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Hadi Putra ◽  
Hendri Koeswara ◽  
Syamsurizaldi Syamsurizaldi

Salah satu bentuk kebijakan publik pemerintah daerah yaitu kebijakan Pendirian Badan Usaha Milik Daerah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kebijakan Pendirian Badan Usaha Milik Daerah PT. Balairung Citrajaya Sumbar.Teori yang digunakan adalah evaluasi kebijakan Althaus et al. dengan indikator: input, proses, output, dan outcome. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data telaah dokumen, wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pendirian PT. Balairung Citrajaya Sumbar belum efektif dan tidak efisien berdasarkan; (1) Input, bahan dasar kebijakan tidak terdapat studi kelayakan, sumber daya manusia sudah memadai, sumberdaya keuangan belum seluruh penyertaan modal diterima dari kabupaten/kota sesuai perjanjian kerjasama. (2) Proses, pengimplementasian kebijakan sudah mencapai sasaran yaitu terbentuk dan beroperasinya PT. Balairung Citrajaya Sumbar. Implementor kebijakan sudah menjalankan peran sesuai fungsi masing-masing. Namun belum efektif dalam pencapaian tujuan kebijakan serta tidak efisien mengelola sumberdaya menjadi output,(3) Output, hasil kebijakan sudah diterima berupa deviden, namun rasionya masih sangat kecil dibandingkan input dan belum diterima secara kontiniu setiap tahun. (4) Outcome, tujuan formal kebijakan untuk peningkatan pembangunan masih belum signifikan karena kecilnya kontribusi untuk PAD. Dampak positif lainnya yaitu secara sosial budaya Hotel Balairung menjadi icon dan meeting point masyarakat Sumatera Barat di Jakarta. Sedangkan dampak negatifnya antara lain image Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Barat tidak mampu mengelola BUMD dengan baik dan penambahan beban APBD untuk sewa kantor Badan Penghubung Provinsi Sumatera Barat di Jakarta, serta berkurangnya fungsi Balairung sebagai tempat bernaungnya orang Minang di Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
pp. 202-218
Giuseppe Mininni

This chapter deals with human relationships that currently come up against increasingly overheated communication. Combining the perspective of social representations with that of discursive acts, Giuseppe Mininni relaunches his diatextual approach, placing social psychology at the meeting point between the epistemological axes of cultural, discursive, and critical psychology. Studies on mixed families illustrate the issue. Mixed families seem fundamentally diatextual because their texts are embedded within enunciative contexts animated by multifarious dynamics of perennial change. The author’s analysis shows that these families activate three kinds of social-epistemic rhetoric, focusing on distinction, mediation, and integration. The interplay between the Self and the Other is thus explained, acknowledging the vital impulse toward hybridization. The hyphenated identities produced in mixed families show the Self that the best way to save its own identity may be by strewing it in the Other’s, in an ongoing process of change.

George Markousis‐Mavrogenis ◽  
Flora Bacopoulou ◽  
Clio Mavragani ◽  
Paraskevi Voulgari ◽  
Genovefa Kolovou ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-267
Mikhail Abramzon ◽  
Irina Tunkina

Abstract This article is the publication of the plates compiled by N.N. Murzakevich, secretary of the Odessa Society for History and Antiquities. It contains tracings of 241 Classical coins and lists of coin finds from the island of Fidonisi (known as Leuke in antiquity), which had been excavated in the 1840s and early 1850s. Recent data have led to a doubling of the list of Greek centres (up to 202) and the rulers of a number of states and peoples, whose coins made their way to the island. Details of these finds and the dates of the emissions illustrate clearly the development and chronological framework of the religious and economic ties between the northern coast of Pontus with the various regions of the Classical oikumene. The geographical range of the coin finds (from Magna Graecia, Sicily and the Levant to the Aegean, the Balkans, the Pontic region and Asia and as far away as Mesopotamia) demonstrates that the sanctuary of Achilles on the island of Leuke situated at a meeting point of Black Sea trade routes, enjoyed enormous popularity in the Classical world. The publication of these plates compiled by N.N. Murzakevich makes available new information on the maritime trade in the Pontus area between the 5th century BC and the 5th century AD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-262
Totok Ardiyanto ◽  
Leon Candra ◽  
Masribut Masribut

Instalasi gizi di rumah sakit menjadi tempat yang berpotensi tinggi menyebabkan kebakaran karena di instalasi gizi terdapat pekerjaan memasak, dimana pekerjaan tersebut sangat berisiko karena langsung berhadapan dengan api dan tabung gas. Untuk itu perlu dilakasanakan program tanggap darurat agar bahaya tersebut dapat diminimalisir. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui mengenai kesiapan pekerja dalam penanggulangan darurat kebakaran di gedung instalasi gizi  rumah sakit jiwa tampan tahun  2020. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dilakukan di gedung instalasi gizi Rumah Sakit Jiwa Tampan Riau pada tangga 7-9 Juli tahun 2020. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang terdiri dari Sekretaris komite K3, Kepala instalasi gizi, dan Karyawan instalasi gizi. Instrumen pendukung yang digunakan pedoman wawancara, yang terdapat pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan fokus penelitian. Peneliti juga menggunakan alat bantu rekam, kamera, serta alat pencatat yang mendukung penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kesiapan pekerja dalam penanggulan darurat kebakaran  khususnya dalam penggunaan APAR belum cukup siap, kesiapan dan pemahaman pekerja instalasi gizi terhadap proses evakuasi bila terjadi darurat kebakaran belum cukup siap, Akses menuju titik kumpul tidak sulit, hal ini sudah sesuai dengan Permen PU No.14/PRT/M/2017, namun jarak titik kumpul terlalu dekat, kurang dari 20 meter dengan bangunan gedung. Dapat disimpulkan kesiapan pekerja dalam penanggulangan darurat kebakaran di gedung instalasi gizi Rumah Sakit Jiwa Tampan Provinsi Riau belum cukup baik dikarnakan tidak semua pekerja mendapat pelatihan darurat kebakaran, untuk itu perlu pelatihan keseluruh pekerja sehingga bila terjadi darurat kebakaran semua pekerja sudah siap menghadapinya. The nutrition installation in the hospital is a place that has a high potential to cause fires because in the nutrition installation there is cooking work, where the work is very risky because it is directly dealing with fire and gas cylinders. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out an emergency response program so that these hazards can be minimized. The purpose of the study was to find out about the readiness of workers in dealing with fire emergencies in the nutrition installation building of the handsome mental hospital in 2020. This type of research used qualitative research, the research location was carried out in the nutrition installation building of the Tampan Riau Mental Hospital, the study was carried out in July 2020. There were 3 informants in this study, consisting of the secretary of the K3 committee, the head of the nutrition installation, and the employees of the nutrition installation. Collecting data using interview guidelines, and observation sheets. The results showed that the readiness of workers in dealing with fire emergencies, especially in the use of fire extinguishers, was not quite ready, the readiness and understanding of nutrition installation workers for the evacuation process in the event of a fire emergency was not quite ready. 14/PRT/M/2017, but the meeting point is too close, less than 20 meters from the building.

Patricia Pahlevi Noviandri ◽  
Wiyatiningsih ◽  
Christian Nindyaputra Octarino

Keterbatasan lahan Kota Yogyakarta seringkali menjadi kendala dalam penataan dan pemanfaatan ruang kota. Untuk itu diperlukan perencanaan ruang yang lebih komprehensif dengan melibatkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Mempertimbangkan hal tersebut, pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta mengembangkan program Gandeng Gendong sebagai sarana kolaborasi lima unsur (5K – kota, korporasi, kampus, kampung, dan komunitas). Sebagai bagian dari unsur 5K, tim PkM UKDW terlibat dalam implementasi program Gandeng Gendong melalui kegiatan penyusunan masterplan Kampung Purbonegaran di Kelurahan Terban. Penyusunan masterplan ini dilakukan dengan metode perancangan partisipatif yang melibatkan warga melalui wawancara dan focus group discussion. Data diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara yang diawali dengan identifikasi potensi lokal Kampung Purbonegaran sebagai kampung budaya, sayur, dan herbal. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama 2 tahun (2020-2021) dengan mitra adalah Kampung Purbonegaran pada tahun pertama dan selanjutnya dengan Kelompok Kerja Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas (KB) Purbonegaran yang bertugas untuk mengembangkan kesejahteraan dalam bidang sosial dan ekonomi. Masterplan ini disusun dengan strategi pemetaan potensi, permasalahan, kekuatan, dan kelemahan dari Kampung Purbonegaran. Dengan demikian, masterplan yang dihasilkan diharapkan dapat tepat sasaran. Hasil dari kegiatan PkM ini berupa masterplan yang berisi program-program pembangunan sarana dan prasarana yang diprediksikan akan berdampak bagi kehidupan warga, antara lain Lorong Strawberry, Belik Kids Sanggar Belajar, Taman Ekologi, Lorong Bambu dan meeting point, serta kios portable yang digunakan untuk kewirausahaan Kampung KB Purbonegaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-182
Armaghan Zahid ◽  
Damla Misirlisoy

Public spaces are essential for any city as they define place character; they are the meeting point for social and cultural actions. Place attachment is moulded by the tie between individuals and places. The research examines the historic streets, which are remainders of their period when the pedestrian flow was predominant and had exceptional qualities that supported social action. The changed settings nowadays might have changed people’s views and the investigation was made to question and check individual’s common memory and their sensitive ties to the historic streets. The four streets from the Walled City of Lahore were selected upon their significance of history and usage. The questionnaires were prepared and the fieldwork analysis was conducted face to face and selected streets were investigated in the terms of, place attachment, identity, and memory. The outcome proved that there is a promising feeling of attachment towards the selected streets and lacking qualities of a street can be improved if look closely at the worthy streets. The study addressed an important issue of marginalization and the results from the Shah-Almi street shows that their act will create the walled city streets to lose their identity as it is formed by its users.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Davide N. Carnevale ◽  
Thomas M. Wilson

This article introduces a collection of case studies on the politics of borders and the place-making processes in Southeast European border environments. It opens with explorations of how the social analysis of borders oscillates between border studies and border theory, and between the study of borders as things and as ideas. The focus on the territoriality of borders, analyzed as dynamic social-spatial formations, is proposed as a meeting point between the two approaches. On this premise, this article examines some key elements in contemporary ethnographic research on borders in Southeastern Europe.

Imafronte ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Mónica Vázquez Astorga

Este trabajo se centra en el estudio del Gambrinus Halle de Florencia (Italia), que fue inaugurado el 29 de noviembre de 1894. Los críticos de la época acogieron con grandes elogios su apertura y destacaron la elegancia de su instalación y sus amplias dimensiones conseguidas gracias al empleo de nuevos materiales y técnicas de construcción. De hecho, fue uno de los cafés-cervecerías más grandes de Europa. Fue fundado por Spirito Giamello en la recién creada piazza Vittorio Emanuele II (actual piazza della Repubblica), que se convirtió en el «salón urbano» preferido para la sociedad burguesa florentina. Este establecimiento, al igual que otros emplazados en este espacio, fue importante como lugar de encuentro y reunión de relevantes personalidades, principalmente de la actualidad artística. Estuvo en funcionamiento hasta comienzos de la década de los veinte de la pasada centuria, momento en el que sus locales fueron destinados a sala cinematográfica y que ahora acogen un Hard Rock café. Con este texto se pretende contribuir al conocimiento y valoración de este centro que fue instituido para rendir culto al legendario Gambrinus. This work focuses on the study of the Gambrinus Halle, which opened in Florence, Italy, on 29 November 1894. The critics of the time praised the opening and emphasised the elegance and spaciousness of the premises, resulting from the use of new building materials and techniques. In fact, the establishment was one of the biggest cafés-beer houses in Europe. The Gambrinus Halle was founded by Spirito Giamello in the newly built piazza Vittorio Emanuele II (nowadays piazza della Repubblica), which became the favourite “urban hall” of the middle-class society of Florence. As other establishments located in the area, it was a major meeting point for relevant figures, specially artists. It remained in business until the 1920s, when its halls were turned into a cinema, and it now houses a Hard Rock café. This work aims at making this establishment, founded to praise the legendary Gambrinus, better known and appreciated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 203
Xand Conery Prabowo ◽  
Ni Luh Made Pradnyawathi ◽  
I Gusti Agung Ayu Rai Asmiwyati

User perceptions and preferences on road infrastructure and equipment at region of Lapangan Puputan Margarana. Denpasar is one of the most populated city in Bali. The density is caused mainly by the rapidly increasing population that affects the traffic growth in Denpasar. The Puputan Margarana Square has been the venue for entertainment, recreation and sport activities for the people of Denpasar. Being the meeting point of several streets, has made Puputan Margarana quite crowded that it needs to be balanced and equipped with sufficient supporting roads and facilities in the area. The purpose of the research is to measure the perception and preference of the user on the safety and comfort of the facilities in the areas (Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, Jalan Basuki Rahmat, dan Jalan Kusuma Atmaja). The research method used was survey method by the technique in this research was a direct observation, interviews and questionnaires. Based on the research, it was revealed that the perception of the users on the safety and comfort of the accessibility and circulation, sidewalks, crossing area, parking area and other road equipment in the Puputan Margarana square are considered to be sufficiently safe and comfortable. User’s preference indicates that further arrangement and addition of several supporting facilities is still required. The research result is a recommendation on the several street facilities and equipment and also hoped to be a reference information for the related institutions.  

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