sports violence
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Lei Ren ◽  
Yan Shi ◽  
Hong Ma

Sports violence is a critical issue that has hindered China’s sports development. Dual logic is currently the mainstream rule of law and industrial autonomy, although it has not produced satisfactory results. In this paper, we used expert interviews, text analysis, and case analysis to investigate the flaws in the current governance process and found that the dual logic of sports violence governance has problems of varying degrees. The low degree of legislative specialization, the hazy limit of judicial intervention, and disparate law enforcement are examples of the rule of law. The clash of rights and interests between the association and the state, the association’s ineffectual control over the junior leagues, and the limited scope of governance are all examples of industry autonomy. Based on the issues mentioned above, this paper proposes dual logic strengthening measures and the notion of integrated governance. In particular, we should improve the rule of law thinking and construct a legal system for sports violence in China from legislation, justice and law enforcement, and law-abidingness to compensate for the current lack of law in sports violence. Second, we define the scope of the association’s “postdecoupling era” powers and obligations, resolve conflicts through state involvement based on the rule of law, and remove governance hurdles. Finally, we thoroughly investigate three aspects of integrated governance between the rule of law and industry autonomy: respecting industry autonomy and providing specific implementation space for industry norms, not excluding the rule of law’s intervention, and establishing an industry autonomy supervision mechanism. The rule of law and industry autonomy permeate each other and realize integration.

Вадим Вадимович Хапаев ◽  
Антон Михайлович Глушич

В статье изучена роль физической культуры и спорта в процессе подготовки византийских воинов в ранневизантийский и средневизантийский периоды. Рассмотрены различные виды спортивных игр и состязаний – как детских и юношеских, благодаря которым обеспечивалась допризывная подготовка, так и военно-спортивные упражнения и соревнования в византийской армии. Сделан вывод о том, что, несмотря на ликвидацию античной системы палестр и гимнасиев, массовая физическая подготовка византийских мальчиков, подростков и юношей призывного возраста в Византии представляла собой хорошо продуманную и логично выстроенную систему, нацеленную на воспитание сильного, смелого и закаленного воина. Ее принципиальное отличие от античного периода заключалось в том, что физическое воспитание детей и подростков было возложено не на государство или общину, а на семью. Задачей общины при этом было создание условий для проведения спортивных соревнований, а государство подключалось к физическому воспитанию юношей после их включения в воинские списки в ходе учений и боевых походов. Библиографические ссылки Анонимный воинский трактат «Как выдерживать осаду» / пер. и коммент. В.В. Хапаева // Хапаев В.В. Византийский Херсон на рубеже тысячелетий: вторая половина Х – первая половина XI в. Симферополь: Нижняя Орiанда, 2016. С. 509–538. Армурис // Памятники Византийской литературы IX–XV веков / Отв. ред. Л.А. Фрейберг. М.: Наука, 1968. С. 158–160. Дигенис Акрит. 1960. М.: Изд-во АН СССР. 1960. 218 с. Дьяконов А.П. Византийские димы и факции (τα μέρη) в V–VII вв. // Византийский сборник / Oтв. ред. Е. А. Косминский М., Л.: АН СССР, 1945. С. 144–227. Курбатов Г.Л. Ранневизантийский город (Антиохия в IV веке). Л.: Изд-во ЛГУ, 1962. 284 с. Лазарев В.Н. История византийской живописи. М.: Искусство, 1986. 194 с. Левченко М.В. Венеты и прасины в Византии V–VII вв. // Византийский временник. 1947. Т. 1. С. 164–183. Либаний. Речи. Том I. Казань.: Тип. имп. ун-та, 1914. 511 с. Либаний. Речи. Том II. Казань.: Тип. имп. ун-та, 1916. 569 с. Люттвак Э.Н. Стратегия Византийской империи. М.: Университет Дмитрия Пожарского, 2010. 664 с. Михаил Пселл. Хронография / пер., статьи и коммент. Я. Н. Любарского М.: Наука, 1978. 319 с. Никифор Григора. История ромеев. Т. I / пер. с греч. Р. В. Яшунского, вступ. ст. Л. Герд. СПб.: Свое издательство, 2013. 438 с. О стратегии. Византийский военный трактат VI века / Изд. под-гот. В.В. Кучма. СПб.: Алетейя, 2007. 158 с. Продолжатель Феофана. Жизнеописания византийских царей / пер., статьи и коммент. Я. Н. Любарского М.: Наука, 1992. 348 с. Стратегика Никифора II Фоки / пер. и комм. А. К. Нефёдкина. СПб.: Алетейя, 2005. 105 с. Стратегикон Маврикия / Изд. подгот. В.В. Кучма. СПб.: Алетейя, 2004. 242 с. Тактика Льва / пер.: проф., д.ист.н. В.В. Кучма. СПб.: Алетейя, 2012. 367 с. Титмар Мерзенбургский. Хроника. М.: Русская панорама, 2009. 256 с. Успенский Ф.И. Партии цирка и димы в Константинополе // Византийский временник. 1894. Т. 1. С. 1–16. Феофилакт Симокатта. История. М.: Изд. АН СССР, 1957. 224 с. Хапаев В.В. Физическое воспитание в Византийской империи IX-XII вв. // Традиции античного олимпизма в мировой культуре: от древности до наших дней / Под ред. Т. Б. Гвоздевой. М.: Изд-во Лит. ин-та имени А.М. Горького, 2015. С. 149–164. Хомутский В. Византийское оружие и доспехи на изобразительных источниках. 2016. URL: (Дата обращения 09.11.2020). Чекалова А.А. К вопросу о димах в ранней Византии // Византийские очерки: труды советских ученых к ХVІ Междунар. конгрессу византинистов / Отв. ред. З. В. Удальцова. М.: Наука, 1982. С. 37–53. Яшаева Т., Денисова Е., Гинькут Н., Залеская В., Журавлев Д. Наследие византийского Херсона / Севастополь: Телескоп, Остин : ИКА Техас. ун-та, 2011. 708 с. Ariantzi D. Aspekte der Kindheit in Byzanz vom 6. bis 11. 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Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. 2238 р. Schmitt J. The chronicle of Morea (To chronikon tou Moreos): a history in political verse, relating to the establishment of feudalism in Greece by the Franks in the thirteenth century. London: Methuen, 1904. 778 р. Schrodt B. Sports in the Byzantine Empire // Journal Of Sport History. 1981. Vol. 8. No. 3. Р. 51–52. Wolińska T. Constantinopolitan Charioteers and Their Supporters. Łódź: Studia Ceranea 1, 2011. Р. 127–142. Κουκουλές Φ. Βυζαντινων βιος και πολιτισμος. Τ. A. 1. Σχολεία. Παίδων ανατροφή. Παίγνια. Αθηναις, 1948. 231 σ. Κουκουλές Φ. Βυζαντινων βιος και πολιτισμος. Τ. Γ. Ο ιπποδρομος και οι ιπποδρομικοι αγωνες. Οι αγωνες και τα αγωνισματα. Οι βυζαντινοι αιχμαλωτοι. Η διαπομπευσις οι κλεπται και αι φυλακαι. Τα λαϊκα θεαματα και αι λαϊκαι διασκεδασεις αι εμπορικαι πανηγυρεις. Αι εριδες και αι υβρεις αι αραι, αι ευχαι και οι ορκοι. Αθηναις, 1949. 403 σ.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-129
Kang Moon Lee ◽  
Wang Keun Yoo

Rafael Guimarães Botelho ◽  
Luciano Vieira

Introdução: O presente artigo versa sobre as contribuições do Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza à Revista de Educação Física, publicação oficial do Centro de Capacitação Física do Exército (CCFEx).Objetivo: O objetivo principal foi o de recuperar a informação quanto à produção acadêmica e técnica do Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza que compõe o acervo da Revista de Educação Física.Métodos: O presente texto caracteriza-se como pesquisa histórica, que empregou duas técnicas distintas: a análise documental e a análise de assunto. Para a busca e recuperação de informação foram utilizadas três fontes: o Currículo Lattes, o site da Revista de Educação Física e a Biblioteca Jayr Jordão Ramos, da Escola de Educação Física do Exército. O período de busca e recuperação dos textos ocorreu entre 15 de outubro e 10 de dezembro de 2018.Resultados: Foram identificados e recuperados 22 trabalhos, publicados entre 1995 e 2018, sendo 19 artigos completos e três resumos. No que tange à extração dos assuntos, os resultados apontam: a) O assunto Olimpismo e Jogos Olímpicos obteve a maior prevalência, com sete trabalhos (31,81%); b) Os assuntos Administração e Gestão Esportiva / Comunicação, mídia e publicidade no esporte / Violência no esporte apresentaram os mesmos valores, com três trabalhos cada (13,63%), posicionando-se em segundo lugar; c) O assunto Ética no esporte foi o terceiro com maior incidência, com dois trabalhos (9,10%); e d) E quatro trabalhos em assuntos diversos (4,55%). No que condiz à participação técnica, o Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza integrou,  entre os anos 1998 e 2016, o Corpo Consultivo da Revista.Conclusão: À maneira de síntese, é possível afirmar, com base na pesquisa realizada, que o tempo total de contribuição científica do Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza prolongou-se por mais de 20 anos (1995 a 2018), o que demonstra uma colaboração iterada, relevante e bastante fecunda para a Revista de Educação Física.José Maurício Capinussú de Souza: contributions to the Journal of Physical EducationIntroduction: The present article deals with the contributions of Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza to the Journal of Physical Education, official publication of the Army Center for Physical Training.Objective: The main aim was to recover the academic and technical production of Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza in the Journal of Physical Education.Methods: The present text is characterized as a historical research, which employed two distinct techniques: documentary analysis and subject analysis. For the search and retrieval of information, three sources were used: the Curriculum Lattes, the Journal of Physical Education Website and the Library Jayr Jordão Ramos of the Brazilian Army School of Physical Education. The period of search and retrieval of texts occurred between October 15 and December 10, 2018.Results: Twenty-two papers were found, published between 1995 and 2018: 19 papers and 3 abstracts distributed as follows: a) Seven works (31.81%) on Olympism and Olympic Games; b) On Administration and sports management / Communication, media and advertising in sports / Violence in sports there were three works published on each one (13.63%); c)Ethics in sport was the third highest incidence, with two studies (9.10%); and d) And four papers on distinct issues (4.55%). As regards technical participation, between 1998 and 2016, Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza was part of the journal's Advisory Body.Conclusion: As a synthesis, it is possible to state, based on the research carried out, that the total time of scientific contribution of Professor José Maurício Capinussú de Souza lasted more than 20 years (1995 to 2018), which demonstrates an iterated, relevant and very fruitful collaboration for the Journal of Physical Education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-156 ◽  
Matt Ventresca

This article investigates how media discourses are sites for multiple “becomings” of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a neurobiological condition associated with repetitive brain trauma. I explain that these discourses are contexts in which multiple actors (journalists, scientists, athletes, and sports organizations) struggle to represent the material complexities of CTE through competing ways of knowing. My analysis reveals two tensions underlying debates about sport-related traumatic brain injury. First, my examination reveals discursive clashes between emotionally charged representations of CTE as an urgent public health problem and commentary cautioning audiences about the scientific uncertainty surrounding CTE. I illuminate how, in the face of this uncertainty, scientific conclusiveness remains privileged as the basis for meaningful action to improve athletes’ health. Second, inconsistencies across representations I examined illustrate how CTE defies a straightforward material-semiotic divide. These contradictions demonstrate how the materialities of CTE exceed the medico-scientific and lay discourses through which the condition is commonly known. I argue that such limitations should not enable stakeholders to overlook calls for drastic changes to how sports are played or deflect questions about how sports violence impacts athletes’ lives. Instead, this level of uncertainty should accelerate (rather than delay) challenges to socially acceptable levels of sports violence.

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