childhood bullying
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2021 ◽  
pp. 088626052110280
Jingyi Huang ◽  
E. Scott Huebner ◽  
Lili Tian

Childhood bullying is a public health concern. The stability and changes in children’s bullying profiles should provide useful information about specific risk groups and their developmental patterns. The current longitudinal study examined the stability and changes in bullying involvement in children along with the predictive roles of depressive symptoms in bullying subgroup memberships and transitions. A total of 4,321 Chinese children (55.1% male, Mage = 9.93) participated in self-report assessments at three time points with six-month intervals. Bullying subgroups were identified based on physical, relational, and cyberbullying using latent profile analysis. The transitions patterns were modeled using latent transition analysis. Depressive symptoms were added as a covariate in bullying subgroup memberships and transitions. Five bullying subgroups were found at Time 1 and Time 2: traditional bully-victims, traditional victims, (cyber) bully-victims, (cyber) victims, and noninvolved children, whereas four bullying subgroups were found at Time 3: traditional bully-victims, traditional victims, (cyber) bully-victims, and noninvolved children. Findings suggested that (a) childhood bullying involvement showed varying levels of stability, with noninvolved children displaying the most stability and cyberbullying-involved children displaying the least stability; (b) children reporting more severe depressive symptoms manifested a higher risk of bullying involvement; (c) initially noninvolved children showing depressive symptoms were at a higher risk for becoming traditional victims; and (d) children reporting depressive symptoms found it more difficult to escape from bullying than children without depressive symptoms. The findings offer support for both the cumulative continuity and interactional models of development. The findings also highlight the important the role of depressive symptoms in preventing and ameliorating children’s bullying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. e000939
Richard Armitage

Bullying in childhood is a major public health problem that increases the risk of poor health, social and educational outcomes in childhood and adolescence. These consequences are felt by all those involved in bullying (bullies, victims and bully–victims) and are now recognised to propagate deep into adulthood. Cyberbullying is a relatively new type of bullying in addition to the traditional forms of direct physical, direct verbal and indirect bullying. Children who are perceived as being ‘different’ in any way are at greater risk of victimisation, with physical appearance being the most frequent trigger of childhood bullying. Globally, one in three children have been bullied in the past 30 days, although there is substantial regional variation in the prevalence and type of bullying experienced. The consequences of childhood bullying can be categorised into three broad categories: educational consequences during childhood, health consequences during childhood and all consequences during adulthood. Many dose–response relationships exist between the frequency and intensity of bullying experienced and the severity of negative health consequence reported. The majority of victims of cyberbullying are also victims of traditional bullying, meaning cyberbullying creates very few additional victims. Overall, adverse mental health outcomes due to bullying in childhood most severely impact on bully–victims. Bullying prevention is vital for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, with whole-school cooperative learning interventions having the strongest evidence base for successful outcomes. Clear management and referral pathways for health professionals dealing with childhood bullying are lacking in both primary and secondary care, although specialist services are available locally and online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Thormod Idsoe ◽  
Tracy Vaillancourt ◽  
Atle Dyregrov ◽  
Kristine Amlund Hagen ◽  
Terje Ogden ◽  

Bullying victimization and trauma research traditions operate quite separately. Hence, it is unclear from the literature whether bullying victimization should be considered as a form of interpersonal trauma. We review studies that connect bullying victimization with symptoms of PTSD, and in doing so, demonstrate that a conceptual understanding of the consequences of childhood bullying needs to be framed within a developmental perspective. We discuss two potential diagnoses that ought to be considered in the context of bullying victimization: (1) developmental trauma disorder, which was suggested but not accepted as a new diagnosis in the DSM-5 and (2) complex post-traumatic stress disorder, which has been included in the ICD-11. Our conclusion is that these frameworks capture the complexity of the symptoms associated with bullying victimization better than PTSD. We encourage practitioners to understand how exposure to bullying interacts with development at different ages when addressing the consequences for targets and when designing interventions that account for the duration, intensity, and sequelae of this type of interpersonal trauma.

2021 ◽  
Miranda Sanchez ◽  
Christopher Ferguson

Perpetrators of mass homicides have often been believed to have experienced certain events in their childhoods that may have led to their crimes. Among the issues that were considered in this study were childhood trauma, which included abuse history, and history of childhood bullying. Another issue that was examined was whether they played violent video games as a child. Exposure to these variables were compared between a sample of 169 male mass shooters and preexisting research samples of the same age and gender who had not committed mass murders. Analyses were preregistered. Hypotheses that were tested included whether mass shooters had experienced more childhood abuse, more childhood bullying or played more violent video games compared to matched samples. Results suggest that mass homicide perpetrators had experienced more abuse than other individuals, but not bullying. By contrast, mass homicide perpetrators had played fewer violent video games than had matched samples. These results seem to match previous data on mass homicide perpetrators.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Timothy Matthews ◽  
Avshalom Caspi ◽  
Andrea Danese ◽  
Helen L. Fisher ◽  
Terrie E. Moffitt ◽  

Abstract The present study used a longitudinal and discordant twin design to explore in depth the developmental associations between victimization and loneliness from mid-childhood to young adulthood. The data were drawn from the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study, a birth cohort of 2,232 individuals born in England and Wales during 1994–1995. Diverse forms of victimization were considered, differing across context, perpetrator, and timing of exposure. The results indicated that exposure to different forms of victimization was associated with loneliness in a dose–response manner. In childhood, bullying victimization was uniquely associated with loneliness, over and above concurrent psychopathology, social isolation, and genetic risk. Moreover, childhood bullying victimization continued to predict loneliness in young adulthood, even in the absence of ongoing victimization. Within-twin pair analyses further indicated that this longitudinal association was explained by genetic confounds. In adolescence, varied forms of victimization were correlated with young adult loneliness, with maltreatment, neglect, and cybervictimization remaining robust to controls for genetic confounds. These findings indicate that vulnerability to loneliness in victimized young people varies according to the specific form of victimization in question, and also to the developmental period in which it was experienced.

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