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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 533-553
Ben Siu-pun Ho

Abstract The neologism ‘post-truth’ was declared to be ‘the word of the year’ in 2016 by the Oxford Dictionary. It came to prominence in the presidential election of that year in the United States and during the Brexit referendum. It represents the eclipse of a sense of shared objective truths and has become associated with terms like ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative facts’ – and, with reference to Covid-19, conspiracy theories. The purpose of this article is to provide a theological engagement with this phenomenon; it does so by making a distinction between two types of response in the extant literature. Moreover, it offers a critique on the basis of theories of ideology and politics and draws upon the theology of Paul Tillich to offer a constructive proposal.

Sheetal Pearl Charan ◽  
Sister John Mary

Background : A central venous catheter, also called a central line, is a long, thin, flexible tube used to give medicines, fluids, nutrients, or blood products over a long period of time, usually several weeks or more, and is one of the important method of treatment. If central venous catheters are not cared for it can result for serious bloodstream infections. These complications worsen patient’s health, prolong hospital stay and increase the cost of care. In practice it has been found that, although hospitals have guide lines for care of central venous catheters, it is not been followed. Operational Definitions:-1. Effect:- According to Oxford dictionary effect means as a change produced by an action or cause. In the study effect refers to the change in the nursing practice of Intensive care unit nurses with relation to central venous site care. 2. Education program:-According to Oxford dictionary education means providing knowledge; instructive or informative. Program means a planned series of future events or actions. In the study education program refers to lecture cum demonstration methods that was used to educate nurses about central venous site care. 3. Central venous site care:-According to medical dictionary a central venous device also known as a central venous catheter, is a catheter placed into a large vein in the neck (internal jugular vein), chest (subclavian vein or axillary vein) or groin (femoral vein). Site is the entry point. Care is the serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk. In the study central venous site care refers to aseptic measures taken to prevent infection of the central venous site. 4. Intensive care unit (ICU):- According to Oxford dictionary :-Intensive care unit is a specialized department of hospital which provides medical treatment with constant attention for a seriously ill patient. In the study it refers to Intensive care unit where critical patients are taken care of. 5. Intensive care unit (ICU) nurse:-According to Oxford dictionary nurse is a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital.In the study it refers to the nurses working in the Intensive care unit in selected hospital with an experience of 6 months and above. Objective:1. The aim of the study was to assess the practices of ICU nurses with relation to Central venous site care before and after the education programme 2. To associate the practice score of ICU nurses with selected demographic variables. Methods: The study was an experimental pre-test post- test design done on 60 ICU nurses. The tools used for the study were demographic information and observational checklist of 63 items divided in pre-performance, performance and post performance phase. An observation before implementing the education programme was made. After education programme four observations were made. Results: Most of the samples i.e. 48 (80%) of the ICU nurses were in the age group of 23-27 years, 8 (13.3%) were in the age group of 18-22 years and the remaining i.e. 4 (6.7) were in the age group of 28-32 years. Majority of the samples i.e. 31 (51.7%) of the ICU nurses were BSc qualified, 24 (40%) were GNM qualified and remaining 5 (8.3%) were Pb.Bsc qualified. Most of the samples, 26 (43.3%) of ICU nurses had an experience of 0-2years, 27 (45%) had an experience of 2-4 years and the remaining 7 (11.7%) had an experience of 4-6 years. Majority of samples i.e. 41 (68.3%) of ICU nurses had attended doctor's class for Central venous site care, 16 (26.7%) of them had knowledge regarding Central venous site care from seminar, 2(3.3%) of them had attended workshop and 1 (1.7%) of them did not receive any training regarding Central venous site care. In terms of other sources of information 26 (43.3%) of ICU nurses had knowledge from doctors, 17 (28.3%) of them had knowledge from internet, 16 (26.7%) of them had knowledge from senior staff and 1 (1.7%) of them had information from books. After the education programme in pre- performance phase 2 nurses removed ring and ornament, 34 of them removed only wrist watch and 24 of them did not remove ring and ornaments from their hands, 13 nurses had short nails, In performance phase, 44 nurses wore face mask, majority of nurses didn’t wear sterile gloves, before site care 48 nurses performed hand hygiene using soap and water and remaining 12 with water only, 6 nurses followed few steps of hand hygiene and 54 did not follow any steps. All nurses were found to perform hand hygiene for less than 1 minute. For site cleaning it was observed that 56 nurses cleaned 2 inches in diameter around the site with isopropyl alcohol and povidone iodine. In post - performance phase 58 nurses used soap and water for washing hands. Those who did not wash hands with soap and water applied sterilium, 10 nurses followed few steps of hand hygiene and 50 did not follow any steps. All of the nurses performed hand hygiene for less than 1 minute and none of the nurses documented the procedure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 85 (5) ◽  
pp. 270-287
Євгеній Сергійович Спіцин ◽  
Валентина Василівна Кирикилиця

У статті розкрито шляхи застосування інноваційних технологій навчання, серед яких особливе місце належить електронним словникам, для забезпечення якісної іншомовної підготовки студентів немовних спеціальностей закладів вищої освіти (ЗВО). Охарактеризовано переваги електронних словників над їх паперовими аналогами: ефективна система пошуку, багатофункціональність, актуальність, динамічність, великий обсяг словникової бази, варіативність, універсальність. Вказано на низку функцій електронних словників: миттєвий пошук, швидке копіювання, аудіозапис, розпізнавання мови, корисні визначення, наявність лінгвоваріантів, ілюстрування прикладів уживання слів, мультимедіадодатки. Описано основні різновиди електронних словників: онлайн, словники-програми, термінологічні бази даних, портативні, кишенькові, переносні, мобільні. Детально розглянуто характеристики електронного словника Oxford Dictionary of English, яким студенти немовних спеціальностей СНУ імені Лесі Українки успішно користуються на практичних заняттях і під час самостійної роботи. Проаналізовано дидактичні можливості електронних словників для розвитку чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності (слухання, читання, говоріння, письмо) і перекладу. Охарактеризовано основні проблеми використання електронних словників в умовах освітнього процесу ЗВО. Розроблено методичні поради щодо використання електронних словників у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності. Представлено порівняння результатів анкетування студентів немовних спеціальностей і викладачів щодо частоти використання електронних словників у процесі вивчення іноземної мови впродовж 2008/2010 н. рр. та 2018/2019 н. р., а також результати опитування студентів немовних спеціальностей щодо частоти використання словників під час читання тексту, виконання вправ на розвиток письмових і розмовних навичок, аудіювання (перегляду відео), виконання перекладу. Обґрунтовано доцільність впровадження електронних словників у процес вивчення іноземної мови студентами немовних спеціальностей.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (41) ◽  
pp. 3610-3611
Anjali Giridhar Bhoyar ◽  
Seema Prakash Sathe

‘ No thi ng Ch an ge s i f No t hi ng Ch an ge s’ Treating a case of full mouth rehabilitation has remained a challenge till date. Dentistry has witnessed many advancements in terms of material science, technology and treatment procedures. What has not evolved is the thought process of application of these newer methods and technology. Any treatment procedure performed on a patient is not a straightforward mathematical calculation which can be implemented in a specified manner. Clinical processes, especially a case of full mouth rehabilitation requires comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the stomatognathic system. The word rehabilitation in itself conveys responsibility. A lot is involved at both the ends - the receiver (patient) and the donor (the rehabilitation specialist). The oxford dictionary defines rehabilitation as ‘The action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.’ 1 It is a great responsibility on restoring dentist to bring the abnormal and compromised oral functions back on track. The multidisciplinary dimension of the treatment cannot be ignored. Although the culmination of an elaborate treatment is by a restoring specialist which happens to be prosthodontist most of the time, other specialists such as endodontist, periodontist, oral surgeon, orthodontist and an oral radiologist play a significant role throughout the planning and execution. It is advisable to seek expert opinion and include specialty procedures whenever deemed necessary.

Marina Safina

The article analyses utterances from modern English to establish the peculiarities of the process how the presence or absence of control is manifested in a situation as a multiphase process consisting of seven stages such as a wish, an intention, a decision, planning, preparation, an attempt, a result (success or failure). The implicative character of language representations allows us to assume that a situation can be rendered into utterance explicitly as a complete process or metonymically, through one of the genesis of action stages (using phase and intention markers, lexems with connotative meaning, etc.), and both cases can prove sufficiency to obtain a full and complete image of the situation. Thus, analyzing if a situation represented by an utterance is controlled or non-controlled, we shall focus on the whole process instead of examining one of its parts. The theoretical part of the article explains the choice of the term «control» from semantically similar terms and demonstrates some basic approaches to understanding the concept of control in linguistics. Moreover, the article analyses how the notion of control is applied to predicates and situations; discusses the notions of the genesis of an action and implication that makes it possible to provide a more specific view on what should be considered as a situation. The practical part of the article shares the results obtaining by the analysis of English utterances taken from literature, media or the Oxford Dictionary example bank confirming the sufficiency of a metonymic representation of a situation; it offers a classification of situations based on the completeness of their representation in the language and on the degree of control (depending on what and how many stages are marked as controlled or non-controlled).

Pankhuri Dhiman ◽  
Pritanjali Tyagi

Glass ceilinfg effect as defined by the oxford dictionary Glass ceiling to be an unacknowledged barrier that prevents minorities or women from advancing in their profession. And this research article very explains how we all were created equal and powered by the god, the creator and it is us who have created several barriers for our fellow humans living in the world created by the god.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (8) ◽  
pp. 60-65
P.A. Dokukin ◽  
S.G. Kharchenko

The basic terms underlying the theory of emergency management are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of official definitions are considered, in particular, the data in the law of 21.12.1994 No. 68-FZ (Federal Law), in GOST (State Standard) R 22.0.02-2016, as well as in the number of authoritative foreign sources (Webster's dictionary, encyclopedia Britannica, Cambridge dictionary, Oxford dictionary, documents of the European Commission, etc.). The consequences of the legislative definition of an emergency in No. 68-FZ are investigated. The etymological, epistemological and gnoseological basis of the concepts of emergency, safety and danger, risk and uncertainty are analyzed. There is a great deal of variation in the interpretation of the concepts of safety and danger in sources of different origin and the illegality of mixing or substituting these concepts.

2021 ◽  
pp. 118-138

The scientific research shows that literary terms in the Germanic languages were not studied uniformly. Literary terms, which were the subject of our research, have hardly been studied in the Slavic, Roman and Germanic languages. Objectives and methods: Therefore, it is relevant to study the terms of philosophy, culture and spirituality, ethics, aesthetics, religion, linguistics and especially literary criticism. The degree of study and significance of literary terms are carried out in the given article. The article also gives information about the dictionary of Chris Baldick –The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms and the significant aspects of literary terms. Terms belonged to the theory of literature, its history, process and dramatic works are discussed. Epic, lyric and dramatic terms of literary genres were analyzed by thematic groups and the author's opinion on the interpretation of terms is expressed and explained in the article. Results: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of literary terms by Chris Baldick contains 1060 literary terms. These terms were divided into semantic groups according to literary types. Literary terms were grouped into epic, lyrical, and dramatic literary types. Literary terms in the dictionary were originally classified and studied in three main groups of literary type: prose, poetry, and drama. Conclusions: In the course of the research, it was noticed that there are some terms which can be included into both lyric and epic, or epic and dramatic, or to all three literary types. In addition, despite the existence of literary terms in the dictionary, there were also terms that did not belong to any literary type or genre and expressed general concepts in the literature that were also studied in a separate group. In the dictionary, we have analyzed the semantic groups included 142 epic, 329 lyrical, 110 dramatic, 330 terms belong to all three literary types and 149 terms that are not included in any literary type, which were further studied in small groups during our study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  

This paper is related to theoretical base to understand the way in which the A tribe is viewed, historically or developmentally, as a social group existing before the development of, or outside states. A tribe is a distinct people, dependent on their land for their livelihood, which are largely self-sufficient, and not integrated into the national society. Tribal’s have several sub -groups all of them known as “tribal society.” According to Oxford Dictionary a tribe is “a group of people in a primitive or barbarous stage of development acknowledging the authority of a chief and usually regarding them as having a common ancestor”. The Baigas believe themselves to be descendants of Dravid & As the name advocates, these are that society of the Gonds who fall in the priest class. It entails that they indulge into magical activities and boast about being knower about the evil spirits. Chiefly in the Mandla, there is a special settlement in the small tract of Baiga Chak. Besides practicing agriculture, they are passionate woodsman and hunter. Some of the other small sects that too fall in this category are the Pradhans, Korkus and Kols. This backward tribe of Baigas is found in Mandla, balaghat, Shahdol & Sidhi District.

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