Jurnal Kwangsan
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Published By Balai Pengembangan Media Televisi - Bpmtv - Kemdikbud

2338-9184, 2338-9184

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Yudha Aditya Fiandra ◽  
NFn Ambiyar ◽  
M Giatman ◽  
NFn Usmeldi ◽  
Nurhasan Syah

In the current Covid-19 transition period, it is very necessary to use innovative vocational learning models in digital models. The number of vocational learning models using ICT as the main tool during the pandemic needs to be studied further on how the model is implemented and its effectiveness. The problem that arises is that we do not know whether the use of ICT tools in vocational learning is effectively used. This study aims to empirically verify the effectiveness of ICT in vocational education learning during the Covid-19 transition period. Meta-Analysis is used as a method to conduct this research. There are 30 latest articles reviewed during the year of 2020 to 2021. All articles are classified based on the author, year of publication, the ICT device or application used, and the results of the post-test experimental and control classes. The results are obtained after the calculation using the effect size (ES) formula. The calculation results show that the learning using ICT as a tool during the Covid-19 pandemic has a high effect (1.28) on cognitive achievement in vocational education. The conclusion of this study is that ICT-assisted learning has a high level of effectiveness and is suitable for learning in the vocational field. Then, the dominant multimedia device or application used in the vocational learning in Indonesia is the computer technology network and it is the most widely used for the application of ICT in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Fathirma’ruf Fathirma’ruf ◽  
Asmedy Asmedy ◽  
Budiman Budiman ◽  
M. Nur Imansyah

This study aims to ensure the learning process (Practicum) during the Covid-19 pandemic through learning tools developed based on the ADDIE development model, the tools developed in this study have been valid through validity tests by 2 experts with an average validator score of 85.8% (categorized very valid). Effective through the effectiveness test by peer assessment of student practicum activities with an average observation score of 80, and student performance-based test results with a high category score of 9 students, while 3 students have been tested for practicality through a response questionnaire instrument students with an average score of 86.5 (very good category), the existence of the Practicum E-Modul whose implementation is supported by the TeamViewer Remote Desktop and WhatsApp utilities is considered able to overcome learning difficulties (Practicum) during the Covid-19 pandemic.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjamin proses pembelajaran (Praktikum) dimasa pandemic Covid-19 melalui perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berdasarkan model pengembangan ADDIE, perangkat yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini  telah Valid melalui uji Validitas oleh 2 orang pakar dengan rerata skor validator 85,8% (berkategori sangat valid). Efektif melalui uji Efektivitas oleh penilaian rekan sejawat terhadap aktivitas praktikum mahasiswa dengan rerata skor pengamatan sebesar 80, dan hasil tes berbasis kinerja mahasiswa dengan capaian skor yang berkategori tinggi sebanyak 9 orang mahasiswa, sedang sebanyak 3 orang mahasiswa, serta telah diuji kepraktisannya melalui instrument Angket respon mahasiswa dengan rerata skor sebesar 86,5 (berkategori sangat baik), keberadaan E-Modul Praktikum yang implementasinya didukung oleh utilitas TeamViewer Remote Desktop dan WhatsApp dianggap mampu mengatasi Kesulitan belajar (Praktikum) dimasa pandemic Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Triana Rejekiningsih ◽  
Mochamad Kamil Budiarto ◽  
Sudiyanto Sudiyanto

This study aims to develop interactive multimedia products based on local potential that are suitable for use in handcrafted learning and entrepreneurship in high schools. This research is a research and development (Research and Development) with a 4-D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) which takes place in Susukan 1 State Senior High School, Cirebon. The subjects of this study were 29 students, two educators and two media and material expert. The research instrument used a needs analysis questionnaire and observation sheet at the definition stage, then a questionnaire for validation of media experts, material experts, educators and students for the development stage. The result of this research and development is an interactive multimedia product that is suitable for learning craftsmanship and entrepreneurship. The research results show that students have a positive view of interactive multimedia development, besides that the results of developing interactive multimedia products based on local potential have gone through the validation and assessment stages of all media experts with a score of 4.6 (very good), material experts 4.8 ( very good), educators 4.3 (good), and students 4.2 (good), so that overall interactive multimedia products have met learning needs and are included in the appropriate category for use in the learning process of handcraft and entrepreneurship in high school.AbstrakPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengmbangkan produk multimedia interaktif berbasis potensi lokal yang layak digunakan pada pembelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan model 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) yang mengambil lokasi di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Susukan, Kabupaten Cirebon. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 29 peserta didik, dua pendidik serta dua validator ahli media dan materi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket analisis kebutuhan dan lembar observasi pada tahap pendefinisian, kemudian angket untuk validasi ahli media, ahli materi, pendidik serta peserta didik untuk tahap pengembangan. Hasil dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah produk multimedia interaktif yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan. Melalui hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa memiliki pandangan yang positif terhadap pengembangan multimedia interaktif, disamping itu hasil pengembangan produk multimedia interaktif berbasis potensi lokal telah melalui tahapan validasi serta penilaian dari seluruh ahli media dengan skor 4,6 (sangat baik) , ahli materi 4,8 (sangat baik), pendidik 4,3 (baik), dan siswa 4,2 (baik), sehingga secara keseluruhan produk multimedia interaktif telah memenuhi kebutuhan pembelajaran serta termasuk dalam kategori layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran prakarya dan kewirausahaan di SMA. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 186
I Putu Widyanto ◽  
Ni Putu Eka Merliana ◽  
Ni Nyoman Tantri

The Covid 19 pandemic makes the implementation of learning carried out into online (in a network) which process since the odd semester of 2020/2021. The implementation of online learning process requires an evaluation that is used to determine the factors that can be used as the basis for determining success in the implementation of the online learning process. One of the determinants of this success is to determine student acceptance in the application of the online learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic. The purpose of this research is to determine student acceptance of online learning that has been implemented. The study used a quantitative method with a survey method using a sample of 50 students at SMAN 1 and 50 students at SMAN 2, Kahayan Tengah District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The model used is The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Of Technology (UTAUT) model. Data analysis used structural equation modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. Interpretation of research results using the Smart PLS 3.3.2 program. The results showed that there were several factors that influenced the implementation of the online learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy which affected behavior intentions in participating in the online learning process and behavior intention affects user behavior in following the online learning process.AbstrakPandemi Covid 19 menjadikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring (dalam jaringan) yang mana dimulai pada semester ganjil 2020/2021. Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran daring memerlukan suatu evaluasi yang digunakan untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang dapat dijadikan dasar dalam menentukan keberhasilan dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran daring. Penentuan keberhasilan tersebut salah satunya adalah dengan mengetahui penerimaan siswa dalam penerapan proses pembelajaran daring di masa pandemic Covid 19.  Tujuan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerimaan siswa terhadap pembelajaran daring yang sudah dilaksanakan. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitaf dengan metode survei dengan menggunakan sampel 50 siswa di SMAN 1 dan 50 siswa di SMAN 2 Kecamatan Kahayan Tengah Kabupaten Pulang Pisau Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Model yang digunakan adalah model The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Of Technology (UTAUT). Analisis data menggunakan pemodelan persamaan struktur atau Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS). Interpretasi hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan program Smart PLS 3.3.2. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran daring selama masa pandemi Covid 19 antara lain performance expectancy (kinerja siswa), effort expectancy (usaha siswa) yang berpengaruh terhadap behavior intentions (niat siswa) dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran daring dan behavior intention (niat siswa) berpengaruh terhadap user behavior (kemauan siswa) dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran daring. Sedangkan facilitating (fasilitas) dalam memanfaatkan teknologi dan social influence (tanggapan teman sebaya) tidak mempengaruhi behavior intention (niat siswa)  dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran daring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Mela Aziza

This study aims to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the audiovisual e-module for basic arithmetic operations based on understanding concepts and moral values. The development model used is 4D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Data in the study were collected with validation sheets, practicality sheets, response questionnaires, and learning outcomes tests. After the define and design stages have been carried out, Draft I of the e-module is obtained. At the develop stage, a validity test was carried out on five validators, an empirical test was done to 1 teacher and 5 students, as well as a field test to a class 2A MI Humaira' Bengkulu City so that a valid, practical, and effective e-module was produced. This e-module has some advantages, namely providing interactive learning activities with clear and detailed pictures, videos and learning steps, motivating students to learn mathematics, explaining material according to mathematical concepts, containing moral values that can be imitated, giving project activities that can be done independently, as well as practicing students' mathematical problem solving skills.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan e-module audiovisual operasi aritmatika dasar berbasis pemahaman konsep dan nilai-nilai akhlak. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Data dalam penelitian dikumpul-kan dengan lembar validasi, lembar kepraktisan, angket respon, dan tes hasil belajar. Setelah dilakukan tahap define dan design dihasilkan Draf I Produk e-module. Pada tahap develop, dilakukan uji kevalidan kepada lima validator, uji empirik (terbatas) kepada 1 guru dan 5 peserta didik, serta uji lapangan kepada satu kelas 2A MI Humaira’ Kota Bengkulu sehingga dihasilkan produk akhir e-module yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. E-module ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan yaitu menyajikan kegiatan belajar yang interaktif dengan gambar, video dan langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang jelas dan rinci, memotivasi peserta didik belajar matematika, men-jelaskan materi sesuai konsep matematika, me-ngandung nilai-nilai akhlak yang bisa diteladani, menyajikan kegiatan proyek yang bisa dilakukan secara mandiri, serta melatih kemampuan pemecah-an masalah matematika peserta didik. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Jaka Warsihna ◽  
Ence Oos M Anwas ◽  
Zulfikri Anas ◽  
Fauzy Rahman Kosasih ◽  
Zulmi Ramdani ◽  

Disasters that occur in an area result in the interruption of the learning process there frequently. It is caused by the damage to facilities and infrastructure or the psychological condition of the affected community that has not recovered. It becomes the background of the importance of post-disaster learning guidebooks. This study aims to see the readiness of teachers in implementing post-disaster learning. A total of 71 teachers selected using purposive sampling participated in filling out the teacher readiness questionnaire. On the one hand, the results showed that most teachers were ready to implement the learning guidebook. On the other hand, teachers should consider readiness factors more specifically because these are supposed to improve their performance in post-disaster learning.AbstrakBencana yang terjadi di suatu daerah seringkali mengakibatkan terputusnya proses pembelajaran di lokasi tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan baik karena rusaknya fasilitas sarana dan prasarana atau belum membaiknya kondisi psikologis orang-orang yang terdampak. Hal inilah yang kemudian melatar-belakangi pentingnya buku panduan pembelajaran pasca bencana. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesiapan guru dalam mengimplementasikan pem-belajaran pasca bencana. Sebanyak 71 orang guru yang dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling berpartisipasi dalam pengisian kuesioner kesiapan guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas guru sudah siap untuk meng-implementasikan buku panduan pembelajaran tersebut. Di sisi lain, guru harus mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor kesiapan secara lebih khusus karena ini dianggap akan meningkatkan performa mereka dalam melakukan pembelajaran pasca bencana.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 220
Ainun Nisa ◽  
Kusumawati Dwiningsih

Chemistry is a branch of science that encourages various advances in various fields. However, the characteristics of chemistry which have complex concepts make it difficult for class X high school students to understand chemistry. Thus, the problem that is the focus of discussion in this study is how to overcome the low visuospatial skills of high school students in class X, so that students can understand complex concepts in chemistry. This study uses the research design and development of the 4D Thiaganrajan modified 3D Ibrahim method. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Mobile Virtual Reality (MVR)-based molecular geometry learning media in improving visuospatial skills. The effectiveness of the MVR-based molecular geometry learning media is stated based on the interpretation of the N-Gain score. The results showed an increase in the percentage of correct answers on the posttest by 32.15% with a significance level ranging from 0.57-1 in the medium to high category. In this regard, the use of MVR-based molecular geometry learning media is said to be effective because it can improve students' visuospatial skills. That is, MVR-based molecular geometry learning media can help students to comprehensively represent molecular geometry sub-materials.AbstrakKimia merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang mendorong berbagai kemajuan di berbagai bidang. Namun, karakteristik ilmu kimia yang memiliki konsep kompleks membuat peserta didik SMA kelas X sulit memahami ilmu kimia. Dengan demikian, masalah yang menjadi fokus pembahasan di dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana cara mengatasi visuospasial skills peserta didik SMA kelas X yang tergolong rendah, agar peserta didik mampu memahami konsep kompleks dalam ilmu kimia.   Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian dan pengembangan metode 4D Thiaganrajan modifikasi 3D Ibrahim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivias media pembelajaran geometri molekul berbasis Mobile Virtual Reality (MVR) dalam meningkatkan visuospasial skills. Efektivitas media pembelajaran geometri molekul berbasis MVR dinyatakan berdasarkan interpretasi skor N-Gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan persentase jawaban benar pada postest sebesar 32,15% dengan tingkat signifikansi berkisar antara 0,57-1 pada kategori sedang sampai dengan tinggi. Dalam kaitan ini, pemanfaatan media pembelajaran geometri molekul berbasis MVR dikatakan efektif karena dapat meningkatkan visuospasial skills peserta didik. Artinya, media pembelajaran geometri molekul berbasis MVR dapat membantu peserta didik untuk merepresentasikan submateri geometri molekul secara komprehensif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Muhammad Ridha

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced learning activities to be carried out online. This raises concerns about the quality of the competencies achieved. Many previous studies on online learning have been done. However, the focus of attention on the strategic role and the contribution of interaction to the learning outcomes is still very limited. This article aims to discuss two things. First, the strategic role of learning interactions in online learning, including the interaction of educators and students, the interaction of students with students, and interactions of students with digital learning content. Second, the theoretical implication of the learning interaction variable on efforts to optimize the quality of competency attainment in online learning. Based on the results of the literature review, it shows that learning interaction is a very essential variable in determining student competency achievement through active engagement in constructing knowledge and skills, as well as the meaning of online learning perceived by students. AbstrakPandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan aktivitas pembelajaran terpaksa harus dilaksanakan secara daring. Itu menyebabkan timbulnya kekhawatiran terhadap kualitas kompetensi yang dicapai. Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu pada pembelajaran daring sudah cukup banyak dilakukan. Meskipun demikian, fokus perhatian terhadap peran strategis dan kontribusi interaksi terhadap capaian hasil pembelajaran masih sangat terbatas. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dua hal. Pertama, peran strategis interaksi pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran daring, meliputi interaksi pendidik dan peserta didik, interaksi peserta didik dengan peserta didik dan interaksi peserta didik dengan konten pembelajaran. Kedua, implikasi teoritis variabel interaksi pembelajaran terhadap usaha optimalisasi kualitas capaian kompetensi pada pembelajaran daring. Berdasarkan hasil kajian pustaka menunjukkan bahwa interaksi pembelajaran merupakan variabel yang sangat esensial dalam menentukan capaian kompetensi pembelajaran melalui partisipasi aktif peserta didik dalam mengkonstruksi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, serta kebermaknaaan dan capaian pembelajaran  daring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Binti Munafi’ah ◽  
Supri Wahyudi Utomo ◽  
Elly Astuti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji proses pengembangan, kelayakan, dan respons dari peserta didik terhadap pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skills pada kelas XII Akuntansi Keuangan dan Lembaga mata pelajaran akuntansi keuangan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 2 Madiun. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester genap kelas XII Akuntansi Keuangan dan Lembaga dengan jumlah 25 peserta didik. Model pengembangan penelitian yang digunakan yakni model 4D (Define, Design, Development and Dissemination). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, angket atau kuesioner, dokumentasi dan tes hasil respons peserta didik. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah tingkat kelayakan berdasarkan penilaian pengesahan dari ahli materi, kebahasaan, dan desain grafis mendapatkan skor nilai 87%, kategori sangat layak untuk digunakan. Aspek yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan kelayakan diambil dari aspek materi, aspek kebahasaan dan aspek media (desain grafis). Tingkat respons peserta didik dinilai berdasarkan 4 komponen, yakni komponen isi, materi, penyajian dan bahasa, serta mendapatkan kriteria penilaian “Sangat Menarik” untuk digunakan. AbstrakThis study aims to analyze and study the development process, feasibility, and response of students to the development of Student Worksheets based on Higher Order Thinking Skills in class XII Financial Accounting and Institutions of financial accounting subjects at 2 Madiun Vocational High School. This research was conducted in the even semester of class XII Financial Accounting and Institutions with a total of 25 students. The research development model used is the 4D model (Define, Design, Development and Dissemination). Data collection is done by observation, questionnaire or questionnaire, documentation and test results of students' responses. The results of this study are the level of eligibility based on the assessment of endorsement by experts in material, linguistic, and graphic design score of 87%, the category is very feasible to use. The aspects used to obtain eligibility are taken from the material aspects, linguistic aspects and media aspects (graphic design). Student response rates are assessed based on 4 components, namely the components of content, material, presentation and language, and get an assessment criteria "Very Attractive" to use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Lilis Diah Kusumawati ◽  
NFn Sugito ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Interactive multimedia is a technology that mediates the development of learning activities to make it more interesting and enjoyable so that it can motivate students to learn. This study aims to determine feasibility of interactive learning multimedia product in motivating student for fourth grade of elementary school to learn mathematics. The research method uses the concept of ADDIE models to develop products with five stages, 1) analyze; 2) design; 3) develop; 4) implement; and 5) evaluate. The result showed that the development of interactive learning multimedia is feasible used for motivating students in grade 4 to learn mathematics. The result of validation by material experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 43 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while the results of the validation by the media experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 59 so that it was included in the "very good" category. Teacher responses related to the practicality of product use reached a score of 113 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while student responses related to the practicality of using the product reached a score of 83 so that it was included in the "very good" category. In motivating students to learn mathematics, interactive learning multimedia can be applied to elementary school students in grade 4.AbstrakMultimedia interaktif adalah teknologi yang memediasi pengembangan kegiatan pembelajaran agar lebih menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga mampu memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dalam memotivasi siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar untuk belajar matematika. Metode penelitian menggunakan konsep model ADDIE untuk mengembangkan produk dengan lima tahap, 1) menganalisis; 2) desain; 3) berkembang; 4) mengimplementasikan; dan 5) mengevaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif layak digunakan untuk memotivasi siswa kelas 4 dalam belajar matematika. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 43 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 59 sehingga masuk dalam kategori "sangat baik". Tanggapan guru terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 113 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan respons siswa terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 83 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Dalam memotivasi siswa untuk belajar matematika, multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dapat diterapkan untuk siswa sekolah dasar di kelas 4.

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