handling cost
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Ana Beatriz Locateli de Oliveira Silva ◽  
Fernanda de Souza Linhares ◽  
Marina Ribeiro Martins

The problems of physical arrangement for the organizations are relevant when have space and material movements limitations. Reviewing layouts is a way to improve the industrial production process. Therefore, the objective of this present academic work is to propose a layout for an ice cream factory's production, considering analysis of alternatives to increase productivity. The Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) Simplified method was used as the main tool for the construction of the layout proposal. A case study was carried out which investigates a phenomenon within a real context through an in-depth analysis of a study object. The method was used systematically and validated from the fifth step, where a qualitative comparation between the current layout and the alternative submitted. As a result, is achieved an optimized, complete, detailed layout plan that reduces 21,30% of the factory handling cost.

2021 ◽  
Debayan Mondal

Abstract Material handling cost plays crucial role in any manufacturing industries. A judicious selection of material handling system or equipment can only help to enhance productivity and thereby increasing profitability of an industry. Extensive studies require for establishing cost effective solution related to selection of right handling system. The objective of work is to find out running cost associated with screw type horizontal conveyor through experimental investigation of consume power and associated torque against three different types of screw flight(Continuous, Ribbon and Cut Flight) of same nominal diameter and pitch while keeping conveying distance as constant with same material at different screw speed. The experiment was conducted against two different trough heights for finding out mass flow rate. The consume power, torque and conveying energy efficiency calculated with three different screw flight and the results were compared for analysis. Hence on the basis of experimental results, conclusion was drawn. Present work confirming experimentally that the consume power at conveyor shaft and torque in case of ribbon flight was found to be 10 percent less than that of the continuous screw type of same nominal diameter, pitch and helix angle with same range of speed against single conveying material type in case of both the trough height(112 mm and 180 mm), which was in line with the statement made earlier[6]. In addition to that a trial has been made to establish a comparison in terms of consume power in between ribbon and cut flight against a constant trough height, which was not reported earlier. This comparative study may be helpful for taking decision in selecting material handling equipment type for specific application area. Now a day overall energy consumption becomes serious concern for different industries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-181
Harry Imanullah ◽  
Hesty Heryani ◽  
Agung Nugroho ◽  

This study aims to obtain an optimal facility layout by considering the distance between the workstations, transfer time, and material handling cost in a bakery. The research was conducted at a medium-scale bread producer CV Mumtaz Bakery in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan. The initial layout of CV Mumtaz Bakery's production facilities is considered as not optimal for production capacity up to 500 kg per day. The layout analysis and the appearance of improvement alternatives were carried out using the BLOCPLAN algorithm, and then the design implementation was carried out using CorelDraw software. Determination of the best layout alternative is based on the highest R-Score. The results showed that the best layout was the one with an R-Score of 0.86. This selected workstation layout has a total distance between processing stations of 31.70 m, a total transfer time of 25 seconds, and a material handling cost of IDR 434.29 for each batch. This layout will reduce the total material transfer distance and the material transfer time from the initial layout by 14.67% and 10.7% respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Beni Harma ◽  
Helga Ika Sudra

Activities carried out in the warehouse include material handling. Generally, the costs involved in material handling activities are quite large. One method that can be used in managing the layout of raw material placement in raw material warehouses is the class based storage method. Class based storage is a policy that divides storage into three classes A, B and C based on Pareto law. Pareto law is the principle of putting items that have the greatest accessibility near the Input-Output point. The distance of material handling to the initial layout raw material warehouse is 3,513,337 meters / month and the material handling costs are Rp. 134,534,765 / month, because the initial layout of the raw material warehouse still uses random storage and the raw materials that are widely used are not placed close to the intake floor of the production, so that the distance to get raw materials for production needs is far. After the re-layout design was made based on the placement of raw materials in the class based storage method, the material handling transfer distance was reduced to 2,644,459 meters / month and the material handling cost for the repair raw material warehouse layout fell to Rp. 99,949,520 / month. In other words, there was a decrease in material handling distance by 25% and material handling costs by 26%.

Nur Kalim ◽  

Factors that influence the amount of material handling costs are the distance of material movement, methods, and tools (equipment) used. The distance of material movement is strongly influenced by the layout of the production facility. The new layout design using the SLP method is expected to reduce the distance of material or product movement in PT. A B C. From the analysis results obtained the total distance of material transfer at the initial layout of the production process at PT. ABC of 1761 meters / month with material handling costs of Rp. 315,390,000.00 / month. Then an analysis of the use of material transport equipment results in the replacement of a crane with a sloping plane to connect the production machine. So the cost of material handling using the inclined plane becomes Rp. 0. The use of sloping fields can only be used on certain production machines. By using the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method, there are 3 alternative layouts produced. The most optimal alternative layout is alternative layout 3 with monthly material handling cost savings of Rp. 68,100,000.00 or 21% of the initial material handling layout cost.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Suk-Chul Rim ◽  
Hang T. T. Vu

Distribution centers (DCs) typically receive orders from the customers (mostly retail stores) located in their vicinity and deliver the ordered goods the next day morning. To maintain high item fill rate, DCs have to hold a high level of inventory, which will increase inventory cost. As an alternative, cross-filling is that, after closing the daily order receipt, DCs exchange surplus items during the night to reduce the shortage. The economic justification of such cross-filling will depend on the tradeoff between extra transshipment and handling cost versus saved shortage cost. In this paper, as an extension of Rim and Jiang, 2019, vehicles are allowed to drop and pick up items at the intermediate DCs in the route. We present a genetic algorithm to determine the routes and amount to pick up/drop at each DC to minimize the total cost.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
N. A. Fakharulrazi ◽  
F. Yakub ◽  
M. N. Baba ◽  
L. F. Zhao ◽  

Composting food waste is a delicate procedure that requires specific infrastructure and machinery that can gradually transform the wastes to nutrient-rich manure. Nevertheless, it also desires a constant attention by experts to achieve a quality outcome. Therefore, automatic composting machinery is a promising new idea as modern technology is taking over the world with it high efficiency. The objective of this paper is to build a fully automated composting machine that can help to reduce food waste using a more efficient and environmentally friendly method. This machine has its special features of heating, cooling and grinding which is simple and easy to use for every consumer at just one touch of a button. In addition, it uses a special filter to eliminate unpleasant odor to ensure consumer’s space of mind. The composting process uses node microcontroller (MCU) to run its operation and Internet of Things (IoT) with a developed mobile application to measure the amount of food waste, current process and its moisture content before turning the waste into high nutrient flakes at around 10% of its original volume. It will also notify the consumer when the whole process is done and the final product is ready to use. The produced flakes are good for nurturing soils, use as fertilizer, and renewable source of energy or animal feed. The benefit is to help reduce handling cost of waste at landfill. Excessive logistical energy is required to send food waste to landfill if conventional equipment is applied. This product has a high potential to penetrate the end users who usually cooks at home and also the industrial food manufacturers whether from medium to large which produces a lot of raw waste. Essentially, this machine allows food waste, through implementation of IoT to be converted to usable fertilizer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-92
Achmad Pratama Rifai ◽  
Setyo Tri Windras Mara ◽  
Putri Adriani Kusumastuti ◽  
Rakyan Galuh Wiraningrum

The double row layout problem (DRLP) is an NP-hard and has many applications in the industry. The problem concerns on arranging the position of  machines on the two rows so that the material handling cost is minimized. Although several mathematical programming models and local heuristics have been previously proposed, there is still a requirement to develop an approach that can solve the problem efficiently. Here, a genetic algorithm is proposed, which is aimed to solve the DRLP in a reasonable and applicable time. The performances of the proposed method, both its obtained objective values and computational time, are evaluated by comparing it with the existing mathematical programming model. The results demonstrate that the proposed GA can find relatively high-quality solutions in much shorter time than the mathematical programming model, especially in the problem with large number of machines.

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