Towards a Cultural Historical Theory of Knowledge Mapping: Collaboration and Activity in the Zone of Proximal Development

John Cripps Clark
1996 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-200 ◽  
Betsey Grobecker

The paradigm for defining learning disabilities has evolved in relation to information-processing constructs of learning and intelligence. Assumptions regarding the nature of knowledge acquisition as well as assessment and remedial techniques that are derived from such a paradigm are currently being challenged. This article argues that learning differences can be best understood, and attended to, in relation to the holistic/constructivist theory of knowledge construction and the reciprocal evolution of cognitive structures. Knowledge is conceived of as being embedded in, and subordinated to, a spiral of mental structuring activity that guides relational thinking or logic. Symbols (i.e., language, numbers, and images) are tools that exercise mental structuring activity for the purpose of transforming and enriching individual learning spirals by coordinating and integrating its energy form. Reciprocally, greater depth and flexibility in knowledge bases evolve, which serve to transform persons and their cultures. It is in these spirals of mental structuring activity that learning differences are proposed to manifest themselves. Such a perspective shifts the focus of assessment and remediation away from specific skill development that attends to standard answers and ways of solving problems to an examination of the adaptive, transforming thinking activity (mental constructs) generated to solve for answers. By making contact with and guiding individually constructed realities through techniques such as graded learning loops in the zone of proximal development, learning behaviors become more adaptable and generalizable.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-36 ◽  
N.N. Veresov

The paper considers some problems of understanding the content of the theoretical notion of zone of proximal development in the English-language literature, related to unavailability of sources and some inaccuracies in translations. It is shown that, as a result of such inaccuracies, the notion of zone of proximal development (ZPD) turns out to be different in terms of its theoretical content from the notion of zona blizhayshego razvitiya (ZBR) (зона ближайшего развития, ЗБР), so that we can say that ZPD is not the same as ZBR. Simplification and fragmentation of basic theoretical ideas lead to some serious consequences, which cause difficulties both in the search for a common understanding and further development of cultural-historical theory, as well as in the practical application of ZBR in educational practices.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sugeng Susilo Adi

The composition of English language learning tools for middle schools has often not utilized the instrctional technology approach and only used approaches related to the educational discipline of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). English language learning materials in several middle schools in East Java also do not provide audio media-based activities for practice of listening skills. This article is the research results of the Borg & Gall research and development model which aimed to develop, validate, and test textual learning materials aided by audio recordings to develop the English-language competency of middle school students. The results of the development showed that audio media was proven to be e ectively capable as sca olds that play a role as learning aids. Audio media provides sound input that guides students to imitate the audio with accurate pronunciation. In addition, audio media input can also be comprehensible for students in accordance with the Input Hypothesis Theory of Krashen that states that those learning languages at “level i” should obtain comprehensible input at “level i + 1” or slightly higher than the current level, and this theory of Krashen is identical to the zone of proximal development (ZPD) theory of Vygotsky. This development also resulted in a learning design which applied the audio lingual communicative (ALC) strategy which is eclectic in its combination of two language learning strategies, which are the audio lingual method with communicative language teaching (CLT). The application of this method was appropriate with the Indonesian classroom context where the number of students in a classroom is on average 40 pupils or more. AbstrakPengembangan bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk sekolah menengah pertama selama ini sering kali tidak menggunakan pendekatan teknologi pembelajaran dan hanya menggunakan pendekatan disiplin ilmu pendidikan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing atau teaching English as a foreign language/TEFL. Selain bahan ajar bahasa Inggris di beberapa sekolah menengah pertama di Jawa Timur tidak menyediakan bahan penyerta berupa media audio untuk latihan keterampilan menyimak (listening). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (R&D) model Borg & Gall yang bertujuan untuk mengembangan, memvalidasi, dan menguji bahan ajar tekstual berbantuan rekaman audio untuk meningkatkan kompetensi bahasa Inggris siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Hasil pengembangan ini menunjukkan bahwa media audio telah terbukti mampu secara efektif menjadi sca olds yang berperan sebagai bantuan belajar. Media audio menyediakan input suara yang memandu siswa menirukan audio dengan akurasi pelafalan yang tepat. Selain itu, input dari media audio dapat dipahami (comprehensible) bagi siswa, sesuai dengan Input Hyphothesis Theory Krashen yang menyatakan bahwa mereka yang belajar bahasa yang berada pada “tingkat i” seharusnya memperoleh comprehensible input pada “tingkat i + 1” atau sedikit lebih tinggi dari tingkat ia berada yang identik dengan teori zone of proximal development (ZPD) yang dikembangkan Vygotsky. Pengem- bangan ini juga menghasilkan desain pembelajaran yang menerapkan strategi audio lingual communicative (ALC) yang bersifat eklektik yang memadukan dua pendekatan pembelajaran bahasa, yaitu audio lingual method dengan communicative language teaching (CLT). Penerapan metode ini sesuai dengan konteks kelas Indonesia dengan jumlah siswa rata-rata 40 orang atau lebih dalam satu kelas. ia dengan jumlah siswa rata-rata 40 orang atau lebih dalam satu kelas.

Joan E. Grusec

This chapter surveys how behavior, affect, and cognition with respect to parenting and moral development have been conceptualized over time. It moves to a discussion of domains of socialization; that is, different contexts in which socialization occurs and where different mechanisms operate. Domains include protection where the child is experiencing negative affect, reciprocity where there is an exchange of favors, group participation or learning through observing others and engaging with them in positive action, guided learning where values are taught in the child’s zone of proximal development, and control where values are learned through discipline and reward. Research using narratives of young adults about value-learning events suggests that inhibition of antisocial behavior is more likely learned in the control domain, and prosocial behavior more likely in the group participation domain. Internalization of values, measured by narrative meaningfulness, is most likely in the group participation domain.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1354067X2110173
Aruna Wu ◽  
Shuangshuang Xu ◽  
Xiaowen Li

Educational intervention has been narrated for a long time as a battle between two agentive subjects, educators and students. In this article, we introduce two interrelating concepts of SHI (势 in Chinese) and SHUN SHI (顺势 in Chinese) from Chinese philosophy into psychology to provide an alternative perspective to understand students’ development and educational intervention. The concept of SHI sheds light on the propensity of open system’s becoming process toward the future underlying system’s present configuration derived from system’s historical interaction with its environment. SHUN SHI is to grasp the opportunity of SHI evolving into being prominent and to transform the system by alertly following its unfolding process. Understanding and applying SHI and SHUN SHI in the area of developmental and educational psychology is discussed and clarified based on a comparison with the dynamic system theory and zone of proximal development. An empirical research is also provided to respond to the method challenge posed by the two concepts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 100530
Maria Nicholas ◽  
Nikolai Veresov ◽  
John Cripps Clark

2006 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-166 ◽  
Elaine Hall ◽  
David Leat ◽  
Kate Wall ◽  
Steve Higgins ◽  
Gail Edwards

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