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Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 143
Hamed Hafizi ◽  
Ali Arda Sorman

Precipitation measurement with high spatial and temporal resolution over highly elevated and complex terrain in the eastern part of Turkey is an essential task to manage the water structures in an optimum manner. The objective of this study is to evaluate the consistency and hydrologic utility of 13 Gridded Precipitation Datasets (GPDs) (CPCv1, MSWEPv2.8, ERA5, CHIRPSv2.0, CHIRPv2.0, IMERGHHFv06, IMERGHHEv06, IMERGHHLv06, TMPA-3B42v7, TMPA-3B42RTv7, PERSIANN-CDR, PERSIANN-CCS, and PERSIANN) over a mountainous test basin (Karasu) at a daily time step. The Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE), including its three components (correlation, bias, and variability ratio), and the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) are used for GPD evaluation. Moreover, the Hanssen-Kuiper (HK) score is considered to evaluate the detectability strength of selected GPDs for different precipitation events. Precipitation frequencies are evaluated considering the Probability Density Function (PDF). Daily precipitation data from 23 meteorological stations are provided as a reference for the period of 2015–2019. The TUW model is used for hydrological simulations regarding observed discharge located at the outlet of the basin. The model is calibrated in two ways, with observed precipitation only and by each GPD individually. Overall, CPCv1 shows the highest performance (median KGE; 0.46) over time and space. MSWEPv2.8 and CHIRPSv2.0 deliver the best performance among multi-source merging datasets, followed by CHIRPv2.0, whereas IMERGHHFv06, PERSIANN-CDR, and TMPA-3B42v7 show poor performance. IMERGHHLv06 is able to present the best performance (median KGE; 0.17) compared to other satellite-based GPDs (PERSIANN-CCS, PERSIANN, IMERGHHEv06, and TMPA-3B42RTv7). ERA5 performs well both in spatial and temporal validation compared to satellite-based GPDs, though it shows low performance in producing a streamflow simulation. Overall, all gridded precipitation datasets show better performance in generating streamflow when the model is calibrated by each GPD separately.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Patrick Andersen ◽  
Anja Mizdrak ◽  
Nick Wilson ◽  
Anna Davies ◽  
Laxman Bablani ◽  

Abstract Background Simulation models can be used to quantify the projected health impact of interventions. Quantifying heterogeneity in these impacts, for example by socioeconomic status, is important to understand impacts on health inequalities. We aim to disaggregate one type of Markov macro-simulation model, the proportional multistate lifetable, ensuring that under business-as-usual (BAU) the sum of deaths across disaggregated strata in each time step returns the same as the initial non-disaggregated model. We then demonstrate the application by deprivation quintiles for New Zealand (NZ), for: hypothetical interventions (50% lower all-cause mortality, 50% lower coronary heart disease mortality) and a dietary intervention to substitute 59% of sodium with potassium chloride in the food supply. Methods We developed a disaggregation algorithm that iteratively rescales mortality, incidence and case-fatality rates by time-step of the model to ensure correct total population counts were retained at each step. To demonstrate the algorithm on deprivation quintiles in NZ, we used the following inputs: overall (non-disaggregated) all-cause mortality & morbidity rates, coronary heart disease incidence & case fatality rates; stroke incidence & case fatality rates. We also obtained rate ratios by deprivation for these same measures. Given all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates by deprivation quintile, we derived values for the incidence, case fatality and mortality rates for each quintile, ensuring rate ratios across quintiles and the total population mortality and morbidity rates were returned when averaged across groups. The three interventions were then run on top of these scaled BAU scenarios. Results The algorithm exactly disaggregated populations by strata in BAU. The intervention scenario life years and health adjusted life years (HALYs) gained differed slightly when summed over the deprivation quintile compared to the aggregated model, due to the stratified model (appropriately) allowing for differential background mortality rates by strata. Modest differences in health gains (HALYs) resulted from rescaling of sub-population mortality and incidence rates to ensure consistency with the aggregate population. Conclusion Policy makers ideally need to know the effect of population interventions estimated both overall, and by socioeconomic and other strata. We demonstrate a method and provide code to do this routinely within proportional multistate lifetable simulation models and similar Markov models.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Tao He ◽  
Dakui Feng ◽  
Liwei Liu ◽  
Xianzhou Wang ◽  
Hua Jiang

Tank sloshing is widely present in many engineering fields, especially in the field of marine. Due to the trend of large-scale liquid cargo ships, it is of great significance to study the coupled motion response of ships with tanks in beam waves. In this study, the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method and experiments are used to study the response of a ship with/without a tank in beam waves. All the computations are performed by an in-house CFD solver, which is used to solve RANS (Reynold Average Navier-Stokes) equations coupled with six degrees-of-freedom solid-body motion equations. The Level Set Method is used to solve the free surface. Verification work on the grid number and time step size has been conducted. The simulation results agree with the experimental results well, which shows that the numerical method is accurate enough. In this paper, several different working conditions are set up, and the effects of the liquid height in the tank, the size of the tank and the wavelength ratio of the incident wave on the ship’s motion are studied. The results show the effect of tank sloshing on the ship’s motion in different working conditions.

2022 ◽  
Shohei Sakaida ◽  
Iuliia Pakhotina ◽  
Ding Zhu ◽  
A. D. Hill

Abstract Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) measurements during hydraulic fracturing treatments are used to estimate fluid volume distribution among perforation clusters. DAS is sensitive to the acoustic signal induced by fluid flow in the near-well region during pumping a stage, while DTS is sensitive to temperature variation caused by fluid flow inside the wellbore and in the reservoir. Raw acoustic signal has to be transferred to frequency band energy (FBE) which is defined as the integration of the squared raw measurements in each DAS channel location for a fixed period of time. In order to be used in further interpretation, FBE has to be averaged between several fiber-optic channels for each cluster on each time step. Based on this input, DAS allows us to consider fluid flow through perforation stage by stage during an injection period, and to evaluate the volume of fluid pumped in each cluster location as a function of time, and therefore to estimate the cumulative volume of fluid injected into each cluster. This procedure is based on a lab-derived and computational dynamics model confirmed correlation between the acoustic signal and the flow rate. At each time step, we apply the perforation/fracture noise correlation to determine the flow rate into each cluster, constrained by the requirement that the sum of the flow rates into individual clusters must equal the total injection rate at that time. On the other hand, the DTS interpretation method is based on the transient temperature behavior during the fracturing stimulation. During injection, the temperature of the reservoir surrounding the well is cooled by the injection fluid inside the well. After shut-in of stage pumping, temperature recovers at a rate depending on the injected volume of fluid at the location. The interpretation procedure is based on the temperature behavior during the warm-back period. This temperature distribution is obtained by solution of a coupled 3-D reservoir thermal model with 1-D wellbore thermal model iteratively. Once we confirm that the DAS and DTS interpretation methods provide comparable results of the fluid volume distribution, either of the interpretation results can be used as a known input parameter for the other interpretation method to estimate additional unknown such as one of the fracture properties. In this work, the injected fluid volume distribution obtained by the DAS interpretation is used as an input parameter for a forward model which computes the temperature profile in the reservoir. By conducting temperature inversion to reproduce the temperature profile that matches the measured temperature with the fixed injection rate for each cluster, we can predict distribution of injected fluid for hydraulic fractures along a wellbore. The temperature inversion shows that multiple fractures are created in a swarm pattern from each perforation cluster with a much tighter spacing than the cluster spacing. The field data from MIP-3H provided by the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environmental Laboratory is used to demonstrate the DAS/DTS integrated interpretation method. This approach can be a valuable means to evaluate the fracturing treatment design and further understand the field observation of hydraulic fractures.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-214
Nicholas A. Davis ◽  
Patrick Callaghan ◽  
Isla R. Simpson ◽  
Simone Tilmes

Abstract. Specified dynamics schemes are ubiquitous modeling tools for isolating the roles of dynamics and transport on chemical weather and climate. They typically constrain the circulation of a chemistry–climate model to the circulation in a reanalysis product through linear relaxation. However, recent studies suggest that these schemes create a divergence in chemical climate and the meridional circulation between models and do not accurately reproduce trends in the circulation. In this study we perform a systematic assessment of the specified dynamics scheme in the Community Earth System Model version 2, Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model version 6 (CESM2 (WACCM6)), which proactively nudges the circulation toward the reference meteorology. Specified dynamics experiments are performed over a wide range of nudging timescales and reference meteorology frequencies, with the model's circulation nudged to its own free-running output – a clean test of the specified dynamics scheme. Errors in the circulation scale robustly and inversely with meteorology frequency and have little dependence on the nudging timescale. However, the circulation strength and errors in tracers, tracer transport, and convective mass flux scale robustly and inversely with the nudging timescale. A 12 to 24 h nudging timescale at the highest possible reference meteorology frequency minimizes errors in tracers, clouds, and the circulation, even up to the practical limit of one reference meteorology update every time step. The residual circulation and eddy mixing integrate tracer errors and accumulate them at the end of their characteristic transport pathways, leading to elevated error in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere and in the polar stratosphere. Even in the most ideal case, there are non-negligible errors in tracers introduced by the nudging scheme. Future development of more sophisticated nudging schemes may be necessary for further progress.

Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Jen-Yi Chang ◽  
Ru-Yun Chen ◽  
Chia-Cheng Tsai

This article describes the development of the Hermite method of approximate particular solutions (MAPS) to solve time-dependent convection-diffusion-reaction problems. Using the Crank-Nicholson or the Adams-Moulton method, the time-dependent convection-diffusion-reaction problem is converted into time-independent convection-diffusion-reaction problems for consequent time steps. At each time step, the source term of the time-independent convection-diffusion-reaction problem is approximated by the multiquadric (MQ) particular solution of the biharmonic operator. This is inspired by the Hermite radial basis function collocation method (RBFCM) and traditional MAPS. Therefore, the resultant system matrix is symmetric. Comparisons are made for the solutions of the traditional/Hermite MAPS and RBFCM. The results demonstrate that the Hermite MAPS is the most accurate and stable one for the shape parameter. Finally, the proposed method is applied for solving a nonlinear time-dependent convection-diffusion-reaction problem.

2022 ◽  
Markus Pfeil ◽  
Thomas Slawig

Abstract. The reduction of the computational effort is desirable for the simulation of marine ecosystem models. Using a marine ecosystem model, the assessment and the validation of annual periodic solutions (i.e., steady annual cycles) against observational data are crucial to identify biogeochemical processes, which, for example, influence the global carbon cycle. For marine ecosystem models, the transport matrix method (TMM) already lowers the runtime of the simulation significantly and enables the application of larger time steps straightforwardly. However, the selection of an appropriate time step is a challenging compromise between accuracy and shortening the runtime. Using an automatic time step adjustment during the computation of a steady annual cycle with the TMM, we present in this paper different algorithms applying either an adaptive step size control or decreasing time steps in order to use the time step always as large as possible without any manual selection. For these methods and a variety of marine ecosystem models of different complexity, the accuracy of the computed steady annual cycle achieved the same accuracy as solutions obtained with a fixed time step. Depending on the complexity of the marine ecosystem model, the application of the methods shortened the runtime significantly. Due to the certain overhead of the adaptive method, the computational effort may be higher in special cases using the adaptive step size control. The presented methods represent computational efficient methods for the simulation of marine ecosystem models using the TMM but without any manual selection of the time step.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Liang Zou ◽  
Sisi Shu ◽  
Xiang Lin ◽  
Kaisheng Lin ◽  
Jiasong Zhu ◽  

Bus passenger flow prediction is a critical component of advanced transportation information system for public traffic management, control, and dispatch. With the development of artificial intelligence, many previous studies attempted to apply machine learning models to extract comprehensive correlations from transit networks to improve passenger flow prediction accuracy, given that the variety and volume of traffic data have been easily obtained. The passenger flow on a station is highly affected by various factors such as the previous time step, peak hours or nonpeak hours, and extracting the key features from the data is essential for a passenger flow prediction model. Although the neural networks, k -nearest neighbor, and some deep learning models have been adopted to mine the temporal correlations of the passenger flow data, the lack of interpretability of the influenced variables is still a big problem. Classical tree-based models can mine the correlations between variables and rank the importance of each variable. In this study, we presented a method to extract passenger flow of different routes on the station and implemented a XGBoost model to find the contributions of variables to the prediction of passenger flow. Comparing to benchmark models, the proposed model can reach state-of-the-art prediction accuracy and computational efficiency on the real-world dataset. Moreover, the XGBoost model can interpret the predicted results. It can be seen that period is the most important variable for the passenger flow prediction, and so the management of buses during peak hours should be improved.

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