Progresiva : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam
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Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

2684-9585, 2502-6038

Ghufron Ghufron

This paper wants to build an alternative model for caring for inter-religious harmony. The model can be found through the cultural mechanism that occurs in Islamic-Christian relations in Tegalombo Village, Pati, Central Java. The foundation of harmony between the two religions rests on the sustainability of three harmony models, namely: First, interfaith prayer in the celebration of family or village level; Second, culture visits each other during feast days, when someone is sick, and the inter-food sharing as a form of connecting harmony. Third, practical model dialogue in the Selapanan forum that brings together two religious groups in order to discuss various issues of security and social development. On the other hand, the relationship between the two also triggered a tension triggered by the contestation over the dominance of religious broadcasting with certain techniques such as recitation (Islam) and Revival Service (Christian).

Saddam Husein

This paper aims to investigate the curriculum of early childhood education in Indonesia and the United Kingdom (UK) and how they pertain to each other. Library research was conducted to gather information intended. The findings confirm that the curriculum of early childhood education in Indonesia applies curriculum 2013 which consists of aspect development of curriculum structure, and the learning process with a scientific approach. While the UK applies the curriculum according to the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework which recognizes the importance of play and a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Moreover, there is a basic difference between these two curriculum aspects, which Indonesia includes the religious and moral values to the body of the curriculum, while the UK does not. However, both Indonesia and UK are closely similar which promotes a balance between the development of academic and literacy skills, socio-emotional development, and creative and physical development.

Mansurni Abadi ◽  
Nafik Muthohirin

This article would like to explain the Cultural Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach in the learning of Islamic religion as an alternative effort to overcome the increase in xenophobia and racism action in the midst of the Covid-19. The method of extracting data is based on a literature review sourced from books, journals, mass media, and various expressions of racism and xenophobia that emerge on the homepage of Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp groups, and other social media accounts. This paper will explain several important things, including CRT as an approach to see the diversity of cultures, ethnicities, religions, and groups; the meeting point of the CRT approach to the implementation of Islamic religious learning, and the elaboration between the two in voicing the importance of avoiding narratives based on racism and xenophobia.

Ema Chairunnisa ◽  
Choirotun Najiyah ◽  
Hajar Salsabila ◽  
Wanadya Nirmalasari Cendekia Dikara

The development of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia seems increasingly complex in the current era. The management model requires a more modern order and relevant to the development of the times to be able to compete with other public institutions. Islamic educational institutions are often underestimated. Therefore, the concept of quality leadership is something that is important in advancing the management of Islamic education. The need for quality leadership that is able to manage various aspects, allows the achievement of the objectives of the institution to the fullest. This research will describe some important aspects of quality leadership in the management of Islamic educational institutions. This article uses the literature review method, which means collecting various writings, whether in the form of articles, journals, books, and in accordance with the theme to be discussed. 

Hafis Muaddab

This paper is concerned to explain minority discourse through the curriculum, books, and culture in schools. Conflicts between minorities and majorities can occur in Indonesia, whenever and wherever, whether motivated by differences in ethnicity, ethnicity, religion, or groups. The problem is whether the education sector has contributed to its prevention aspects. Moreover, the national education curriculum is still oriented on cognitive abilities, while aspects of social intelligence have not been touched. The various references available have also not opened students' awareness in accepting the existence of minority groups. School education still merely raises passive tolerance, has not yet fostered active tolerance. Educational orientation must be stressed on the importance of a transformative, dialogic approach and inclusive to diversity. Then, it also refers back to the achievement of Ki Hajar Dewantara's ideals of liberation and humanizing education. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Imam Hanafi

Artikel ini ingin memaknai ulang tentang toleransi, juga ingin menunjukkan bahwa pluralitas dalam beragama menjadi sebuah kemestian yang tidak bisa digugat oleh nalar apapun. Di samping itu, ingin melihat sisi-sisi negatif atas kemungkinan munculnya nalar tunggal dalam beragama. Topik ini dikaji dengan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif, dengan menekankan pentingnya manusia untuk bersikap toleran secara aktif, menghidupkan nilai dalam alam keberagaman di negeri ini. Pada akhir artikel ini, penulis juga ingin menunjukkan bahwa pluralitas sebagai sebuah keniscayaan, dapat dibaca dalam kacamata teologis. Sebab itu, rekonstruksi teologis (Islam) dibutuhkan untuk membaca ulang arti dari toleransi yang sesungguhnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Fathor Rahim

Artikel ini ingin menjelaskan mengenai minat mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Ulama Tarjih (PPUT) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) terhadap program pendidikan Bahasa Arab, dan faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi minat tersebut. Studi mengenai minat mahasiswa para calon ulama di lingkungan Muhammadiyah ini penting, karena: pertama, belum pernah dilakukan, terutama yang berkaitan secara spesifik dengan meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Arab sebagai “ilmu alat”; kedua, hal itu sangat bermanfaat untuk mengidentifikasi kualitas ilmu alat para calon ulama Muhammadiyah; ketiga, kualitas ilmu alat yang dimiliki tentu saja bermanfaat sebagai basis rekomendasi bagi para dosen pengampu ilmuilmu keislaman di lingkungan Fakultas Agama Islam (FAI) UMM dan juga bagi Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid (MTT) Muhammadiyah dalam rangka menyiapkan para kader ulama tarjih yang berkompeten. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi kali ini adalah penelitian elaboratif-kualitatif dan kuantitatif, yang didukung dengan analisis deskriptif. Artikel ini berargumentasi bahwa, para mahasiswa PPUT memiliki minat yang kuat dalam menekuni Bahasa Arab, dengan indicator bahwa mereka sangat berkomitmen ketika harus belajar secara aktif di kelas Bahasa Arab intensif. Bahasa Arab sebagai ilmu alat, sangatlah penting dan berarti bagi mereka, karena bermanfaat untuk mendalami ilmu-ilmu keislaman secara mendalam.

Achmad Fahmy

Artikel ini ingin membentangkan kaitan antara pendidikan agama dan budaya di Indonesia dilihat dari perspektif Islam dan Barat. Hal ini berawal dari anggapan bahwa budaya merupakan produk manusia yang memberikan ruang gerak bagi manusia sebebas-bebasnya, tanpa mengidahkan nilai agama. Secara terperinci, makalah ini ingin menguraikan beberapa hal, yaitu: Pertama, pertentangan pendidikan agama dan budaya di Indonesia; Kedua, bagaimanakan pendidikan agama ditinjau dari konteks budaya; Ketiga, bagaimanakah perspektif Islam dan perspektif Barat terhadap pendidikan agama dan budaya. Dalam pembahasan makalah ini, penulis menggunakan metodologi qualitative library research yang objek utamanya berupa bahan pustaka, artikel, jurnal dan literature lainnya.

Fahrudin Mukhlis

This paper attempts to provide a brief history of the nine saints named by walisongo, and more specifically Sunan Drajat and his role in the development of Islamic Education in various fields, such as da'wah, social, arts and culture and purification of aqīdah or creed. Specifficaly, this article will depict some points, such: First, the roles of Wali Songo to the propagation of Islam in Java; Second, Sunan Drajat’s method in Educating people; Third, Sunan Drajat’s Influences to Islamic Education. These aspects which give a description of a very good and successful method of preaching Islam in Indonesia especially in the land of Java

Dani Nurcholish

Artikel ini ingin menjelaskan tentang penerapan manajemen Pendidikan berbasiskan multikulturalisme yang terjadi di SMP Tumbuh Yogyakarta. Dengan visi sekolah yang secara tegas menuliskan “education for all”, dalam penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran, lembaga pendidikan ini mengajarkan tentang keberagaman, toleransi dan persamaan hak sebagai landasan utama bagi kurikulumnya. Secara terperinci, naskah ini ingin mengungkap beberapa hal, yaitu: Pertama, bagaimana kepemimpinan yang berbasiskan multikultural itu bisa diterapkan di sekolah tersebut; Kedua, bagaimana manajemen perancanaan kurikulumnya; Ketiga, bagaimana proses belajar-mengajar yang memuat nilai-nilai multukultural di SMP Tumbuh Yogyakarta. Aspek ini terperinci dalam beberapa hal yaitu pengelolaan tenaga pendidikan, kurikulum pembelajaran, pengelolaan relasi dengan masyarakat sekitar, dan semangat multikulturalisme yang mampu menginspirasi peserta didik untuk berprestasi.

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