industrial design
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Kepes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (25) ◽  
pp. 295-324
Diego Aníbal Restrepo-Quevedo ◽  
Juanita González Tobón ◽  
Roberto Cuervo ◽  
Jorge Camacho ◽  
Edgar Hernández-Mihajlovic

This article aims to report the transition from intuitive to intentional projective activities in design recorded in the visual modes of sketchbook to analyze the metacognitive processes of design students. Phenomenography was used as an empirical sampling method to diagnose the sketchbooks of industrial design and graphic design students. The observation criteria focused on describing the metacognitive characteristics of the students with respect to the way they recorded their ideas visually, which showed design-specific projective actions. This research demonstrated and codified how students externalize intentional approaches in their sketchbook iterations, which can be grouped into three representation strategies: technical, methodological, and reflective; they are related to their experiences in projective activity. Consequently, we propose a new category called metacognitive transcendence, which refers to a strategy for controlling and regulating cognitive processes to transform an intuitive action into an intentional action mediated by a cognitive artifact: the design sketchbook. Three ways of metacognitive transcendence are suggested: instrumental (technical aspects), procedural (related to projection), and comprehensive (own reflection about the project itself).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-203
Bulent Unal ◽  
H. Merve Demirci ◽  
Emrah Demirhan ◽  

It is essential to reflect the strategic connotations of the brand on the products while creating and developing a product design that fits the brand identity. Therefore, for a company, it is a critical issue to place the right messages that support the strategic brand identity in the design elements. From the designers' point of view, they are expected to have design skills such as analyzing a brand's uniqueness and brand knowledge and reflecting the results of these analyses on the aesthetics, function and overall meaning of the product. For this reason, as a part of the Industrial Design curriculum, brand identity focused product design has been restructured in Atılım University, Industrial Design program. In this studio course, the aim was for design students to acquire skills of brand identity and product identity analysis, in addition to basic design knowledge and skills. During 16 weeks, the data were collected by doing a participant observation and conducting semi-structured interviews with the course students. The data gathered from the semi-structured interviews and participant observation were analysed by using an inductive coding approach. Thus, product design suggestions that were suitable for the identity of the brand were analysed with the questions asked by the instructors during the design process. The results show that the questions asked by the instructors and the examples they gave, led the students to research, think, question, understand and make sense of the importance of information. As a result, the students obtained design outputs suitable for brand identity.

Roman Denysenko

Keywords: results of work, subjects of property rights of intellectual property, jointproperty rights of intellectual property The article deals with an issue of allocation of rights to the results ofworks that are intellectual property subject-matter, created during research or developmentand engineering works. It is considered what can be the result of works andin what form.It analyses problematic issues of the multiplicity of subjects of intellectual propertyrights to the results of work under the contract and the relationship between themon the prosecution of the joint intellectual property rights to the results of work. It isdetermined that the subjects of contractual relations of research or development andengineering works in addition to the executor and the customer should also includethe creator (author, inventor) — a specialist working in a research institution or in acompany, whose creative work resulted in the intellectual property subject-matter.Attention is drawn to the joint rights to service subject-matters created as a consequenceof labour-related duties execution.The norms of special legislation on the relationship on the use of an invention(utility model) and an industrial design, the disposal of property rights of each of theholders (owners) of a patent (certificate) are studied.Laid out in the article gives the ground for making conclusion about the need to supplementthe regulation of relations on the prosecution of the joint intellectual propertyrights to the results of work by including general provisions on the procedure for the useof intellectual property subject-matter and disposal of property rights on conditions establishedby the contract for research or development and engineering in Article 896 ofthe Civil Code of Ukraine. The author proposes to supplement Article 896 of the CivilCode of Ukraine with Chapter 3 as follows: «3. If the results of works have features ofintellectual property subject-matter, then special details of prosecution of propertyrights of intellectual property can be provided in the contract».

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