If There Were Responsibility, It Wouldn’t Do Much Work (Responsibility and Internalism)

Stephen Kershnar
2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 182
SAIFUL .. ◽  

PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri mebel. Masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan adalah adanya ketidakseimbangan di lintasan produksi akibat ketidakmerataan pembagian beban kerja di setiap stasiun kerja. Hal ini menyebabkan performansi keseimbangan lintasan (line performance) menjadi kurang baik. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini perlu dilakukan penyeimbangan lintasan produksi. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan metode line balancing yaitu metode penugasan sejumlah pekerjaan yang saling berkaitan dalam satu lintasan produksi sehingga setiap stasiun kerja memiliki waktu yang tidak melebihi waktu siklus dari stasiun kerja tersebut. Metode line balancing yang digunakan adalah metode heuristik yang terdiri dari: metode bobot posisi (Ranked Positional Weight), metode pembebanan berurut (Large Candidate Rule), dan metode pendekatan wilayah (Region Approach). Dari ketiga metode Heuristik yang digunakan sebagai solusi penyeimbangan lintasan, terjadi perbaikan performansi dengan nilai yang sama pada lintasan produksi. Nilai efisiensi lintasan (line efficiency) meningkat menjadi 94,07 % dari 62,71 % pada kondisi awal. Nilai keseimbangan waktu senggang (balance delay) turun menjadi 5,92 % dari 37,28 % pada kondisi awal. Waktu menganggur (idle time) turun menjadi 12,39 menit dari 116,87 menit pada kondisi awal. Nilai smoothness index juga turun menjadi 7,44 dari 64,67 pada kondisi awal. PT XYZ is one of the company which refers to furniture industries sector. The problem which faced by this company is unbalance of the production line which is caused by the unequal of work responsibility distribution in each work station. This problem caused the performance of line balance doesn’t work properly. To solve this problem we need to do the line balancing of production line. It can be done by line balancing methode that assigns a number of work which is related in one production line until each work station has efficient time which is not more than the cycle time of the work station. Line balancing methode that used is heuristic methode which is devided into ranked positional weight methode, large candidate rule methode, and region approach methode. From those three heuristic methode that used as solution of line balancing, there was improvement happenned with the same value in doors of production line. Line efficiency increased into 94,07% from 62,71% at the beginning condition. Balance delay increased into 5,92% from 37,28% at the beginning condition. The idle time descreased into 12,39 minutes from 116,87 minutes at the beginning condition. The smoothness index descreased into 7,44 from 64,67 at the beginning condition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-90
Irnawati Rasyid ◽  
Heri Kuswara ◽  
Anna Mukhayaroh

Abstract   In the Assessment of Best Employees, DTPeduli Bekasi still uses a system whose criteria are still not clear in its value weighting and are still based on estimates from the leadership of the company. Moreover, the best employee assessment can be used as a reference for giving rewards / bonuses to employees. Therefore, a decision support system is needed for the process of selecting the best employees. This decision support system, can determine the calculated value of all criteria. This system uses the Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) method where this method is a method that can solve the problem of decision making based on many criteria. The DTPeduli Bekasi study has 13 criteria, namely Loyalty, Ability to work, Responsibility, Obedience, Honesty, Cooperation, Work Initiative, Communication, Discipline and attendance, and Appearance can be collaborated using the Analitycal Hierarchy Process method so that the linkages between criteria make the process of appraising employees best becomes easy.   Keywords: AHP, Criteria, Weight Value and Best Employee Assessment   Abstrak   Dalam Penilaian Karyawan Terbaik DTPeduli Bekasi masih meggunakan sistem yang kriterianya masih belum jelas pembobotan nilainya dan masih berdasarkan perkiraan dari pimpinan perusahaan. Terlebih lagi penilaian karyawan terbaik bisa digunakan sebagai acuan untuk pemberian reward/bonus kepada karyawan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk proses pemilihan karyawan terbaik tersebut. Sistem pendukung keputusan ini, dapat menentukan nilai perhitung terhadap semua kriteria. Sistem ini menggunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) dimana metode ini merupakan metode yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan banyak kriteria. Pada studi DTPeduli Bekasi memiliki 13 kriteria yaitu Kesetiaan, Kemampuan akan pekerjaan, Tanggung jawab, Ketaatan, Kejujuran, Kerja sama, Inisiatif kerja, Komunikasi, Disiplin dan kehadiran, dan Penampilan dapat dikolaborasikan menggunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process sehingga keterkaitan antara kriteria menjadikan proses penilaian karyawan terbaik menjadi mudah.   Kata kunci: AHP, Kriteria, Nilai Bobot dan Penilaian Karyawan Terbaik

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-264
Anjur Perkasa Alam ◽  
Asmawarna Sinaga ◽  
Ayu Liviana ◽  
Dewi Indriani

Based on the results of observations and discussions regarding Bonus Giving and Influence on Performance of employees of PT. BRI Syariah Branch S. Parman Medan is as follows:1. Policy of PT. BRI Syariah Branch S.Parman Medan in giving bonuses to employees is to provide the type of employee motivation at PT. BRI Syariah Branch S.Parman Medan by:a. Oral giving in the form of praise given by superiors.b. The giving of materials is by raising salaries, bonuses and incentives.c. Holding competition among employeesd. Provide adequate work facilitiese. Conducting periodic coaching by atassan directly by each boss.While the factors that lead to the giving of bonuses on the employees is the work of work, achievement in work, responsibility in work, words in work, cooperation between employees and companies and leadership in work.2. The form of bonus that is given to employees of PT. BRI Syariah Branch S. Parman Medan is an annual bonus, bonus achievement, bonus retention and profit sharing.3. The effect of bonuses on the performance of employees of PT. BRI Syariah Branch S. Parman Medan is to improve employee performance, improve its standard of living with the receipt of payments outside of basic salary and improve employee motivation so as to encourage them to perform better in work.Thus, the influence of bonuses or incentives on the performance of employees of PT. BRI Syariah Branch S. Parman Medan can be explained by several factors. Based on the research results, the highest score is found in the material incentive indicator (material). PT Bank BRI Syariah Medan provides incentives to employees if employees reach the target set by the company.

1964 ◽  
Vol 45 (9) ◽  
pp. 527-533 ◽  
Marcella Farrar ◽  
Margaret B. Ryder ◽  
Margaret Blenkner

The Family ◽  
1934 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Gordon Hamilton

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 693-698
Rovena Kushta

Motivation of workers is a field of interest to any institution. Motivated workers displaying high levels of satisfaction, or otherwise lack of dissatisfaction, have a positive impact on the overall work performance. The study aims to measure motivation levels and the influence of factors such as motivation-hygiene on satisfaction/dissatisfaction level among workers of social care institutions. A quantitative method of assessment is used. The sample consists of 110 workers. Results show a positive and statistically significant correlation between motivation factors and the levels of satisfaction with work. Responsibility is the selected factor with the biggest impact on satisfaction by the workers of the institutions surveyed. There is a positive but not statistically significant correlation between such factors as hygiene and lack of satisfaction at work. To the workers, the responsible supervisor is the factor with the biggest impact on the lack of satisfaction at work, while administrative policies are calculated as being r (Pearson) = -0.27 and sig = 0.761, which shows that they influence the dissatisfaction levels at work. Therefore institutions must pay attention to motivation strategies with the purpose of increasing satisfaction and thus decreasing dissatisfaction levels at work.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Fernando Vega Peña

La desigualdad de oportunidades laborales en personas con grave situación de exclusión social como son los drogodependientes, la estigmatización del barrio de la Mina (Barcelona) o la mejora de su estatus ocupacional y laboral como parte de su propio proceso terapéutico justifican cualquier intervención que mejore su empleabilidad. La metodología de trabajo que exponemos parte de enfoques multidimensionales y multisítemicos que se materializan en una red de entidades y recursos del barrio que actúan a diferentes niveles, siendo la inserción laboral una actuación clave. Cuantifi car con números el índice de inserción laboral es un tanto perverso ya que se deben tener en cuenta 2 factores: los personales, como el deterioro físico, características personales, implicación del drogodependiente o formación; y los factores más objetivos del mercado laboral (tipos de contrato, duración…). Para mejorar la empleabilidad se deben fortalecer algunas competencias básicas de trabajo (tolerancia a la frustración, trabajo en equipo, responsabilidad, etc.). AbstractThe inequality of labour opportunities with excluded people likedrug addicted, the stigmatization of the Mina area or the better status acquired as a part of the therapeutic process justify any intervention to increase their employability. The methodology used is based in a multidimensional and multisystemical approach that means a network developed by all the area resources, and including sociolabour inclusion as a key intervention during the drug addicted collective treatment. We have to consider two levels for the sociolabour inclusion of these collectives: personal (educational level) and external factors (employment politics). In order to improve the employability we have to work with basic competences for the market place (team work, responsibility, frustration tolerance).

1929 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 395-404
Grace Abbott

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