Wastewater contains resources, which can be recovered for secondary use if treated properly. Besides research in zero liquid discharge solutions, the aim of the study was a simultaneous recovery of products from a wastewater treatment plant’s dewatering liquor. To be specific, we investigated a simultaneous recovery of struvite and irrigation water using electrodialysis (ED) in laboratory experiments. Two products were obtained from ED—concentrate and diluate. The concentrate was precipitated to obtain struvite. On average, 11 g of wet precipitate (including 17.58% of dry solids) were obtained from 1 L of concentrate. Crystal phases were confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), with showing 94–97% recovery of struvite, while the remaining 3–6% were identified as hazenite. The average yield of crystal struvite was 1.76 g. Both struvite and hazenite may further be used as a fertilizer. Next, we suggest using the second ED product, the diluate, as irrigation water if it meets the irrigation water requirements. Attention was paid to the concentrations of dissolved solids (DS) in diluate, which decreased by an average of 93% compared to the input values in the dewatering liquor. In line with the observed Czech or EU standards indicators, we can say that the diluate can be used in agriculture, namely as irrigation water (Category I—water suitable for irrigation).