technical article
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Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Vincent Piou ◽  
Caroline Vilarem ◽  
Carolin Rein ◽  
Lina Sprau ◽  
Angélique Vétillard

Varroa destructor (Anderson and Trueman) is known as a major pest of Apis mellifera L, especially in the Northern Hemisphere where its effects can be deleterious. As an obligate parasite, this mite relies entirely on its host to reproduce and complete its cycle. Studies focusing on isolated organs are needed to better comprehend this organism. To conduct such targeted molecular or physiological studies, the dissection of V. destructor mites is crucial as it allows the extraction of specific organs. Here, we propose a technical article showing detailed steps of females V. destructor dissection, illustrated with pictures and videos. These illustrated guidelines will represent a helpful tool to go further in V. destructor research.

2021 ◽  
Steven Obua

Abstraction Logic has been introduced in a previous, rather technical article. In this article we take a step back and look at Abstraction Logic from a conceptual point of view. This will make it easier to appreciate the simplicity, elegance, and pragmatism of Abstraction Logic. We will argue that Abstraction Logic is the best logic for serving as a foundation of mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Steven Obua

Abstraction Logic has been introduced in a previous, rather technical article. In this article we take a step back and look at Abstraction Logic from a conceptual point of view. This will make it easier to appreciate the simplicity, elegance, and pragmatism of Abstraction Logic. We will argue that Abstraction Logic is the best logic for serving as a foundation of mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 778-782
Masahiro Nishibata ◽  
Masataka Kitano ◽  
Seiich Sato

Wire atrial septostomy, a new transcatheter technique, combines 2 atrial septal defects (ASDs) into a large one in a thickened atrial septum. Although the thin-wire-looped atrial septum between ASDs needs to be pulled deeply into a hard catheter to tear the septum, this action might harm the surrounding cardiac structures. We utilized radiofrequency wire energy to facilitate the tearing of the septum, making the procedure easier and safer. This technical article presents the modified procedure in detail; the procedure was performed in a 6-month-old boy with double outlet right ventricle and intact ventricular septum. Mini-abstract This technical article describes modified wire atrial septostomy for thickened atrial septum in detail. Radiofrequency energy facilitated a thin wire-loop in tearing the septum between 2 atrial septal defects to combine the defects into a large one. We believe that this transcatheter procedure is easier and safer than the original one not using a radiofrequency wire energy.

2021 ◽  
Marc J Lanovaz

Despite being a cornerstone of the science of behavior analysis, researchers and practitioners often rely on tradition and consensus-based guidelines, rather than empirical evidence, to make decisions about single-case designs. One approach to develop empirically-based guidelines is to use Monte Carlo simulations for validation, but behavior analysts are not necessarily trained to apply this type of methodology. Therefore, the purpose of our technical article is to walk the reader through conducting Monte Carlo simulations to examine the accuracy, Type I error rate, and power of a visual aid for AB graphs using R Code. Additionally, the tutorial provides code to replicate the procedures with single-case experimental designs as well as with the Python programming language. Overall, a broader adoption of Monte Carlo simulations to validate guidelines should lead to an improvement in how researchers and practitioners use single-case designs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. i46-i50
Bent Lund

Abstract Os acetabuli (Os) or acetabular rimfractures are often seen in femoroacetabular impingement patients and can result in groin pain. When seen in symptomatic patients, the question is whether to remove them or to fixate the loose fragment to the acetabular rim. This depends on acetabular coverage and the extent of the Os. If removal of the Os might lead to hip dysplasia and instability, fixation of the Os should be the goal. This technical article describes the author's technique in fixating the Os with a suture-bridge technique.

2021 ◽  
pp. 50-70
Deborah Nolan ◽  
Sara Stoudt

This chapter covers how to write about data analyzed for a technical article. Examples are provided for writing a data description, including how to reference the source of the data, describe methods used to collect the data, summarize how the data were cleaned and prepared, and provide information about the variables used in the analysis. This chapter also provides tips on how to present summary statistics.

Э.Я. Соколова ◽  
Ю.В. Кобенко

Постановка задачи. Задача данной статьи - описать жанрово-стилистические особенности научно-технических текстов профессиолекта «Интеллектуальные энергетические системы» в современном английском языке. Результаты. Жанровое наполнение профессиолекта «Интеллектуальные энергетические системы» характеризуется широким синкретизмом и по своим системным признакам во многом напоминает полевую структуру, описание которой целесообразно через категориальную пару «центр vs. периферии». В связи с этим выделены 1) ядерные и 2) периферийные жанры научно-технических текстов профессиолекта «Интеллектуальные энергетические системы» с процентным соотношением 67,6% : 32,4 %. В качестве ядерных жанров выступают: 1) научно-техническая статья, 2) аннотация, 3) презентация и 4) доклад-отчёт. Периферийные жанры представлены: 1) стандартами на технологии и приборы; 2) инструктирующими текстами; 3) пресс-релизом. Классификационными критериями жанров научно-технических тестов, моделирующими их общую жанровую рамку, выступают: а) характер адресности; б) структурно-композиционная организация текста; в) репертуар языковых средств и их сочетание. Цельность жанровых образований в функциональном репертуаре «Интеллектуальные энергетические системы» (ИЭС) обусловлена тематическим единством. Рассмотренные научно-технические тексты представляют собой симбиоз языковых средств, принадлежащих разным семиотическим системам. Продуктивными синтаксическими моделями, соответствующими природе текстового материала профессиолекта ИЭС, выступают развернутые сложноподчиненные предложения с разветвленными придаточными структурами, сложносочиненные предложения с линейным характером связи, пассивные и безличные конструкции. Выводы. Научно-технические тексты профессиолекта «Интеллектуальные энергетические системы», представленные ядерными и периферийными жанрами, находятся в тесной содержательной взаимосвязи с исследованиями в сфере интеллектуальной энергетики. Коммуникация внутри исследуемого профессиолекта характеризуется прагматической направленностью, узковекторной адресностью и общностью институциональной принадлежности коммуникантов. Текстовые материалы отличаются нормативностью отбора и комбинации языковых средств и высокой стереотипностью синтаксических структур. Наряду с признаками, объединяющими все вышеперечисленные жанры, каждый из них выполняет собственные, присущие лишь ему стилистические задачи, демонстрируя разноплановый характер выразительных средств и содержательное наполнение. Statement of the problem. The purpose of this article is to describe the genre and stylistic peculiarities of the scientific and technical texts of the "Smart Energy Systems" professiolect in modern English. Results. The genre content of the "Smart Energy Systems" professiolect is characterized by broad syncretism and in terms of its systemic features resembles a field structure, which study is advisable to conduct using the categorical pair “center vs. periphery". In this regard nuclear and peripheral genres of scientific and technical texts of the "Smart Energy Systems" professiolect were distinguished with a percentage ratio of 67.6% : 32.4%. The nuclear genres are: 1) scientific and technical article, 2) abstract, 3) presentation and 4) report. Peripheral genres are represented by: 1) standards for technologies and equipment; 2) instructional texts: manuals for specialists and consumers; 3) press release. The classification criteria of scientific and technical tests, modeling their general genre framework, are: a) the nature of the target audience; b) structural and compositional organization of the text; c) the repertoire of linguistic tools and their combination. The integrity of genre formations in the "Smart Energy Systems" functional repertoire is characterized by its thematic unity. The considered scientific and technical texts represent a symbiosis of linguistic resources belonging to different semiotic systems. Productive syntactic models that correspond to the nature of the textual material of the "Smart Energy Systems" professiolect are: detailed complex sentences with subordinate structures, compound sentences with a linear connection, passive and impersonal constructions. Conclusion. Scientific and technical texts of the professiolect "Intelligent Energy Systems", represented by nuclear and peripheral genres, are closely related to research in the field of smart power industry. Communication within the studied professiolect is characterized by a pragmatic orientation, narrow-vector targeting and common professional interests of the communicants. The material is distinguished by the normative selection and combination of linguistic tools and high stereotype of syntactic structures. Along with features that unite all genres, each of them performs its own stylistic tasks, demonstrating the diverse nature of expressive tools and content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-129
Rosilene Carrilho Fernades Barella ◽  
Celso Correia de Souza ◽  
José Francisco Dos Reis Neto ◽  
Sidney Maldonado ◽  
Wesley Osvaldo Pradella Rodrigues

Nos últimos anos, o processo de gestão das empresas tem sido modificado na tentativa de responder mais rapidamente às mudanças ocorridas nas relações empresariais e nos cenários de negócios. A dinâmica é bastante complexa, e requer que os gestores controlem e planejem suas ações na busca pelo sucesso e manutenção de suas empresas no mercado. Este artigo técnico emprega a técnica de Programação Linear (PL) na otimização da produção de queijos em uma empresa de laticínios, em Jaraguari (MS), empregando a ferramenta Solver - Excel para a otimização do lucro. Os dados secundários foram obtidos junto a empresa objeto da pesquisa, a qual apresentava dificuldades na melhoria da sua produção de queijos. Os dados coletados foram organizados para a entrada do Solver, insumos e custos, considerando as restrições produtivas da empresa, para quatro tipos de queijos. Como resultado se demonstrou que o uso da PL na produção de queijos promoveu uma ampliação do lucro à empresa de 30,98%. Com a realização da análise de sensibilidade, sendo recomendada a fabricação de apenas dois tipos de queijos, considerando os seus custos e preços de venda ao mercado. Este procedimento de tomada de decisão pode ser aplicado em outras atividades de otimização em ambientes da agroindústria e produção sustentável.   Palavras-chave: Agronegócio. Derivados do Leite. Pesquisa Operacional. Queijo Coalho.   Abstract In recent years, the companies management process has been modified in an attempt to respond more quickly to changes in business relationships and business scenarios. The dynamics are quite complex and require managers to control and plan their actions in the search for the success and maintenance of their companies in the market. This technical article uses the Linear Programming (PL) technique to optimize the production of various types of cheese in a dairy company in Jaraguari (MS), using the Solver - Excel tool to optimize profit. Secondary data were obtained from the research company, which had difficulties in improving its cheese production. The data collected were organized for the entry of the Solver, inputs and costs, considering the company's production restrictions, for four types of cheese. As a result, it is shown that the use of PL in the cheese production promoted an increase in profit of 30.98% to the company. With the performance of the sensitivity analysis, it was recommended to manufacture only two types of cheese, considering their costs and selling prices to the market. This decision-making procedure can be applied to other optimization activities in agro-industrial and sustainable production environments.   Keywords: Agribusiness. Milk Derivatives. Operational Research. Rennet Cheese.

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