Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
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Published By Springer International Publishing

9783030719944, 9783030719951

Mauricio Ayala-Rincón ◽  
Maribel Fernández ◽  
Daniele Nantes-Sobrinho ◽  
Deivid Vale

AbstractWe define nominal equational problems of the form $$\exists \overline{W} \forall \overline{Y} : P$$ ∃ W ¯ ∀ Y ¯ : P , where $$P$$ P consists of conjunctions and disjunctions of equations $$s\approx _\alpha t$$ s ≈ α t , freshness constraints $$a\#t$$ a # t and their negations: $$s \not \approx _\alpha t$$ s ≉ α t and "Equation missing", where $$a$$ a is an atom and $$s, t$$ s , t nominal terms. We give a general definition of solution and a set of simplification rules to compute solutions in the nominal ground term algebra. For the latter, we define notions of solved form from which solutions can be easily extracted and show that the simplification rules are sound, preserving, and complete. With a particular strategy for rule application, the simplification process terminates and thus specifies an algorithm to solve nominal equational problems. These results generalise previous results obtained by Comon and Lescanne for first-order languages to languages with binding operators. In particular, we show that the problem of deciding the validity of a first-order equational formula in a language with binding operators (i.e., validity modulo $$\alpha $$ α -equality) is decidable.

A. R. Balasubramanian ◽  
Javier Esparza ◽  
Mikhail Raskin

AbstractIn rendez-vous protocols an arbitrarily large number of indistinguishable finite-state agents interact in pairs. The cut-off problem asks if there exists a number B such that all initial configurations of the protocol with at least B agents in a given initial state can reach a final configuration with all agents in a given final state. In a recent paper [17], Horn and Sangnier prove that the cut-off problem is equivalent to the Petri net reachability problem for protocols with a leader, and in "Image missing" for leaderless protocols. Further, for the special class of symmetric protocols they reduce these bounds to "Image missing" and "Image missing" , respectively. The problem of lowering these upper bounds or finding matching lower bounds is left open. We show that the cut-off problem is "Image missing" -complete for leaderless protocols, "Image missing" -complete for symmetric protocols with a leader, and in "Image missing" for leaderless symmetric protocols, thereby solving all the problems left open in [17].

Yōji Fukihara ◽  
Shin-ya Katsumata

AbstractWe introduce a generalization of Girard et al.’s called (and its affine variant ). It is designed to capture the core mechanism of dependency in , while it is also able to separate complexity aspects of . The main feature of is to adopt a multi-object pseudo-semiring as a grading system of the !-modality. We analyze the complexity of cut-elimination in , and give a translation from with constraints to with positivity axiom. We then introduce indexed linear exponential comonads (ILEC for short) as a categorical structure for interpreting the $${!}$$ ! -modality of . We give an elementary example of ILEC using folding product, and a technique to modify ILECs with symmetric monoidal comonads. We then consider a semantics of using the folding product on the category of assemblies of a BCI-algebra, and relate the semantics with the realizability category studied by Hofmann, Scott and Dal Lago.

Delia Kesner ◽  
Loïc Peyrot ◽  
Daniel Ventura

AbstractWe define and study a term calculus implementing higher-order node replication. It is used to specify two different (weak) evaluation strategies: call-by-name and fully lazy call-by-need, that are shown to be observationally equivalent by using type theoretical technical tools.

Claudia Faggian ◽  
Giulio Guerrieri

AbstractIn each variant of the $$\lambda $$ λ -calculus, factorization and normalization are two key properties that show how results are computed. Instead of proving factorization/normalization for the call-by-name (CbN) and call-by-value (CbV) variants separately, we prove them only once, for the bang calculus (an extension of the $$\lambda $$ λ -calculus inspired by linear logic and subsuming CbN and CbV), and then we transfer the result via translations, obtaining factorization/normalization for CbN and CbV.The approach is robust: it still holds when extending the calculi with operators and extra rules to model some additional computational features.

Robert S. R. Myers ◽  
Stefan Milius ◽  
Henning Urbat

AbstractWe introduce a new measure on regular languages: their nondeterministic syntactic complexity. It is the least degree of any extension of the ‘canonical boolean representation’ of the syntactic monoid. Equivalently, it is the least number of states of any subatomic nondeterministic acceptor. It turns out that essentially all previous structural work on nondeterministic state-minimality computes this measure. Our approach rests on an algebraic interpretation of nondeterministic finite automata as deterministic finite automata endowed with semilattice structure. Crucially, the latter form a self-dual category.

Jonas Schmidt ◽  
Thomas Schwentick ◽  
Till Tantau ◽  
Nils Vortmeier ◽  
Thomas Zeume

AbstractWhich amount of parallel resources is needed for updating a query result after changing an input? In this work we study the amount of work required for dynamically answering membership and range queries for formal languages in parallel constant time with polynomially many processors. As a prerequisite, we propose a framework for specifying dynamic, parallel, constant-time programs that require small amounts of work. This framework is based on the dynamic descriptive complexity framework by Patnaik and Immerman.

Sougata Bose ◽  
S. N. Krishna ◽  
Anca Muscholl ◽  
Gabriele Puppis

AbstractThe origin semantics for transducers was proposed in 2014, and it led to various characterizations and decidability results that are in contrast with the classical semantics. In this paper we add a further decidability result for characterizing transducers that are close to one-way transducers in the origin semantics. We show that it is decidable whether a non-deterministic two-way word transducer can be resynchronized by a bounded, regular resynchronizer into an origin-equivalent one-way transducer. The result is in contrast with the usual semantics, where it is undecidable to know if a non-deterministic two-way transducer is equivalent to some one-way transducer.

Bartosz Bednarczyk ◽  
Jakub Michaliszyn

AbstractLinear Temporal Logic (LTL) interpreted on finite traces is a robust specification framework popular in formal verification. However, despite the high interest in the logic in recent years, the topic of their quantitative extensions is not yet fully explored. The main goal of this work is to study the effect of adding weak forms of percentage constraints (e.g. that most of the positions in the past satisfy a given condition, or that $$\sigma $$ σ is the most-frequent letter occurring in the past) to fragments of LTL. Such extensions could potentially be used for the verification of influence networks or statistical reasoning. Unfortunately, as we prove in the paper, it turns out that percentage extensions of even tiny fragments of LTL have undecidable satisfiability and model-checking problems. Our undecidability proofs not only sharpen most of the undecidability results on logics with arithmetics interpreted on words known from the literature, but also are fairly simple. We also show that the undecidability can be avoided by restricting the allowed usage of the negation, and discuss how the undecidability results transfer to first-order logic on words.

Patricia Johann ◽  
Enrico Ghiorzi ◽  
Daniel Jeffries

AbstractThis paper considers parametricity and its resulting free theorems for nested data types. Rather than representing nested types via their Church encodings in a higher-kinded or dependently typed extension of System F, we adopt a functional programming perspective and design a Hindley-Milner-style calculus with primitives for constructing nested types directly as fixpoints. Our calculus can express all nested types appearing in the literature, including truly nested types. At the term level, it supports primitive pattern matching, map functions, and fold combinators for nested types. Our main contribution is the construction of a parametric model for our calculus. This is both delicate and challenging: to ensure the existence of semantic fixpoints interpreting nested types, and thus to establish a suitable Identity Extension Lemma for our calculus, our type system must explicitly track functoriality of types, and cocontinuity conditions on the functors interpreting them must be appropriately threaded throughout the model construction. We prove that our model satisfies an appropriate Abstraction Theorem and verifies all standard consequences of parametricity for primitive nested types.

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