Lexicalización, léxico y lexicografía en la historia del español - VenPalabras
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Published By Edizioni Ca' Foscari


Elena Carpi

The philosophical discourse in Spanish was born in the first decades of the 18th century, when the proponents of modern ideas abandoned Latin, in which were written the treatises on philosophy of the previous centuries. The debate between novatores and Aristotelians characterizes the cultural panorama of the first decades of the Enlightenment, and with the entrance in Spain of the ideas of the modern philosophers, new discursive traditions are created. This paper analyzes a corpus formed by texts of philosophical argument published in Spain during the first part of 18th century, with the purpose of investigating the passage from the discursive tradition of the syllogism to structures that bring with them a greater degree of objectivity and impersonality.

Francisco M. Carriscondo Esquivel

The aim of this paper is to draw up new fronts of siege to the academic lexicography of the 19th century, because they are considered as a great performance and useful for the knowledge of this chapter of the history of Spanish dictionaries. The works that will always be the object of analysis are the different editions, up to ten, of the Diccionario de la lengua castellana, a reference about the lexicography that has been practiced at that time. Moreover, we have worked with unpublished documentation that is deposited at the Royal Spanish Academy’s Archive. The main aspects that are going to be treated are the following: firstly, the possible fronts of extension of the lexical inventory; then, the geopolitical connotations (the centralist character) and ideological (the absence of synchronization with the current progress) of certain practices in the elaboration of the dictionary; finally, the description of several aspects related to the microstructure.

Rafael Fernández Mata

This essay aims at exploring and contextualising a phenomenon of Spanish Lexicology, the study of which remains incomprehensive: japonesismos, or terms borrowed from the Japanese language. The scope of this text will limit itself to terminology related to Martial Arts & Sports and Culinary Arts & Food. First, a compilation of Japanese loanwords that can be found in current Spanish (approaching the language from a panhispanic perspective) will be elaborated. In addition, the specific methodology employed to identify and compile said inventory of loanwords will be presented. In continuation, the consideration of relevant historical data regarding the contextualisation of these loanwords will be realized in order to provide an exhaustive historical analysis of 34 lexical items, comprised of 18 words related to Martial Arts & Sports and 16 words related to Culinary Arts & Food. Finally, maintaining a wider perspective of the historical study of Japanese loanwords, the conclusions derived from each term will organized and divided into the previously elaborated categories.

María Belén Almeida Cabrejas

The work of the physician and humanist Andrés Laguna was a prime source for the Diccionario de Autoridades (1726-39), the first work composed by the members of the Real Academia Española. The use of this work for the preparation of the dictionary is in many ways the same practiced on other books used as auctoritates, literary as well as non-literary: reading, selection and copy of fragments to be used afterwards as quotations, influence (in same cases) of the sources on the definitions. Nevertheless, the recourse to the work of Laguna differs from others in the regularity with which the book is cited throughout the volumes of the dictionary and the huge influence it had on the definition of many words. These pages also show how the language of the 16th-century work of Laguna is altered in the quotations to suit the new orthographical doctrine of the Real Academia.

Jairo Javier García Sánchez

This paper analyzes the presence of the Latin preverb ob- in Spanish. It is a non-productive prefix in this language and is not easily recognizable in the verbs and other words that contain it, whether they are inherited or, more commonly, learned words, but it becomes relevant when we try to understand their meanings. We will review that lexicon from Latin, both from the morphological point of view, in the union and subsequent development of the preverb with the verbal bases, as semantic, by the semic and classemic functions that this preverb had. This will give us the keys to explain its formation and values.

Francisco Javier Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga

We study in this work the formation and evolution of (no) faltaba/faltaría más as a marker of rejection and confirmation. This discourse marker finds its origin in the sequence no faltaba/faltaría más sino que + sentence, by elision of sino and the subordinate sentence that follows no faltaba/faltaría más. It is documented in the first half of the 19th century, and at first predominates the variant with the verb in imperfect, no faltaba más. Later, in European Spanish, the use of the variant with the verb in conditional increases and becomes the most used form, and there is an increasing tendency to elide the adverb of negation no, which reduces the marker to faltaba/faltaría más, and sometimes there is an even greater reduction, which leaves only the nucleus of the original construction: faltaría.

Rosario González Pérez

This work focuses on the analysis of the discursive values of the construction lo que es in contrast to its compositional values (thematizer values, peripheral focus operator and concretion operator). We approach the chronological reconstruction of the process that has carried out these discursive uses since the origin of the construction as a relative substantive sentence, but without reaching a full bleaching of its components. The methodology starts from the analysis of the RAE corpora (CREA, CORDE, CDH and CORPES XXI). The query shows that current discourse values are set in the 19th century, although they are based on thematizer uses of the 16th century that had become colloquial.

Carmen Castillo Peña

The amalgamation and separation of Spanish words is an orthographic feature that should be taken into account to characterize an old grammatical text because it contributes to a better understanding of some grammatical and linguistic questions. Regardless of the level of modernization edition of an old grammatical text, the phenomena of amalgamation and separation should be explained, since we believe that it is possible to discover a set of frequent habits in the separation of words and that these can contribute to the immanent grammatical characterization of the text. This article will discuss summarily some problems of phraseologization and de-phraseologization from the fraseological and grammaticographic point of view (section 2), it will approach the subject seen as a mere orthographic problem (section 3), and conclude with some considerations from the perspective of the edition of texts (section 4). The main purpose of this study (section 5) is to explain the preparatory work on which the criteria for the critical edition of a Spanish grammar for Italians of the 16th century can be based.

Ana María Romera Manzanares

This paper addresses the profitability of intertestimonial linguistic analysis within the research of lexical changes. In order to do this, the present article displays a series of examples from which variation sequencing and motivations can be extracted, according to the compiled lexical variants from the handwritten tradition of the Middle Ages. The target is to expose how intertestimonial analysis is an indispensable tool in the study of lexical changes; therefore, this study will also offer a first taxonomy of this language variant.

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