Medical Equipment for Breast Clinics A View of Biomedical Engineering from Practice

Gustavo Adolfo Martinez Chavez
U. Matern

With an increasing employment of technology the medical quality of treatment may rise. But, at the same time, the complexity of the medical equipment rises as well. This leads to an increase of the required interactions between user and technology. Therefore, a higher work loading for the medical and nursing personal is consequential. New requirements to the safety and the quality of use of medical devices and systems result from the increasing employment of technology. For the acquisition of devices users and operators need to pay attention to the possible sources of error in handling and use as well as to the possibility to decrease operating and process costs by foresighted purchase decisions. The German Association of Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) considered the ergonomics of medical products as an important topic and established the Technical Committee of Ergonomics in Medical Engineering. The members of this technical committee compiled a paper describing the most important issues and intentions being partly presented in the following.

The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical and methodological foundations of equipment assessment, in particular, the features of medical equipment assessment. The novelty of the study is associated with the fact that equipment assessment is considered by researchers, as a rule, as a stage in assessing the value of an industrial enterprise, that is, to a greater extent, production equipment is considered. Given the rapid development of biomedical engineering, the novelty of the study is related to the consideration of the features of medical equipment assessment. The article substantiates the relevance of medical equipment assessment and analyzes the use of different approaches to medical equipment assessment. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and expert survey, the characteristics of different approaches to medical equipment assessment are presented; cost factors, as well as advantages and disadvantages of various assessment methods, are indicated

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Roberto Ayala ◽  
Elizabeth Orencio

To advance in the verification for the development of Health Technology Management (HTM) tasks that the State Health Services in Mexico have obligation to perform,  the National Center for Health Technology Excellence (CENETEC) carried out a survey of information to identify the organizational areas in charge for such activities within each of the 32 States, since to date there is no reliable and up-to-date official information about them. It could be identified that not all States have a department with specific designation for HTM, that the vast majority of existing areas are lead by a biomedical engineering professional, and also, in most cases, they respond to infrastructure planning area directives. These findings seek to promote a discussion on the need to standardize across the country, regarding State Health Services, this type of services to improve the processes necessary for the integral management processes of medical equipment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Aris Dermitzakis

Biomedical Engineering is playing a leading role in the development of medical technology which is one of the pillars of Modern medicine, or as differently expressed at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) opinion paper: “Biomedical Engineering is not simply a subset of modern medicine. Modern medicine predominantly secures important advances through the use of the products of biomedical engineering”1. Health technology, according to World Health Organization (WHO), refers to the application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives. Therefore, Medical Devices (MDs) belong to the Health Technologies, and Radiotherapy (RT) is an important subgroup of them. Radiotherapy refers to high-tech medical devices that are of high capital value both in terms of initial investment and operation, requiring specially trained personnel for its use and needs regular quality control, preventive maintenance and management procedures, to function properly and safely. Clinical Engineering plays a major role in facing of the afore mentioned challenges. The present paper provides an overview of the results of a study under the WHO action on Strengthening Capacity for Universal Coverage Greece/Phase 2 (SCUC2)2aiming to: Assess the sufficiency and equity in the distribution of RT and its use in Greece Identify eventual inequalities in terms of geographical coverage, specific needs and lack of RT Asses the current status of staffing in RT units Estimate the costs for the use of High Value Capital Medical Equipment (HVCME) Since a country-wide medical equipment inventory for Greece does not exist, various sources were used to obtain a clear picture of the installed units in public Greek hospitals and private clinics. As a result, it came out that, in terms of number of units the per million population the number of RT units rose by 23% from 4.3 in 2009 to 5.3 in 2017. In terms of number of acts, a general increasing trend is noticed, resulting to a total cost increase of 25% from 2013 to 2016. The study revealed that in Greece, there are quite pronounced inequalities in terms of availability of RT technologies in different regions. Long term strategic planning is needed based on evidence, such as updated inventory of MDs, acts performed, associate costs etc , which are unfortunately lacking in Greece. Additionally, the role of clinical engineers in the effective management and safe use of this technology should be widely recognised and regulated.

Robert Malkin ◽  
Leslie J. Calman

Two engineering professors founded Engineering World Health (EWH) in 2001 with the initial goal of sending refurbished medical equipment to hospitals in the developing world. That mission quickly changed to a more sustainable, student-driven model where students spend nine weeks in a Tanzania, Nicaragua or Rwanda. Despite the linguistic, technical and cultural challenges, students are very successful. For example, in 2013 alone, they worked on 602 pieces of non-functioning hospital medical equipment and were able to place 73% of it back into service. The creation of university-based chapters as an integral part of the summer program has allowed EWH to expand the impact of the program on both the hospitals and the students themselves. An essential element in the continued success and growth of the summer institute has been a rigorous admissions process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 270-273
Shilu Wang

The aim of this research is to determine the distribution characteristics of undergraduate biomedical engineering specialty in Chinese mainland colleges and universities. This study used induction and statistics to analyze the geographical and professional categories of 125 colleges and universities. The result of this research shows that (1)this major is more concentrated in capital / provincial capital cities, (2)the professional courses generally tend to be related to medical equipment.

Rosana Evangelista ◽  
Vanda de Fátima Fulgêncio de Oliveira ◽  
Sandra Lúcia Pereira ◽  
Valdinéa Sonia Petinari

A Engenharia Clínica ou Hospitalar tem a responsabilidade de gerenciar todo o ciclo de vida das tecnologias de saúde, o que inclui o processo especificação, aquisição, instalação, testes de aceitação, treinamento, manutenção corretiva e preventiva e todos os assuntos referentes aos equipamentos. A documentação necessária para atender a estes objetivos está armazenada na Central de Referência em Equipamentos Biomédicos no Centro de Engenharia Biomédica da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a viabilização da implantação da digitalização dos documentos, que hoje estão apenas na forma impressa, restringindo o acesso. Os profissionais técnicos e instituições remotas serão beneficiados com esta ação. Os direitos autorais, a infraestrutura de software, o desenvolvimento das bibliotecas digitais, e as características das publicações e do público usuário são discutidos. Como resultado identificamos, qualificamos e agrupamos os usuários da documentação, este levantamento ofereceu subsídios para tomada de decisão a respeito da melhor forma de atendimento deste cliente virtual. Abstract Clinical Engineering is responsible for the management for the whole life cycle of medical equipment and related technology. This includes the specification, acquisition, installation, acceptance tests, training, preventive and corrective maintenance of medical equipment. The necessary documentation to attend these activities is stored in the Reference Center on Medical Equipment of the Center for Biomedical Engineering of the State University of Campinas. This paper analyses the possibility of digitizing all documents to allow their access via digital means, as they are available only in print form. The technical professionals and institutions would certainly be benefited with this action. In this paper we discuss amongst other topics, copyright, software needed, digital library development, document and user and publication characteristics. As a result we have identified, qualified and grouped all users of the documentation. We were then able to decide on the best way to allow the access to the digitized documents by the virtual clients. The main problem we have found is the need for the manufacturer’s agreement with this procedure, this point is l not solved yet.

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