religious learning
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2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Masganti Sit ◽  
Solihah Titin Sumanti ◽  
Fatma Gustina

<p>This study aims to analyze children's responses to Islamic religious learning at the ErwitaEducare Center Kindergarten School in Medan, and Islamic learning at the ErwitaEducare Center Kindergarten School Medan.This research uses descriptive narrative qualitative method. To obtain data, researchers conducted observations, interviews and documentation. In analyzing the data, this research was carried out in stages, namely, data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions in obtaining data.The results in this study indicate that the Islamic Religious Learning of this school emphasizes the Learning of Faith, Learning of Worship, and Learning of Morals. the response to Islamic learning shown by the child is to have a positive response or attitude. This can be seen from some of the responses or attitudes of children in learning, namely (a) Responses / attitudes towards the subject matter of Islamic Religion (b) Responses / attitudes of children towards teachers / teachers (c) Responses / attitudes of children in the learning process in Islamic Religious Learning ( d) Cognitive Response (e) Affective Response (f) Conative response. The child shows a positive and responsive response in learning Islamic religion given by the teacher.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2381-2390
Ucup Supriatna ◽  
Zulvia Trinova ◽  
Samuel PD Anantadjaya ◽  
Mariana Puspa Dewi ◽  
Irma M Nawangwulan

This qualitative research aims to determine how crucial Multiple Intelligence is in Islamic religious learning. The method in this research is a theoretical study that tries to find hypotheses by examining various research sources and online media about Multiple Intelligence. The collecting data is by gathering some literature obtained from various articles, both accredited national journals and reputable international journals. Data analysis is done by mapping from the collected data and obtaining literature from multiple intelligences in Islamic Religious Education. The result of this research is that with the application of multiple intelligences, the teacher can map the condition of students based on their potential and interests and with the among system, the characteristics of students can be continuously fostered without being shackled to their "independence" to develop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 266-275

This study aims to develop learning for Islamic education subjects based on reasoning and problem solving. The inquiry method is reasoning-based learning and problem solving that should be actualized in order to develop Islamic education learning, because Islamic education is in a strategic position in the formation of a complete human being to develop reason, knowledge, intelligence, skills, noble character, and personality. Based on the challenges of the times, Islamic Religion teachers are expected to have new innovations related to their learning. Meanwhile, in the community itself, there are many criticisms aimed at the implementation of Islamic religious learning, because it tends to memorize, and lacks reasoning. In fact, many studies show that, Islamic education are just secondary subjects that are not important. In the end, this study found that the inquiry method stimulates students to think, analyze a problem, and find a solution. Inquiry learning emphasizes the development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects in a balanced manner which can provide space for students to learn according to their style. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengembangan pembelajaran bagi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam berbasis penalaran dan pemecahan masalah. Metode inquiry adalah pembelajaran berbasis penalaran dan pemecahan masalah yang seharusnya diaktualisasikan dalam rangka mengembangkan pembelajaran Pendidkan Agama Islam. Pasalnya, Pendidikan Agama Islam berada di tempat strategis dalam pembentukan manusia secara utuh untuk mengembangkan akal, pengetahuan, kecerdasan, keterampilan, akhlak mulia, dan kepribadian. Di tengah tantangan zaman, guru Agama Islam diharapkan memiliki inovasi-inovasi baru terkait dengan pembelajaran. Sementara itu, di tengah masyarakat sendiri masih banyak kritik-kritik yang ditujukan pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran agama Islam, karena cenderung pada hafalan, dan kurang penalaran. Bahkan, banyak penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, mata pelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam hanyalah mata pelajaran sampingan yang tidak penting. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa, metode inquiry merangsang murid untuk berpikir, menganalisa suatu persoalan, hingga menemukan pemecahannya. Inquiry learning menekankan kepada pengembangan aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor secara seimbang yang dapat memberi ruang kepada siswa untuk belajar sesuai gaya mereka.

2021 ◽  
Serlina Lumiling

This paper will discuss the impor tance of faith education for children in the family and religious learning in schools where parents and teachers play an important role in directing their children to study a religion, so that children can understand and not misunderstand when children are directed properly. Learning a religion is not easy without help from other people, theforefore parents and teachers must really pay attention and teach their cildren and studentd well in schools, religion is taught, but the duties and responsibilities of parents must also be they run especially in the environment where the child id because the child’s behavior will be influenced by the invironment

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-195
Rizki Ramdhani ◽  
Indri Sudanawati Rozas ◽  
Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya (UINSA) implements integrated twin-towers learning model that combines Islamic scholarship with science, technology, social, and humanities. Through this learning model, the students of UINSA get courses on strengthening Islamic values regardless of their study program. Students are required to be independent in learning, including getting religious learning resources that can be accessed via the internet. However, religious information circulating on the internet is not always true and valid, so it affects on student behavior in accessing religious literacy in the digital world. This article aims to describe the level of religious digital literacy behavior on the students of UINSA and is observed based on demographic elements (gender, faculty and education background). The research method was carried out with quantitative approach where data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires referring to the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Assessment Framework via online. The results of this research indicate that the level of student religious digital literacy behavior is on a advance level. However, in demographic element, it shows various digital literacy levels, there are those who get advanced and intermediate levels. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for university to develop digital religious literacy competencies among their students in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Purnomo Purnomo ◽  
Putri Irma Solikhah

The paradigm shift in the inclusive Islamic education curriculum is an essential part of Presidential Decree No. 7 of 2021. There is a tendency for religious learning to be normative-indoctrinative and lead to truth claims, raising suspicions that religious education contributes to the generation of extreme views. PPIM UIN Jakarta research shows that the PAI curriculum is still ambiguous on the issue of tolerance, and there is a tendency for PAI teachers to have an intolerance opinion towards minorities by 34%, and towards adherents of other religions by 29%. This study discusses the concept of inclusive education in Islam, the urgency of inclusive Islamic education, and the paradigm shift from exclusive to inclusive. This research is a literature study with a rationalistic approach. Data analysis uses reflective thinking logically to interpret the inclusive values of Islamic education and reflect them into strategic steps to answer the challenge of exclusivity. This study shows that Islam carries an inclusive spirit characterized by terminologies such as at-ta'arruf, at-tasammuh, at-tawassuth, and at-ta'awun. The urgency of inclusive Islamic education is intended so that the character of inclusive Islam is truly taught in learning. To change the paradigm of Islamic education from exclusive to inclusive, improvements are needed in curriculum elements, educators, and learning strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 404-427
Sarit Okun ◽  
Galit Nimrod

Abstract This qualitative study sought to explore the role of online religious learning in alleviating distress and enhancing wellbeing in later life. Twenty-six religious Jewish individuals aged 70–96 were personally trained in their homes to use an experimental spiritual learning website. Their experiences were documented for six months via interviews, media ethnographies, and monthly follow-ups. Analysis identified the participants’ initial ambivalent attitudes towards online religious learning, which extended the discussion of cultural barriers to the integration of digital technologies for religious observance and the maintenance of communal boundaries. However, this research group’s experience highlighted the intellectual, social, and emotional benefits garnered by participation in online religious learning in later life. The findings indicate that this informal educational channel may supplement religious praxis and fill the lives of older religious adults with positive rewards and, thereby, improve their psychological and social wellbeing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 163
Nur Hamidi ◽  
Chaamid Nur Fajri

<p class="06IsiAbstrak">The implementation of the integration of disaster preparedness materials in PAI subjects in SD Muhammadiyah Insan Kreatif Kembaran is an innovation in integrating Islamic religious learning with the context of community needs. The purpose of this research is to reveal the concept of materials for disaster that can be integrated in PAI subjects, their implementation, and the things that support and hinder the integration. This research is a type of field research. The data collection uses interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of the study explain that: 1) Conceptually, the integration of disaster preparedness materials in PAI subjects is still not mature. 2) From the unfinished concept, the integration of disaster preparedness materials in PAI subjects has not yet been implemented. 3) Supporting factors consist of three factors, namely: experience in integrating disaster preparedness materials with thematic subjects, having many parties to work with, and supporting environmental factors. 4) The inhibiting factors for the integration of disaster preparedness materials in PAI subjects are the change of PAI teachers, the lack of understanding of the DRR program, the lack of socialization from the government about the Disaster Safe Education Unit program, and the lack of information about the integration of disaster preparedness materials in PAI subjects.</p>

Fenomena ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-282
Muhammad Yahya Khabibi ◽  
Agus Miftakus Surur ◽  
Agus Subandono

Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan pembelajaran Fikih menggunakan metode demonstrasi sebagai alternatif pengajaran dimasa pandemi Covid-­19. Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan ini berdasarkan pada Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini sebagai wujud dari program kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik dari rumah (KKN DR) IAIN Kediri yang dilakukan secara virtual dan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan yang berlaku. Bentuk kegiatan ini bermacam­-macam diantaranya adalah kampanye media sosial dan pengajaran. Kampanye media sosial digunakan sebagai bentuk edukasi masyarakat tentang Covid-19 sedangkan pengajaran merupakan bentuk nyata kepedulian tentang pendidikan di masa pandemi. Kegiatan penerapan pembelajaran pada materi Fikih menggunakan metode demonstrasi ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Ngronggo kepada anak-anak TPQ al-Hikmah ang bertujuan memberikan alternatif di masa pembelajaran agama di masa pandemi. Hasil dari pengabdian tersebut menunjukkan respon positif, dimana anak-anak dapat menerima pembelajaran Fikih dan mendemonstrasikan agar dapat membantu mereka untuk belajar pendidikan agama Islam dengan lebih mudah dan bermakna. This community service aims to introduce Fiqh learning using the demonstration method as an alternative teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. This community service is based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. This community service is a manifestation of the Thematic Real Work Lecture from home (KKN DR) IAIN Kediri program which is carried out virtually and takes into account the applicable health protocols. These activities take various forms, including social media campaigns and teaching. Social media campaigns are used as a form of public education about Covid-19, while teaching is a real form of concern about education during the pandemic. The activity of implementing learning on Fiqh material using the demonstration method was carried out in Ngronggo Village for TPQ al-Hikmah children with the aim of providing an alternative during religious learning during the pandemic. The results of this service show a positive response, where children can receive Fiqh learning and demonstrate so that it can help them to learn Islamic religious education more easily and meaningfully.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 64-71
Sangkot Sirait

This study aims to describe the multicultural Islamic religious learning found in several state schools in the special region of Yogyakarta. The problem in this study is how a Muslim teacher teaches Islam where students consist of various religions and traditions. The method used to obtain data in this study is interviews, document, and observation. In addition, it is also seen from the textbooks used by Islamic religious teachers in learning. From the results of this study, it can be obtained data that the learning of Islamic religious education in Yogyakarta public schools contains and has multicultural nuances. This can be seen from the aspects of learning methods in the classroom, teacher, and student relations, and how to organize classes. At the end of the article, there are also teaching materials that are conveyed in learning such as, Qur'an, the history of Islamic culture, Islamic law, and morals. Each of these subjects is taught with the faith of a Muslim but with a multicultural perspective.

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