optimal beam
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2021 ◽  
Joydev Ghosh ◽  
In-Ho Ra ◽  
Saurabh Singh ◽  
Huseyin Haci ◽  
Khaled AlUtaibi ◽  

<div>The fifth generation (5G) networks and internet of things (IoT) promise to transform our lives by enabling various new applications from driver-less cars to smart cities. These applications will introduce enormous amount of data traffic and number of connected devices in addition to the current wireless networks. Thus 5G networks require many researches to develop novel telecommunication technologies to accommodate these increase in data traffic and connected devices. In this paper, novel power constraint optimization and optimal beam tracking schemes are proposed for mobile mmWave massive MIMO communications. A recently published novel channel model that is different from other widely used ones is considered. The channel model considers the number of clusters and number of rays within each cluster as varying due to user mobility. The proposed power constraint optimization scheme harmonizes conventional total power constraint (TPC) and uniform power constraint (UPC) schemes into a new one called allied power constraint (APC) that can significantly improve the system performance in 5G networks while achieving fairness among users. TPC and UPC have major drawbacks with respect to fairness and achieving quality-of-service (QoS) for users in dense networks. Thus APC aims to harmonize TPC and UPC by adjusting each antenna element’s constraint to adapt for some power resilience to a specific antenna element, hence proposing an intermediate solution between the two extreme case power constraint optimization schemes. Three optimal beam tracking schemes: (i) conventional exhaustive search (CES), (ii) multiobjective joint optimization codebook (MJOC), and (iii) linear hybrid combiner (LHS) scheme, have been provided for the mobile mmWave massive MIMO system with the proposed APC scheme. For the proposed APC scheme a comprehensive performance analysis is provided and compared with TPC and UPC. Spectral efficiency (SE), bit-error-rate (BER), Jain’s fairness index, channel occupancy ratio (COR) and instantaneous interfering power metrics are investigated. It has been shown that the proposed scheme can significantly outperform conventional schemes.</div>

2021 ◽  
Joydev Ghosh ◽  
In-Ho Ra ◽  
Saurabh Singh ◽  
Huseyin Haci ◽  
Khaled AlUtaibi ◽  

<div>The fifth generation (5G) networks and internet of things (IoT) promise to transform our lives by enabling various new applications from driver-less cars to smart cities. These applications will introduce enormous amount of data traffic and number of connected devices in addition to the current wireless networks. Thus 5G networks require many researches to develop novel telecommunication technologies to accommodate these increase in data traffic and connected devices. In this paper, novel power constraint optimization and optimal beam tracking schemes are proposed for mobile mmWave massive MIMO communications. A recently published novel channel model that is different from other widely used ones is considered. The channel model considers the number of clusters and number of rays within each cluster as varying due to user mobility. The proposed power constraint optimization scheme harmonizes conventional total power constraint (TPC) and uniform power constraint (UPC) schemes into a new one called allied power constraint (APC) that can significantly improve the system performance in 5G networks while achieving fairness among users. TPC and UPC have major drawbacks with respect to fairness and achieving quality-of-service (QoS) for users in dense networks. Thus APC aims to harmonize TPC and UPC by adjusting each antenna element’s constraint to adapt for some power resilience to a specific antenna element, hence proposing an intermediate solution between the two extreme case power constraint optimization schemes. Three optimal beam tracking schemes: (i) conventional exhaustive search (CES), (ii) multiobjective joint optimization codebook (MJOC), and (iii) linear hybrid combiner (LHS) scheme, have been provided for the mobile mmWave massive MIMO system with the proposed APC scheme. For the proposed APC scheme a comprehensive performance analysis is provided and compared with TPC and UPC. Spectral efficiency (SE), bit-error-rate (BER), Jain’s fairness index, channel occupancy ratio (COR) and instantaneous interfering power metrics are investigated. It has been shown that the proposed scheme can significantly outperform conventional schemes.</div>

2021 ◽  
pp. 52-56
V.I. Maslov ◽  
R.T. Ovsiannikov ◽  
D.S. Bondar ◽  
I.P. Levchuk ◽  
I.N. Onishchenko

Plasma wakefield acceleration promises compact sources of high-brightness relativistic electron and positron beams. Applications (particle colliders and free-electron lasers) of plasma wakefield accelerators demand low ener-gy spread beams and high-efficiency operation. Achieving both requires plateau formation on both the accelerating field for witness-bunch and the decelerating fields for driver-bunches by controlled beam loading of the plasma wave with careful tailored current profiles. We demonstrate by numerical simulation by 2.5D PIC code LCODE such optimal beam loading in a linear and blowout electron-driven plasma accelerator with RF generated low and high beam charge and high beam quality.

Asma Issa Mohsin ◽  
Asaad S. Daghal ◽  
Adheed Hasan Sallomi

Cultural algorithm (CA) is a new evolutionary program inspired by sociology and archaeology theories that assisting formulating cultural evaluation. Its use to solve optimization problems. This paper analyzed the beamforming of a uniform circular antenna array (UCAA) via using the CA algorithm. The sidelobe level (SLL) is minimized by adjusting the appropriate weight for each element. In addition, the optimal beam pattern is achieved by using CA for UCAA, which means that the main beam is steering to the desired user, while the nulls represent the interference signals. The excitation amplitude is supposed to be constant while the elements are assumed isotropic. The circular array number elements and the interspacing distance between them are setting as optimization parameters. The simulation results show that the CA rationally reacts to the changing environments, and it is valuable for SLL reduction. A −25 dB of relative SLL is achieved under beam scanning (0º) and (15º), respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 63-80
Yifei Wu ◽  
Johannes Koch ◽  
Martin Vossiek ◽  
Wolfgang Gerstacker

Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) is a promising technique for high data rate indoor Terahertz (THz) communications in future beyond 5G systems. In an indoor propagation scenario, the Line-Of-Sight (LOS) component may be blocked by the obstacles. Thus, efficient THz SC-FDMA communications require a fast and reliable Beam Alignment (BA) method for both LOS and Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) scenarios. In this paper, we first adopt the hierarchical discrete Fourier transform codebook for LOS BA, and introduce the hierarchical k-means codebook for NLOS BA to improve the beamforming gain. Simulation results illustrate that the hierarchical DFT codebook and the hierarchical k-means codebook can achieve the beamforming gain close to that of the maximum ratio transmission in LOS and NLOS cases, respectively. Based on these two codebooks, we propose a Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) algorithm named Hierarchical Beam Alignment (HBA) for single-user SC-FDMA THz systems to reduce the BA latency. HBA utilizes a hierarchical structure in the adopted codebook and prior knowledge regarding the noise power to speed up the BA process. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that the proposed BA method converges to the optimal beam with high probability for both the hierarchical DFT codebook and the hierarchical k-means codebook in the LOS and NLOS scenarios, respectively. The latency introduced by HBA is significantly lower when compared to an exhaustive search method and other MAB-based methods.

2021 ◽  
Joydev Ghosh ◽  
Huiling Zhu ◽  
Huseyin Haci

<div>A novel channel model has been proposed for mobile millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications to evaluate the effect of end-user mobility. In this model the variance of number of clusters and number of rays generated from each cluster is taken into account that is novel and different from widely used channel models. Two optimum codebook based beam-tracking schemes multi-objective joint optimization codebook (MJOC) and linear hybrid combiner (LHC) have been proposed for the novel channel model and their performance for spectral efficiency (SE) is presented. Performance for the two most commonly used channel state information (CSI) estimation approaches is investigated. Finally, the relationship between the beamforming training blocks and optimal beam tracking scheme is presented.</div>

2021 ◽  
Priyanka Sinha ◽  
Ismail Guvenc ◽  
Mustafa Cenk Gursoy

Detection of drones carries critical importance for safely and effectively managing unmanned aerial system traffic in the future. Given the ubiquitous presence of the drones across all kinds of environments in the near future, wide area drone detection and surveillance capability are highly desirable, which require careful planning and design of drone sensing networks. In this paper, we seek to meet this need by using the existing terrestrial radio frequency (RF) networks for passive sensing of drones. To this end we develop an analytical framework that provides the fundamental limits on the network-wide drone detection probability. In particular, we characterize the joint impact of the salient features of the terrestrial RF networks, such as the spatial randomness of the node locations, the directional 3D antenna patterns, and the mixed line of sight/non line of sight (LoS/NLoS) propagation characteristics of the air-to-ground (A2G) channels. Since the strength of the drone signal and the aggregate interference in a sensing network are fundamentally limited by the 3D network geometry and the inherent spatial randomness, we use tools from stochastic geometry to derive the closed-form expressions for the probabilities of detection, false alarm and coverage. This, in turn, demonstrates the impact of the sensor density, beam tilt angle, half power beam width (HPBW) and different degrees of LoS dominance, on the projected detec?tion performance. Our analysis reveals optimal beam tilt angles, and sensor density that maximize the network-wide detection of the drones.

2021 ◽  
Priyanka Sinha ◽  
Ismail Guvenc ◽  
Mustafa Cenk Gursoy

Detection of drones carries critical importance for safely and effectively managing unmanned aerial system traffic in the future. Given the ubiquitous presence of the drones across all kinds of environments in the near future, wide area drone detection and surveillance capability are highly desirable, which require careful planning and design of drone sensing networks. In this paper, we seek to meet this need by using the existing terrestrial radio frequency (RF) networks for passive sensing of drones. To this end we develop an analytical framework that provides the fundamental limits on the network-wide drone detection probability. In particular, we characterize the joint impact of the salient features of the terrestrial RF networks, such as the spatial randomness of the node locations, the directional 3D antenna patterns, and the mixed line of sight/non line of sight (LoS/NLoS) propagation characteristics of the air-to-ground (A2G) channels. Since the strength of the drone signal and the aggregate interference in a sensing network are fundamentally limited by the 3D network geometry and the inherent spatial randomness, we use tools from stochastic geometry to derive the closed-form expressions for the probabilities of detection, false alarm and coverage. This, in turn, demonstrates the impact of the sensor density, beam tilt angle, half power beam width (HPBW) and different degrees of LoS dominance, on the projected detec?tion performance. Our analysis reveals optimal beam tilt angles, and sensor density that maximize the network-wide detection of the drones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Etele Molnár ◽  
Dan Stutman

A detailed study of direct laser-driven electron acceleration in paraxial Laguerre–Gaussian modes corresponding to helical beams LG 0 m with azimuthal modes m = 1,2,3,4,5 is presented. Due to the difference between the ponderomotive force of the fundamental Gaussian beam LG 00 and helical beams LG 0 m , we found that the optimal beam waist leading to the most energetic electrons at full width at half maximum is more than twice smaller for the latter and corresponds to a few wavelengths Δ w 0 = 6,11,19 λ 0 for laser powers of P 0 = 0.1 , 1,10  PW. We also found that, for azimuthal modes m ≥ 3 , the optimal waist should be smaller than Δ w 0 < 19 λ 0 . Using these optimal values, we have observed that the average kinetic energy gain of electrons is about an order of magnitude larger in helical beams compared to the fundamental Gaussian beam. This average energy gain increases with the azimuthal index m leading to collimated electrons of a few 100 MeV energy in the direction of the laser propagation.

2021 ◽  
Joydev Ghosh ◽  
Huiling Zhu ◽  
Huseyin Haci

<div>A novel channel model has been proposed for mobile millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications to evaluate the effect of end-user mobility. In this model the variance of number of clusters and number of rays generated from each cluster is taken into account that is novel and different from widely used channel models. Two optimum codebook based beam-tracking schemes multi-objective joint optimization codebook (MJOC) and linear hybrid combiner (LHC) have been proposed for the novel channel model and their performance for spectral efficiency (SE) is presented. Performance for the two most commonly used channel state information (CSI) estimation approaches is investigated. Finally, the relationship between the beamforming training blocks and optimal beam tracking scheme is presented.</div>

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