed starting from an isotropic flux outside the MC region. In addition, particle diffusion has been modeled by superimposing a small-angle scattering over the unperturbed charged particle motion at each time step. The model allows us to investigate the MC effect on GCR propagation and to study the energy dependence of the physical processes in - volved, as it provides an estimate of ground-based GCR counts observations at different latitudes. A comparison between model results and both space-based cosmic-ray measurements in L1 and ground-based observations suggests a major role of drifts in producing the FD and a reduced contribution of GCR particle diffusion.

2021 ◽  
Roshan Kumar Mishra ◽  
Ashok Silwal ◽  
Rabin Baral ◽  
Binod Adhikari ◽  
Carlos Roberto Braga ◽  

Abstract We analyzed the behavior of Cosmic Ray (CR) intensity during geomagnetic events of different nature and strength, using ground-based CR measurements from the World Neutron Monitoring Stations Network. We took account of interplanetary triggers and the geo-effectiveness while choosing the events. Forbush Decrease (FD) was observed when the magnetic fields entangled in and around CME exerts a shielding effect on galactic cosmic radiation, causing a sudden reduction of count rate in the neutron monitors. The results revealed that the FD plunged between -4% and -20% in the chosen events. The FD examined was abnormal and a multi-stage decrement in FD was observed during the event period. The reduction in Cosmic ray intensity was found to be inversely proportional to the cut - off rigidity at the specified neutron monitoring stations. Furthermore, we have also used the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) technique to detect singularity on Forbush decrease at the stations described. The first three decomposition levels have proved sufficient to isolate singularity patterns associated with Forbush decrease in conjunction with events of different nature and intensity, ranging from intense geomagnetic storm to super intense geomagnetic storm to HILDCAA event. Also, we found that the cosmic ray flux was correlated with the IMF-Bz values and the SYM-H index during the process, as indicated by the cross-correlation technique. No noticeable lag has been found between the parameters discussed, which indicates a clear correlation between the IMF Bz and the SYM-H index and the FD.

Н.С. Хаердинов ◽  
Д.Д. Джаппуев ◽  
К.Д. Канониди ◽  
А.У. Куджаев ◽  
А.С. Лидванский ◽  

Во время магнитосферной бури 22.06.2015, сопровождаемой Форбуш – понижением, отдельные установки, регистрирующие космические лучи на уровне земли, зафиксировали положительное возмущение интенсивности частиц в период 19:00 –22:00 UT. В работе приводится регистрация указанного всплеска на территории Кавказских гор установкой «Ковёр» БНО ИЯИ РАН. Приводится экспериментальное свидетельство медленного спуска в этот период большого отрицательного заряда с ионосферы на землю. During a magnetic storm on June 22, 2015, was accompanied by a Forbush decrease, some detectors of cosmic rays on the ground level recorded a positive disturbance of the particle intensity in the period 19:00 – 22:00 UT. This paper presents the data of detecting this burst in the North Caucasus region by the Carpet air shower array of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory. Experimental evidence in favor of a slow transfer in this period of a large negative charge from the ionosphere to the ground is presented.

2021 ◽  
Angels Aran ◽  
Daniel Pacheco ◽  
Monica Laurenza ◽  
Nicolas Wijsen ◽  
Evangelia Samara ◽  

<p>Shortly after reaching the first perihelion, the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) onboard Solar Orbiter measured a low-energy (<1 MeV/nuc) ion event whose duration varied with the energy of the particles. The increase above pre-event intensity levels was detected early on June 19 for ions in the energy range from ~50 keV to ~1 MeV and lasted up to ~12:00 UT on June 20. In the energy range from ~10 keV to < 40 keV, the ion event spanned from June 18 to 21. This latter low-energy ion intensity enhancement coincided with a two-step Forbush decrease (FD) as displayed in the EPD > 17 MeV/nuc ion measurements. On the other hand, no electron increases were detected. As seen from 1 au, there is no clear evidence of solar activity from the visible disk that could be associated with the origin of this ion event. We hypothesize about the origin of this event as due to either a possible solar eruption occurring behind the visible part of the Sun or to an interplanetary spatial structure. We use interplanetary magnetic field data from the Solar Orbiter Magnetometer (MAG), solar wind electron density derived from measurements of the Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument to specify the in-situ solar wind conditions where the ion event was observed. In addition, we use solar wind plasma measurements from the Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) suite gathered during the following solar rotation, for comparison purposes. In order to seek for possible associated solar sources, we use images from the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) instrument onboard Solar Orbiter. Together with the lack of electron observations and Type III radio bursts, the simultaneous response of the ion intensity-time profiles at various energies indicates an interplanetary source for the particles. The two-step FD shape observed during this event suggests that the first step early on June 18 was due to a transient structure, whereas the second step on June 19, together with the ~50 –1000 keV/nuc ion enhancement, was due to a solar wind stream interaction region. The observation of a similar FD in the next solar rotation favours this interpretation, although a more complex structure cannot be discarded due to the lack of concurrent solar wind temperature and velocity observations.</p><p>Different parts of this research have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870405 (EUHFORIA 2.0) and grant agreement No 01004159 (SERPENTINE).</p>

2021 ◽  
Irina Mironova

<div> <div> <div> <p>It is well-known that energetic particle precipitations during solar proton events increase ionization rates in the middle atmosphere enhancing the production of hydrogen oxide radicals (HOx) involved in the catalytic ozone destruction cycle. There are many studies where the contribution of energetic particles to the formation of hydrogen oxide radicals and ozone loss has been widely investigated. However, until now, there was no solid evidence that the reduction in galactic cosmic ray fluxes during a magnetic storm, known as Forbush-effect, directly and noticeably affects the polar-night stratospheric chemistry.<br>Here, the impact of the Forbush decrease on the behaviour of hydrogen oxide radicals was explored using the chemistry-climate model SOCOL.<br>We found that hydrogen oxide radical lost about half of its concentration over the polar boreal night stratosphere owing to a reduction in ionization rates caused by Forbush decreases after solar proton events occurred on 17 and 20 of January 2005. A robust response in ozone was not found. There is not any statistically significant response in (NOx) on Forbush decrease events as well as over summertime in the southern polar region.<br>The results of this study can be used to increase the veracity of ozone loss estimation if stronger Forbush events can have a place.</p> <p>Reference: Mironova I, Karagodin-Doyennel A and Rozanov E (2021) , The effect of Forbush decreases on the polar-night HOx concentration affecting stratospheric ozone. Front. Earth Sci. 8:618583. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.618583</p> <p></p> <p>The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant (RSF project No. 20-67-46016).</p> </div> </div> </div>

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